// File: cdevicecontrol.cpp
// Desc: CDeviceControl is a class that encapsulate the functionality of a
// device control (or a callout). CDeviceView accesses it to retrieve/
// save information about the control.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#include "common.hpp"
CDeviceControl::CDeviceControl(CDeviceUI &ui, CDeviceView &view) : m_ui(ui), m_view(view), m_bHighlight(FALSE), m_ptszCaption(NULL), m_dwDrawTextFlags(0), m_FontHeight(-1), m_bCalledCalcCallout(FALSE), m_bPlacedOnlyFirstCorner(FALSE), m_bInit(FALSE), m_dwCalloutAlign(CAF_TOPLEFT), m_nLinePoints(0), m_dwDeviceControlOffset((DWORD)-1), m_bOffsetAssigned(FALSE), m_pbmOverlay(NULL), m_pbmHitMask(NULL), m_ptszOverlayPath(NULL), m_bCaptionClipped(FALSE) { }
CDeviceControl::~CDeviceControl() { DEVICEUINOTIFY uin; uin.from = DEVUINFROM_CONTROL; uin.control.pControl = (CDeviceControl *)this; uin.msg = DEVUINM_ONCONTROLDESTROY; m_ui.Notify(uin); if (m_ptszCaption) free(m_ptszCaption); delete m_pbmOverlay; delete m_ptszOverlayPath; }
void CDeviceControl::SetCaption(LPCTSTR tszCaption, BOOL bFixed) { LPTSTR tszNewCaption = NULL;
m_bFixed = bFixed;
if (tszCaption != NULL) { tszNewCaption = _tcsdup(tszCaption);
if (tszNewCaption == NULL) return; }
free(m_ptszCaption); m_ptszCaption = tszNewCaption; tszNewCaption = NULL;
CalcCallout(); Invalidate(); }
LPCTSTR CDeviceControl::GetCaption() { return (LPCTSTR)m_ptszCaption; }
BOOL CDeviceControl::HitControl(POINT point) { return FALSE; }
DEVCTRLHITRESULT CDeviceControl::HitTest(POINT test) { if (!m_bInit) return DCHT_NOHIT;
if (m_ui.InEditMode() && PtInRect(&m_rectCalloutMax, test)) return DCHT_MAXRECT;
if (PtInRect(&m_rectCallout, test)) return DCHT_CAPTION;
if (HitControl(test)) return DCHT_CONTROL;
return DCHT_NOHIT; }
void CDeviceControl::Init() { m_uin.from = DEVUINFROM_CONTROL; m_uin.control.pControl = this;
m_bInit = TRUE; }
// We will have to know the view's scrolling offset to adjust the tooltip's position.
void CDeviceControl::OnMouseOver(POINT point) { // Tooltip only if the callout text is clipped.
if (m_bCaptionClipped) { TOOLTIPINITPARAM ttip; ttip.hWndParent = GetParent(m_view.m_hWnd); // Parent is the page window.
ttip.iSBWidth = 0; ttip.dwID = m_dwDeviceControlOffset; ttip.hWndNotify = m_view.m_hWnd; ttip.tszCaption = GetCaption(); CFlexToolTip::UpdateToolTipParam(ttip); } else CFlexWnd::s_ToolTip.SetToolTipParent(NULL);
m_uin.msg = DEVUINM_MOUSEOVER; m_ui.Notify(m_uin); }
void CDeviceControl::OnClick(POINT point, BOOL bLeft, BOOL bDoubleClick) { //@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL
if (!bLeft && m_ui.InEditMode()) { // If right click in edit mode, pop up the edit menu.
m_view.EditMenu(point, this); return; } #endif
// If this control is not assigned, and we are in view mode, we should not do anything (highlight).
if (!lstrcmp(m_ptszCaption, g_tszUnassignedControlCaption) && !m_ui.m_uig.InEditMode()) return;
m_uin.msg = bDoubleClick ? DEVUINM_DOUBLECLICK : DEVUINM_CLICK; m_uin.click.bLeftButton = bLeft; m_ui.Notify(m_uin); }
void CDeviceControl::Unpopulate() { }
void CDeviceControl::Highlight(BOOL bHighlight) { if (m_bHighlight == bHighlight) return;
// If the callout text is the default text, no action is assigned, and we don't highlight it.
