// Copyright 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// PROGRAM: qsample.cxx
// PURPOSE: Illustrates a minimal query using Indexing Service.
// Uses CICreateCommand and CITextToFullTree helper functions.
// PLATFORM: Windows NT
//#define UNICODE
#define OLEDBVER 0x0250 // need the command tree definitions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <oledberr.h>
#include <oledb.h>
#include <cmdtree.h>
#include <ntquery.h>
#include <cierror.h>
// Local prototypes
BOOL FindSlmRoot( WCHAR const * pwszPath, char * pszName, char * pszProject, char * pszRoot, char * pszSubDir );
struct SlmModifications { char szLogname[100]; char szLastChange[50]; unsigned cMods; };
unsigned WhoModified( char const * pszName, char const * pszProject, char const * pszRoot, char const * pszSubDir, SlmModifications & aMods, unsigned cLogname );
// Local constants
CIPROPERTYDEF aProperties[] = { { L"Func", DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF, { { 0x8dee0300, 0x16c2, 0x101b, 0xb1, 0x21, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0xcd, 0xa9 }, DBKIND_GUID_NAME, L"func" } }, { L"CLASS", DBTYPE_WSTR | DBTYPE_BYREF, { { 0x8dee0300, 0x16c2, 0x101b, 0xb1, 0x21, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x2e, 0xcd, 0xa9 }, DBKIND_GUID_NAME, L"class" } } };
// This is found in disptree.cxx
//extern void DisplayCommandTree( DBCOMMANDTREE * pNode, ULONG iLevel = 0 );
// Template: XInterface
// Synopsis: Template for managing ownership of interfaces
template<class T> class XInterface { public: XInterface( T * p = 0 ) : _p( p ) {} ~XInterface() { if ( 0 != _p ) _p->Release(); } T * operator->() { return _p; } T * GetPointer() const { return _p; } IUnknown ** GetIUPointer() { return (IUnknown **) &_p; } T ** GetPPointer() { return &_p; } void ** GetQIPointer() { return (void **) &_p; } T * Acquire() { T * p = _p; _p = 0; return p; }
private: T * _p; };
BOOL FindSlmRoot( WCHAR const * pwszPath, char * pszName, char * pszProject, char * pszRoot, char * pszSubDir ) { //
// Compute path to slm.ini
char szSlmIni[MAX_PATH];
wcstombs( szSlmIni, pwszPath, sizeof(szSlmIni) );
char * pcLastSlash = strrchr( szSlmIni, '\\' );
if ( 0 == pcLastSlash ) return FALSE;
strcpy( pszName, pcLastSlash + 1 ); strcpy( pcLastSlash + 1, "slm.ini" );
// Open file and read project / root
FILE * pf = fopen( szSlmIni, "r" );
if ( 0 == pf ) return FALSE;
// Project
if ( 0 == fgets( pszProject, MAX_PATH, pf ) || 0 != strncmp( pszProject, "project = ", 10 ) ) { fclose( pf ); return FALSE; }
unsigned cc = strlen( pszProject ) - 10 - 1; // Preface and newline
memmove( pszProject, pszProject + 10, cc ); pszProject[cc] = 0;
// Root
if ( 0 == fgets( pszRoot, MAX_PATH, pf ) || 0 != strncmp( pszRoot, "slm root = ", 11 ) ) { fclose( pf ); return FALSE; }
cc = strlen( pszRoot ) - 11 - 1; // Preface and newline
memmove( pszRoot, pszRoot + 11, cc ); pszRoot[cc] = 0;
for ( char * p = pszRoot; *p; p++ ) { if ( '/' == *p ) *p = '\\'; }
// Subdir
if ( 0 == fgets( pszSubDir, MAX_PATH, pf ) || 0 == fgets( pszSubDir, MAX_PATH, pf ) || 0 != strncmp( pszSubDir, "sub dir = ", 10 ) ) { fclose( pf ); return FALSE; }
cc = strlen( pszSubDir ) - 10 - 1; // Preface and newline
unsigned ccQuote = 0;
if ( pszSubDir[10] == '"' ) ccQuote = 1;
memmove( pszSubDir, pszSubDir + 10 + ccQuote, cc - 2*ccQuote); pszSubDir[cc - 2*ccQuote] = 0;
for ( p = pszSubDir; *p; p++ ) { if ( '/' == *p ) *p = '\\'; }
fclose( pf );
return TRUE; }
unsigned WhoModified( char const * pszName, char const * pszProject, char const * pszRoot, char const * pszSubDir, SlmModifications * aMods, unsigned cMods ) { //
// Initialize
memset( aMods, 0, sizeof(SlmModifications) * cMods ); unsigned iNext = 0;
// Put the pieces together.
