Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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  1. // LogGenPg.h : header file
  2. //
  3. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. // CLogGeneral dialog
  5. class CLogGeneral : public CPropertyPage
  6. {
  8. // Construction
  9. public:
  10. CLogGeneral();
  11. ~CLogGeneral();
  12. CComboBox* m_pComboLog;
  13. // metabase target
  14. CString m_szServer;
  15. CString m_szMeta;
  16. IMSAdminBase* m_pMB;
  17. // editing local machine
  18. BOOL m_fLocalMachine;
  19. BOOL m_fShowLocalTimeCheckBox;
  20. // the two-letter file prefix
  21. CString szPrefix;
  22. // the longer file size prefix
  23. CString szSizePrefix;
  24. // Dialog Data
  25. //{{AFX_DATA(CLogGeneral)
  26. enum { IDD = IDD_LOG_GENERAL };
  27. CButton m_wndPeriod;
  28. CButton m_wndUseLocalTime;
  29. CButton m_cbttn_browse;
  30. CEdit m_cedit_directory;
  31. CEdit m_cedit_size;
  32. CSpinButtonCtrl m_cspin_spin;
  33. CStatic m_cstatic_units;
  34. CString m_sz_directory;
  35. CString m_sz_filesample;
  36. BOOL m_fUseLocalTime;
  37. int m_int_period;
  38. //}}AFX_DATA
  39. CILong m_dword_filesize;
  40. // DWORD m_dword_filesize;
  41. // Overrides
  42. // ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
  43. //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CLogGeneral)
  44. public:
  45. virtual BOOL OnSetActive();
  46. virtual BOOL OnApply();
  47. protected:
  48. virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
  49. //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
  50. // Implementation
  51. protected:
  52. // Generated message map functions
  53. //{{AFX_MSG(CLogGeneral)
  54. afx_msg void OnBrowse();
  55. afx_msg void OnLogDaily();
  56. afx_msg void OnLogMonthly();
  57. afx_msg void OnLogWhensize();
  58. afx_msg void OnLogWeekly();
  59. afx_msg void OnChangeLogDirectory();
  60. afx_msg void OnChangeLogSize();
  61. afx_msg void OnLogUnlimited();
  62. afx_msg void OnDeltaposSpin(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
  63. afx_msg void OnLogHourly();
  64. afx_msg void OnUseLocalTime();
  65. //}}AFX_MSG
  67. void DoHelp();
  68. // update the sample file stirng
  69. virtual void UpdateSampleFileString();
  70. void Init();
  71. void UpdateDependants();
  72. private:
  73. // initialized flag
  74. BOOL m_fInitialized;
  75. BOOL m_fIsModified;
  76. };