// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// File: CICAT.HXX
// Contents: File catalog
// History: 09-Mar-92 BartoszM Created
// 15-Mar-93 BartoszM Converted to memory mapped streams
#pragma once
#include <dynstrm.hxx>
#include <catalog.hxx>
#include <spropmap.hxx>
#include <secstore.hxx>
#include <doclist.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
#include <ciintf.h>
#include <workman.hxx>
#include <cistore.hxx>
#include <pidtable.hxx>
#include <prpstmgr.hxx>
#include <ntopen.hxx>
#include <notifary.hxx>
#include "statmon.hxx"
#include "chash.hxx"
#include "notifmgr.hxx"
#include "scopetbl.hxx"
#include "scanmgr.hxx"
#include "scpfixup.hxx"
#include "signore.hxx"
#include "usnlist.hxx"
#include "usnmgr.hxx"
#include "filidmap.hxx"
#include "volinfo.hxx"
class CClientDocStore; class CCompositePropRecord; class CPrimaryPropRecord; class CDynLoadNetApi32;
#include "strings.hxx"
WCHAR const CAT_DIR[] = L"\\catalog.wci"; WCHAR const SETUP_DIR_PREFIX[] = L"\\$WIN_NT$.~";
// The path given for the catalog should leave room for \Catalog.Wci\8.3
// Leave room for 2 8.3 names with a backslash.
const MAX_CAT_PATH = MAX_PATH - 13*2;
void UpdateDuringRecovery( WORKID wid, BOOL fDelete, void const *pUserData );
// Class: CScopeEntry
// Purpose: Maintains a scope entry to rescan
// History: 4/3/98 mohamedn created
class CScopeEntry { public:
CScopeEntry(WCHAR const * pwszScope);
BOOL SetToParentDirectory(void);
BOOL ContainsSpecialChar(void) { return _fContainsSpecialChar; }
WCHAR const * Get(void) { return _xwcsPath.Get(); }
WCHAR * GetSpecialCharLocation(void); BOOL IsSpecialChar(WCHAR c); BOOL IsRoot(void);
BOOL _fContainsSpecialChar; XGrowable<WCHAR> _xwcsPath; unsigned _cclen;
// Class: CiCat
// Purpose: Catalog for downlevel media used by content index
// History: 10-Mar-92 BartoszM Created
// 17-Feb-98 KitmanH Added public function
// IsReadOnly()
class CiCat: public PCatalog { friend class CUpdate; friend class CRegistryScopesCallBackAdd; friend class CRegistryScopesCallBackFixups; friend class CRegistryScopesCallBackRemoveAlias; friend class CUserPropCallback;
friend class CClientDocStore; friend class CGibCallBack;
CiCat ( CClientDocStore & docStore, CWorkManager & workMan, const WCHAR* wcsCatPath, BOOL &fVersionChange, BOOL fOpenForReadOnly, CDrvNotifArray & DrvNotifArray, const WCHAR * pwcName, BOOL fLeaveCorruptCatalog );
~CiCat ();
const WCHAR * GetName() { return _xName.Get(); } const WCHAR * GetCatalogName() { return _xName.Get(); } const WCHAR * GetScopesKey() { return _xScopesKey.Get(); }
PROPID PropertyToPropId ( CFullPropSpec const & ps, BOOL fCreate = FALSE );
unsigned WorkIdToPath ( WORKID wid, CFunnyPath & funnyPath );
unsigned WorkIdToAccuratePath ( WORKID wid, CLowerFunnyPath & funnyPath );
BOOL PropertyRecordToFileId( CCompositePropRecord & PropRec, FILEID & fileId, VOLUMEID & volumeId );
WORKID PathToWorkId ( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, BOOL fCreate, BOOL & fNew, FILETIME * pftLastSeen, ESeenArrayType eType, FILEID fileId, WORKID widParent = widInvalid, BOOL fGuaranteedNew = FALSE );
WORKID PathToWorkId( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, const BOOL fCreate ) { BOOL fNew; return PathToWorkId( lcaseFunnyPath, fCreate, fNew, 0, eScansArray, fileIdInvalid ); }
WORKID PathToWorkId ( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, ESeenArrayType eType, FILEID fileId = fileIdInvalid ) { BOOL fNew; return PathToWorkId( lcaseFunnyPath, TRUE, fNew, 0, eType, fileId ); }
