// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-2000.
// File: monarch.cxx
// Contents: Public interfaces to Index Server
// History: 24 Jan 1997 Alanw Created
#include "pch.cxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <pvarset.hxx>
#include <strsort.hxx>
#include <ciplist.hxx>
#include <doquery.hxx>
// Function: AddToPropertyList, private
// Synopsis: Adds an array of properties to a property list
// Arguments: [PropertyList] -- destination for the props
// [cProperties] -- # of properties to add
// [pProperties] -- source of props
// [lcid] -- Locale (used for uppercasing)
// History: 21 Jul 1997 dlee Created
void AddToPropertyList( CLocalGlobalPropertyList & PropertyList, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF * pProperties, LCID lcid ) { if ( ( 0 != cProperties ) && ( 0 == pProperties ) ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
XGrowable<WCHAR> xTemp;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < cProperties; i++ ) { //
// Uppercase the friendly name. Done at this level of code to
// optimize other property lookup paths.
int cc = wcslen( pProperties[i].wcsFriendlyName ) + 1;
xTemp.SetSize( cc + cc/2 );
int ccOut = LCMapString( lcid, LCMAP_UPPERCASE, pProperties[i].wcsFriendlyName, cc, xTemp.Get(), xTemp.Count() );
Win4Assert( 0 != ccOut ); Win4Assert( 0 == xTemp[ccOut-1] );
if ( 0 == ccOut ) THROW( CException() );
XPtr<CPropEntry> xEntry;
// Did the string change?
if ( ccOut == cc && RtlEqualMemory( pProperties[i].wcsFriendlyName, xTemp.Get(), cc*sizeof(WCHAR) ) ) { xEntry.Set( new CPropEntry( pProperties[i].wcsFriendlyName, 0, (DBTYPE) pProperties[i].dbType, pProperties[i].dbCol ) ); } else { XPtrST<WCHAR> xFName( new WCHAR[ccOut] ); RtlCopyMemory( xFName.GetPointer(), xTemp.Get(), ccOut * sizeof(WCHAR) );
xEntry.Set( new CPropEntry( xFName, (DBTYPE) pProperties[i].dbType, pProperties[i].dbCol ) ); }
// Add new property to list.
PropertyList.AddEntry( xEntry.GetPointer(), 0 ); xEntry.Acquire(); } } //AddToPropertyList
// Function: CITextToSelectTree, public
// Synopsis: Converts a Tripoli query string into a DBCOMMANDTREE
// Arguments: [pwszRestriction] - input query string
// [ppTree] - output command tree
// [cProperties] - number of extension properties
// [pProperties] - pointer to extension property array
// History: 29 Oct 1996 Alanw Created
SCODE CITextToSelectTree( WCHAR const * pwszRestriction, DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppTree, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF * pProperties, LCID LocaleID ) { return CITextToSelectTreeEx( pwszRestriction, ISQLANG_V1, ppTree, cProperties, pProperties, LocaleID ); } //CITextToSelectTree
// Function: CITextToFullTree
// Synopsis: Forms a DBCOMMANDTREE from the given restriction, output
// columns and sort columns.
// Arguments: [pwszRestriction] - Input query string in "Triplish"
// [pwszColumns] - List of comma separated output columns.
// [pwszSortColumns] - sort specification, may be NULL
// [pwszGrouping] - grouping specification, may be NULL
// [ppTree] - [out] The DBCOMMANDTREE representing the
// query.