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
strcpy( szPath, pszRoot ); strcat( szPath, "\\diff\\" ); strcat( szPath, pszProject ); strcat( szPath, pszSubDir ); strcat( szPath, "\\" ); strcat( szPath, pszName );
FILE * pf = fopen( szPath, "r" );
if ( 0 == pf ) return 0;
char szTemp[500]; char szDate[50];
while ( 0 != fgets( szTemp, sizeof(szTemp), pf ) ) { if ( 0 == _strnicmp( szTemp, "#T ", 3 ) ) { //
// Record the date, sans <cr>.
unsigned cc = strlen(szTemp + 3) - 1; memcpy( szDate, szTemp + 3, cc ); szDate[cc] = 0;
continue; }
if ( 0 == _strnicmp( szTemp, "#A ", 3 ) ) { //
// Have we seen this user before?
char * pUser = szTemp + 3; pUser[strlen(pUser)-1] = 0; // Remove newline
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cMods; i++ ) { if ( 0 == _stricmp( pUser, aMods[i].szLogname ) ) { aMods[i].cMods++; strcpy( aMods[i].szLastChange, szDate );
// Move this user to the end of the list.
SlmModifications Temp;
memcpy( &Temp, &aMods[i], sizeof(Temp) );
for ( unsigned j = i+1; j < iNext; j++ ) memcpy( &aMods[j-1], &aMods[j], sizeof(aMods[0]) );
memcpy( &aMods[j], &Temp, sizeof(Temp) );
break; } }
// New user?
if ( i == cMods ) { strcpy( aMods[iNext].szLogname, pUser ); aMods[iNext].cMods = 1; strcpy( aMods[iNext].szLastChange, szDate );
if ( iNext == cMods ) iNext = 0; } } }
fclose( pf );
return iNext; }
// Function: SetCommandProperties
// Synopsis: Sets the DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES property to TRUE, so
// data is returned in PROPVARIANTs, as opposed to the
// default, which is OLE automation VARIANTs. PROPVARIANTS
// allow a superset of VARIANT data types. Use of these
// types avoids costly coercions.
// Also sets the DBPROP_USECONTENTINDEX property to TRUE, so
// the index will always be used to resolve the query (as
// opposed to enumerating all the files on the disk), even
// if the index is out of date.
// Both of these properties are unique to Index Server's OLE DB
// implementation.
// Arguments: [pICommand] - The ICommand used to set the property
// Returns: HRESULT result of setting the properties
HRESULT SetCommandProperties( ICommand * pICommand ) { static const DBID dbcolNull = { { 0,0,0, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } }, DBKIND_GUID_PROPID, 0 }; static const GUID guidQueryExt = DBPROPSET_QUERYEXT;
DBPROP aProp[2];
aProp[0].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USEEXTENDEDDBTYPES; aProp[0].dwOptions = DBPROPOPTIONS_SETIFCHEAP; aProp[0].dwStatus = 0; aProp[0].colid = dbcolNull; aProp[0].vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; aProp[0].vValue.boolVal = VARIANT_TRUE;
aProp[1] = aProp[0]; aProp[1].dwPropertyID = DBPROP_USECONTENTINDEX;
DBPROPSET aPropSet[1];
aPropSet[0].rgProperties = &aProp[0]; aPropSet[0].cProperties = 2; aPropSet[0].guidPropertySet = guidQueryExt;
XInterface<ICommandProperties> xICommandProperties; HRESULT hr = pICommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, xICommandProperties.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
return xICommandProperties->SetProperties( 1, // 1 property set
aPropSet ); // the properties
} //SetCommandProperties
// Function: DoQuery
// Synopsis: Creates and executes a query, then displays the results.
