Copyright (c) 1994-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Metabase key wrapper classes
Ronald Meijer (ronaldm) Sergei Antonov (sergeia)
Internet Services Manager
Revision History: 2/17/2000 sergeia removed dependency on MFC
#ifndef _MDKEYS_H_
#define _MDKEYS_H_
// Include Files
#include <iadmw.h>
#include <iwamreg.h>
#include <iiscnfgp.h>
#include <winsvc.h>
#include <iisrsta.h>
// Forward definitions
class CBlob;
// Use this instance number to denote the master
// Metabase node constants, used for static initialization of const
// strings further down. Defined here with #defines for easier
// concatenation later.
#define SZ_MBN_MACHINE _T("LM")
#define SZ_MBN_FILTERS _T("Filters")
#define SZ_MBN_MIMEMAP _T("MimeMap")
#define SZ_MBN_TEMPLATES _T("Templates")
#define SZ_MBN_INFO _T("Info")
#define SZ_MBN_ROOT _T("Root")
#define SZ_MBN_COMPRESSION _T("Compression")
#define SZ_MBN_PARAMETERS _T("Parameters")
#define SZ_MBN_SEP_CHAR _T('/')
#define SZ_MBN_SEP_STR _T("/")
#define SZ_MBN_ANYSEP_STR _T("/\\")
#define SZ_MBN_WEB _T("W3SVC")
class CIISInterface;
class _EXPORT CComAuthInfo /*++
Class Description:
Server/authentication information. Contains optional impersonation parameters. Typically used in the construction in CIISInterface.
Public Interface:
CComAuthInfo : Constructor. Impersonation optional operator= : Assignment operators CreateServerInfoStruct : Helper function for use in COM FreeServerInfoStruct : As above.
Because there's an operator for a pointer to itself and because CIISInterface copies the information at construction time, a CComAuthInfo can safely be constructed on the stack as a parameter to CIISInterface derived classes.
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: //
// Standard Constructor. NULL for servername indicates
// local computer.
CComAuthInfo( LPCOLESTR lpszServerName = NULL, LPCOLESTR lpszUserName = NULL, LPCOLESTR lpszPassword = NULL );
// Copy Constructors
CComAuthInfo( CComAuthInfo & auth );
CComAuthInfo( CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo OPTIONAL );
// Assignment operators
public: CComAuthInfo & operator =(CComAuthInfo & auth); CComAuthInfo & operator =(CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo); CComAuthInfo & operator =(LPCTSTR lpszServerName);
// Access
public: COSERVERINFO * CreateServerInfoStruct() const; void FreeServerInfoStruct(COSERVERINFO * pServerInfo) const;
LPOLESTR QueryServerName() const { return m_bstrServerName; } LPOLESTR QueryUserName() const { return m_bstrUserName; } LPOLESTR QueryPassword() const { return m_bstrPassword; } BOOL IsLocal() const { return m_fLocal; } BOOL UsesImpersonation() const { return m_bstrUserName.Length() > 0; } void SetImpersonation(LPCOLESTR lpszUser, LPCOLESTR lpszPassword); void RemoveImpersonation(); void StorePassword(LPCOLESTR lpszPassword);
public: HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket(IUnknown * pInterface); //
// Conversion Operators
public: operator LPOLESTR() { return QueryServerName(); } operator CComAuthInfo *() { return this; }
// Static Helpers
public: //
// Given domain\username, split into user name and domain
static BOOL SplitUserNameAndDomain( CString & strUserName, CString & strDomainName );
// Verify username and password are correct
static DWORD VerifyUserPassword( LPCTSTR lpstrUserName, LPCTSTR lpstrPassword );
protected: //
// Store the computer name (NULL for local computer)
void SetComputerName( LPCOLESTR lpszServerName OPTIONAL );
private: CComBSTR m_bstrServerName; CComBSTR m_bstrUserName; CComBSTR m_bstrPassword; BOOL m_fLocal; };
class _EXPORT CMetabasePath /*++
Class Description:
Metabase path class. This is a helper class to build complete metabase paths out of various components.