// [cProperties] - [in] Number of properties in pProperties
// [pProperties] - [in] List of custom properties
// [LocaleID] - [in] The locale for query parsing
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: 3-03-97 srikants Created
SCODE CITextToFullTree( WCHAR const * pwszRestriction, WCHAR const * pwszColumns, WCHAR const * pwszSortColumns, WCHAR const * pwszGrouping, DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppTree, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF * pProperties, LCID LocaleID ) { return CITextToFullTreeEx( pwszRestriction, ISQLANG_V1, pwszColumns, pwszSortColumns, pwszGrouping, ppTree, cProperties, pProperties, LocaleID ); } //CITextToFullTree
// Function: CITextToSelectTreeEx, public
// Synopsis: Converts a Tripoli query string into a DBCOMMANDTREE
// Arguments: [pwszRestriction] - input query string
// [ulDialect] - dialect of triplish
// [ppTree] - output command tree
// [cProperties] - number of extension properties
// [pProperties] - pointer to extension property array
// History: 29 Oct 1996 Alanw Created
SCODE CITextToSelectTreeEx( WCHAR const * pwszRestriction, ULONG ulDialect, DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppTree, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF * pProperties, LCID LocaleID ) { if ( 0 == pwszRestriction || 0 == *pwszRestriction || 0 == ppTree ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( ISQLANG_V1 != ulDialect && ISQLANG_V2 != ulDialect ) return E_INVALIDARG;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { LCID lcid = LocaleID; if (lcid == -1) lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
XInterface<CLocalGlobalPropertyList> xPropertyList(new CLocalGlobalPropertyList(lcid)); AddToPropertyList( xPropertyList.GetReference(), cProperties, pProperties, LocaleID );
// Setup the variables needed to execute this query; including:
// CiRestriction
// CiMaxRecordsInResultSet
// CiSort
// ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "ExecuteQuery:\n" ));
// ixssoDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "\tCiRestriction = '%ws'\n", pwszRestriction ));
*ppTree = GetStringDbRestriction( pwszRestriction, ulDialect, xPropertyList.GetPointer(), lcid )->CastToStruct();
} CATCH ( CException, e ) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; } //CITextToSelectTreeEx
// Function: CITextToFullTreeEx
// Synopsis: Forms a DBCOMMANDTREE from the given restriction, output
// columns and sort columns.
// Arguments: [pwszRestriction] - Input query string in "Triplish"
// [ulDialect] - Dialect of Triplish
// [pwszColumns] - List of comma separated output columns.
// [pwszSortColumns] - sort specification, may be NULL
// [pwszGrouping] - grouping specification, may be NULL
// [ppTree] - [out] The DBCOMMANDTREE representing the
// query.
// [cProperties] - [in] Number of properties in pProperties
// [pProperties] - [in] List of custom properties
// [LocaleID] - [in] The locale for query parsing
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: 3-03-97 srikants Created
SCODE CITextToFullTreeEx( WCHAR const * pwszRestriction, ULONG ulDialect, WCHAR const * pwszColumns, WCHAR const * pwszSortColumns, WCHAR const * pwszGrouping, DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppTree, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF * pProperties, LCID LocaleID ) { if ( 0 == ppTree || 0 == pwszRestriction || 0 == *pwszRestriction || 0 == pwszColumns || 0 == *pwszColumns ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( ISQLANG_V1 != ulDialect && ISQLANG_V2 != ulDialect ) return E_INVALIDARG;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { LCID lcid = LocaleID; if (lcid == -1) lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
XInterface<CLocalGlobalPropertyList> xPropertyList(new CLocalGlobalPropertyList(lcid)); AddToPropertyList( xPropertyList.GetReference(), cProperties, pProperties, LocaleID );
CTextToTree textToTree( pwszRestriction, ulDialect, pwszColumns, xPropertyList.GetPointer(), lcid, pwszSortColumns, pwszGrouping );
*ppTree = textToTree.FormFullTree(); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; } //CITextToFullTreeEx
// Function: CIBuildQueryNode
// Synopsis: Build a simple restriction node.
// Arguments: [wcsProperty] - Target property
// [dwOperator] - Enumerated operator
// [pvarPropertyValue] - property value
// [ppTree] - [out] The DBCOMMANDTREE representing the
// simple restriction.
// [cProperties] - # of props in the pProperties array
// [pProperties] - Array of properties
// [LocaleId] - Locale to use.
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: July 22 1997 KrishnaN Created
SCODE CIBuildQueryNode(WCHAR const *wcsProperty, DBCOMMANDOP dbOperator, PROPVARIANT const *pvarPropertyValue, DBCOMMANDTREE ** ppTree, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF const * pProperties, // Can be 0.
LCID LocaleID) { if (0 == pvarPropertyValue || 0 == ppTree || (cProperties > 0 && 0 == pProperties)) return E_INVALIDARG;
XInterface<CLocalGlobalPropertyList> xPropertyList;
SCODE sc = S_OK; *ppTree = 0;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { xPropertyList.Set( new CLocalGlobalPropertyList( LocaleID ) );
// No need to add to prop list if this is dbop_content.
