// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1998
// File: falloc.cxx
// Contents: Fast allocator that sits on top of HeapAlloc for
// better size and performance on small allocations.
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
// Notes: No header/tail checking is done in this allocator.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "falloc.hxx"
#pragma optimize( "t", on )
extern HANDLE gmem_hHeap;
// any allocation larger than this isn't specially handled
const USHORT cbMaxFalloc = 256;
// allows more than 150 meg of allocations of less than cbMaxFalloc.
const ULONG cMaxPages = 2048;
// size of first page for each allocation granularity
const ULONG cbFirstPage = 2048; //1024;
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
DECLARE_DEBUG( fal ); DECLARE_INFOLEVEL( fal ); #define falDebugOut(x) falInlineDebugOut x
const int fillFastAlloc = 0xda; const int fillListAlloc = 0xdb; const int fillFree = 0xdc; const int fillBigAlloc = 0xdd; const int fillBigFree = 0xde;
void memPrintMemoryChains();
// Define this to keep track of the amount of non-specially-handled
// memory allocated. Should be turned off for a retail build.
#endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
CMemMutex gmem_mutex;
static inline void EnterMemSection() { gmem_mutex.Enter(); }
static inline void LeaveMemSection() { gmem_mutex.Leave(); }
// Class: CPageHeader
// Purpose: Each page allocated has one of these objects at its start.
// Pages aren't necessarily the system page size.
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
class CPageHeader { public:
void Init( ULONG cbChunk, UINT cbPage ) { _cbChunk = (USHORT) cbChunk; _pcFreeList = 0; _cbFree = cbPage - sizeof CPageHeader; _cAlloced = 0; _pcEndPlusOne = ( (char *) this ) + cbPage; _pphPrev = 0; }
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
void CheckFreeList() const { // validate the free list head; look for heap trashing
ciAssert( _pcFreeList < _pcEndPlusOne );
if ( 0 == _pcFreeList ) return;
UINT_PTR ulBase = (UINT_PTR) (this + 1); UINT_PTR ulFreeList = (UINT_PTR) _pcFreeList; ciAssert( ulFreeList >= ulBase );
// freelist pointers are from the start of each chunk
UINT_PTR ulDiff = ulFreeList - ulBase; ciAssert( 0 == ( ulDiff % _cbChunk ) ); } #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
void * FastAlloc() { // allocates memory from beyond the end of currently allocated space
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ciAssert(( _cbChunk <= cbMaxFalloc )); ciAssert(( _cbFree >= _cbChunk )); ciAssert(( _cAlloced < 65535 )); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
void *pv = _pcEndPlusOne - _cbFree; _cbFree -= _cbChunk; _cAlloced++;
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ciAssert( IsInPage( pv ) ); RtlFillMemory( pv, _cbChunk, fillFastAlloc ); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
return pv; }
void * FreeListAlloc() { // allocates memory from the freelist
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ciAssert(( _cAlloced < 65535 )); // overflow?
CheckFreeList(); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
_cAlloced++; void *pv = _pcFreeList; _pcFreeList = * ( (char **) pv );
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ciAssert(( ( 0 == _pcFreeList ) || ( _pcFreeList > (char *) this ) )); ciAssert( IsInPage( pv ) ); CheckFreeList(); RtlFillMemory( pv, _cbChunk, fillListAlloc ); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
return pv; }
void Free( void * pv ) { #if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ciAssert(( GetChunkSize() <= cbMaxFalloc )); ciAssert(( IsInPage( pv ) )); ciAssert( 0 != _cAlloced ); CheckFreeList(); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
// put the block at the front of the page's freelist
( * (char **) pv ) = _pcFreeList; _pcFreeList = (char *) pv; _cAlloced--;
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
CheckFreeList(); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
BOOL IsValidPointer( const void * pv ) const { #if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
CheckFreeList(); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
void * pvBase = (void *) (this + 1); UINT_PTR diff = (UINT_PTR) ( (char *) pv - (char *) pvBase ); UINT_PTR mod = diff % _cbChunk;
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
if ( 0 != mod ) { falDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "Invalid small pointer: 0x%x\n", pv )); ciAssert( !"Invalid small pointer" ); } #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
return ( 0 == mod ); }
BOOL IsInPage( void * pv ) { return ( ( pv >= (char *) this ) && ( pv < _pcEndPlusOne ) ); }