void RenameFile( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyOldName, const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyNewName, ULONG ulFileAttrib, VOLUMEID volumeId, FILEID fileId, WORKID widParent = widInvalid );
void WriteFileAttributes( WORKID wid, ULONG ulFileAttrib ) { PROPVARIANT propVar;
propVar.vt = VT_UI4; propVar.ulVal = ulFileAttrib; _propstoremgr.WriteProperty( wid, pidAttrib, *(CStorageVariant const *)(ULONG_PTR)&propVar ); }
PStorage& GetStorage ();
void FlushPropertyStore() { if ( _propstoremgr.IsBackedUpMode() ) _propstoremgr.Flush(); }
void Update( const CLowerFunnyPath & lowerFunnyPath, BOOL fDeleted, FILETIME const & ftLastSeen, ULONG ulFileAttrib ); void Update( const CLowerFunnyPath & lowerFunnyPath, FILEID fileId, WORKID widParent, USN usn, CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume, BOOL fDeleted, CReleasableLock * pLock = 0 );
void LokMarkForDeletion( FILEID fileId, WORKID wid );
void AddDocuments( CDocList const & docList );
void ReScanPath( WCHAR const * wcsPath, BOOL fDelayed );
BOOL EnumerateProperty( CFullPropSpec & ps, unsigned & cbInCache, ULONG & type, DWORD & dwStoreLevel, BOOL & fIsModifiable, unsigned & iBmk );
void ClearNonStoragePropertiesForWid( WORKID wid );
// Cache metadata changes
ULONG_PTR BeginCacheTransaction();
void SetupCache( CFullPropSpec const & ps, ULONG vt, ULONG cbMaxLen, ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCanBeModified, DWORD dwStoreLevel );
void EndCacheTransaction( ULONG_PTR ulToken, BOOL fCommit );
BOOL IsPropertyCached( CFullPropSpec const & ps ) { Win4Assert( !"Not Yet Implemented" ); return FALSE; }
BOOL StoreValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var );
BOOL FetchValue( WORKID wid, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb );
BOOL FetchValue( CCompositePropRecord & Rec, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, BYTE * pbExtra, unsigned * pcb );
BOOL FetchValue( WORKID wid, CFullPropSpec const & ps, PROPVARIANT & var );
BOOL FetchValue( CCompositePropRecord * pRec, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT * pbData, unsigned * pcb );
BOOL FetchValue( CCompositePropRecord * pRec, PROPID pid, PROPVARIANT & var );
CCompositePropRecord * OpenValueRecord( WORKID wid, BYTE * pb ); void CloseValueRecord( CCompositePropRecord * pRec );
SDID FetchSDID( CCompositePropRecord * pRec, WORKID wid );
void MarkUnReachable( WORKID wid ); // virtual
BOOL AccessCheck( SDID sdid, HANDLE hToken, ACCESS_MASK am, BOOL & fGranted );
void Delete( WORKID wid, USN usn ) {} void UpdateDocuments ( WCHAR const* rootPath=0, ULONG flag=UPD_FULL );
void CatalogState( ULONG & cDocuments, ULONG & cPendingScans, ULONG & fState );
void AddScopeToCI( WCHAR const * rootPath, BOOL fFromVirtual = FALSE ) { ScanOrAddScope( rootPath, TRUE, UPD_FULL, FALSE, TRUE, fFromVirtual ); }
DWORD ReScanCIScope( WCHAR const * rootPath, BOOL fFull );
void ScanOrAddScope( WCHAR const * rootPath, BOOL fAdd, ULONG flag, BOOL fDoDeletions, BOOL fScanIfNotNew, BOOL fCreateShadow = FALSE );
void RemoveScopeFromCI( WCHAR const * rootPath, BOOL fForceRemovalScan );
void RemovePathsFromCiCat( WCHAR const * rootPath, ESeenArrayType eType );
BOOL IsScopeInCI( WCHAR const * wcsScope );
BOOL AddVirtualScope( WCHAR const * vroot, WCHAR const * root, BOOL fAutomatic, CiVRootTypeEnum eType, BOOL fIsVRoot, BOOL fIsIndexed );
