// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999.
// File: dlproxy.hxx
// Contents: Proxy class which is used by the downlevel Daemon process
// to communicate with the CI process.
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
#pragma once
#include <fdaemon.hxx>
#include <namesem.hxx>
#include <shrdnam.hxx>
#include <pidmap.hxx>
#define CI_NO_CATALOG_NAME L"[!none!]"
// Signatures for structures laid out in the shared memory buffer.
enum { eFilterSig1 = 0x11111111, eFilterSig2 = 0x22222222, eFilterSig3 = 0x33333333, eFilterSig4 = 0x44444444, eFilterSig5 = 0x55555555, eFilterSig6 = 0x66666666, eFilterSig7 = 0x77777777, eFilterSig8 = 0x88888888, eFilterSig9 = 0x99999999, eFilterSigA = 0xAAAAAAAA };
// const MAX_DL_VAR_BUF_SIZE = 128*1024;
// Length of the variable length part in the data passed between the
// DownLevel Daemon process and CI.
// This is set to the same value as the size of the entrybuffer because
// that is the biggest data passed between the two.
// Class: CFilterReadyLayout
// Purpose: Layout of the data for FilterReady() call
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
class CFilterReadyLayout {
void Init( ULONG cbMax, ULONG cb, ULONG cMaxDocs ) { _cbMax = cbMax - FIELD_OFFSET( CFilterReadyLayout, _abBuffer ) ;
Win4Assert( cb <= _cbMax );
if ( cb > _cbMax ) { THROW( CException( STATUS_NO_MEMORY) ); }
_sig1 = eFilterSig1; _cb = cb; _cMaxDocs = cMaxDocs; _sig2 = eFilterSig2; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig1 == _sig1 && eFilterSig2 == _sig2 && _cb <= _cbMax; }
ULONG GetCount() const { return _cb; } void SetCount( ULONG cb ) { _cb = cb; }
ULONG GetMaxDocs() const { return _cMaxDocs; }
BYTE const * GetBuffer() const { return (BYTE const *) _abBuffer; } BYTE * GetBuffer() { return (BYTE *) _abBuffer; }
ULONG _sig1; // Signature
ULONG _cbMax; // Maximum BYTES in _wcBuffer;
ULONG _cb; // Number of bytes in the current buffer
ULONG _cMaxDocs; // Maximum number of documents
ULONG _sig2; // Signature
LONGLONG _abBuffer[1]; // Place holder for the buffer
// Class: CFilterDataLayout
// Purpose: Layout of the data for FilterDataReady() call
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
class CFilterDataLayout {
void Init( BYTE const * pEntryBuf, ULONG cb ) { _sig3 = eFilterSig3; _cbMax = sizeof(_ab); _cb = cb;
Win4Assert( _cb <= _cbMax ); Win4Assert( pEntryBuf == GetBuffer() ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig3 == _sig3 && _cb <= _cbMax; }
ULONG GetSize() const { return _cb; } BYTE const * GetBuffer() const { return (BYTE *) _ab; } BYTE * GetBuffer() { return (BYTE *) _ab; } ULONG GetMaxSize() const { return sizeof(_ab); }
ULONG _sig3; // Signature
ULONG _cbMax; // Maximum number of bytes allowed
ULONG _cb; // Number of valid bytes in the buffer
// Guarantee 8 byte alignment of data.
LONGLONG _ab[FILTER_DATA_READY_BUF_SIZE/sizeof(LONGLONG)]; // Maximum size of the buffer for data
// Class: CFilterMoreDoneLayout
// Purpose: Layout for FilterMore() and FilterDone() calls.