// ISSUE-2000/12/21-MarcAnd This breaks highlighting of unassigned controls
// When you're trying to assign
if (!lstrcmp(m_ptszCaption, g_tszUnassignedControlCaption) && bHighlight && !m_ui.m_uig.InEditMode()) return;
m_bHighlight = bHighlight;
// If the view has scrolling enabled, we need to adjust the scroll
// bar position to make this callout visible.
if (bHighlight) m_view.ScrollToMakeControlVisible(m_rectCalloutMax);
// We do not invalidate rectangle if we are unhighlighting. Let CDeviceView handle that.
if (bHighlight) Invalidate(); }
void CDeviceControl::GetInfo(GUID &rGuid, DWORD &rdwOffset) { m_ui.GetDeviceInstanceGuid(rGuid); rdwOffset = m_dwDeviceControlOffset; }
BOOL CDeviceControl::PrepCaption() { if (m_ptszCaption != NULL) return TRUE; m_ptszCaption = _tcsdup(g_tszUnassignedControlCaption); return m_ptszCaption != NULL; }
void CDeviceControl::PrepLinePoints() { if (m_nLinePoints > 0) return; m_nLinePoints = 1; POINT pt = {0, 0}; if (m_dwCalloutAlign & CAF_LEFT) pt.x = m_rectCalloutMax.left; if (m_dwCalloutAlign & CAF_RIGHT) pt.x = m_rectCalloutMax.right - 1; if (m_dwCalloutAlign & CAF_TOP) pt.y = m_rectCalloutMax.top; if (m_dwCalloutAlign & CAF_BOTTOM) pt.y = m_rectCalloutMax.bottom - 1; if (!(m_dwCalloutAlign & (CAF_LEFT | CAF_RIGHT))) pt.x = (m_rectCalloutMax.left + m_rectCalloutMax.right - 1) / 2; if (!(m_dwCalloutAlign & (CAF_BOTTOM | CAF_TOP))) pt.y = (m_rectCalloutMax.top + m_rectCalloutMax.bottom - 1) / 2; m_rgptLinePoint[0] = pt; }
void CDeviceControl::PrepCallout() { if (m_bCalledCalcCallout) return; CalcCallout(); }
void CDeviceControl::PrepFont() { if (m_FontHeight != -1) return;
HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hDC != NULL) { RECT rect = {0, 0, 500, 1}; { CPaintHelper ph(m_ui.m_uig, hDC); ph.SetFont(UIF_CALLOUT); m_FontHeight = DrawText(hDC, _T("Testify"), -1, &rect, m_dwDrawTextFlags); } DeleteDC(hDC); } }
void CDeviceControl::CalcCallout() { m_bCalledCalcCallout = TRUE;
RECT max = m_rectCalloutMax; InflateRect(&max, -1, -1); RECT rect = max; rect.bottom = rect.top + 1;
HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
{ CPaintHelper ph(m_ui.m_uig, hDC); ph.SetFont(UIF_CALLOUT);
// We make sure the max rect height is at least same as the font requires.
m_dwDrawTextFlags = DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_END_ELLIPSIS | DT_EDITCONTROL; RECT hrect = rect; DrawText(hDC, m_ptszCaption, -1, &hrect, m_dwDrawTextFlags); if (hrect.bottom > max.bottom) max.bottom = hrect.bottom;
// first, drawtext/calcrect into the temporary rect
if (!PrepCaption()) { return; }
int th = DrawText(hDC, m_ptszCaption, -1, &rect, m_dwDrawTextFlags);
m_bCaptionClipped = rect.bottom > max.bottom || rect.right > max.right; // Set clipped flag.