ULONG Size() { return (ULONG) ( _pcEndPlusOne - (char *) this ); }
char * GetEndPlusOne() { return _pcEndPlusOne; } char * GetFreeList() { return _pcFreeList; }
void SetNext( CPageHeader * p ) { _pphNext = p; } CPageHeader * Next() { return _pphNext; }
void SetPrev( CPageHeader * p ) { _pphPrev = p; } CPageHeader * Prev() { return _pphPrev; }
ULONG GetFreeSize() { return _cbFree; }
ULONG GetAlloced() { return _cAlloced; } BOOL IsPageEmpty() { return 0 == _cAlloced; }
ULONG GetChunkSize() { return _cbChunk; }
char * _pcEndPlusOne; // one byte past the end of this page
char * _pcFreeList; // first element in the free list
CPageHeader * _pphNext; // next page of the same chunk size
CPageHeader * _pphPrev; // previous page of the same chunk size
ULONG _cbFree; // # bytes free and not in free list
USHORT _cAlloced; // allows for maximum of 256k page size
USHORT _cbChunk; // size of allocations in this page
LONG gmem_cbNotInPages = 0; LONG gmem_cbPeakNotInPages = 0; #endif //FALLOC_TRACK_NOTINPAGE
// # of pages currently allocated
UINT gmem_cPages = 0;
// peak # of bytes allocated at once
ULONG gmem_cbPeakUsage = 0;
// current # of bytes allocated
ULONG gmem_cbCurrentUsage = 0;
// array of pointers to pages for each allocation size, the first of
// which is the best place to look for an allocation.
CPageHeader * gmem_aHints[ cbMaxFalloc / cbMemAlignment ];
// array of all pages allocated, sorted by address
CPageHeader * gmem_aPages[ cMaxPages ];
// Function: SizeToHint
// Synopsis: Translates a memory allocation size to an index in the
// hint array. If alignment is 8, any allocation of size 1
// to 8 is in hint 0, size 9 to 16 is hint 1, etc.
// Arguments: [cb] -- size of the allocation
// Returns: The hint
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
static inline ULONG SizeToHint( ULONG cb ) { ciAssert(( cb <= cbMaxFalloc )); ciAssert(( cb >= cbMemAlignment ));
return ( cb / cbMemAlignment ) - 1; } //SizeToHint
// Function: ReallyAllocate
// Synopsis: Calls the real memory allocator.
// Arguments: [cb] -- size of the allocation
// Returns: The pointer or 0 on failure
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
static inline void *ReallyAllocate( UINT cb ) { return (void *) HeapAlloc( gmem_hHeap, 0, cb ); } //ReallyAllocate
// Function: ReallyFree
// Synopsis: Frees memory
// Arguments: [pv] -- pointer to free
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
static inline void ReallyFree( void * pv ) {
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
if ( !HeapFree( gmem_hHeap, 0, pv ) ) ciAssert(!"Bad ptr for operator delete => LocalFree");
#else // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
HeapFree( gmem_hHeap, 0, pv );
#endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
} //ReallyFree
static inline BOOL ReallyIsValidPointer( const void * pv ) { BOOL fOK = ( -1 != HeapSize( gmem_hHeap, 0, pv ) );
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
if ( !fOK ) ciAssert( !"Invalid Pointer Detected" );
#endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
return fOK; } //ReallyIsValidPointer
// Function: ReallyGetSize
// Synopsis: Returns the size of an allocation
// Arguments: [pv] -- pointer to allocated memory
// Returns: Size of the allocation
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
static inline UINT ReallyGetSize( void const * pv ) { return (UINT)HeapSize( gmem_hHeap, 0, pv ); } //ReallyGetSize
// Function: memFindPageIndex
// Synopsis: Finds the page in which a pointer might reside or where
// a new page would be inserted.
// Arguments: [pv] -- pointer to use for the search
// Returns: The page number in which the page either resides or would
// reside (if doing an insertion).
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
inline ULONG memFindPageIndex( const void * pv ) { ULONG cPages = gmem_cPages; ULONG iHi = cPages - 1; ULONG iLo = 0;
// do a binary search looking for the page
do { ULONG cHalf = cPages / 2;
if ( 0 != cHalf ) { ULONG cTmp = cHalf - 1 + ( cPages & 1 ); ULONG iMid = iLo + cTmp;
CPageHeader *page = gmem_aPages[ iMid ];
if ( page > pv ) { iHi = iMid - 1; cPages = cTmp; } else if ( page->GetEndPlusOne() <= pv ) { iLo = iMid + 1; cPages = cHalf; } else { return iMid; } } else if ( 0 != cPages ) { if ( ( gmem_aPages[ iLo ]->GetEndPlusOne() ) > pv ) return iLo; else return iLo + 1; } else return iLo; } while ( TRUE );
ciAssert(( ! "Invalid memFindPageIndex function exit point" )); return 0; } //memFindPageIndex
// Function: AdjustPageSize
// Synopsis: Picks a page size for an allocation of a certain size base
// on the allocation usage so far.