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
class CFilterMoreDoneLayout {
void Init( STATUS const * aStatus, ULONG cStatus ) { _sig4 = eFilterSig4; Win4Assert( cStatus <= CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST ); _cStatus = cStatus; RtlCopyMemory( _aStatus, aStatus, cStatus * sizeof(STATUS) ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig4 == _sig4 && _cStatus <= CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST; }
STATUS const * GetStatusArray() const { return _aStatus; } ULONG GetCount() const { return _cStatus; }
ULONG _sig4; // Signature
ULONG _cStatus; // Number of status elements valid
STATUS _aStatus[CI_MAX_DOCS_IN_WORDLIST]; // Array of statuses
// Class: CFilterStoreValueLayout
// Purpose: Layout for the data of FilterStoreValue() call
// History: 1-31-96 srikants Created
class CFilterStoreValueLayout {
SCODE Init( ULONG cbMax, WORKID widFake, CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var );
void Get( WORKID & widFake, CFullPropSpec & ps, CStorageVariant & var );
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig5 == _sig5 && _cb <= _cbMax; }
BYTE const * GetBuffer() const { return (BYTE *) _ab; } BYTE * GetBuffer() { return (BYTE *) _ab; } ULONG GetCount() const { return _cb; }
WORKID GetWorkid() const { return _widFake; }
void SetStatus( BOOL fSuccess ) { _fSuccess = fSuccess; } BOOL GetStatus() const { return _fSuccess; }
ULONG _sig5; WORKID _widFake;
ULONG _cbMax; // Maximum number of bytes allowed in _ab
ULONG _cb;
BOOL _fSuccess; // Success code of the operation
// We will serialize the FULLPROPSPEC first and then the VARIANT
// FORCE a 8byte alignment.
LONGLONG _ab[1]; // place holder for variable data
// Class: CFilterStoreSecurityLayout
// Purpose: Layout for the data of FilterStoreSecurity() call
// History: 06 Fen 96 AlanW Created
class CFilterStoreSecurityLayout {
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig8 == _sig8 && _cb <= _cbMax; }
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR GetSD() { return &_ab; } ULONG GetCount() const { return _cb; }
WORKID GetWorkid() const { return _widFake; }
void SetSdid( ULONG sdid ) { _sdid = sdid; } ULONG GetSdid() const { return _sdid; }
void SetStatus( BOOL fSuccess ) { _fSuccess = fSuccess; } BOOL GetStatus() const { return _fSuccess; }
ULONG _sig8;
ULONG _cbMax; // Maximum number of bytes allowed in _ab
ULONG _cb;
WORKID _widFake;
ULONG _sdid; // Return value of the operation
BOOL _fSuccess; // Success code of the operation
// The variable data is a copy of a self-relative security descriptor
SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR _ab; // place holder for variable data
class CPidMapper; class CSimplePidRemapper;
// Class: CFPSToPROPIDLayout
// Purpose: Layout of data for the FPSToPROPID() call.
// History: 30-Dec-1997 kylep Created
class CFPSToPROPIDLayout {
void Init( ULONG cbMax, CFullPropSpec const & fps ); BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig6 == _sig6 && _cb <= _cbMax; }
BYTE const * GetBuffer() const { return (BYTE *) &_ab[0]; } BYTE * GetBuffer() { return (BYTE *) &_ab[0]; }
ULONG GetCount() const { return _cb; } void SetCount( ULONG cb ) { _cb = cb; }
PROPID GetPROPID() const { return *((PROPID *)&_ab[0]); }
ULONG _sig6; ULONG _cbMax; // Maximum number of bytes allowed
ULONG _cb; // Number of valid bytes serialized
LONGLONG _ab[1]; // Serialized bytes
// Class: CFilterStartupDataLayout
// Purpose: Startup data for the filter daemon. It is passed through
// from the client in the main process to the client in the
// daemon.
// History: 12-13-96 srikants Created
class CFilterStartupDataLayout {
void Init() { _sigA = eFilterSigA; _cbMax = sizeof(_ab); _cb = 0; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSigA == _sigA && _cb <= _cbMax; }
BOOL SetData( GUID const & clsidDaemonClientMgr, BYTE const * pbData, ULONG cbData ) { Win4Assert( IsValid() );
if ( cbData <= _cbMax ) { _clsidDaemonClientMgr = clsidDaemonClientMgr; RtlCopyMemory( _ab, pbData, cbData ); _cb = cbData; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BYTE const * GetData( ULONG & cbData ) { cbData = _cb; return (BYTE const *) _ab; }
GUID const & GetClientMgrCLSID() const { return _clsidDaemonClientMgr; }
ULONG _sigA; // Signature
ULONG _cbMax; // Maximum number of bytes in the var buffer
ULONG _cb; // Number of bytes in the var buffer.
GUID _clsidDaemonClientMgr; // CLSID of the client component.
LONGLONG _ab[ 65536 / sizeof LONGLONG ]; // Client data location, same as eMaxVarData
// Class: CFilterSharedMemLayout
// Purpose: Layout of the shared memory between the CI and DownLevel
// daemon process.