// Arguments: [pwcQueryCatalog] - Catalog name over which query is run
// [pwcQueryMachine] - Machine name on which query is run
// [pwcQueryRestrition] - The actual query string
// [fDisplayTree] - TRUE to display the command tree
// Returns: HRESULT result of the query
HRESULT DoQuery( WCHAR const * pwcQueryCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcQueryMachine, WCHAR const * pwcQueryRestriction, BOOL fDisplayTree ) { // Create an ICommand object. The default scope for the query is the
// entire catalog. CICreateCommand is a shortcut for making an
// ICommand. The ADVQUERY sample shows the OLE DB equivalent.
XInterface<ICommand> xICommand; HRESULT hr = CICreateCommand( xICommand.GetIUPointer(), // result
0, // controlling unknown
IID_ICommand, // IID requested
pwcQueryCatalog, // catalog name
pwcQueryMachine ); // machine name
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Set required properties on the ICommand
hr = SetCommandProperties( xICommand.GetPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// @func
// Create an OLE DB query tree from a text restriction, column
// set, and sort order.
DBCOMMANDTREE * pTree; hr = CITextToFullTree( pwcQueryRestriction, // the query itself
L"Size,Path", // columns to return
L"Rank[d]", // rank descending
0, // reserved
&pTree, // resulting tree
sizeof(aProperties)/sizeof(aProperties[0]), // custom properties
aProperties, // custom properties
GetSystemDefaultLCID() ); // default locale
// The user may have a DefineColumns.txt file with func/class in it.
if ( QPLIST_E_DUPLICATE == hr ) { hr = CITextToFullTree( pwcQueryRestriction, // the query itself
L"Size,Path", // columns to return
L"Rank[d]", // rank descending
0, // reserved
&pTree, // resulting tree
0, // Custom props from global column def file
0, GetSystemDefaultLCID() ); // default locale
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// If directed, display the command tree
//if ( fDisplayTree )
// DisplayCommandTree( pTree );
// Set the tree in the ICommandTree
XInterface<ICommandTree> xICommandTree; hr = xICommand->QueryInterface( IID_ICommandTree, xICommandTree.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
hr = xICommandTree->SetCommandTree( &pTree, DBCOMMANDREUSE_NONE, FALSE ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Execute the query. The query is complete when Execute() returns
XInterface<IRowset> xIRowset; hr = xICommand->Execute( 0, // no aggregating IUnknown
IID_IRowset, // IID for interface to return
0, // no DBPARAMs
0, // no rows affected
xIRowset.GetIUPointer() ); // result
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Create an accessor, so data can be retrieved from the rowset
XInterface<IAccessor> xIAccessor; hr = xIRowset->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, xIAccessor.GetQIPointer() ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Column iOrdinals are parallel with those passed to CiTextToFullTree,
// so MapColumnIDs isn't necessary. These binding values for dwPart,
// dwMemOwner, and wType are the most optimal bindings for Index Server.
const ULONG cColumns = 2; // 2 for Size and Path
DBBINDING aColumns[ cColumns ]; memset( aColumns, 0, sizeof aColumns );
aColumns[0].iOrdinal = 1; // first column specified above (size)
aColumns[0].obValue = 0; // offset where value is written in GetData
aColumns[0].dwPart = DBPART_VALUE; // retrieve value, not status
aColumns[0].dwMemOwner = DBMEMOWNER_PROVIDEROWNED; // Index Server owned
aColumns[1] = aColumns[0]; aColumns[1].iOrdinal = 2; // second column specified above (path)
aColumns[1].obValue = sizeof (PROPVARIANT *); // offset for value
HACCESSOR hAccessor; hr = xIAccessor->CreateAccessor( DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, // rowdata accessor
cColumns, // # of columns
aColumns, // columns
0, // ignored
&hAccessor, // result
0 ); // no status
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) return hr;
// Display the results of the query. Print file size and file path.