// Arguments: [cbAtLeast] -- the page must be at least this large.
// [cbChunk] -- size of the allocation.
// Returns: The recommended page size for a new page of allocations of
// size cbChunk.
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
static inline ULONG AdjustPageSize( UINT cbAtLeast, USHORT cbChunk ) { ciAssert(( cbChunk <= cbMaxFalloc ));
UINT cPages = 0; CPageHeader * p = gmem_aHints[ SizeToHint( cbChunk ) ];
while ( 0 != p ) { cPages++; p = p->Next(); }
UINT cbPage;
if ( 0 == cPages ) cbPage = cbFirstPage; else if ( cPages < 4 ) cbPage = 4096; else if ( cPages < 16 ) cbPage = 8192; else if ( cPages < 200 ) cbPage = 16384; else if ( cPages < 256 ) cbPage = 32768; else cbPage = 65536;
return __max( cbAtLeast, cbPage ); } //AdjustPageSize
// Function: memAddPage
// Synopsis: Allocates and adds a page to the list of pages
// Arguments: [cbPage] -- the page must be at least this large.
// [cbChunk] -- size of each allocation in the page.
// Returns: pointer to the page
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
CPageHeader * memAddPage( UINT cbPage, ULONG cbChunk ) { ciAssert(( cbChunk <= cbMaxFalloc )); ciAssert(( gmem_cPages < ( cMaxPages - 1 ) ));
// first-pass initializations for the allocator
if ( 0 == gmem_cbPeakUsage ) { RtlZeroMemory( gmem_aHints, sizeof gmem_aHints ); RtlZeroMemory( gmem_aPages, sizeof gmem_aPages ); }
void * pvPage = ReallyAllocate( cbPage );
// fail out-of-memory gracefully
if ( 0 == pvPage ) return 0;
gmem_cbCurrentUsage += cbPage; gmem_cbPeakUsage = __max( gmem_cbPeakUsage, gmem_cbCurrentUsage );
CPageHeader * page = (CPageHeader *) pvPage;
ULONG iPage;
if ( 0 == gmem_cPages ) iPage = 0; else { iPage = memFindPageIndex( page );
ciAssert(( iPage <= gmem_cPages ));
// the pages are kept in order of address, so shift elements
// down to make room if necessary.
if ( iPage < gmem_cPages ) RtlMoveMemory( & ( gmem_aPages[ iPage + 1 ] ), & ( gmem_aPages[ iPage ] ), ( sizeof(void *) ) * ( gmem_cPages - iPage ) ); }
// add the new page
gmem_aPages[ iPage ] = page; gmem_cPages++;
page->Init( cbChunk, cbPage );
ULONG iHint = SizeToHint( cbChunk ); CPageHeader *pOriginal = gmem_aHints[ iHint ]; gmem_aHints[ iHint ] = page; page->SetNext( pOriginal ); if ( 0 != pOriginal ) pOriginal->SetPrev( page );
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
// make sure the pages really are sorted
if ( gmem_cPages >= 2 ) for ( ULONG x = 0; x < gmem_cPages - 1; x++ ) ciAssert(( gmem_aPages[ x ] < gmem_aPages[ x + 1 ] ));
#endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
return page; } //memAddPage
// Function: memDeletePage
// Synopsis: Deletes a page from the list of pages
// Arguments: [index] -- index of the page to be deleted.
// [page] -- pointer to the page to be deleted.
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
void memDeletePage( ULONG index, CPageHeader * page ) { ciAssert(( index < gmem_cPages ));
// leave the first page around -- it's small and cheap
if ( page->Size() == cbFirstPage ) return;
// remove the page from the hint array
ULONG iHint = SizeToHint( page->GetChunkSize() );
if ( gmem_aHints[ iHint ] == page ) { // it's the first element in the hint linked list
gmem_aHints[ iHint ] = page->Next(); if ( 0 != page->Next() ) page->Next()->SetPrev( 0 ); } else { // it's somewhere in the list of hints
ciAssert(( 0 != page->Prev() ));
page->Prev()->SetNext( page->Next() ); if ( 0 != page->Next() ) page->Next()->SetPrev( page->Prev() ); }
if ( index < gmem_cPages ) RtlMoveMemory( & ( gmem_aPages[ index ] ), & ( gmem_aPages[ index + 1 ] ), (sizeof( void * )) * ( gmem_cPages - index ) );
gmem_cbCurrentUsage -= page->Size();
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
// make sure the pages really are sorted
if ( gmem_cPages >= 2 ) for ( ULONG x = 0; x < gmem_cPages - 1; x++ ) ciAssert(( gmem_aPages[ x ] < gmem_aPages[ x + 1 ] ));
#endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ReallyFree( page ); } //memDeletePage
// Function: memAlloc
// Synopsis: Allocates a piece of memory. This code should never raise
// in any circumstance other than memory corruption.