BOOL RemoveVirtualScope( WCHAR const * vroot, BOOL fOnlyIfAutomatic, CiVRootTypeEnum eType, BOOL fIsVRoot, BOOL fForceVPathFixing = FALSE );
unsigned WorkIdToVirtualPath( WORKID wid, unsigned cSkip, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xBuf );
unsigned WorkIdToVirtualPath( CCompositePropRecord & propRec, unsigned cSkip, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xBuf );
BOOL VirtualToPhysicalRoot( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, unsigned ccVPath, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, unsigned & iBmk );
inline BOOL VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, unsigned ccVPath, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, ULONG & ulType, unsigned & iBmk );
ULONG EnumerateVRoot( XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, unsigned & iBmk );
virtual SCODE CreateContentIndex(); virtual void EmptyContentIndex(); virtual void ShutdownPhase1(); virtual void ShutdownPhase2();
void DumpWorkId( WORKID wid, ULONG iid, BYTE * pb, ULONG cb );
void StartUpdate ( FILETIME* time, WCHAR const * pwcsScope, BOOL fDoDeletions, ESeenArrayType eType );
void Touch ( WORKID wid, ESeenArrayType eType );
void EndUpdate ( BOOL doDeletions, ESeenArrayType eType );
WCHAR * GetDriveName();
CRWStore * ComputeRelevantWords(ULONG cRows,ULONG cRW, WORKID *pwid,PARTITIONID partid);
CRWStore * RetrieveRelevantWords(BOOL fAcquire,PARTITIONID partid);
void SetPartition( PARTITIONID PartId ) { _PartId = PartId; } PARTITIONID GetPartition() const { return _PartId; }
void PidMapToPidRemap( const CPidMapper & pidMap, CPidRemapper & pidRemap );
SCODE CiState( CI_STATE & state );
void DoUpdate( WCHAR const* rootPath, ULONG flag, BOOL fDoDeletions, BOOL & fAbort, BOOL fProcessRoot );
void DoUpdate( CScanInfoList & scopes, CCiScanMgr & scanMgr, BOOL & fAbort );
void ProcessScansComplete( BOOL fForce, BOOL & fShortWait );
void IncrementUpdateCount( ULONG nUpdates ) { _notify.IncrementUpdateCount( nUpdates ); }
BOOL IsEligibleForFiltering( WCHAR const* wcsDirPath ); BOOL IsEligibleForFiltering( const CLowcaseBuf & LcaseDirPath ); BOOL IsEligibleForFiltering( const CLowerFunnyPath & lowerFunnyPath );
void SynchWithIIS( BOOL fRescanTC = TRUE, BOOL fSleep = TRUE ); void SynchWithRegistryScopes( BOOL fRescanTC = TRUE ); void SetupScopeFixups(); void SynchShares();
void DoRecovery();
void SetRecoveryCompleted(); BOOL IsRecoveryCompleted() { return _fRecoveryCompleted; }
void SignalPhase2Completion() { _evtPh2Init.Set(); };
void StartScansAndNotifies();
void HandleError( NTSTATUS status ); // virtual
BOOL IsDirectory( const CLowerFunnyPath * pOldFunnyPath, const CLowerFunnyPath * pNewFunnyPath );
static BOOL IsUNCName( WCHAR const * pwszPath );
BOOL IsReadOnly() { return _fIsReadOnly; }
void SetEvtInitialized() { _evtInitialized.Set(); }
void SetEvtPh2Init() { _evtPh2Init.Set(); }
// Disk full processing
void NoLokProcessDiskFull(); void NoLokClearDiskFull();
BOOL IsLowOnDisk() const { return _statusMonitor.IsLowOnDisk(); }
BOOL IsCorrupt( ) const { return _statusMonitor.IsCorrupt(); }
// Scan support
void MarkFullScanNeeded(); void MarkIncrScanNeeded();
// Changes Flush Support
void ProcessChangesFlush( FILETIME const & ftFlushed, ULONG cEntries, USN_FLUSH_INFO const * const * ppUsnEntries ); void ScheduleSerializeChanges(); void SerializeChangesInfo();
static BOOL IsDiskLowError( DWORD status );
static void FillMaxTime( FILETIME & ft ); static BOOL IsMaxTime( const FILETIME & ft );
// Support for CiFramework.