Example: CMetaKey(CComAuthInfo("ronaldm3"), CMetabasePath(SZ_WEBSVC, dwInstance, _T("root")));
--*/ { //
// Metabase components in order
enum { iBlank, // Sep 0
iMachine, // LM
iService, // e.g. lm/w3svc
iInstance, // e.g. lm/w3svc/1
iRootDirectory, // e.g. lm/w3svc/1/root
iSubDirectory, // e.g. lm/w3vsc/1/root/foobar
// Metabase helper functions.
public: //
// Clean metabase path
static LPCTSTR CleanMetaPath( CString & strMetaRoot );
static LPCTSTR CleanMetaPath( CMetabasePath & path );
// Find the instance number from the given metabase path
static DWORD GetInstanceNumber(LPCTSTR lpszMDPath);
// Get the last nodename in the given metabase path
static LPCTSTR GetLastNodeName( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNodeName );
// Truncate the path at a given sub path
static LPCTSTR TruncatePath( int nLevel, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder = NULL );
static LPCTSTR GetMachinePath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder = NULL );
static LPCTSTR GetServicePath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder = NULL );
static LPCTSTR GetInstancePath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder = NULL );
static LPCTSTR GetRootPath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder = NULL );
// Determine the path to the info node that's relevant
// to this metabase path.
static LPCTSTR GetServiceInfoPath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strInfoPath, LPCTSTR lpszDefService = SZ_MBN_WEB );
// Change path to parent node
static LPCTSTR ConvertToParentPath( CString & strMetaPath );
static LPCTSTR ConvertToParentPath( CMetabasePath& path );
// Determine if the path describes a home directory path
static BOOL IsHomeDirectoryPath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath );
// Determine if the path describes the 'master' instance (site)
static BOOL IsMasterInstance( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath );
// Split the metapath at the instance border
static void SplitMetaPathAtInstance( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strParent, CString & strAlias );
static BOOL IsSeparator(TCHAR c);
// Constructor/Destructor
public: CMetabasePath( BOOL fAddBasePath, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath2 = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath3 = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath4 = NULL );
// Construct with path components
CMetabasePath( LPCTSTR lpszSvc = NULL, DWORD dwInstance = MASTER_INSTANCE, LPCTSTR lpszParentPath = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszAlias = NULL );
// Access
public: BOOL IsHomeDirectoryPath() const { return IsHomeDirectoryPath(m_strMetaPath); } LPCTSTR QueryMetaPath() const { return m_strMetaPath; }
// Conversion Operators
public: operator LPCTSTR() const { return QueryMetaPath(); }
// Helpers
protected: void BuildMetaPath( LPCTSTR lpszSvc, LPCTSTR szInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParentPath, LPCTSTR lpszAlias );
void BuildMetaPath( LPCTSTR lpszSvc, DWORD dwInstance, LPCTSTR lpszParentPath, LPCTSTR lpszAlias );
void AppendPath(LPCTSTR lpszPath); void AppendPath(DWORD dwInstance);
protected: //
// Metabase path components
static const LPCTSTR _cszMachine; static const LPCTSTR _cszRoot; static const LPCTSTR _cszSep; static const TCHAR _chSep; static const CString _anySep;
private: CString m_strMetaPath; };
class _EXPORT CIISInterface /*++
Class Description:
Base interface class for IIS interfaces. Most client COM-wrappers should derive from this class so that they can easily pick up share authentication and proxy blanket information methods.
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
Public Interface:
operator BOOL : Cast to TRUE/FALSE depending on success operator HRESULT : Cast to the HRESULT status
QueryServerName : Get the server name IsLocal : Determine if the interface is on the local machine
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: CIISInterface( CComAuthInfo * pAuthInfo, HRESULT hrInterface = S_OK );
// Interface:
public: CComAuthInfo * QueryAuthInfo() { return &m_auth; } LPCOLESTR QueryServerName() const { return m_auth.QueryServerName(); } BOOL IsLocal() const { return m_auth.IsLocal(); }
// Virtual Interface:
public: virtual BOOL Succeeded() const { return SUCCEEDED(m_hrInterface); } virtual HRESULT QueryResult() const { return m_hrInterface; } virtual HRESULT ChangeProxyBlanket( LPCOLESTR lpszUserName, LPCOLESTR lpszPassword );
// Conversion Operators
public: operator BOOL() const { return Succeeded(); } operator HRESULT() const { return m_hrInterface; }
protected: virtual HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket() = 0; HRESULT Create( int cInterfaces, const IID rgIID[], const GUID rgCLSID[], int * pnInterface, OPTIONAL IUnknown ** ppInterface );
protected: CComAuthInfo m_auth; HRESULT m_hrInterface; };
class _EXPORT CMetaInterface : public CIISInterface /*++
Class description:
Metabase interface class.
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
Public Interface:
Regenerate : Recreate the interface
--*/ { public: //
// Destructor destroys the interface
virtual ~CMetaInterface();
// Constructor/Destructor
protected: //
// Fully defined constructor that creates the interface.
// Use NULL to indicate the local computer name
CMetaInterface( CComAuthInfo * pServer );
// Construct from existing interface
CMetaInterface( CMetaInterface * pInterface );
public: //
// Rebuild the interface
HRESULT Regenerate();
protected: virtual HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket();
// Create a metadata object in this server. This function initializes the
// metadata object with DCOM.
