Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<!-- <%CiTemplate%>
This is the formatting page for query results. This file defines how the result page header, rows, and footer will appear. -->
<HEAD> <!-- The title lists the # of documents -->
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq 0%> <TITLE><%escapeHTML CiRestriction%> - no documents matched.</TITLE> <%else%> <TITLE><%escapeHTML CiRestriction%> - documents <%CiFirstRecordNumber%> to <%CiLastRecordNumber%></TITLE> <%endif%> </HEAD>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000066" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#FF0000" TOPMARGIN=0>
<TABLE> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC ="/srchadm/book08.jpg" ALIGN=Middle></TD> <TD VALIGN=MIDDLE><H1>Index Server</H1><br><center><h2>Search Results</h2></center></TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<!-- Print a header that lists the query and the number of hits -->
<H5> <%if CiMatchedRecordCount eq 0%> No virtual roots matched the query "<%EscapeHTML CiRestriction%>". <%else%> Virtual roots <%CiFirstRecordNumber%> to <%CiLastRecordNumber%> of <%CiMatchedRecordCount%> matching the query "<%EscapeHTML CiRestriction%>" for catalog <%CiCatalog%> <%endif%> </H5>
<!-- This table has a link to a new query page, a previous button, and a next page button. The buttons are only displayed when appropriate. -->
<!-- Query.htm set HTMLQueryForm as the name of the page to return to for a new query. -->
<!-- Define a "previous" button if this isn't the first page -->
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%> <TD ALIGN=LEFT> <FORM ACTION="/scripts/srchadm/scan.idq" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="-<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiRestriction" VALUE="<%CiRestriction%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiMaxRecordsPerPage" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Previous <%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%> documents"> </FORM> </TD> <%endif%>
<!-- Define a "next" button if this isn't the last page -->
<%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> <FORM ACTION="/scripts/srchadm/scan.idq" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiRestriction" VALUE="<%CiRestriction%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiMaxRecordsPerPage" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Next <%CiRecordsNextPage%> documents"> </FORM> </TD> <%endif%> </TABLE>
<!-- The begindetail/enddetail section describes how each row of output is be formatted. The sample below prints:
- record number - document title (if one exists) or virtual path of the file - the abstract for the file - the url for the file - the file's size and last write time -->
<FORM ACTION="/scripts/srchadm/scan.ida" METHOD="GET"> <table> <tr> <th width=147 align="left">Virtual Root</th> <th width=147 align="left">Physical Root</th> <th width=147 align="left">Type</th> <th colspan = 3 width=450 align="center">Type Of Scan</th> </tr>
<!-- NAME: PROOT_<virtual root> VALUE: physical path to root NAME: SCAN_<virtual root> VALUE: "NoScan". Implies no scan will be performed NAME: SCAN_<virtual root> VALUE: "FullScan". Implies full scan will be performed NAME: SCAN_<virtual root> VALUE: "IncrementalScan". Implies incremental scan will be performed
<%begindetail%> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="PROOT_<%if StorageType eq 1%>NNTP_<%endif%><%vpath%>" VALUE="<%path%>"> <%if metavrootused ne 0%> <tr> <td><%vpath%></td> <td><%path%></td> <td><%if StorageType eq 1%>News<%else%>Web<%endif%></td> <td><input type=radio checked name="SCAN_<%if StorageType eq 1%>NNTP_<%endif%><%vpath%>" value="NoScan"> No Scan </td> <td><input type=radio name="SCAN_<%if StorageType eq 1%>NNTP_<%endif%><%vpath%>" value="IncrementalScan"> Incremental Scan </td> <td><input type=radio name="SCAN_<%if StorageType eq 1%>NNTP_<%endif%><%vpath%>" value="FullScan"> Full Scan </td> </tr> <%endif%> <%enddetail%>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Submit changes"> </FORM> <P>
<!-- Only display a line if there were any hits that matched the query -->
<%if CiMatchedRecordCount ne 0%> <HR> <%endif%>
<!-- Query.htm set HTMLQueryForm as the name of the page to return to for a new query. -->
<TD> <A HREF="/srchadm/admin.htm">Administration Main Menu</A> </TD>
<!-- Define a "previous" button if this isn't the first page -->
<%if CiContainsFirstRecord eq 0%> <TD ALIGN=LEFT> <FORM ACTION="/scripts/srchadm/scan.idq" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="-<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiRestriction" VALUE="<%CiRestriction%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiMaxRecordsPerPage" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Previous <%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%> documents"> </FORM> </TD> <%endif%>
<!-- Define a "next" button if this isn't the last page -->
<%if CiContainsLastRecord eq 0%> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT> <FORM ACTION="/scripts/srchadm/scan.idq" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookMark" VALUE="<%CiBookMark%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiBookmarkSkipCount" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiRestriction" VALUE="<%CiRestriction%>" > <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="CiMaxRecordsPerPage" VALUE="<%EscapeRAW CiMaxRecordsPerPage%>" > <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Next <%CiRecordsNextPage%> documents"> </FORM> </TD> <%endif%> </TABLE>
<!-- If the index is out of date (for example, if it's still being created or updated after changes to files in an indexed directory) let the user know. -->
<%if CiOutOfDate ne 0%> <P><BR> <I><B>The index is out of date.</B></I> <%endif%>
<!-- If the query was not executed because it needed to enumerate to resolve the query instead of using the index, but CiForceUseCi was TRUE, let the user know -->
<%if CiQueryIncomplete eq 1%> <P><BR> <I><B>The query is too expensive to complete.</B></I> <%endif%>
<!-- Output a page number and count of pages -->
<%if CiTotalNumberPages gt 0%> <P> Page <%CiCurrentPageNumber%> of <%CiTotalNumberPages%> <P> <%endif%>