// Arguments: [cbAlloc] -- # of bytes to allocate
// Returns: pointer to the memory or 0 if failed
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
void * memAlloc( UINT cbAlloc) { // 0 sized allocations are ok in C++ and must return unique pointers
// Align all allocations.
// Do this work here, where it is not under lock
if ( 0 != cbAlloc ) cbAlloc = memAlignBlock( cbAlloc ); else cbAlloc = cbMemAlignment;
// can we special-case this allocation?
if ( cbAlloc <= cbMaxFalloc ) { // try the hint page first
ULONG iHint = SizeToHint( cbAlloc );
CPageHeader *page = gmem_aHints[ iHint ];
if ( 0 != page ) { // most typical case is re-use of memory
if ( 0 != page->GetFreeList() ) { void *pv = page->FreeListAlloc(); LeaveMemSection(); return pv; }
// next most typical case is first-time allocation
if ( cbAlloc <= page->GetFreeSize() ) { void *pv = page->FastAlloc(); LeaveMemSection(); return pv; }
// otherwise look for a page with a freelist entry
page = page->Next();
while ( 0 != page ) { ciAssert(( cbAlloc == page->GetChunkSize() ));
// if this weren't true, why isn't the page a hint?
ciAssert(( cbAlloc > page->GetFreeSize() ));
if ( 0 != page->GetFreeList() ) { // try to make the hint be a page with free entries.
// this is about a 5% speedup when a lot is allocated.
CPageHeader *ptmp = gmem_aHints[ iHint ];
if ( page != ptmp ) { page->Prev()->SetNext( page->Next() ); if ( 0 != page->Next() ) page->Next()->SetPrev( page->Prev() );
page->SetPrev( 0 ); page->SetNext( ptmp ); ptmp->SetPrev( page );
gmem_aHints[ iHint ] = page; }
void *pv = page->FreeListAlloc(); LeaveMemSection(); return pv; }
page = page->Next(); } }
// New page is needed
ciAssert(( 0 == page ));
if ( gmem_cPages < cMaxPages ) { page = memAddPage( AdjustPageSize( cbAlloc + sizeof CPageHeader, (USHORT)cbAlloc ), cbAlloc );
void *pv = 0;
if ( 0 != page ) pv = page->FastAlloc();
LeaveMemSection(); return pv; }
// wow. More than 150+ meg of allocations less than 256 bytes.
// Just call the real allocator (after asserting)
ciAssert(( !"bug? why did we allocate so much memory?" )); LeaveMemSection(); }
// just allocate a block and be done with it.
void *pv = ReallyAllocate( cbAlloc );
if ( 0 != pv ) { InterlockedExchangeAdd( &gmem_cbNotInPages, (LONG) ReallyGetSize( pv ) ); if ( gmem_cbNotInPages > gmem_cbPeakNotInPages ) gmem_cbPeakNotInPages = gmem_cbNotInPages; } #endif //FALLOC_TRACK_NOTINPAGE
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
if ( 0 != pv ) RtlFillMemory( pv, cbAlloc, fillBigAlloc ); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
return pv; } //memAlloc
// Function: memFree
// Synopsis: Frees memory
// Arguments: [pv] -- pointer to free
// History: 15-Mar-96 dlee Created.
void memFree( void * pv ) { // ciDelete does this check
ciAssert( 0 != pv );
{ EnterMemSection();
ULONG index = memFindPageIndex( pv );
// The page is either in the array of tiny allocation pages
// or not in the array and is a stand-alone allocation.
