// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 2000
// File: PosCache.cxx
// Contents: Positionable cache
// Classes: CMiniPositionableCache
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created
// 14-JAN-97 KrishnaN Undefined CI_INETSRV and related changes
// 29-Mar-2000 KLam Fixed Bookmarks
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "poscache.hxx"
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::CMiniPositionableCache, public
// Synopsis: Builds bindings to fetch bookmark.
// Arguments: [Index] -- Identifier. Not used internally.
// [pRowsetScroll] -- Rowset used to fill cache.
// [cBindings] -- Size of [pBindings].
// [pBindings] -- Default binding.
// [cbMaxLen] -- Max length of data fetched via [pBindings]
// [iColumnBookmark] -- Ordinal of column containing bookmark.
// [cbBookmark] -- Size of bookmark
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
// 06-Jan-2000 KLam Fixed bindings
CMiniPositionableCache::CMiniPositionableCache( int Index, IRowsetScroll * pRowsetScroll, unsigned cBindings, DBBINDING * pBindings, unsigned cbMaxLen, DBORDINAL iColumnBookmark, DBBKMARK cbBookmark ) : PMiniRowCache( Index, pRowsetScroll, cBindings, pBindings, cbMaxLen ), _pRowsetScroll( pRowsetScroll ), _fUsingBookmark( FALSE ), _haccBookmark( (HACCESSOR)0xFFFFFFFF ), _pbBookmark( (unsigned) ( sizeof(DBBKMARK) + cbBookmark + 1 )), _pbBookmarkSeek( (unsigned) (sizeof(DBBKMARK) + cbBookmark + 1 )), _hrowPrev( DB_NULL_HROW ) { if ( iColumnBookmark != -1 ) { _fUsingBookmark = TRUE;
// Setup accessor for bookmark.
DBBINDING bindBmk; RtlZeroMemory(&bindBmk, sizeof bindBmk);
bindBmk.iOrdinal = iColumnBookmark; bindBmk.obValue = sizeof(DBLENGTH); bindBmk.obLength = 0; bindBmk.dwPart = DBPART_VALUE | DBPART_LENGTH; bindBmk.cbMaxLen = _pbBookmark.Count() - sizeof(DBLENGTH); bindBmk.wType = DBTYPE_BYTES;
IAccessor * pia = 0; SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, (void **)&pia ); if (SUCCEEDED( sc )) { sc = pia->CreateAccessor( DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, 1, &bindBmk, 0, &_haccBookmark, 0); pia->Release(); }
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CMiniPositionableCache: CreateAccessor returned 0x%x\n", sc )); THROW( CException( sc ) ); } }
// Start with bookmark positioned at beginning of rowset (DBBMK_FIRST)
*(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmark.GetPointer() = sizeof(BYTE); _pbBookmark[sizeof(DBBKMARK)] = DBBMK_FIRST; _oBookmark = 0;
*(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmarkSeek.GetPointer() = sizeof(BYTE); _pbBookmarkSeek[sizeof(DBBKMARK)] = DBBMK_FIRST;
_xpbPrevRow.Set( new BYTE [_cbRow] );
Next(); }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::~CMiniPositionableCache, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
CMiniPositionableCache::~CMiniPositionableCache() { if ( _haccBookmark != (HACCESSOR)0xFFFFFFFF ) { IAccessor * pia = 0; _pRowsetScroll->QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, (void **)&pia ); Win4Assert(pia && "No Accessor!"); pia->ReleaseAccessor( _haccBookmark, 0 ); pia->Release(); } }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::Next, public
// Synopsis: Moves to next row
// Returns: Move status
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
PMiniRowCache::ENext CMiniPositionableCache::Next( int iDir /* = 1 */ ) { //
// If we had a row in cache, Just advance to it. Otherwise
// fetch more rows from table.
if ( _ihrow >= _chrow ) { Win4Assert( iDir );
iDir = iDir > 0 ? 1 : -1 ;
// Fetch more rows from table.