HRESULT Create();
// Make sure the interface has been created
BOOL HasInterface() const { return m_pInterface != NULL; }
// IADMW Interface -- all methods defines as inline at the end of this file.
protected: HRESULT OpenKey( METADATA_HANDLE hkBase, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwFlags, METADATA_HANDLE * phMDNewHandle );
HRESULT SetLastChangeTime( METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, LPCTSTR pszMDPath, FILETIME * pftMDLastChangeTime, BOOL bLocalTime ); HRESULT GetLastChangeTime( METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, FILETIME * pftMDLastChangeTime, BOOL bLocalTime );
HRESULT CopyKey( METADATA_HANDLE hSourceKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDSourcePath, METADATA_HANDLE hDestKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDDestPath, BOOL fOverwrite, BOOL fCopy );
HRESULT GetData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, METADATA_RECORD * pmdRecord, DWORD * pdwRequiredDataLen );
HRESULT DeleteData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDDataType );
HRESULT EnumData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, METADATA_RECORD * pmdRecord, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD * pdwRequiredDataLen );
HRESULT GetAllData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, DWORD * pdwMDNumDataEntries, DWORD * pdwMDDataSetNumber, DWORD dwMDBufferSize, LPBYTE pbMDBuffer, DWORD * pdwRequiredBufferSize );
HRESULT DeleteAllData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType );
HRESULT CopyData( METADATA_HANDLE hMDSourceKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDSourcePath, METADATA_HANDLE hMDDestKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDDestPath, DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, BOOL fCopy );
HRESULT GetDataPaths( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDDataType, DWORD dwMDBufferSize, LPTSTR lpszBuffer, DWORD * pdwMDRequiredBufferSize );
HRESULT Backup( LPCTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD dwMDVersion, DWORD dwMDFlags );
HRESULT Restore( LPCTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD dwMDVersion, DWORD dwMDFlags );
HRESULT EnumBackups( LPTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD * pdwMDVersion, FILETIME * pftMDBackupTime, DWORD dwIndex );
HRESULT DeleteBackup( LPCTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD dwMDVersion );
protected: IMSAdminBase * m_pInterface;
private: int m_iTimeOutValue; };
class _EXPORT CMetaKey : public CMetaInterface /*++
Class Description:
Metabase key wrapper class
Public Interface:
CMetaKey : Constructor ~CMetaKey : Destructor
Succeeded : TRUE if key opened successfully. QueryResult : Get the HRESULT status
QueryValue : Various overloaded methods to get values SetValue : Various overloaded methods to set values DeleteValue : Delete a value Open : Open key ReOpen : Re key that was opened before Close : Close key ConvertToParentPath : Change path to parent path
operator METADATA_HANDLE : Cast to a metadata handle operator LPCTSTR : Cast to the metabase path operator BOOL : Cast to TRUE if the key is open, FALSE if not
GetHandle : Obtain metadata handle IsOpen : TRUE if a key is open QueryMetaPath : Get the relative metabase path QueryFlags : Get the open permissions
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: //
// Null constructor that only creates the interface.
// A key constructed this way may read from META_ROOT_HANDLE.
// This is not true of other constructors.
CMetaKey( CComAuthInfo * pServer );
// As above, using an existing interface
CMetaKey( CMetaInterface * pInterface );
// Fully defined constructor that opens a key
// As above, using an existing interface
// Copy constructor, might or might not own the key
CMetaKey( BOOL fOwnKey, CMetaKey * pKey );
// Destructor -- closes key.
virtual ~CMetaKey();
// Interface
public: //
// Fetch a DWORD
HRESULT QueryValue( DWORD dwID, DWORD & dwValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Fetch a boolean
HRESULT QueryValue( DWORD dwID, BOOL & fValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Fetch a string
HRESULT QueryValue( DWORD dwID, CString & strValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Fetch a BSTR
HRESULT QueryValue( DWORD dwID, CComBSTR & strValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Fetch a string list
HRESULT QueryValue( DWORD dwID, CStringListEx & strlValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Fetch binary blob
HRESULT QueryValue( DWORD dwID, CBlob & blValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Store a DWORD
HRESULT SetValue( DWORD dwID, DWORD dwValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Store a BOOL
HRESULT SetValue( DWORD dwID, BOOL fValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Store a string
HRESULT SetValue( DWORD dwID, CString & strValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Store a BSTR
HRESULT SetValue( DWORD dwID, CComBSTR & strValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Store a stringlist
HRESULT SetValue( DWORD dwID, CStringListEx & strlValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Store a binary blob
HRESULT SetValue( DWORD dwID, CBlob & blValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Delete Value:
HRESULT DeleteValue( DWORD dwID, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Check for path existance
HRESULT DoesPathExist( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath );
// Create current path (which we attempted to open, and got
// a path not found error on).