// CITextToSelectTree does that.
if (pProperties && dbOperator != DBOP_content) { AddToPropertyList( xPropertyList.GetReference(), cProperties, (CIPROPERTYDEF *)pProperties, LocaleID ); }
DBID *pdbid = 0; CDbColId *pcdbCol = 0; DBTYPE ptype;
// dbop_content prop info is taken care in citexttoselecttree call
if (dbOperator != DBOP_content) { if( FAILED(xPropertyList->GetPropInfoFromName( wcsProperty, &pdbid, &ptype, 0 )) ) THROW( CParserException( QPARSE_E_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY ) ); }
pcdbCol = (CDbColId *)pdbid;
switch (dbOperator) { //
// The caller passes a chunk of text. Pass it
// to the parser and have it build a restriction
// for us.
case DBOP_content: { if (pvarPropertyValue->vt != VT_LPWSTR && pvarPropertyValue->vt != (DBTYPE_WSTR|DBTYPE_BYREF)) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
sc = CITextToSelectTree(pvarPropertyValue->pwszVal, ppTree, cProperties, (CIPROPERTYDEF *)pProperties, LocaleID ); break; }
// The caller passes a chunk of text which should be
// interpreted as free text. Build a natlang restriction.
case DBOP_content_freetext: { if (pvarPropertyValue->vt != VT_LPWSTR && pvarPropertyValue->vt != (DBTYPE_WSTR|DBTYPE_BYREF)) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) );
XPtr<CDbNatLangRestriction> xNatLangRst( new CDbNatLangRestriction( pvarPropertyValue->pwszVal, *pcdbCol, LocaleID ) ); if ( xNatLangRst.IsNull() || !xNatLangRst->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
*ppTree = xNatLangRst->CastToStruct(); xNatLangRst.Acquire();
break; }
// Regular expressions and property value queries
case DBOP_like: case DBOP_equal: case DBOP_not_equal: case DBOP_less: case DBOP_less_equal: case DBOP_greater: case DBOP_greater_equal: case DBOP_allbits: case DBOP_anybits:
case DBOP_equal_all: case DBOP_not_equal_all: case DBOP_greater_all: case DBOP_greater_equal_all: case DBOP_less_all: case DBOP_less_equal_all: case DBOP_allbits_all: case DBOP_anybits_all:
case DBOP_equal_any: case DBOP_not_equal_any: case DBOP_greater_any: case DBOP_greater_equal_any: case DBOP_less_any: case DBOP_less_equal_any: case DBOP_allbits_any: case DBOP_anybits_any: { XPtr<CDbPropertyRestriction> xPrpRst( new CDbPropertyRestriction (dbOperator, *(pcdbCol->CastToStruct()), *(CStorageVariant const *)(void *)pvarPropertyValue) ); if ( xPrpRst.IsNull() || !xPrpRst->IsValid() ) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
*ppTree = xPrpRst->CastToStruct(); xPrpRst.Acquire();
break; }
default: sc = E_INVALIDARG; break; } } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); Win4Assert(0 == *ppTree); } END_CATCH
return sc; } //CIBuildQueryNode
// Function: CIBuildQueryTree
// Synopsis: Build a restriction tree from an existing tree (could be empty)
// and a newly added node/tree.
// Arguments: [pExistingTree] - Ptr to existing command tree
// [dwBoolOp] - Enumerated boolean operator
// [cSiblings] - Number of trees to combine at the same level.
// [ppSibsToCombine]- Array of sibling tree to combine.
// [ppTree] - [out] The DBCOMMANDTREE representing the
// combined restriction.
