// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 1998.
// File: assert.cxx
// Contents: Debugging output routines for idsmgr.dll
// Functions: Assert
// PopUpError
// History: 23-Jul-91 KyleP Created.
// 09-Oct-91 KevinRo Major changes and comments added
// 18-Oct-91 vich moved debug print routines out
// 10-Jun-92 BryanT Switched to w4crt.h instead of wchar.h
// 30-Sep-93 KyleP DEVL obsolete
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
// This one file **always** uses debugging options
#if CIDBG == 1
// needed for CT TOM assert events trapping
#include <assert.hxx>
#include <namesem.hxx>
#include <smem.hxx>
#include <ciregkey.hxx>
#include <regacc.hxx>
#include <dprintf.h> // w4printf, w4dprintf prototypes
#include <cidllsem.hxx>
#undef FAR
#undef NEAR
unsigned long Win4InfoLevel = DEF_INFOLEVEL; unsigned long Win4InfoMask = 0xffffffff; unsigned long Win4AssertLevel = ASSRT_MESSAGE | ASSRT_STRESSBREAK; extern char * aDebugBuf;
// Function: _asdprintf
// Synopsis: Calls vdprintf to output a formatted message.
// History: 18-Oct-91 vich Created
inline void __cdecl _asdprintf( char const *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszfmt);
vdprintf(DEB_FORCE, "Assert", pszfmt, va);
va_end(va); }
// Function: _Win4Assert, private
// Synopsis: Display assertion information
// Effects: Called when an assertion is hit.
// History: 12-Jul-91 AlexT Created.
// 05-Sep-91 AlexT Catch Throws and Catches
// 19-Oct-92 HoiV Added events for TOM
EXPORTIMP void APINOT Win4AssertEx( char const * szFile, int iLine, char const * szMessage) { #if 0
// This code is for the CT Lab only. When running in the lab,
// all assert popups will be trapped and notifications will
// be sent to the manager. If running in the office (non-lab
// mode), the event CTTOMTrapAssertEvent will not exist and
// consequently, no event will be pulsed.
HANDLE hTrapAssertEvent, hThreadStartEvent;
if (hTrapAssertEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, CAIRO_CT_TOM_TRAP_ASSERT_EVENT)) { SetEvent(hTrapAssertEvent);
// This event is to allow TOM Manager time to perform
// a CallBack to the dispatcher.
// Wait until it's ok to popup or until timed-out
WaitForSingleObject(hThreadStartEvent, TWO_MINUTES); } } #endif // 0
// Always check to make sure the assert flag hasn't changed.
CRegAccess regAdmin( RTL_REGISTRY_CONTROL, wcsRegAdmin );
ULONG ulLevel = regAdmin.Read( wcsWin4AssertLevel, 0xFFFFFFFF );
if (ulLevel != 0xFFFFFFFF ) SetWin4AssertLevel( ulLevel );
// Do the assert
if (Win4AssertLevel & ASSRT_MESSAGE) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
_asdprintf("%s File: %s Line: %u, thread id %d\n", szMessage, szFile, iLine, tid); }
if (Win4AssertLevel & ASSRT_POPUP) { int id = PopUpError(szMessage,iLine,szFile);
if (id == IDCANCEL) { DebugBreak(); } } else if (Win4AssertLevel & ASSRT_STRESSBREAK) { //
// See if a debugger is attachable. If not, then put up a popup.
try { CRegAccess regAeDebug( RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AeDebug" );
WCHAR wcsTemp[100]; regAeDebug.Get( L"Auto", wcsTemp, sizeof(wcsTemp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( L'1' == wcsTemp[0] && 0 == wcsTemp[1] ) { regAeDebug.Get( L"Debugger", wcsTemp, sizeof(wcsTemp)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( 0 != wcsTemp[0] && 0 == wcsstr( wcsTemp, L"drwtsn" ) ) { fOk = TRUE; } } } catch( ... ) { }
// Debugger is attachable, break in.
if ( fOk ) { w4dprintf( "***\n***\n*** Restartable software exception used to activate user-mode\n" ); w4dprintf( "*** debugger. Enter 'g' to continue past assert (if you can't wait).\n" ); w4dprintf( "*** Please send mail to the NtQuery alias first. aDebugBuf = 0x%x\n***\n***\n", aDebugBuf );
RaiseException( ASSRT_STRESSEXCEPTION, 0, 0, 0 ); }
// No debugger. Put up a popup.
else { int id = PopUpError(szMessage,iLine,szFile);
if (id == IDCANCEL) { DebugBreak(); } } } else if (Win4AssertLevel & ASSRT_BREAK) { DebugBreak(); } }
// Function: SetWin4InfoLevel(unsigned long ulNewLevel)
// Synopsis: Sets the global info level for debugging output
// Returns: Old info level
EXPORTIMP unsigned long APINOT SetWin4InfoLevel( unsigned long ulNewLevel) { unsigned long ul;
ul = Win4InfoLevel; Win4InfoLevel = ulNewLevel; return(ul); }
// Function: _SetWin4InfoMask(unsigned long ulNewMask)
// Synopsis: Sets the global info mask for debugging output
// Returns: Old info mask
EXPORTIMP unsigned long APINOT SetWin4InfoMask( unsigned long ulNewMask) { unsigned long ul;
ul = Win4InfoMask; Win4InfoMask = ulNewMask; return(ul); }
// Function: _SetWin4AssertLevel(unsigned long ulNewLevel)
// Synopsis: Sets the global assert level for debugging output
// Returns: Old assert level
EXPORTIMP unsigned long APINOT SetWin4AssertLevel( unsigned long ulNewLevel) { unsigned long ul;
ul = Win4AssertLevel; Win4AssertLevel = ulNewLevel; return(ul); }
// Function: PopUpError
// Synopsis: Displays a dialog box using provided text,
// and presents the user with the option to
// continue or cancel.