BOOL bSingleTextLine = th <= m_FontHeight;
if (rect.right > max.right) { bSingleTextLine = TRUE; rect.right = max.right; }
if (bSingleTextLine) m_dwDrawTextFlags &= ~DT_WORDBREAK;
m_dwDrawTextFlags &= ~DT_CALCRECT;
RECT rect2 = rect; if (rect2.bottom > max.bottom) rect2.bottom = max.bottom; th = DrawText(hDC, m_ptszCaption, -1, &rect2, m_dwDrawTextFlags); int ith = (th / m_FontHeight) * m_FontHeight; //@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL
//LTRACE(" max = %s", RECTDIMSTR(max));
//LTRACE("!rect = %s", RECTDIMSTR(rect));
rect.bottom = rect.top + ith + 1; //@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL
//LTRACE(" rect = %s", RECTDIMSTR(rect));
//LTRACE("rect2 = %s", RECTDIMSTR(rect2));
//LTRACE("th = %d, ith = %d, m_FontHeight = %d", th, ith, m_FontHeight);
DeleteDC(hDC); hDC = NULL;
if (rect.bottom > max.bottom) rect.bottom = max.bottom;
assert(rect.right <= max.right); assert(rect.bottom <= max.bottom);
PrepLinePoints(); POINT adj = {0, 0};
assert(rect.left == max.left); assert(rect.top == max.top);
int w = rect.right - rect.left; int h = rect.bottom - rect.top; int mw = max.right - max.left; int mh = max.bottom - max.top; int dw = mw - w, dh = mh - h; int cx = mw / 2 + max.left, cy = mh / 2 + max.top; int cl = cx - w / 2, ct = cy - h / 2;
assert(dw >= 0); assert(dh >= 0);
if (m_dwCalloutAlign & CAF_RIGHT && rect.right < max.right) adj.x = max.right - rect.right; if (m_dwCalloutAlign & CAF_BOTTOM && rect.bottom < max.bottom) adj.y = max.bottom - rect.bottom; if (!(m_dwCalloutAlign & (CAF_RIGHT | CAF_LEFT)) && w < mw && rect.left != cl) adj.x = cl - rect.left; if (!(m_dwCalloutAlign & (CAF_BOTTOM | CAF_TOP)) && h < mh && rect.top != ct) adj.y = ct - rect.top;
OffsetRect(&rect, adj.x, adj.y);
InflateRect(&rect, 1, 1);
m_rectCallout = rect; }
BOOL CDeviceControl::DrawOverlay(HDC hDC) { if (m_pbmOverlay == NULL) return FALSE;
return m_pbmOverlay->Blend(hDC, m_ptOverlay); }
void CDeviceControl::OnPaint(HDC hDC) { if (!m_bInit) return;
// If we are in view mode and the callout is not assigned, don't draw anything.
if (!m_ui.m_uig.InEditMode() && !lstrcmp(m_ptszCaption, g_tszUnassignedControlCaption)) return;
CPaintHelper ph(m_ui.m_uig, hDC); UIELEMENT eCallout = m_bHighlight ? UIE_CALLOUTHIGH : UIE_CALLOUT;
// draw lines...
