'------------------------------------------- ' ' THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ' ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ' THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A ' PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999. All Rights Reserved. ' ' PROGRAM: qu.vbs ' ' PURPOSE: Illustrates use of Indexing Service with Windows Scripting Host. ' Same behavior as the C++ sample application QSample. ' ' PLATFORM: Windows 2000 ' '-------------------------------------------
sub Main
if WScript.Arguments.Count < 1 then call Usage end if
' set defaults for all arguments
query = "" catalog = "system" locale = "" forceci = TRUE forcemerge = FALSE inputfile = "" shallow = FALSE dialect = 1 machine = "." columns = "path" scope = "\" quiet = FALSE sort = "" groupby = "" stats = FALSE uptodate = FALSE maxhits = 0 firsthits = FALSE repeat = 1
' parse command line arguments for i = 0 to WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
arg = WScript.Arguments( i ) first = left( arg, 1 ) c = mid( arg, 2, 1 )
if "/" = first or "-" = first then
if ":" = mid( arg, 3, 1 ) then v = mid( arg, 4 )
select case c case "a" groupby = v case "c" catalog = v case "e" locale = v case "f" forceci = ( v = "+" ) case "i" inputfile = v case "l" dialect = v case "m" machine = v case "o" columns = v case "p" scope = v case "r" repeat = v case "s" sort = v case "x" maxhits = v case "y" maxhits = v firsthits = TRUE case else Usage end select
select case c case "g" forcemerge = TRUE case "j" shallow = TRUE case "q" quiet = TRUE case "t" stats = TRUE case "u" uptodate = TRUE case else Usage end select
end if
if "" = query then query = arg else Usage
end if next
' Turn a relative scope path into an absolute path
if "\" <> scope and "\\" <> left( scope, 2 ) then
set fso = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) scope = fso.GetAbsolutePathName( scope )
end if
for i = 1 to repeat
if "" = inputfile then
if "" = query and not ( stats or uptodate or forcemerge ) then Usage end if
DoQuery query, catalog, locale, forceci, forcemerge, shallow, dialect, machine, columns, scope, quiet, sort, stats, uptodate, maxhits, firsthits, groupby
if "" <> query then call Usage
' Open the input file and treat each line as a query. ' Report errors, but don't stop reading queries.
set fs = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) set f = fs.OpenTextFile( inputfile, 1 )
do until f.AtEndOfStream
line = f.ReadLine on error resume next DoQuery line, catalog, locale, forceci, forcemerge, shallow, dialect, machine, columns, scope, quiet, sort, stats, uptodate, maxhits, firsthits, groupby
if 0 <> Err.Number then
out Err.Description out "The query '" & line & "' failed, error 0x" & Hex( Err.Number ) Err.Clear
end if
out ""
end if
end sub
sub Out( str )
WScript.echo str
end sub
sub Out2( num, str )
out right( space( 9 ) & num, 9 ) & " " & str
end sub
sub Usage
out "usage: qu [arguments]" out " query An Indexing Service query." out " /a:groupby Columns over which results are grouped." out " /c:catalog Name of the catalog, default is SYSTEM." out " /e:locale ISO locale identifier, e.g. EN-US; default is system locale." out " /f:(+|-) + or -, for force use of index. Default is +." out " /g Force a master merge." out " /i:inputfile Text input file with queries, one per line." out " /j Just return files in the scope path, and not subdirectories." out " /l:dialect 1 or 2, for old or new tripolish, default is 1." out " /m:machine Name of the machine, default is local machine." out " /o:columns Output column list, default is path." out " /p:scope The scope path of the query, absolute or relative." out " /q Quiet. Don't display info other than query results." out " /r:# Number of times to repeat the command." out " /s:sort Sort column list, default is none. e.g.: write[d]." out " Append [a] for ascending (default) or [d] for descending." out " /t Display catalog statistics." out " /u Check if the catalog is up to date." out " /x:maxhits Maximum number of hits to retrieve, default is no limit." out " /y:firsthits Only look at the first N hits." out "" out " examples: cscript qu.vbs mango /o:size,path" out " cscript qu.vbs ""peach and not apple"" /s:rank[d] /p:." out " cscript qu.vbs ""@size > 1000000"" /o:size,path /s:size[a] /m:dogfood" out " cscript qu.vbs ""@docauthor joe"" /o:docauthor,path /s:docauthor,path" out " cscript qu.vbs apricot /p:c:\\files" out " cscript qu.vbs /m:index1 /c:sources pear" out "" out " columns: path vpath directory filename write create size attrib" out " rank hitcount workid fileindex" out " docauthor doclastauthor dockeywords docsubject doctitle" out "" out " locales: af ar-ae ar-bh ar-dz ar-eg ar-iq ar-jo ar-kw ar-lb" out " ar-ly ar-ma ar-om ar-qa ar-sa ar-sy ar-tn ar-ye be" out " bg ca cs da de de-at de-ch de-li de-lu e en en" out " en-au en-bz en-ca en-gb en-ie en-jm en-nz en-tt" out " en-us en-za es es es-ar es-bo es-c es-co es-cr" out " es-do es-ec es-gt es-hn es-mx es-ni es-pa es-pe" out " es-pr es-py es-sv es-uy es-ve et eu fa fi fo fr" out " fr-be fr-ca fr-ch fr-lu gd gd-ie he hi hr hu in" out " is it it-ch ja ji ko ko lt lv mk ms mt n neutr" out " nl-be no no p pt pt-br rm ro ro-mo ru ru-mo s sb" out " sk sq sr sr sv sv-fi sx sz th tn tr ts uk ur ve" out " vi xh zh-cn zh-hk zh-sg zh-tw zu"