do { DBCOUNTITEM cRowsReturned = 0; const ULONG cRowsAtATime = 10; HROW aHRow[cRowsAtATime]; HROW * pgrHRows = aHRow; hr = xIRowset->GetNextRows( 0, // no chapter
0, // no rows to skip
cRowsAtATime, // # rows to get
&cRowsReturned, // # rows returned
&pgrHRows); // resulting hrows
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) break;
for ( DBCOUNTITEM iRow = 0; iRow < cRowsReturned; iRow++ ) { PROPVARIANT * aData[cColumns]; hr = xIRowset->GetData( aHRow[iRow], // hrow being accessed
hAccessor, // accessor to use
&aData ); // resulting data
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) break;
if ( VT_I8 == aData[0]->vt && VT_LPWSTR == aData[1]->vt ) {
char szName[MAX_PATH]; char szProject[MAX_PATH]; char szRoot[MAX_PATH]; char szSubDir[MAX_PATH];
if ( FindSlmRoot( aData[1]->pwszVal, szName, szProject, szRoot, szSubDir ) ) { printf( "SERVER: %s, PROJECT: %s, FILE: %s\\%s\n", szRoot, szProject, szSubDir, szName );
SlmModifications aMods[10];
unsigned iStart = WhoModified( szName, szProject, szRoot, szSubDir, aMods, sizeof(aMods)/sizeof(aMods[0]) );
BOOL fHeader = TRUE;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(aMods)/sizeof(aMods[0]); i++ ) { if ( aMods[iStart].cMods > 0 ) { if ( fHeader ) { printf( " LAST MODIFIED BY: " ); fHeader = FALSE; } else printf( " " );
printf( "%s on %s", aMods[iStart].szLogname, aMods[iStart].szLastChange );
if ( aMods[iStart].cMods > 1 ) printf( " (%u changes)\n", aMods[iStart].cMods ); else printf( "\n" ); }
if ( iStart == sizeof(aMods)/sizeof(aMods[0]) ) iStart = 0; } } else { printf( "NON SLM FILE: %ws\n", aData[1]->pwszVal ); } } else printf( "could not retrieve a file's values\n" ); }
if ( 0 != cRowsReturned ) xIRowset->ReleaseRows( cRowsReturned, // # of rows to release
aHRow, // rows to release
0, // no options
0, // no refcounts
0 ); // no status
if ( DB_S_ENDOFROWSET == hr ) { hr = S_OK; // succeeded, return S_OK from DoQuery
break; }
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) break;
cRowsSoFar += cRowsReturned; } while ( TRUE );
printf( "%d files matched the query '%ws'\n", cRowsSoFar, pwcQueryRestriction );
xIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor( hAccessor, 0 );
return hr; } //DoQuery
// Function: Usage
// Synopsis: Displays information about how to use the app and exits
void Usage() { printf( "usage: QSAMPLE query [/c:catalog] [/m:machine] [/d]\n\n" ); printf( " query an Indexing Service query\n" ); printf( " /c:catalog name of the catalog, default is SYSTEM\n" ); printf( " /m:machine name of the machine, default is local machine\n" ); printf( " /d display the DBCOMMANDTREE, default is off\n" ); exit( -1 ); } //Usage
// Function: wmain
// Synopsis: Entry point for the app. Parses command line arguments
// and issues a query.
// Arguments: [argc] - Argument count
// [argv] - Arguments
extern "C" int __cdecl wmain( int argc, WCHAR * argv[] ) { WCHAR const * pwcCatalog = L"sources"; // default: system catalog
WCHAR const * pwcMachine = L"index2"; // default: Index2
WCHAR const * pwcRestriction = 0; // no default restriction
BOOL fDisplayTree = FALSE; // don't display the tree
// Parse command line parameters
for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( L'-' == argv[i][0] || L'/' == argv[i][0] ) { WCHAR wc = (WCHAR) toupper( argv[i][1] );
if ( ':' != argv[i][2] && 'D' != wc ) Usage();
if ( 'C' == wc ) pwcCatalog = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'M' == wc ) pwcMachine = argv[i] + 3; else if ( 'D' == wc ) fDisplayTree = TRUE; else Usage(); } else if ( 0 != pwcRestriction ) Usage(); else pwcRestriction = argv[i]; }
// A query restriction is necessary. Fail if none is given.
if ( 0 == pwcRestriction ) Usage();
// Run the query
HRESULT hr = DoQuery( pwcCatalog, pwcMachine, pwcRestriction, fDisplayTree );
if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { printf( "the query '%ws' failed with error %#x\n", pwcRestriction, hr ); return -1; }
return 0; } //wmain