// Arguments:
// szMsg -- The string to display in main body of dialog
// iLine -- Line number of file in error
// szFile -- Filename of file in error
// Returns:
// IDCANCEL -- User selected the CANCEL button
// IDOK -- User selected the OK button
EXPORTIMP int APINOT PopUpError( char const *szMsg, int iLine, char const *szFile) { static char szAssertCaption[128]; static char szModuleName[128];
DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); char * pszModuleName;
if (GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, szModuleName, 128)) { pszModuleName = strrchr(szModuleName, '\\'); if ( 0 == pszModuleName ) pszModuleName = szModuleName; else pszModuleName++; } else { pszModuleName = "Unknown"; }
sprintf( szAssertCaption,"Process: %s File: %s line %u, thread id %d.%d", pszModuleName, szFile, iLine, pid, tid);
UINT uiOldMode = SetErrorMode( 0 );
int id = MessageBoxA( 0, (char *) szMsg, (LPSTR) szAssertCaption, MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OKCANCEL );
SetErrorMode( uiOldMode );
// If id == 0, then an error occurred. There are two possibilities
// that can cause the error: Access Denied, which means that this
// process does not have access to the default desktop, and everything
// else (usually out of memory).
if (!id) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { //
// Retry this one with the SERVICE_NOTIFICATION flag on. That
// should get us to the right desktop.
} else { // default: break if you can't display the messagebox
id = IDCANCEL; } }
return id; }
// Function: vdprintf
// Synopsis: Prints debug output using a pointer to the
// variable information. Used primarily by the
// xxDebugOut macros
// Arguements:
// ulCompMask -- Component level mask used to determine
// output ability
// pszComp -- String const of component prefix.
// ppszfmt -- Pointer to output format and data
// This semaphore is *outside* vdprintf because the compiler isn't smart
// enough to serialize access for construction if it's function-local and
// protected by a guard variable.
// KyleP - 20 May, 1993
CDLLStaticMutexSem g_mxsAssert;
CIPMutexSem mtxDebugBuf( L"CiDebugMtx", CIPMutexSem::AppendPid, FALSE, 0 ); CNamedSharedMem memDebugBuf( L"CiDebugMem", CNamedSharedMem::AppendPid, 1024 * 32 ); BOOL * pfUseDebugBuf = 0; BOOLEAN * pfIsBeingDebugged = 0; ULONG * piDebugBuf = 0; char * aDebugBuf = 0;
// Very special version of the debug allocator. Doesn't record allocation
// in log. Failure to free is not considered a leak.
#if CIDBG == 1
void * ciNewDebugNoRecord( size_t size );
enum eAlloc { NoRecordAlloc }; inline void * __cdecl operator new ( size_t size, eAlloc ) { return ciNewDebugNoRecord( size ); } #endif
EXPORTIMP void APINOT vdprintf( unsigned long ulCompMask, char const *pszComp, char const *ppszfmt, va_list pargs) { if ((ulCompMask & DEB_FORCE) == DEB_FORCE || ((ulCompMask | Win4InfoLevel) & Win4InfoMask)) { DWORD tid = GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
if ( 0 == pfUseDebugBuf ) { piDebugBuf = (ULONG *)memDebugBuf.Get(); pfUseDebugBuf = (BOOL *)memDebugBuf.Get() + sizeof(*piDebugBuf); aDebugBuf = (char *)memDebugBuf.Get();
// We can look here to tell when a process is being debugged.
pfIsBeingDebugged = &NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged;
CIPLock lock( mtxDebugBuf );
if ( 0 == *piDebugBuf ) { *piDebugBuf = sizeof(*piDebugBuf) + sizeof(*pfUseDebugBuf); *pfUseDebugBuf = TRUE;
} }
BOOL fRequested = FALSE;
if ( 0 != pfIsBeingDebugged && *pfUseDebugBuf && !*pfIsBeingDebugged ) { mtxDebugBuf.Request(); fRequested = TRUE; }
// Assume no debug message will be > 1K
if ( *pfUseDebugBuf && *piDebugBuf >= ( 31 * 1024 ) ) *piDebugBuf = sizeof(*piDebugBuf) + sizeof(*pfUseDebugBuf);
if ((Win4InfoLevel & (DEB_DBGOUT | DEB_STDOUT)) != DEB_STDOUT) { if (! (ulCompMask & DEB_NOCOMPNAME)) { if ( 0 != pfIsBeingDebugged && *pfUseDebugBuf && !*pfIsBeingDebugged ) { *piDebugBuf += sprintf( aDebugBuf + *piDebugBuf, "%d.%03d> ", pid, tid ); *piDebugBuf += sprintf( aDebugBuf + *piDebugBuf, "%s: ", pszComp); } else { w4dprintf( "%d.%03d> ", pid, tid ); w4dprintf("%s: ", pszComp); } }
if ( 0 != pfIsBeingDebugged && *pfUseDebugBuf && !*pfIsBeingDebugged ) *piDebugBuf += vsprintf( aDebugBuf + *piDebugBuf, ppszfmt, pargs ); else w4vdprintf(ppszfmt, pargs); }
if (Win4InfoLevel & DEB_STDOUT) { if (! (ulCompMask & DEB_NOCOMPNAME)) { w4printf( "%03d> ", tid ); w4printf("%s: ", pszComp); } w4vprintf(ppszfmt, pargs); }
if ( fRequested ) mtxDebugBuf.Release();
g_mxsAssert.Release(); } }
int assertDontUseThisName(void) { return 1; }
#endif // CIDBG == 1