WScript.Quit( 2 )
end sub
function FormatValue( v, t )
if 7 = t or 137 = t then w = 21 elseif 2 = t or 3 = t or 4 = t or 5 = t or 14 = t or 17 = t or 18 = t or 19 = t then w = 7 elseif 20 = t or 21 = t then w = 12 else w = 0 end if
if 0 = w then r = v else r = right( space( w ) & v, w ) end if
FormatValue = r
end function
function DisplayGroupedRowset( rs, level )
const cRowsToGet = 20 rs.CacheSize = cRowsToGet cHits = 0 do until rs.EOF
row = "" fChild = FALSE
for c = 0 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
if rs( c ).Name <> "Chapter" then row = row & " " & rs( c ).Value else set rsChild = rs.Fields( "Chapter" ).Value fChild = TRUE end if
out space( level * 2 ) & row cHits = cHits + 1
if fChild then x = DisplayGroupedRowset( rsChild, level + 1 ) rsChild.Close set rsChild = nothing end if
DisplayGroupedRowset = cHits
end function
function DisplayRowset( rs )
' Display the results, 20 rows at a time for performance
const cRowsToGet = 20 rs.CacheSize = cRowsToGet cHits = 0 do until rs.EOF
rows = rs.GetRows( cRowsToGet )
for r = 0 to UBound( rows, 2 )
row = "" for col = 0 to UBound( rows, 1 ) if 0 <> col then row = row & " " row = row & FormatValue( rows( col, r ), rs( col ).type ) next out row cHits = cHits + 1
next loop
DisplayRowset = cHits
end function
sub DoQuery( query, catalog, locale, forceci, forcemerge, shallow, dialect, machine, columns, scope, quiet, sort, stats, uptodate, maxhits, firsthits, groupby )
if "" <> query then
' Create the query object and set the query properties
set q = WScript.CreateObject( "ixsso.Query" ) q.Query = query q.Catalog = "query://" & machine & "/" & catalog q.AllowEnumeration = not forceci q.Dialect = dialect q.Columns = columns q.CiScope = scope
if shallow then q.CiFlags = "shallow" if "" <> sort then q.SortBy = sort if "" <> groupby then q.GroupBy = groupby
if 0 <> maxhits then if firsthits then q.FirstRows = maxhits else q.MaxRecords = maxhits end if end if if "" <> locale then set u = WScript.CreateObject( "ixsso.Util" ) q.LocaleId = u.ISOToLocaleID( locale ) end if set rs = q.CreateRecordSet( "sequential" )
if "" <> groupby then cHits = DisplayGroupedRowset( rs, 0 ) else cHits = DisplayRowset( rs ) end if
' Display query status information if not quiet then out CHR(10) & cHits & " files matched the query '" & query & "'" if q.OutOfDate then out "The index is out of date" end if if q.QueryTimedOut then out "The query timed out" end if if q.QueryIncomplete then out "The query results are incomplete; may require enumeration" end if end if
end if
' Display catalog status information and/or force a merge
if stats or uptodate or forcemerge then
set a = WScript.CreateObject( "microsoft.ISAdm" ) a.MachineName = machine set c = a.GetCatalogByName( catalog )
if forcemerge then c.ForceMasterMerge
if stats then
out "Machine: " & machine out "Catalog: " & catalog out "Location: " & c.CatalogLocation out2 c.TotalDocumentCount, "Documents in the catalog" out2 c.FreshTestCount, "Documents modified since the last master merge" out2 c.FilteredDocumentCount, "Documents filtered since the service started" out2 c.DocumentsToFilter, "Documents to filter" out2 c.DelayedFilterCount, "Documents deferred for filtering" out2 c.UniqueKeyCount, "Unique keys in the master index" out2 c.WordListCount, "Wordlists" out2 c.PersistentIndexCount, "Saved indexes" out2 c.QueryCount, "Queries executed since the service started" out2 c.IndexSize, "Megabytes used for index files" out2 c.PendingScanCount, "Scans scheduled"
s = c.StateInfo if s and &H1 then out "Shadow merge " & c.PctMergeComplete & "% complete" if s and &H2 then out "Master merge " & c.PctMergeComplete & "% complete" if s and &H8 then out "Annealing merge " & c.PctMergeComplete & "% complete" if s and &H20 then out "Recovery in progress..." if s and &H80 then out "Indexing paused due to low memory" if s and &H100 then out "Indexing paused due to high system I/O" if s and &H400 then out "Catalog is read-only" if s and &H800 then out "Indexing paused due to running on battery power" if s and &H1000 then out "Indexing paused due to busy interactive user" if s and &H2000 then out "Indexing service is starting..." if s and &H4000 then out "Reading the NTFS USN log(s)"
end if
if uptodate then
if c.IsUpToDate then out "The catalog is up to date." else out "The catalog is not up to date." end if end if
end if
end sub