void StartupCiFrameWork( ICiManager * pCiManager );
unsigned FixupPath( WCHAR const * pwcOriginal, WCHAR * pwcResult, unsigned cwcResult, unsigned cSkip ) { return _scopeFixup.Fixup( pwcOriginal, pwcResult, cwcResult, cSkip ); }
void InverseFixupPath( CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath ) { _scopeFixup.InverseFixup( lcaseFunnyPath ); }
CCiScopeTable * GetScopeTable() { return & _scopeTable; }
CScopeFixup * GetScopeFixup() { return &_scopeFixup; }
CImpersonationTokenCache * GetImpersonationTokenCache() { return & _impersonationTokenCache; }
void RefreshRegistryParams();
WCHAR const * GetCatDir() const { return _wcsCatDir; }
CWorkManager & GetWorkMan() { return _workMan; }
void MakeBackupOfPropStore( WCHAR const * pwszDir, IProgressNotify * pIProgressNotify, BOOL & fAbort, ICiEnumWorkids * pIWorkIds );
BOOL ProcessFile( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, FILEID fileId, VOLUMEID volumeId, WORKID widParent, DWORD dwFileAttributes, WORKID & wid );
WORKID FileIdToWorkId( FILEID fileId, VOLUMEID volumeId ) { CLock lock( _mutex );
return _fileIdMap.LokFind( fileId, volumeId ); }
void FileIdToPath( FILEID fileId, CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, BOOL & fPathInScope );
unsigned FileIdToPath( FILEID & fileId, VOLUMEID volumeId, CLowerFunnyPath & funnyPath );
void UsnRecordToPathUsingParentId( USN_RECORD *pUsnRec, CUsnVolume *pUsnVolume, CLowerFunnyPath & lowerFunnyPath, BOOL &fPathInScope, WORKID & widParent, BOOL fParentMayNotBeIndexed );
BOOL VolumeSupportsUsns( WCHAR wcVolume ); BOOL IsOnUsnVolume( WCHAR const *pwszPath );
VOLUMEID MapPathToVolumeId( const WCHAR *pwszPath );
ULONGLONG const & GetJournalId( const WCHAR *pwszPath ); ULONGLONG const & GetVolumeCreationTime( const WCHAR *pwszPath ); ULONG GetVolumeSerialNumber( const WCHAR *pwszPath );
void InitUsnTreeScan( WCHAR const *pwszPath ); void SetUsnTreeScanComplete( WCHAR const *pwszPath, USN usnMax );
void SetTreeScanComplete( WCHAR const *pwszPath ); #if CIDBG==1
void CheckUsnTreeScan( WCHAR const *pwszPath ); #endif
ICiManager *CiManager() { Win4Assert( _xCiManager.GetPointer() ); return _xCiManager.GetPointer(); }
BOOL HasChanged( WORKID wid, FILETIME const & ft );
CCiRegParams * GetRegParams() { return & _regParams; }
PROPID StandardPropertyToPropId ( CFullPropSpec const & ps ) { return _propMapper.StandardPropertyToPropId( ps ); }
unsigned ReserveUpdate( WORKID wid ) { Win4Assert( FALSE ); return 0; } void Update( unsigned iHint, WORKID wid, PARTITIONID partid, USN usn, ULONG flags ) { Win4Assert( FALSE ); } void FlushScanStatus() {} BOOL IsNullCatalog() { return FALSE; }
CMutexSem & GetMutex() { return _mutex; }
friend void UpdateDuringRecovery( WORKID wid, BOOL fDelete, void const *pUserData );
BOOL _IsEligibleForFiltering( const WCHAR * pwcsPath, unsigned ccPath );
void ScanThisScope(WCHAR const * pwszPath);
void RemoveThisScope(WCHAR const * pwszPath, BOOL fForceRemovalScan );
void OnIgnoredScopeDelete(WCHAR const * pwcRoot, unsigned & iBmk, CRegAccess & regScopes);
void OnIndexedScopeDelete(WCHAR const * pwcRoot, unsigned & iBmk, CRegAccess & regScopes);
BOOL RemoveMatchingScopeTableEntries( WCHAR const * pwszRegXScope );
void ScanScopeTableEntry (WCHAR const * pwszScopeToRescan);
SCODE Update( WORKID wid, PARTITIONID partid, VOLUMEID volumeId, USN usn, ULONG flags );
void SignalDaemonRescanTC() { _evtRescanTC->Set(); }
void EvtLogIISAdminNotAvailable();
void SetName( const WCHAR *pwc ) { _xName.Init( wcslen( pwc ) + 1 ); RtlCopyMemory( _xName.Get(), pwc, _xName.SizeOf() ); }