if (m_nLinePoints > 1) { ph.SetElement(UIE_CALLOUTSHADOW); PolyLineArrowShadow(hDC, m_rgptLinePoint, m_nLinePoints); ph.SetElement(eCallout); PolyLineArrow(hDC, m_rgptLinePoint, m_nLinePoints); }
// if we're in edit mode, show the callout max rect
if (m_ui.InEditMode()) { ph.SetElement(UIE_CALLOUTMAX); ph.Rectangle(m_rectCalloutMax); ph.SetElement(eCallout); ph.Rectangle(m_rectCallout); }
// if we're in edit mode, indicate alignment
if (m_ui.InEditMode()) { ph.SetElement(UIE_CALLOUTALIGN);
const int &align = m_dwCalloutAlign; const RECT &rect = m_rectCalloutMax;
int vert = align & (CAF_TOP | CAF_BOTTOM); int horz = align & (CAF_LEFT | CAF_RIGHT);
BOOL bHorz = TRUE; BOOL bVert = TRUE; int hsq, hy, heq, vsq, vx, veq, s, e;
switch (vert) { case CAF_TOP: hy = rect.top; vsq = 0; veq = 1; break;
case 0: bHorz = FALSE; vsq = 1; veq = 3; break;
case CAF_BOTTOM: hy = rect.bottom - 1; vsq = 3; veq = 4; break; } switch (horz) { case CAF_LEFT: vx = rect.left; hsq = 0; heq = 1; break;
case 0: bVert = FALSE; hsq = 1; heq = 3; break;
case CAF_RIGHT: vx = rect.right - 1; hsq = 3; heq = 4; break; } if (bHorz) { s = ConvertVal(hsq, 0, 4, rect.left, rect.right - 1); e = ConvertVal(heq, 0, 4, rect.left, rect.right - 1); MoveToEx(hDC, s, hy, NULL); LineTo(hDC, e + 1, hy); }
if (bVert) { s = ConvertVal(vsq, 0, 4, rect.top, rect.bottom - 1); e = ConvertVal(veq, 0, 4, rect.top, rect.bottom - 1); MoveToEx(hDC, vx, s, NULL); LineTo(hDC, vx, e + 1); } }
// draw text
ph.SetElement(eCallout); RECT rect = m_rectCallout; InflateRect(&rect, -1, -1);
// If this control is assigned an action with DIA_FIXED (m_bFixed), use gray color for text.
COLORREF OldColor; if (m_bFixed) { OldColor = ::SetTextColor(hDC, 0); // Set an arbitrary color to find out what we are currently using.
::SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(GetRValue(OldColor) >> 1, GetGValue(OldColor) >> 1, GetBValue(OldColor) >> 1)); }
if (m_ptszCaption) DrawText(hDC, m_ptszCaption, -1, &rect, m_dwDrawTextFlags);
if (m_bFixed) ::SetTextColor(hDC, OldColor); }
void CDeviceControl::Invalidate() { m_view.Invalidate(); }
void MakeRect(RECT &rect, POINT a, POINT b) { rect.left = min(a.x, b.x); rect.right = max(a.x, b.x); rect.top = min(a.y, b.y); rect.bottom = max(a.y, b.y); }
void CDeviceControl::PlaceCalloutMaxCorner(int nCorner, POINT point) { switch (nCorner) { case 0: m_ptFirstCorner = point; m_bPlacedOnlyFirstCorner = TRUE; Invalidate(); break;
case 1: MakeRect(m_rectCalloutMax, m_ptFirstCorner, point); m_bPlacedOnlyFirstCorner = FALSE; if (!m_bInit) Init(); else CalcCallout(); Invalidate(); break;
default: assert(0); break; } }
void CDeviceControl::SetLastLinePoint(int nPoint, POINT point, BOOL bShiftDown) { if (!(nPoint >= 0 && nPoint < MAX_DEVICECONTROL_LINEPOINTS)) return;
// Check for SHIFT key state
if (nPoint && bShiftDown) // SHIFT key only makes a difference if we are setting 2nd and subsequent points.