if ( index < gmem_cPages ) { CPageHeader * page = gmem_aPages[ index ];
// metadata at head of page prevents this
ciAssert(( pv != page ));
// it's sufficient to check just the start of the page since if
// pv were greater than the end of the page the next index
// would have been returned from the memFindPageIndex() call
if ( pv > page ) { ciAssert(( pv >= ( (char *) page + ( sizeof CPageHeader ) ) )); ciAssert(( pv < page->GetEndPlusOne() ));
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
RtlFillMemory( pv, page->GetChunkSize(), fillFree ); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
page->Free( pv );
if ( page->IsPageEmpty() ) memDeletePage( index, page );
LeaveMemSection(); return; } }
LeaveMemSection(); }
InterlockedExchangeAdd( &gmem_cbNotInPages, - (LONG) ReallyGetSize( pv ) ); #endif //FALLOC_TRACK_NOTINPAGE
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ULONG cbBlock = ReallyGetSize( pv ); RtlFillMemory( pv, cbBlock, fillBigFree ); #endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
ReallyFree( pv ); } //memFree
// Function: memIsValidPointer
// Synopsis: Validates a pointer
// Arguments: [pv] -- pointer to validate
// Returns: TRUE if the pointer is apparently valid, FALSE otherwise
// History: 15-Oct-97 dlee Created.
BOOL memIsValidPointer( const void * pv ) { if ( 0 == pv ) return TRUE;
{ EnterMemSection();
ULONG index = memFindPageIndex( pv );
// The page is either in the array of tiny allocation pages
// or not in the array and is a stand-alone allocation.
if ( index < gmem_cPages ) { CPageHeader * page = gmem_aPages[ index ];
// metadata at head of page prevents this
ciAssert(( pv != page ));
// it's sufficient to check just the start of the page since if
// pv were greater than the end of the page the next index
// would have been returned from the memFindPageIndex() call
if ( pv > page ) { ciAssert(( pv >= ( (char *) page + ( sizeof CPageHeader ) ) )); ciAssert(( pv < page->GetEndPlusOne() ));
BOOL fValid = page->IsValidPointer( pv ); LeaveMemSection(); return fValid; } }
LeaveMemSection(); }
return ReallyIsValidPointer( pv ); } //memIsValidPointer
// Function: memSize
// Synopsis: Returns the size of an allocation
// Arguments: [pv] -- pointer to check
// Returns: Size in bytes of the allocation
// History: 25-Oct-98 dlee Created.
UINT memSize( const void * pv ) { if ( 0 == pv ) return 0;
{ EnterMemSection();
ULONG index = memFindPageIndex( pv );
// The page is either in the array of tiny allocation pages
// or not in the array and is a stand-alone allocation.
if ( index < gmem_cPages ) { CPageHeader * page = gmem_aPages[ index ];
// metadata at head of page prevents this
ciAssert(( pv != page ));
// it's sufficient to check just the start of the page since if
// pv were greater than the end of the page the next index
// would have been returned from the memFindPageIndex() call
if ( pv > page ) { ciAssert(( pv >= ( (char *) page + ( sizeof CPageHeader ) ) )); ciAssert(( pv < page->GetEndPlusOne() ));
UINT cb = page->GetChunkSize(); LeaveMemSection(); return cb; } }
LeaveMemSection(); }
return ReallyGetSize( pv ); } //memSize
#pragma optimize( "", on )
void memUtilization() {
#if CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
falDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "mem > 256 bytes 0x%x (%d), peak 0x%x (%d)\n", gmem_cbNotInPages, gmem_cbNotInPages, gmem_cbPeakNotInPages, gmem_cbPeakNotInPages )); #endif //FALLOC_TRACK_NOTINPAGE
falDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "mem <= 256 bytes 0x%x (%d), peak 0x%x (%d)\n", gmem_cbCurrentUsage, gmem_cbCurrentUsage, gmem_cbPeakUsage, gmem_cbPeakUsage ));
ULONG cbTotalSize = 0; ULONG cbTotalInUse = 0;
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < gmem_cPages; i++ ) { CPageHeader *p = gmem_aPages[ i ]; ULONG c = p->GetAlloced(); c *= p->GetChunkSize();
cbTotalInUse += c; cbTotalSize += p->Size();
falDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "p 0x%p cb %#x fl 0x%p f %#x a %#x s %#x u %#x\n", p, (ULONG) p->GetChunkSize(), (ULONG_PTR) p->GetFreeList(), (ULONG) p->GetFreeSize(), (ULONG) p->GetAlloced(), (ULONG) p->Size(), c )); }
falDebugOut(( DEB_WARN, "total %#x (%d), in use: %#x (%d)\n", cbTotalSize, cbTotalSize, cbTotalInUse, cbTotalInUse ));
#endif // CIDBG==1 || DBG==1
} //memUtilization