void EnableUpdateNotifies();
CPidLookupTable & GetPidLookupTable() { return _PidTable; }
void LokWriteFileUsnInfo( WORKID wid, FILEID fileId, BOOL fWriteToPropStore, VOLUMEID volumeId, WORKID widParent, DWORD dwFileAttributes );
void PersistMaxUSNs( void ); void RenameFileInternal( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyOldName, const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyNewName, ULONG ulFileAttrib, VOLUMEID volumeId, FILEID fileId, WORKID widParent); WORKID PathToWorkIdInternal ( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, BOOL fCreate, BOOL & fNew, FILETIME * pftLastSeen, ESeenArrayType eType, FILEID fileId, WORKID widParent, BOOL fGuaranteedNew);
#if CIDBG==1
void DebugPrintWidInfo( WORKID wid ); #endif
BOOL IsInit() { return eStarting != _state; }
BOOL LokExists(); void LokCreate(); void LokInit();
void InitOrCreate();
void InitIf( BOOL fLeaveCorruptCatalog = FALSE ); void CreateIf();
void AbortWorkItems();
void LogCiFailure( NTSTATUS status );
BOOL IsIgnoreNotification( WORKID wid, const CFunnyPath & funnyPath, ULONG ulFileAttrib );
void AddShadowScopes();
BOOL IsStarting() const { return (eStarting == _state || eQueryOnly == _state); }
BOOL IsStarted() const { return (eStarted == _state || eQueryOnly == _state); }
BOOL IsShuttingDown() const { return (eShutdownPhase1 == _state); }
BOOL IsShutdown() const { return (eShutdown == _state); }
BOOL IsCiDataCorrupt() const { return _scopeTable.IsCiDataCorrupt(); }
void ClearCiDataCorrupt() { _scopeTable.ClearCiDataCorrupt(); }
BOOL IsFsCiDataCorrupt() const { return _scopeTable.IsFsCiDataCorrupt(); }
void LogEvent( CCiStatusMonitor::EMessageType eType, DWORD status = STATUS_SUCCESS, ULONG val = 0 ) { _statusMonitor.LogEvent( eType, status, val ); }
// Helper routines for properties
void RecoverUserProperties( ULONG_PTR ulToken, DWORD dwStoreLevel );
void DeleteUserProperty( CFullPropSpec const & fps );
FILEID PathToFileId( const CFunnyPath & pwcPath );
WORKID LokLookupWid( const CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPath, FILEID & fileId );
void AddShares( CDynLoadNetApi32 & dlNetApi32 );
void RefreshIfShadowAlias( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, WCHAR const * pwcsAlias, HKEY hkey );
void AddShadowAlias( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, WCHAR const * pwcsAlias, unsigned iSlot, HKEY hkey );
void DeleteIfShadowAlias( WCHAR const * pwcsScope, WCHAR const * pwcsAlias );
enum EState { eStarting, eQueryOnly, eStarted, eShutdownPhase1, eShutdown };
ULONG _ulSignature; // Signature of start of privates
CCiRegParams _regParams; CStandardPropMapper _propMapper;
CScopeMatch _CatDir; // skip indexing catalog directory
BOOL _fIsReadOnly; // TRUE if catalog is read-only
BOOL _fDiskPerfEnabled; // TRUE if DiskPerf.sys is loaded
CiStorage* _pStorage; // Allocates storage
EState _state;
CImpersonationTokenCache _impersonationTokenCache;
CScopeFixup _scopeFixup; // path fixup for remote clients
CScopesIgnored _scopesIgnored; // paths that shouldn't be filtered
CClientDocStore & _docStore; // Document store interface
XGrowable<WCHAR> _xwcsDriveName; // Large buffer for UNC drive
WCHAR _wcsCatDir[MAX_PATH]; // path to catalog directory
CCiStatusMonitor _statusMonitor; // CI Status monitoring
BOOL _fInitialized; // Set to true when fully initilaized.
// Optimization - test before doing a wait.
CEventSem _evtInitialized; // Event set when initialization is
// completed.