{ // SHIFT key down. Need to draw controlled line.
if (labs(m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint-1].x - point.x) > labs(m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint-1].y - point.y)) { // Wider. Draw horizontal.
m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint].x = point.x; m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint].y = m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint-1].y; } else { // Taller. Draw vertical
m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint].x = m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint-1].x; m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint].y = point.y; } } else m_rgptLinePoint[nPoint] = point; // SHIFT key not down. Draw line as usual.
m_nLinePoints = nPoint + 1; Invalidate();
if (m_nLinePoints < 2) return;
POINT prev = m_rgptLinePoint[m_nLinePoints - 2];
// remove identical points
if (point.x == prev.x && point.y == prev.y) { m_nLinePoints--; return; } //@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL
// TODO: remove the midpoint of colinear triples
void PlaceRectCenter(RECT &rect, POINT point) { POINT center = { (rect.left + rect.right) / 2, (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2};
OffsetRect(&rect, point.x - center.x, point.y - center.y); }
void OffsetRectToWithin(RECT &rect, const RECT &bounds) { POINT adj = {0, 0};
if (rect.left < bounds.left) adj.x = bounds.left - rect.left; if (rect.right > bounds.right) adj.x = bounds.right - rect.right; if (rect.top < bounds.top) adj.y = bounds.top - rect.top; if (rect.bottom > bounds.bottom) adj.y = bounds.bottom - rect.bottom;
OffsetRect(&rect, adj.x, adj.y); }
void CDeviceControl::Position(POINT point) { PlaceRectCenter(m_rectCalloutMax, point); RECT client; m_view.GetClientRect(&client); OffsetRectToWithin(m_rectCalloutMax, client); CalcCallout(); Invalidate(); }
void CDeviceControl::ConsiderAlignment(POINT point) { POINT center = { (m_rectCalloutMax.right + m_rectCalloutMax.left) / 2, (m_rectCalloutMax.bottom + m_rectCalloutMax.top) / 2}; SIZE dim = { m_rectCalloutMax.right - m_rectCalloutMax.left, m_rectCalloutMax.bottom - m_rectCalloutMax.top}; SIZE delta = {point.x - center.x, point.y - center.y}; int MININ = m_FontHeight; SIZE in = {max(dim.cx / 4, MININ), max(dim.cy / 4, MININ)}; DWORD align = 0; if (delta.cx < -in.cx) align |= CAF_LEFT; if (delta.cx > in.cx) align |= CAF_RIGHT; if (delta.cy < -in.cy) align |= CAF_TOP; if (delta.cy > in.cy) align |= CAF_BOTTOM; m_dwCalloutAlign = align; CalcCallout(); Invalidate(); }
void CDeviceControl::ReselectControl() { SelectControl(TRUE); }
void CDeviceControl::SelectControl(BOOL bReselect) { CSelControlDlg dlg(m_view, *this, bReselect, m_dwDeviceControlOffset, m_ui.m_didi);
switch (dlg.DoModal(m_view.m_hWnd)) { case SCDR_OK: m_dwDeviceControlOffset = dlg.GetOffset(); m_bOffsetAssigned = TRUE; Invalidate(); break;
case SCDR_CANCEL: break;
case SCDR_NOFREE: MessageBox(m_view.m_hWnd, _T("All device controls have been assigned for this view."), _T("Can't reselect control."), MB_OK); break;
case -1: MessageBox(m_view.m_hWnd, _T("CSelControlDlg.DoModal() failed."), _T("oops"), MB_OK); break;
default: assert(0); break; } }
DWORD CDeviceControl::GetOffset() { if (m_bOffsetAssigned) return m_dwDeviceControlOffset;
return (DWORD)-1; }