HROW * phrow = _ahrow.GetPointer();
SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->GetRowsAt( 0, // Watch region handle
0, // Chapter
*(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmark.GetPointer(), // cbBookmark
_pbBookmark.GetPointer() + sizeof(DBBKMARK), // pbBookmark
_oBookmark, // Offset from bookmark
_ahrow.Count() * iDir, // Rows requested
&_chrow, // Rows received
&phrow ); // HROWs stored here
Win4Assert( DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION != sc );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Fetched %d from %d\n", _chrow, _Index ));
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CMiniPositionableCache: Error 0x%x from GetRowsAt\n", sc )); _chrow = 0;
THROW( CException( sc ) ); } else if ( 0 == _chrow && sc != DB_S_ENDOFROWSET ) { return( PMiniRowCache::NotNow ); }
if ( _fUsingBookmark && _chrow > 0 ) { //
// Update current bookmark to last row fetched.
SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->GetData( _ahrow[(unsigned) (_chrow-1)], _haccBookmark, _pbBookmark.GetPointer() );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%x fetching bookmark\n", sc )); THROW( CException( sc ) ); }
_oBookmark = 1; } else _oBookmark += _chrow;
_ihrow = 0; }
if( IsAtEnd() ) { *(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmark.GetPointer() = sizeof(BYTE); _pbBookmark[sizeof(DBBKMARK)] = DBBMK_LAST;
return CMiniPositionableCache::EndOfRows; }
return CMiniPositionableCache::Ok; }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::LoadPrevRowData, public
// Synopsis: Load the previous row data from the current top
// position into _hrowPrev and _xpbPrevRow
// Returns: status
// History: 12-Sep-98 VikasMan Created
// Notes: The positioning of the cursor does not change in this call.
// _hrwoPrev is set to DB_NULL_HROW if there is no previous row
PMiniRowCache::ENext CMiniPositionableCache::LoadPrevRowData() { DBCOUNTITEM chrow = 0;
if ( _hrowPrev != DB_NULL_HROW ) { _pRowsetScroll->ReleaseRows( 1, &_hrowPrev, 0, 0, 0 ); _hrowPrev = DB_NULL_HROW; }
HROW * phrowPrev = &_hrowPrev;
SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->GetRowsAt( 0, // Watch region handle
0, // Chapter
*(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmark.GetPointer(), // cbBookmark
_pbBookmark.GetPointer() + sizeof(DBBKMARK), // pbBookmark
0 - _chrow, // Offset from bookmark
1, // Rows requested
&chrow, // Rows received
&phrowPrev ); // HROWs stored here
Win4Assert( DB_E_BADSTARTPOSITION != sc );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Fetched %d from %d\n", chrow, _Index ));
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CMiniPositionableCache: Error 0x%x from GetRowsAt\n", sc )); _hrowPrev = DB_NULL_HROW;
THROW( CException( sc ) ); } else if ( 0 == chrow ) { return ( sc == DB_S_ENDOFROWSET ? PMiniRowCache::EndOfRows : PMiniRowCache::NotNow ); }
if ( 1 == chrow ) { Win4Assert( _hrowPrev != DB_NULL_HROW );
// Load Data
SCODE sc = _pRowset->GetData( _hrowPrev, _hacc, _xpbPrevRow.GetPointer() ); if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "PMiniRowCache: GetData returned 0x%x\n", sc )); THROW( CException( E_FAIL ) ); } }
return CMiniPositionableCache::Ok; }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::MovePrev, public
// Synopsis: Move to the previous row
// Returns: status
// History: 12-Sep-98 VikasMan Created
// Notes: This function uses _hrowPrev to move to previous row. Use
// LoadPrevRowData to fill up _hrowPrev and then call this function.
PMiniRowCache::ENext CMiniPositionableCache::MovePrev() { if ( _ihrow > 0 ) { _ihrow--; } else if ( _hrowPrev != DB_NULL_HROW ) { if ( _chrow > 0 ) { _pRowsetScroll->ReleaseRows( 1, &_ahrow[(unsigned)(_chrow - 1)], 0, 0, 0 );
RtlMoveMemory( &_ahrow[1], &_ahrow[0], ( _chrow - 1 ) * sizeof( HROW ) ); } else { SetCacheSize( _chrow = 1 ); }
_ahrow[0] = _hrowPrev; _hrowPrev = DB_NULL_HROW;
RtlCopyMemory( _pbRow, _xpbPrevRow.GetPointer(), _cbRow );
if ( _fUsingBookmark ) { //
// Update current bookmark to last row fetched.
SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->GetData( _ahrow[(unsigned)(_chrow-1)], _haccBookmark, _pbBookmark.GetPointer() );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%x fetching bookmark\n", sc )); THROW( CException( sc ) ); }
_oBookmark = 1; } }
return CMiniPositionableCache::Ok; }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::Seek, public
// Synopsis: Seek forward from current position.
// Arguments: [lRows] -- Rows to move from last seek position.
// Returns: Move status
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
PMiniRowCache::ENext CMiniPositionableCache::Seek( DBROWOFFSET lRows ) { FlushCache();
memcpy( _pbBookmark.GetPointer(), _pbBookmarkSeek.GetPointer(), _pbBookmark.Count() );
_oBookmark = lRows;
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "%d: Seek %d\n", Index(), lRows )); return Next(); }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::Seek, public
// Synopsis: Seek to specified bookmark.
// Arguments: [cbBookmark] -- Size of [pbBookmark]
// [pbBookmark] -- Bookmark
// Returns: Move status
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
PMiniRowCache::ENext CMiniPositionableCache::Seek( DBBKMARK cbBookmark, BYTE const * pbBookmark ) { Win4Assert( _fUsingBookmark || (cbBookmark == 1 && (*pbBookmark == DBBMK_FIRST || *pbBookmark == DBBMK_LAST) ) );
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( cbBookmark == 4 ) vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "%d: Seek 0x%x\n", Index(), *(ULONG UNALIGNED *)pbBookmark )); #endif
// Set up bookmark.
*(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmark.GetPointer() = cbBookmark; memcpy( _pbBookmark.GetPointer() + sizeof(DBBKMARK), pbBookmark, (unsigned) cbBookmark );
*(DBBKMARK *)_pbBookmarkSeek.GetPointer() = cbBookmark; memcpy( _pbBookmarkSeek.GetPointer() + sizeof(DBBKMARK), pbBookmark, (unsigned) cbBookmark );
_oBookmark = 0;
return Next(); }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::Seek, public
// Synopsis: Seek to specified approximate position.
// Arguments: [ulNumerator] -- Numerator.
// [ulDenominator] -- Denominator.
// Returns: Move status
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
PMiniRowCache::ENext CMiniPositionableCache::Seek( DBCOUNTITEM ulNumerator, DBCOUNTITEM ulDenominator ) { Win4Assert( _fUsingBookmark );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "%d: Seek %u/%u through.\n", Index(), ulNumerator, ulDenominator ));
HROW * phrow = _ahrow.GetPointer();
SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->GetRowsAtRatio( 0, // Watch region handle
0, // Chapter
ulNumerator, ulDenominator, _ahrow.Count(), // Rows requested
&_chrow, // Rows received
&phrow ); // HROWs stored here
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Fetched %d from %d\n", _chrow, _Index ));
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CMiniPositionableCache: Error 0x%x from GetRowsAtRatio\n", sc )); _chrow = 0;
THROW( CException( sc ) ); } else if ( 0 == _chrow && sc != DB_S_ENDOFROWSET ) { return( PMiniRowCache::NotNow ); }
if ( _chrow > 0 ) { //
// Update current bookmark to last row fetched.
SCODE sc = _pRowsetScroll->GetData( _ahrow[(unsigned)(_chrow-1)], _haccBookmark, _pbBookmark.GetPointer() );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%x fetching bookmark\n", sc )); THROW( CException( sc ) ); }
memcpy( _pbBookmarkSeek.GetPointer(), _pbBookmark.GetPointer(), _pbBookmark.Count() );
_oBookmark = 1; }
_ihrow = 0;
if( IsAtEnd() ) { return CMiniPositionableCache::EndOfRows; }
return CMiniPositionableCache::Ok; }
// Member: CMiniPositionableCache::FlushCache, public
// Synopsis: Clear the cache.
// History: 12-Sep-98 VikasMan Created
void CMiniPositionableCache::FlushCache() { if ( _hrowPrev != DB_NULL_HROW ) { _pRowsetScroll->ReleaseRows( 1, &_hrowPrev, 0, 0, 0 ); _hrowPrev = DB_NULL_HROW; } PMiniRowCache::FlushCache(); }