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: July 22 1997 KrishnaN Created
SCODE CIBuildQueryTree(DBCOMMANDTREE const *pExistingTree, DBCOMMANDOP dbBoolOp, ULONG cSiblings, DBCOMMANDTREE const * const *ppSibsToCombine, DBCOMMANDTREE ** ppTree) { if (0 == cSiblings || 0 == ppTree || 0 == ppSibsToCombine || 0 == *ppSibsToCombine) return E_INVALIDARG;
// AND and OR should have at least two operands
if ((dbBoolOp == DBOP_and || dbBoolOp == DBOP_or) && 0 == pExistingTree && cSiblings < 2) return E_INVALIDARG;
// NOT should have only one operand
if (dbBoolOp == DBOP_not && (pExistingTree || cSiblings > 1)) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppTree = 0;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { switch(dbBoolOp) { case DBOP_and: case DBOP_or: { CDbBooleanNodeRestriction *pAndOrCombiner = new CDbBooleanNodeRestriction( dbBoolOp ); if (0 == pAndOrCombiner) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) );
if (pExistingTree) pAndOrCombiner->AppendChild((CDbRestriction *)CDbCmdTreeNode::CastFromStruct(pExistingTree));
for (ULONG i = 0; i < cSiblings; i++) pAndOrCombiner->AppendChild((CDbRestriction *)CDbCmdTreeNode::CastFromStruct(ppSibsToCombine[i]));
*ppTree = pAndOrCombiner->CastToStruct();
break; }
case DBOP_not: { CDbNotRestriction *pNotCombiner = new CDbNotRestriction((CDbRestriction *) CDbCmdTreeNode::CastFromStruct(ppSibsToCombine[0])); if (0 == pNotCombiner) THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); *ppTree = pNotCombiner->CastToStruct();
break; }
default: sc = E_INVALIDARG; break; } } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); Win4Assert(0 == *ppTree); } END_CATCH
return sc; } //CIBuildQueryTree
// Function: CIRestrictionToFullTree
// Synopsis: Forms a DBCOMMANDTREE from the given restriction, output
// columns and sort columns.
// Arguments: [pTree] - Input query tree
// [pwszColumns] - List of comma separated output columns.
// [pwszSortColumns] - sort specification, may be NULL
// [pwszGrouping] - grouping specification, may be NULL
// [ppTree] - [out] The DBCOMMANDTREE representing the
// query.
// [cProperties] - [in] Number of properties in pProperties
// [pProperties] - [in] List of custom properties
// [LocaleID] - [in] The locale for query parsing
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: 3-03-97 srikants Created
SCODE CIRestrictionToFullTree( DBCOMMANDTREE const *pTree, WCHAR const * pwszColumns, WCHAR const * pwszSortColumns, WCHAR const * pwszGrouping, DBCOMMANDTREE * * ppTree, ULONG cProperties, CIPROPERTYDEF * pProperties, LCID LocaleID ) { if ( 0 == ppTree || 0 == pTree || 0 == pwszColumns || 0 == *pwszColumns ) return E_INVALIDARG;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { LCID lcid = LocaleID; if (lcid == -1) lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
XInterface<CLocalGlobalPropertyList> xPropertyList(new CLocalGlobalPropertyList(LocaleID)); AddToPropertyList( xPropertyList.GetReference(), cProperties, pProperties, LocaleID );
CTextToTree RestrictionToTree( pTree, pwszColumns, xPropertyList.GetPointer(), lcid, pwszSortColumns, pwszGrouping );
*ppTree = RestrictionToTree.FormFullTree(); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; } //CIRestrictionToFullTree
// Function: CIMakeICommand
// Synopsis: Creates an ICommand
// Arguments: [ppCommand] -- where the ICommand is returned
// [cScope] -- # of items in below arrays
// [aDepths] -- array of depths
// [awcsScope] -- array of scopes
// [awcsCat] -- array of catalogs
// [awcsMachine] -- array of machines
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: 6-11-97 dlee Fixed and added header
SCODE CIMakeICommand( ICommand ** ppCommand, ULONG cScope, DWORD const * aDepths, WCHAR const * const * awcsScope, WCHAR const * const * awcsCat, WCHAR const * const * awcsMachine ) { if ( 0 == ppCommand || 0 == aDepths || 0 == awcsScope || 0 == awcsCat || 0 == awcsMachine || 0 == cScope ) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppCommand = 0;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { // First get an ICommand object as an IUnknown
XInterface<IUnknown> xUnk; sc = MakeICommand( xUnk.GetIUPointer(), 0, 0, 0 );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
// QI to ICommand