HRESULT CreatePathFromFailedOpen();
// Check for descendant overrides
HRESULT CheckDescendants( DWORD dwID, CComAuthInfo * pServer, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Open key
// Re-open previously opened key
HRESULT ReOpen( DWORD dwFlags );
// As above using the same permissions as before
// Open the parent object
HRESULT ConvertToParentPath( BOOL fImmediate );
// Close key, set it to NULL, but doesn't destroy the interface
HRESULT Close();
// Add key
// Delete key off currently open key
HRESULT DeleteKey( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath );
// Rename key off currently open key
HRESULT RenameKey( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, LPCTSTR lpszNewName );
// Get list of descendant nodes that override
// a specific value
HRESULT GetDataPaths( CStringListEx & strlNodes, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDDataType, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Access
public: METADATA_HANDLE GetHandle() const { return m_hKey; } METADATA_HANDLE GetBase() const { return m_hBase; } LPCTSTR QueryMetaPath() const { return m_strMetaPath; } DWORD QueryFlags() const { return m_dwFlags; } BOOL IsOpen() const { return m_hKey != NULL; } BOOL IsHomeDirectoryPath() const ;
// Conversion operators
public: operator METADATA_HANDLE() const { return GetHandle(); } operator LPCTSTR() const { return QueryMetaPath(); } operator BOOL() const { return IsOpen(); }
// Virtual Interface:
public: virtual BOOL Succeeded() const; virtual HRESULT QueryResult() const;
// Protected members
protected: //
// Get data
HRESULT GetPropertyValue( DWORD dwID, DWORD & dwSize, void *& pvData, DWORD * pdwDataType = NULL, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, DWORD * pdwAttributes = NULL );
// Store data
HRESULT SetPropertyValue( DWORD dwID, DWORD dwSize, void * pvData, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride = NULL, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Get All Data off the open key
HRESULT GetAllData( DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, DWORD * pdwMDNumEntries, DWORD * pdwMDDataLen, PBYTE * ppbMDData, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Property Table Methods
protected: //
// Metabase table entry definition
typedef struct tagMDFIELDDEF { DWORD dwMDIdentifier; DWORD dwMDAttributes; DWORD dwMDUserType; DWORD dwMDDataType; UINT uStringID; } MDFIELDDEF;
static const MDFIELDDEF s_rgMetaTable[];
// CODEWORK: Ideally, these should be protected, but are used
// by idlg.
public: static BOOL GetMDFieldDef( DWORD dwID, DWORD & dwMDIdentifier, DWORD & dwMDAttributes, DWORD & dwMDUserType, DWORD & dwMDDataType );
// Map metabase ID value to table index
static int MapMDIDToTableIndex( DWORD dwID );
// Allow limited access to the table
public: static BOOL IsPropertyInheritable( DWORD dwID );
static BOOL GetPropertyDescription( DWORD dwID, CString & strName );
protected: BOOL m_fAllowRootOperations; BOOL m_fOwnKey; DWORD m_cbInitialBufferSize; DWORD m_dwFlags; HRESULT m_hrKey; CString m_strMetaPath; METADATA_HANDLE m_hKey; METADATA_HANDLE m_hBase; };
class _EXPORT CWamInterface : public CIISInterface /*++
Class description:
WAM interface class
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
Public Interface:
SupportsPooledProc : Check to see if pooled out of proc is supported.
--*/ { //
// App Protection States:
public: enum { //
// Note: order must match MD_APP_ISOLATED values
// Constructor/Destructor
public: //
// Destructor destroys the interface
virtual ~CWamInterface();
protected: //
// Fully defined constructor that creates the interface.
// Use NULL to create the interface on the local computer
CWamInterface( CComAuthInfo * pServer );
// Construct from existing interface.
CWamInterface( CWamInterface * pInterface );
// Access
public: BOOL SupportsPooledProc() const { return m_fSupportsPooledProc; }
protected: virtual HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket();
// Create a wam object in this server. This function initializes the
// object with DCOM.