// History: 1-31-96 srikants Created
class CFilterSharedMemLayout {
// Type of the work signalled by the Daemon to CI.
enum EFilterWorkType { eNone, eFilterStartupData, eFilterReady, eFilterDataReady, eFilterMore, eFilterDone, eFilterStoreValue, eFPSToPROPID, eFilterStoreSecurity, };
void Init() { _type = eNone; _sig7 = eFilterSig7; RtlZeroMemory( &_data, sizeof(_data) ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return eFilterSig7 == _sig7; }
EFilterWorkType GetWorkType() const { return _type; } void SetWorkType( EFilterWorkType type ) { _type = type; }
SCODE GetStatus() const { return _status; } void SetStatus( SCODE status ) { _status = status; }
CFilterStartupDataLayout & GetStartupData() { return _data._filterStartup; } CFilterReadyLayout & GetFilterReady() { return _data._filterReady; } CFilterDataLayout & GetFilterDataReady() { return _filterData; } CFilterMoreDoneLayout & GetFilterMore() { return _data._filterMore; } CFilterMoreDoneLayout & GetFilterDone() { return _data._filterDone; } CFilterStoreValueLayout & GetFilterStoreValueLayout() { return _data._filterStore; } CFilterStoreSecurityLayout & GetFilterStoreSecurityLayout() { return _data._filterSdStore; } CFPSToPROPIDLayout & GetFPSToPROPID() { return _data._FPSToPROPID; }
ULONG GetMaxVarDataSize() const { return sizeof(_data); }
EFilterWorkType _type; // Type of the work.
ULONG _sig7; // Signature.
SCODE _status; // Status of the operation.
CFilterDataLayout _filterData;
// Overlay for various functions.
union { enum { eMaxVarData = 64 * 1024 }; // 64K
CFilterStartupDataLayout _filterStartup; CFilterReadyLayout _filterReady; CFilterMoreDoneLayout _filterMore; CFilterMoreDoneLayout _filterDone; CFilterStoreValueLayout _filterStore; CFilterStoreSecurityLayout _filterSdStore; CFPSToPROPIDLayout _FPSToPROPID; BYTE _ab[eMaxVarData]; } _data;
// Total size of the shared memory between the Daemon and CI.
const MAX_DL_SHARED_MEM = sizeof(CFilterSharedMemLayout);
// Class: CGenericCiProxy
// Purpose: Proxy class for the DaemonProcess to communicate
// with CI process.
// History: 1-30-96 srikants Created
class CGenericCiProxy : public CiProxy { enum { iDaemon = 0, iParent = 1 }; // indices of wait handles
CGenericCiProxy( CSharedNameGen & nameGen, DWORD dwMemSize, DWORD parentId );
// CiProxy methods
virtual SCODE FilterReady( BYTE* docBuffer, ULONG & cb, ULONG cMaxDocs );
virtual SCODE FilterDataReady ( BYTE const * pEntryBuf, ULONG cb );
virtual SCODE FilterMore( STATUS const * aStatus, ULONG cStatus );
virtual SCODE FilterDone( STATUS const * aStatus, ULONG cStatus );
virtual SCODE FilterStoreValue( WORKID widFake, CFullPropSpec const & ps, CStorageVariant const & var, BOOL & fCanStore );
virtual SCODE FilterStoreSecurity( WORKID widFake, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSD, ULONG cbSD, BOOL & fCanStore );
// PPidConverter methods
virtual SCODE FPSToPROPID( CFullPropSpec const & fps, PROPID & pid );
BYTE const * GetStartupData( GUID & clsidClientMgr, ULONG & cb );
BYTE * GetEntryBuffer( ULONG & cb );
void SetPriority( ULONG priClass, ULONG priThread );
// No default constructor.
void _LokGiveWork( CFilterSharedMemLayout::EFilterWorkType type ) { _pLayout->SetWorkType( type ); _evtDaemon.Reset(); _evtCi.Set(); }
void _WaitForResponse();
void ProbeForParentProcess();
CIPMutexSem _mutex; // Shared mutex protecting the
// common data.
CLocalSystemSharedMemory _sharedMem; // Shared memory used by the two.
CFilterSharedMemLayout * _pLayout; // Layout of the shared memory
CEventSem _evtCi; // Event used to signal CI.
CEventSem _evtDaemon; // Event used to signal Daemon.
HANDLE _aWait[2]; // Array of handles to wait on
ULONG _cHandles; };