XInterface<ICommand> xCommand; sc = xUnk->QueryInterface( IID_ICommand, xCommand.GetQIPointer() );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
// SetScopeProperties throws
SetScopeProperties( xCommand.GetPointer(), cScope, awcsScope, aDepths, awcsCat, awcsMachine );
*ppCommand = xCommand.Acquire(); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; } //CIMakeICommand
// Function: CICreateCommand
// Synopsis: Creates an ICommand
// Arguments: [ppResult] -- where the resulting interface is returned
// [pUnkOuter] -- outer unknown
// [riid] -- iid of interface to return. Must be
// IID_IUnknown unless pUnkOuter == 0
// [pwcsCatalog] -- catalog
// [pwcsMachine] -- machine
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: 6-11-97 dlee Fixed and added header
SCODE CICreateCommand( IUnknown ** ppResult, IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, WCHAR const * pwcsCatalog, WCHAR const * pwcsMachine ) { if ( 0 != pUnkOuter && IID_IUnknown != riid ) return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION;
if ( 0 == ppResult || 0 == pwcsCatalog || 0 == pwcsMachine ) return E_INVALIDARG;
// try to AV
*ppResult = 0;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { //
// First get an ICommand object as an IUnknown
XInterface<IUnknown> xUnk; sc = MakeICommand( xUnk.GetIUPointer(), 0, 0, pUnkOuter );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
// QI to the interface requested
if ( IID_IUnknown != riid ) { IUnknown *pUnk; sc = xUnk->QueryInterface( riid, (void **) & pUnk );
if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
xUnk.Free(); xUnk.Set( pUnk ); }
// Set the scope, catalogs, and machines
{ // SetScopeProperties throws
DWORD dwFlags = QUERY_DEEP; WCHAR const * pwcScope = L"\\";
// cheezy hack cast, since I can't QI for the ICommand yet
// if the outer unknown is specified. Assume MakeICommand
// returns an ICommand under the IUnknown.
SetScopeProperties( (ICommand *) xUnk.GetPointer(), 1, &pwcScope, &dwFlags, &pwcsCatalog, &pwcsMachine ); }
*ppResult = xUnk.Acquire(); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { //
// This is Index Server's function, not OLE-DB's, so don't mask
// errors as E_FAIL with GetOleError
sc = GetScodeError( e ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; } //CICreateCommand
// Class: CIPropertyList
// Synopsis: allow access to the default property list used by CITextTo*Tree
// History: 08-Aug-97 alanw Created
class CIPropertyList : public ICiPropertyList { public:
CIPropertyList() : _cRef( 1 ) { _xproplist.Set( new CLocalGlobalPropertyList() ); }
~CIPropertyList() { }
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef( ) { return InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); }
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release( ) { ULONG uTmp = InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef); if (uTmp == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return uTmp; }
virtual BOOL GetPropInfo( WCHAR const * wcsPropName, DBID ** ppPropid, DBTYPE * pPropType, unsigned int * puWidth ) { return (S_OK == _xproplist->GetPropInfoFromName( wcsPropName, ppPropid, pPropType, puWidth )); }
virtual BOOL GetPropInfo( DBID const & prop, WCHAR const ** pwcsName, DBTYPE * pPropType, unsigned int * puWidth ) { return (S_OK == _xproplist->GetPropInfoFromId( &prop, (WCHAR **)pwcsName, pPropType, puWidth )); }
virtual BOOL EnumPropInfo( ULONG const & iEntry, WCHAR const ** pwcsName, DBID ** ppProp, DBTYPE * pPropType, unsigned int * puWidth ) { return FALSE; // Not implemented because no one needs it.
private: XInterface<CLocalGlobalPropertyList> _xproplist; LONG _cRef;
// Function: CIGetGlobalPropertyList, public
// Synopsis: Gets a reference to the property list used by CITextToSelectTree
// Arguments: [ppPropList] -- where the ICiPropertyList is returned
// Returns: S_OK if successful; Error code otherwise
// History: 08-Aug-97 alanw Created
SCODE CIGetGlobalPropertyList( ICiPropertyList ** ppPropList ) { if ( 0 == ppPropList ) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppPropList = 0;
SCODE sc = S_OK;
CTranslateSystemExceptions translate; TRY { XPtr<CIPropertyList> xProplist( new CIPropertyList() );
*ppPropList = xProplist.Acquire(); } CATCH ( CException, e ) { sc = GetScodeError( e ); } END_CATCH;
return sc; } //CIGetGlobalPropertyList