CEventSem _evtPh2Init; // Phase2 initialization
CPropStoreManager _propstoremgr; // Property values cached through this.
CStrings _strings; // pointers to strings and hash table
CFileIdMap _fileIdMap; // File id to wid map
CPidLookupTable _PidTable; // PROPID mapping table
CSdidLookupTable _SecStore; // SDID mapping table
CMutexSem _mutex; CMutexSem _mtxAdmin; // Lock for admin operations.
PARTITIONID _PartId; // partitions are not supported
CWorkManager & _workMan; // Asynchronous work item manager
CMutexSem _mtxIISSynch; // IIS Synch protection
long _cIISSynchThreads;
CCiScanMgr _scanMgr; // Scanning thread manager
CUsnMgr _usnMgr; // Usn thread manager
CCiNotifyMgr _notify; // Change notifications.
CCiScopeTable _scopeTable; // Table of all scopes in CI
BOOL _fRecovering; // TRUE if in midst of dirty shutdown recovery
BOOL _fRecoveryCompleted; // TRUE AFTER recovery has successfully completed
BOOL _fAutoAlias; // TRUE if all net shares should be added as fixups
BOOL _fIndexW3Roots; // TRUE if should grovel W3 roots
BOOL _fIndexNNTPRoots; // TRUE if should grovel NNTP roots
BOOL _fIndexIMAPRoots; // TRUE if should grovel IMAP roots
ULONG _W3SvcInstance; // instance # of w3svc
ULONG _NNTPSvcInstance; // instance # of nntpsvc
ULONG _IMAPSvcInstance; // instance # of imapsvc
BOOL _fIsIISAdminAlive; // TRUE if the iisadmin svc is up
FILETIME _ftLastCLFlush; // Last ChangeLog Flush time
CUsnFlushInfoList _usnFlushInfoList; // List of usn info
CVolumeInfo _aUsnVolumes[ RTL_MAX_DRIVE_LETTERS ]; // Info about each usn volume
unsigned _cUsnVolumes; CDrvNotifArray & _DrvNotifArray;
// CI Framework support.
XInterface<ICiManager> _xCiManager; // ContentIndex manager
XInterface<ICiCAdviseStatus> _xAdviseStatus;
XPtr<CEventSem> _evtRescanTC; // Rescan token cache
XArray<WCHAR> _xName; // friendly name of catalog
XArray<WCHAR> _xScopesKey; // handy registry key
inline BOOL CiCat::IsDiskLowError( DWORD status ) { return STATUS_DISK_FULL == status || ERROR_DISK_FULL == status || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DISK_FULL) == status || FILTER_S_DISK_FULL == status || CI_E_CONFIG_DISK_FULL == status; }
inline void CiCat::FillMaxTime( FILETIME & ft ) { ft.dwLowDateTime = 0xFFFFFFFF; ft.dwHighDateTime = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
inline BOOL CiCat::IsMaxTime( const FILETIME & ft ) { return 0xFFFFFFFF == ft.dwLowDateTime && 0xFFFFFFFF == ft.dwHighDateTime; }
inline BOOL CiCat::VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots( WCHAR const * pwcVPath, unsigned ccVPath, XGrowable<WCHAR> & xwcsVRoot, unsigned & ccVRoot, CLowerFunnyPath & lcaseFunnyPRoot, unsigned & ccPRoot, ULONG & ulType, unsigned & iBmk ) { return _strings.VirtualToAllPhysicalRoots( pwcVPath, ccVPath, xwcsVRoot, ccVRoot, lcaseFunnyPRoot, ccPRoot, ulType, iBmk ); }
// Class: CReferenceCount
// Purpose: Counts references
// History: 23-Sep-97 dlee Created
class CReferenceCount { public: CReferenceCount( long & lCount, BOOL fInc = TRUE ) : _lCount( lCount ), _fInc( fInc ) { if ( fInc ) InterlockedIncrement( &_lCount ); }
long Increment() { Win4Assert( !_fInc ); _fInc = TRUE; return InterlockedIncrement( &_lCount ); }
long Decrement() { Win4Assert( _fInc ); _fInc = FALSE; return InterlockedDecrement( &_lCount ); }
~CReferenceCount() { if ( _fInc ) InterlockedDecrement( &_lCount ); }
private: long & _lCount; BOOL _fInc; };