HRESULT Create();
// Make sure the interface has been created
BOOL HasInterface() const { return m_pInterface != NULL; }
// IWAM Interface
protected: HRESULT AppCreate( LPCTSTR szMDPath, DWORD dwAppProtection ); HRESULT AppDelete( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ); HRESULT AppUnLoad( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ); HRESULT AppGetStatus( LPCTSTR szMDPath, DWORD * pdwAppStatus ); HRESULT AppDeleteRecoverable( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ); HRESULT AppRecover( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive );
protected: IWamAdmin * m_pInterface;
private: BOOL m_fSupportsPooledProc; };
class _EXPORT CMetaBack : public CMetaInterface, public CWamInterface /*++
Class Description:
Metabase backup/restore class
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
Public Interface:
Reset : Enum first existing backup Next : Enum next existing backup Backup : Create new backup Delete : Delete existing backup Restore : Restore from existing backup
--*/ { public: //
// Construct and create the interfaces. Use NULL to create
// on the local computer.
CMetaBack( CComAuthInfo * pServer );
// Virtual Interface
public: virtual BOOL Succeeded() const; virtual HRESULT QueryResult() const;
// Interface
public: //
// Reset counter
void Reset() { m_dwIndex = 0L; }
HRESULT Next( DWORD * pdwVersion, LPTSTR lpszLocation, FILETIME * pftBackupTime );
HRESULT Backup( LPCTSTR lpszLocation );
HRESULT Delete( LPCTSTR lpszLocation, DWORD dwVersion );
HRESULT Restore( LPCTSTR lpszLocation, DWORD dwVersion );
protected: virtual HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket();
protected: static const LPCTSTR s_szMasterAppRoot;
private: DWORD m_dwIndex; };
class _EXPORT CMetaEnumerator : public CMetaKey /*++
Class Description:
Metabase key enumerator
Public Interface:
CMetaEnumerator : Constructor Reset : Reset the enumerator Next : Get next key
--*/ { public: //
// Constructor creates a new interface and opens a key
CMetaEnumerator( CComAuthInfo * pServer, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, METADATA_HANDLE hkBase = METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE );
// Constructor which uses an existing interface and opens
// a new key
CMetaEnumerator( CMetaInterface * pInterface, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL, METADATA_HANDLE hkBase = METADATA_MASTER_ROOT_HANDLE );
// Constructor which uses an open key
CMetaEnumerator( BOOL fOwnKey, CMetaKey * pKey );
// Interface:
public: //
// Reset counter
void Reset(DWORD counter = 0L) { m_dwIndex = counter; } DWORD GetIndex() { return m_dwIndex; } // Index stack operators, used for recursive enums
void Push() { m_stack.push(m_dwIndex); } void Pop() { ASSERT(!m_stack.empty()); m_dwIndex = m_stack.top(); m_stack.pop(); }
// Get next key as string.
HRESULT Next( CString & strKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
// Get next key as a DWORD (numeric keys only)
HRESULT Next( DWORD & dwKey, CString & strKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath = NULL );
private: DWORD m_dwIndex; std::stack<DWORD> m_stack; };
class _EXPORT CIISApplication : public CWamInterface, public CMetaKey /*++
Class Description:
IIS Application class
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
Public Interface:
RefreshState : Refresh application state QueryAppState : Return current application state IsEnabledApplication: Return TRUE if appplication is enabled. Create : Create app Delete : Delete app Unload : Unload app DeleteRecoverable : Delete w. recovery allowed Recover : Recover WriteFriendlyName : Write friendly name to metabase
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: CIISApplication( CComAuthInfo * pServer, LPCTSTR lpszMetapath );
// Virtual Interface:
public: virtual BOOL Succeeded() const; virtual HRESULT QueryResult() const;
// Interface
public: DWORD QueryAppState() const { return m_dwAppState; } LPCTSTR QueryWamPath() const { return m_strWamPath; } BOOL IsEnabledApplication() const; HRESULT RefreshAppState(); HRESULT Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, DWORD dwAppProtection); HRESULT Delete(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE); HRESULT Unload(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE); HRESULT DeleteRecoverable(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE); HRESULT Recover(BOOL fRecursive = FALSE); HRESULT WriteFriendlyName(LPCTSTR lpszName);
public: BOOL IsInproc() const { return m_dwProcessProtection == APP_INPROC; } BOOL IsOutOfProc() const { return m_dwProcessProtection == APP_OUTOFPROC; } BOOL IsPooledProc() const { return m_dwProcessProtection == APP_POOLEDPROC; }
public: DWORD m_dwProcessProtection; CString m_strFriendlyName; CString m_strAppRoot;
protected: void CommonConstruct();
private: DWORD m_dwAppState; CString m_strWamPath; HRESULT m_hrApp; };
class _EXPORT CIISSvcControl : public CIISInterface /*++
Class description:
IIS Service control
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: //
// Fully defined constructor that creates the interface.
// Use NULL to create the interface on the local computer
CIISSvcControl( CComAuthInfo * pServer );
// Construct from existing interface.