BOOL CDeviceControl::IsOffsetAssigned() { return m_bOffsetAssigned; }
void CDeviceControl::FillImageInfo(DIDEVICEIMAGEINFOW *pImgInfo) { if (!pImgInfo) return;
if (m_ptszOverlayPath != NULL) CopyStr(pImgInfo->tszImagePath, m_ptszOverlayPath, MAX_PATH); else wcscpy(pImgInfo->tszImagePath, L""); // Overlay Image not yet supported
SIZE size = {0, 0}; if (m_pbmOverlay != NULL) m_pbmOverlay->GetSize(&size); RECT rect = {m_ptOverlay.x, m_ptOverlay.y, m_ptOverlay.x + size.cx, m_ptOverlay.y + size.cy};
pImgInfo->dwFlags = DIDIFT_OVERLAY; // This is an overlay
pImgInfo->rcOverlay = rect; pImgInfo->dwObjID = GetOffset(); pImgInfo->dwcValidPts = m_nLinePoints; DWORD dwPtsToCopy = m_nLinePoints > 5 ? 5 : m_nLinePoints; for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwPtsToCopy; ++i) pImgInfo->rgptCalloutLine[i] = m_rgptLinePoint[i]; pImgInfo->rcCalloutRect = m_rectCalloutMax; pImgInfo->dwTextAlign = m_dwCalloutAlign; }
void CDeviceControl::SelectOverlay() { LPCTSTR file = GetOpenFileName( g_hModule, m_view.m_hWnd, _T("Select An Overlay Image for This Control"), _T("PNG Files (*.png)\0*.png\0All Files (*.*)\0*.*\0"), _T("png"));
if (file == NULL) return;
ManualLoadImage(file); }
void CDeviceControl::ManualLoadImage(LPCTSTR tszPath) { if (!tszPath) FormattedErrorBox(g_hModule, m_view.m_hWnd, IDS_TITLE_NOLOADVIEWIMAGE, IDS_NULLPATH);
LPDIRECT3DSURFACE8 pSurf = m_ui.m_uig.GetSurface3D(); // GetSurface3D() calls AddRef() on the surface.
CBitmap *pbmNewImage = CBitmap::CreateViaD3DX(tszPath, pSurf); if (pSurf) { // Release surface instance after we are done with it so we don't leak memory.
pSurf->Release(); pSurf = NULL; } if (pbmNewImage == NULL) { FormattedErrorBox(g_hModule, m_view.m_hWnd, IDS_TITLE_NOLOADVIEWIMAGE, IDS_COULDNOTCREATEIMAGEFROMFILE, tszPath); return; }
// replace
delete m_pbmOverlay; m_pbmOverlay = pbmNewImage; pbmNewImage = NULL; if (m_ptszOverlayPath != NULL) free(m_ptszOverlayPath); m_ptszOverlayPath = _tcsdup(tszPath);
// redraw
Invalidate(); }
void CDeviceControl::PositionOverlay(POINT point) { SIZE size = {1, 1}; RECT rect = {0, 0, size.cx, size.cy}; PlaceRectCenter(rect, point); RECT client; m_view.GetClientRect(&client); OffsetRectToWithin(rect, client); SRECT sr = rect; m_ptOverlay = sr.ul; Invalidate(); } #endif
BOOL CDeviceControl::IsMapped() { return m_ui.IsControlMapped(this); }
int CDeviceControl::GetControlIndex() { for (int i = 0; i < m_view.GetNumControls(); i++) if (m_view.GetControl(i) == this) return i;
return -1; }
void CDeviceControl::SetLinePoints(int n, POINT *rgpt) { assert(n >= 0 && n <= MAX_DEVICECONTROL_LINEPOINTS && rgpt);
if (!rgpt) n = 0;
m_nLinePoints = n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) m_rgptLinePoint[i] = rgpt[i]; }
void CDeviceControl::SetOverlayPath(LPCTSTR tszPath) { if (m_ptszOverlayPath) free(m_ptszOverlayPath); m_ptszOverlayPath = NULL;
if (tszPath) m_ptszOverlayPath = _tcsdup(tszPath);
delete m_pbmOverlay; m_pbmOverlay = NULL;
if (m_ptszOverlayPath) { LPDIRECT3DSURFACE8 pSurf = m_ui.m_uig.GetSurface3D(); // GetSurface3D() calls AddRef() on the surface.
m_pbmOverlay = CBitmap::CreateViaD3DX(m_ptszOverlayPath, pSurf); if (pSurf) { // Release surface instance after we are done with it so we don't leak memory.
pSurf->Release(); pSurf = NULL; } } }
void CDeviceControl::SetOverlayRect(const RECT &r) { m_ptOverlay.x = r.left; m_ptOverlay.y = r.top; }