// FileChooser.h
#pragma warning(disable : 4275)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
class CFileChooser; class CFileChooserEdit;
class CFilterEntry { public: CFilterEntry() { } CFilterEntry(LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR ext) : m_text(text), m_ext(ext) { } CString m_text; CString m_ext; };
#define FC_UNDEFINED 0x00000000
#define FC_FORWRITE 0x00000001
#define FC_AUTOCOMPLETION 0x00000002
// Put "*.ext" to edit initially if no file with default
// extensions was found in the initial directory
#define FC_WILDCARD_DEFAULT 0x00000004
// Set "description (*.ext)" to FileDialog filter
#define FC_WILDCARD_DESC 0x00000008
// prefill the path edit with default file name
#define FC_PREPARE_DEFAULT 0x00000010
// supress file existance check
#define FC_PATH_CHECK 0x00000020
// Check if entered filename with any of default extensions
// are available in the current directory. If yes, choose it
#define FC_CHECK_FILENAME_ONLY 0x00000040
#define FC_DIRECTORY_ONLY 0x00000080
#define FC_HIDEREADONLY 0x00000100
#define FC_COMMANDLINE 0x00000200
#define FC_DEFAULT\
#define FC_SUCCESS 0x00000000
#define FC_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x00000001
#define FC_FILENAME_IS_DIRECTORY 0x00000002
#define FC_FILENAME_IS_FILE 0x00000003
#define FC_TEXT_IS_INVALID 0x00000004
#define FC_WRONG_FORMAT 0x00000005
#define FC_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE 0x00000006
class _EXPORT CFileChooser : public CWindowImpl<CFileChooser> { friend class CFileChooserEdit; friend class CFileChooserButton; public: CFileChooser() : m_pParent(NULL), m_bDoReplaceFile(FALSE), m_bEditDirty(FALSE), m_bTextValid(TRUE), m_bDialogActive(FALSE), m_dwStyle(FC_UNDEFINED), m_ofn_Flags(0), m_edit(NULL), m_button(NULL) { } ~CFileChooser();
BOOL Init(CWindow * pParent, DWORD dwStyle, UINT idEdit, UINT idButton); DWORD GetStyle() const { return m_dwStyle; } DWORD SetStyle(DWORD dwStyle) { DWORD dw = m_dwStyle; m_dwStyle = dwStyle; return dw; } BOOL StyleBitSet(DWORD bit) { return 0 != (m_dwStyle & bit); } BOOL OpenForRead() { return !StyleBitSet(FC_FORWRITE); } void AddStyle(DWORD dwStyle) { m_dwStyle |= dwStyle; } void RemoveStyle(DWORD dwStyle) { m_dwStyle &= ~dwStyle; } void SetOfnFlags(DWORD flags) { m_ofn_Flags = flags; } DWORD GetOfnFlags() { return m_ofn_Flags; } void SetDialogTitle(LPCTSTR strTitle) { m_strTitle = strTitle; } DWORD GetFileName(CString& str); void SetPath(const CString& str); void AddExtension(LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR ext); void AddExtension(HINSTANCE hInst, UINT idText, UINT idExt); int BrowseForFolderCallback(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam);
protected: void OnBrowseBtn(); void CreateFilter(CString& strFilter, CString& strDefExt); void CreateDefaultPathForRead(); BOOL BrowseForFile(CString& strPath, CString& strFile); BOOL BrowseForFolder(CString& strPath); BOOL OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags); void OnPaste(); void OnSetEditFocus(); void OnKillEditFocus(); BOOL HasEditFocus(); BOOL IsValidChar(UINT nChar, BOOL bExcludeWildcards = FALSE); BOOL IsValidPath(LPCTSTR); void SetCompactedPath(LPCTSTR path); void SetPathToEdit(LPCTSTR path); int ExtractPath(LPTSTR path); int ExtractArgs(LPTSTR buf); void GetText(LPTSTR buf); int GetFilterIndex(const CString& fileName);
protected: DWORD m_ofn_Flags; CWindow * m_pParent; CFileChooserEdit * m_edit; CFileChooserButton * m_button; DWORD m_dwStyle; CString m_strPath; LPTSTR m_pPathTemp; CString m_strTitle; std::list<CFilterEntry> m_ext; BOOL m_bDoReplaceFile; BOOL m_bEditDirty; BOOL m_bTextValid; BOOL m_bDialogActive; };
#endif //_FILE_CHOOSER_H