CIISSvcControl( CIISSvcControl * pInterface );
// Destructor destroys the interface
virtual ~CIISSvcControl();
protected: //
// Create an object in this server. This function initializes the
// object with DCOM.
HRESULT Create();
// Make sure the interface has been created
BOOL HasInterface() const { return m_pInterface != NULL; }
// Interface
public: //
// Stop services
HRESULT Stop( DWORD dwTimeoutMsecs, BOOL fForce );
// Start services
HRESULT Start( DWORD dwTimeoutMsecs );
// Reboot
HRESULT Reboot( DWORD dwTimeouMsecs, BOOL fForceAppsClosed );
// Status
HRESULT Status( DWORD dwBufferSize, LPBYTE pbBuffer, DWORD * MDRequiredBufferSize, DWORD * pdwNumServices );
// Kill
protected: virtual HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket();
protected: IIisServiceControl * m_pInterface; };
#ifdef KEVLAR
class _EXPORT CWebCluster : public CIISInterface /*++
Class description:
IWebCluster warpper
Virtual Interface:
Succeeded : Return TRUE if item constructed successfully QueryResult : Return construction error code
--*/ { //
// Constructor/Destructor
public: //
// Fully defined constructor that creates the interface.
// Use NULL to create the interface on the local computer
CWebCluster( CComAuthInfo * pServer );
// Destructor destroys the interface
virtual ~CWebCluster();
protected: //
// Create an object in this server. This function initializes the
// object with DCOM.
HRESULT Create();
// Make sure the interface has been created
BOOL HasInterface() const { return m_pInterface != NULL; }
// Interface
public: #if (0) // dantra: 8/17/99 legacy code, not supported by new IWebCluster interfaces
HRESULT GetParameter( LONG lParamId, BSTR bstrParamInfo, VARIANT * lpvarParam ); HRESULT SetParameter( LONG lParam, BSTR bstrParamInfo, VARIANT * lpvarResults ); #endif
protected: virtual HRESULT ApplyProxyBlanket();
protected: IWebCluster * m_pInterface; }; #endif
// Inline Expansion
// <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
inline void CComAuthInfo::StorePassword(LPCOLESTR lpszPassword) { m_bstrPassword = lpszPassword; }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISInterface::ChangeProxyBlanket( LPCOLESTR lpszUserName, LPCOLESTR lpszPassword ) { m_auth.SetImpersonation(lpszUserName, lpszPassword); return ApplyProxyBlanket(); }
inline /*static */ LPCTSTR CMetabasePath::GetMachinePath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder ) { return TruncatePath(iMachine, lpszMDPath, strNewPath, pstrRemainder); }
inline /* static */ LPCTSTR CMetabasePath::GetServicePath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder ) { return TruncatePath(iService, lpszMDPath, strNewPath, pstrRemainder); }
inline /* static */ LPCTSTR CMetabasePath::GetInstancePath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder ) { return TruncatePath(iInstance, lpszMDPath, strNewPath, pstrRemainder); }
inline /* static */ LPCTSTR CMetabasePath::GetRootPath( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, CString & strNewPath, CString * pstrRemainder ) { return TruncatePath(iRootDirectory, lpszMDPath, strNewPath, pstrRemainder); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CMetaInterface::ApplyProxyBlanket() { return m_auth.ApplyProxyBlanket(m_pInterface); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::OpenKey( METADATA_HANDLE hkBase, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwFlags, METADATA_HANDLE * phMDNewHandle ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->OpenKey( hkBase, lpszMDPath, dwFlags, m_iTimeOutValue, phMDNewHandle ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::CloseKey( METADATA_HANDLE hKey ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->CloseKey(hKey); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::SetLastChangeTime( METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, LPCTSTR pszMDPath, FILETIME * pftMDLastChangeTime, BOOL bLocalTime ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->SetLastChangeTime( hMDHandle, pszMDPath, pftMDLastChangeTime, bLocalTime ); } inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::GetLastChangeTime( METADATA_HANDLE hMDHandle, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, FILETIME * pftMDLastChangeTime, BOOL bLocalTime ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->GetLastChangeTime( hMDHandle, lpszMDPath, pftMDLastChangeTime, bLocalTime ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::AddKey( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->AddKey(hKey, lpszMDPath); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::DeleteKey( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->DeleteKey(hKey, lpszMDPath); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::DeleteChildKeys( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->DeleteChildKeys(hKey, lpszMDPath); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::EnumKeys( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, LPTSTR lpszMDName, DWORD dwIndex ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->EnumKeys(hKey, lpszMDPath, lpszMDName, dwIndex); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::CopyKey( METADATA_HANDLE hSourceKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDSourcePath, METADATA_HANDLE hDestKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDDestPath, BOOL