// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: L O O K U P . C
// Contents: Routines to find a handler for a DLL procedure.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 21 May 1998
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
VOID WINAPI AssertDelayLoadFailureMapsAreSorted ( VOID ) { #if DBG // Leave the function existing in free builds for binary compat on mixed checked/free,
// since the checked in .lib is only free.
UINT iDll, iProcName, iOrdinal; INT nRet; CHAR pszMsg [1024];
const DLOAD_DLL_ENTRY* pDll; const DLOAD_PROCNAME_MAP* pProcNameMap; const DLOAD_ORDINAL_MAP* pOrdinalMap;
for (iDll = 0; iDll < g_DllMap.NumberOfEntries; iDll++) { if (iDll >= 1) { nRet = strcmp ( g_DllMap.pDllEntry[iDll].pszDll, g_DllMap.pDllEntry[iDll-1].pszDll);
if (nRet <= 0) { sprintf (pszMsg, "dload: rows %u and %u are out of order in dload!g_DllMap", iDll-1, iDll);
DelayLoadAssertFailed ( "" , __FILE__, __LINE__, pszMsg); } }
pDll = g_DllMap.pDllEntry + iDll; pProcNameMap = pDll->pProcNameMap; pOrdinalMap = pDll->pOrdinalMap;
if (pProcNameMap) { MYASSERT (pProcNameMap->NumberOfEntries);
for (iProcName = 0; iProcName < pProcNameMap->NumberOfEntries; iProcName++) { if (iProcName >= 1) { nRet = strcmp ( pProcNameMap->pProcNameEntry[iProcName].pszProcName, pProcNameMap->pProcNameEntry[iProcName-1].pszProcName);
if (nRet <= 0) { sprintf (pszMsg, "dload: rows %u and %u of pProcNameMap are out " "of order in dload!g_DllMap for pszDll=%s", iProcName-1, iProcName, pDll->pszDll);
DelayLoadAssertFailed ( "" , __FILE__, __LINE__, pszMsg); } } } }
if (pOrdinalMap) { MYASSERT (pOrdinalMap->NumberOfEntries);
for (iOrdinal = 0; iOrdinal < pOrdinalMap->NumberOfEntries; iOrdinal++) { if (iOrdinal >= 1) { if (pOrdinalMap->pOrdinalEntry[iOrdinal].dwOrdinal <= pOrdinalMap->pOrdinalEntry[iOrdinal-1].dwOrdinal) { sprintf (pszMsg, "dload: rows %u and %u of pOrdinalMap are out " "of order in dload!g_DllMap for pszDll=%s", iOrdinal-1, iOrdinal, pDll->pszDll);
DelayLoadAssertFailed ( "" , __FILE__, __LINE__, pszMsg); } } } } } #endif
const DLOAD_DLL_ENTRY* FindDll ( LPCSTR pszDll ) { const DLOAD_DLL_ENTRY* pDll = NULL;
CHAR pszDllLowerCased [MAX_PATH + 1]; INT nResult;
// These must be signed integers for the following binary search
// to work correctly when iMiddle == 0 and nResult < 0.
INT iLow; INT iMiddle; INT iHigh;
MYASSERT (pszDll); MYASSERT (strlen (pszDll) <= MAX_PATH);
strcpy (pszDllLowerCased, pszDll); _strlwr (pszDllLowerCased);
iLow = 0; iHigh = g_DllMap.NumberOfEntries - 1; while (iHigh >= iLow) { iMiddle = (iLow + iHigh) / 2; nResult = strcmp (pszDllLowerCased, g_DllMap.pDllEntry[iMiddle].pszDll);
if (nResult < 0) { iHigh = iMiddle - 1; } else if (nResult > 0) { iLow = iMiddle + 1; } else { MYASSERT (0 == nResult); pDll = &g_DllMap.pDllEntry[iMiddle]; break; } }
return pDll; }
FARPROC LookupHandlerByName ( LPCSTR pszProcName, const DLOAD_PROCNAME_MAP* pMap ) { FARPROC pfnHandler = NULL;
INT nResult;
// These must be signed integers for the following binary search
// to work correctly when iMiddle == 0 and nResult < 0.
INT iLow; INT iMiddle; INT iHigh;
MYASSERT (pszProcName);
iLow = 0; iHigh = pMap->NumberOfEntries - 1; while (iHigh >= iLow) { iMiddle = (iLow + iHigh) / 2; nResult = strcmp ( pszProcName, pMap->pProcNameEntry[iMiddle].pszProcName);
if (nResult < 0) { iHigh = iMiddle - 1; } else if (nResult > 0) { iLow = iMiddle + 1; } else { MYASSERT (0 == nResult); pfnHandler = pMap->pProcNameEntry[iMiddle].pfnProc; break; } }
return pfnHandler; }
FARPROC LookupHandlerByOrdinal ( DWORD dwOrdinal, const DLOAD_ORDINAL_MAP* pMap ) { FARPROC pfnHandler = NULL;
DWORD dwOrdinalProbe;
// These must be signed integers for the following binary search
// to work correctly when iMiddle == 0 and dwOrdinal < dwOrdinalProbe.
INT iLow; INT iMiddle; INT iHigh;
iLow = 0; iHigh = pMap->NumberOfEntries - 1; while (iHigh >= iLow) { iMiddle = (iLow + iHigh) / 2; dwOrdinalProbe = pMap->pOrdinalEntry[iMiddle].dwOrdinal;
if (dwOrdinal < dwOrdinalProbe) { iHigh = iMiddle - 1; } else if (dwOrdinal > dwOrdinalProbe) { iLow = iMiddle + 1; } else { MYASSERT (dwOrdinal == dwOrdinalProbe); pfnHandler = pMap->pOrdinalEntry[iMiddle].pfnProc; break; } }
return pfnHandler; }
FARPROC LookupHandler ( LPCSTR pszDllName, LPCSTR pszProcName ) { FARPROC pfnHandler = NULL; const DLOAD_DLL_ENTRY* pDll;
MYASSERT (pszDllName); MYASSERT (pszProcName);
// Find the DLL record if we have one.
pDll = FindDll (pszDllName); if (pDll) { // Now find the handler whether it be by name or ordinal.
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pszProcName) && pDll->pProcNameMap) { pfnHandler = LookupHandlerByName ( pszProcName, pDll->pProcNameMap); } else if (pDll->pOrdinalMap) { pfnHandler = LookupHandlerByOrdinal ( PtrToUlong(pszProcName), pDll->pOrdinalMap); } }
return pfnHandler; }