fOverwrite, BOOL fCopy ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->CopyKey( hSourceKey, lpszMDSourcePath, hDestKey, lpszMDDestPath, fOverwrite, fCopy ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::RenameKey( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, LPCTSTR lpszNewName ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->RenameKey(hKey, lpszMDPath, lpszNewName); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::GetData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, METADATA_RECORD * pmdRecord, DWORD * pdwRequiredDataLen ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->GetData( hKey, lpszMDPath, pmdRecord, pdwRequiredDataLen ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::SetData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, METADATA_RECORD * pmdRecord ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->SetData( hKey, lpszMDPath, pmdRecord ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::DeleteData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDDataType ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->DeleteData( hKey, lpszMDPath, dwMDIdentifier, dwMDDataType ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::EnumData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, METADATA_RECORD * pmdRecord, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD * pdwRequiredDataLen ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->EnumData( hKey, lpszMDPath, pmdRecord, dwIndex, pdwRequiredDataLen ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::GetAllData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, DWORD * pdwMDNumDataEntries, DWORD * pdwMDDataSetNumber, DWORD dwMDBufferSize, LPBYTE pbMDBuffer, DWORD * pdwRequiredBufferSize ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->GetAllData( hKey, lpszMDPath, dwMDAttributes, dwMDUserType, dwMDDataType, pdwMDNumDataEntries, pdwMDDataSetNumber, dwMDBufferSize, pbMDBuffer, pdwRequiredBufferSize ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::DeleteAllData( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->DeleteAllData( hKey, lpszMDPath, dwMDUserType, dwMDDataType ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::CopyData( METADATA_HANDLE hMDSourceKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDSourcePath, METADATA_HANDLE hMDDestKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDDestPath, DWORD dwMDAttributes, DWORD dwMDUserType, DWORD dwMDDataType, BOOL fCopy ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->CopyData( hMDSourceKey, lpszMDSourcePath, hMDDestKey, lpszMDDestPath, dwMDAttributes, dwMDUserType, dwMDDataType, fCopy ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::GetDataPaths( METADATA_HANDLE hKey, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD dwMDIdentifier, DWORD dwMDDataType, DWORD dwMDBufferSize, LPTSTR lpszBuffer, DWORD * pdwMDRequiredBufferSize ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->GetDataPaths( hKey, lpszMDPath, dwMDIdentifier, dwMDDataType, dwMDBufferSize, lpszBuffer, pdwMDRequiredBufferSize ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::Backup( LPCTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD dwMDVersion, DWORD dwMDFlags ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Backup(lpszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion, dwMDFlags); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::Restore( LPCTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD dwMDVersion, DWORD dwMDFlags ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Restore(lpszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion, dwMDFlags); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::EnumBackups( LPTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD * pdwMDVersion, FILETIME * pftMDBackupTime, DWORD dwIndex ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->EnumBackups( lpszBackupLocation, pdwMDVersion, pftMDBackupTime, dwIndex ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaInterface::DeleteBackup( LPCTSTR lpszBackupLocation, DWORD dwMDVersion ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->DeleteBackup(lpszBackupLocation, dwMDVersion); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::AddKey( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath ) { return CMetaInterface::AddKey(m_hKey, lpszMDPath); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::DeleteKey( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath ) { return CMetaInterface::DeleteKey(m_hKey, lpszMDPath); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::RenameKey( LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, LPCTSTR lpszNewName ) { return CMetaInterface::RenameKey(m_hKey, lpszMDPath, lpszNewName); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::ReOpen() { return Open(m_dwFlags, m_strMetaPath, m_hBase); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::ReOpen(DWORD dwFlags) { return Open(dwFlags, m_strMetaPath, m_hBase); }
inline BOOL CMetaKey::IsHomeDirectoryPath() const { return CMetabasePath::IsHomeDirectoryPath(m_strMetaPath); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::QueryValue( DWORD dwID, BOOL & fValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath, DWORD * pdwAttributes ) { ASSERT(sizeof(DWORD) == sizeof(BOOL)); return CMetaKey::QueryValue( dwID, (DWORD &)fValue, pfInheritanceOverride, lpszMDPath, pdwAttributes ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::SetValue( DWORD dwID, DWORD dwValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride, OPTIONAL LPCTSTR lpszMDPath OPTIONAL ) { return SetPropertyValue( dwID, sizeof(dwValue), &dwValue, pfInheritanceOverride, lpszMDPath ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::SetValue( DWORD dwID, BOOL fValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride, LPCTSTR lpszMDPath ) { ASSERT(sizeof(DWORD) == sizeof(BOOL)); return CMetaKey::SetValue( dwID, (DWORD)fValue, pfInheritanceOverride, lpszMDPath ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaKey::SetValue( DWORD dwID, CString & strValue, BOOL * pfInheritanceOverride, OPTIONAL LPCTSTR lpszMDPath OPTIONAL ) { return SetPropertyValue( dwID, (strValue.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR), (void *)(LPCTSTR)strValue, pfInheritanceOverride, lpszMDPath ); }
inline HRESULT CWamInterface::AppDelete( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->AppDelete(szMDPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CWamInterface::AppUnLoad( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->AppUnLoad(szMDPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CWamInterface::AppGetStatus( LPCTSTR szMDPath, DWORD * pdwAppStatus ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->AppGetStatus(szMDPath, pdwAppStatus); }
inline HRESULT CWamInterface::AppDeleteRecoverable( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->AppDeleteRecoverable(szMDPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CWamInterface::AppRecover( LPCTSTR szMDPath, BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->AppRecover(szMDPath, fRecursive); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CWamInterface::ApplyProxyBlanket() { return m_auth.ApplyProxyBlanket(m_pInterface); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CMetaBack::ApplyProxyBlanket() { HRESULT hr = CMetaInterface::ApplyProxyBlanket(); return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? CWamInterface::ApplyProxyBlanket() : hr; }
inline HRESULT CMetaBack::Next( DWORD * pdwVersion, LPTSTR lpszLocation, FILETIME * pftBackupTime ) { return EnumBackups( lpszLocation, pdwVersion, pftBackupTime, m_dwIndex++ ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaBack::Backup( LPCTSTR lpszLocation ) { return CMetaInterface::Backup( lpszLocation, MD_BACKUP_NEXT_VERSION, MD_BACKUP_SAVE_FIRST ); }
inline HRESULT CMetaBack::Delete( LPCTSTR lpszLocation, DWORD dwVersion ) { return DeleteBackup(lpszLocation, dwVersion); }
inline BOOL CIISApplication::IsEnabledApplication() const { return m_dwAppState == APPSTATUS_STOPPED || m_dwAppState == APPSTATUS_RUNNING; }
inline HRESULT CIISApplication::Delete( BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT(!m_strWamPath.IsEmpty()); return AppDelete(m_strWamPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CIISApplication::Unload( BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT(!m_strWamPath.IsEmpty()); return AppUnLoad(m_strWamPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CIISApplication::DeleteRecoverable( BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT(!m_strWamPath.IsEmpty()); return AppDeleteRecoverable(m_strWamPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CIISApplication::Recover( BOOL fRecursive ) { ASSERT(!m_strWamPath.IsEmpty()); return AppRecover(m_strWamPath, fRecursive); }
inline HRESULT CIISSvcControl::Stop( DWORD dwTimeoutMsecs, BOOL fForce ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Stop(dwTimeoutMsecs, (DWORD)fForce); }
inline HRESULT CIISSvcControl::Start( DWORD dwTimeoutMsecs ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Start(dwTimeoutMsecs); }
inline HRESULT CIISSvcControl::Reboot( DWORD dwTimeouMsecs, BOOL fForceAppsClosed ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Reboot(dwTimeouMsecs, (DWORD)fForceAppsClosed); }
inline HRESULT CIISSvcControl::Status( DWORD dwBufferSize, LPBYTE pbBuffer, DWORD * MDRequiredBufferSize, DWORD * pdwNumServices ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Status( dwBufferSize, pbBuffer, MDRequiredBufferSize, pdwNumServices ); }
inline HRESULT CIISSvcControl::Kill() { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->Kill(); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CIISSvcControl::ApplyProxyBlanket() { return m_auth.ApplyProxyBlanket(m_pInterface); }
#ifdef KEVLAR
inline HRESULT CWebCluster::Create() { return CIISInterface::Create( 1, &IID_IWebCluster, &CLSID_WebCluster, NULL, (IUnknown **)&m_pInterface ); }
inline /* virtual */ HRESULT CWebCluster::ApplyProxyBlanket() { return m_auth.ApplyProxyBlanket(m_pInterface); } #if (0) // dantra: 8/17/99 - legacy
inline HRESULT CWebCluster::GetParameter( LONG lParamId, BSTR bstrParamInfo, VARIANT * lpvarParam ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->GetParameter(lParamId, bstrParamInfo, lpvarParam); } inline HRESULT CWebCluster::SetParameter( LONG lParam, BSTR bstrParamInfo, VARIANT * lpvarResults ) { ASSERT_PTR(m_pInterface); return m_pInterface->SetParameter(lParam, bstrParamInfo, lpvarResults); }
#endif // 0
#endif // KEVLAR
#endif // _MDKEYS_H_