// File: useful.h
// Desc: Contains various utility classes and functions to help the
// UI carry its operations more easily.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __USEFUL_H__
#define __USEFUL_H__
class utilstr { public: utilstr() : m_str(NULL), m_len(0) {} ~utilstr() {Empty();}
operator LPCTSTR () const {return m_str;} LPCTSTR Get() const {return m_str;}
const utilstr & operator = (const utilstr &s) {equal(s); return *this;} const utilstr & operator = (LPCTSTR s) {equal(s); return *this;} const utilstr & operator += (const utilstr &s) {add(s); return *this;} const utilstr & operator += (LPCTSTR s) {add(s); return *this;}
LPTSTR Eject(); void Empty(); bool IsEmpty() const; int GetLength() const; void Format(LPCTSTR format, ...);
private: LPTSTR m_str; int m_len;
void equal(LPCTSTR str); void add(LPCTSTR str); };
template <class T> struct rgref { rgref(T *p) : pt(p) {}
T &operator [] (int i) {return pt[i];} const T &operator [] (int i) const {return pt[i];}
private: T *pt; };
p(u.p), \ s(u.s), \ a(((int *)(void *)u.a)), \ x(u.p.x), \ y(u.p.y), \ cx(u.s.cx), \ cy(u.s.cy) SPOINT_INITIALIZERS {x = y = 0;}
SPOINT(int, POINT *r) : p(*r), s(*((SIZE *)(void *)r)), a(((int *)(void *)r)), x(r->x), y(r->y), cx(r->x), cy(r->y) {}
SPOINT(int b, int c) : SPOINT_INITIALIZERS {x = b; y = c;}
SPOINT(const POINT &point) : SPOINT_INITIALIZERS {p = point;}
SPOINT(const SIZE &size) : SPOINT_INITIALIZERS {s = size;}
SPOINT operator = (const SPOINT &sp) {p = sp.p; return *this;} SPOINT operator = (const POINT &_p) {p = _p; return *this;} SPOINT operator = (const SIZE &_s) {s = _s; return *this;}
operator POINT () const {return p;} operator SIZE () const {return s;}
long &x, &y, &cx, &cy; POINT &p; SIZE &s; rgref<int> a;
private: union { POINT p; SIZE s; int a[2]; } u; };
a(((int *)(void *)u.a)), \ r(u.r), \ left(u.r.left), \ top(u.r.top), \ right(u.r.right), \ bottom(u.r.bottom), \ ul(0, &u.p.ul), \ lr(0, &u.p.lr) SRECT_INITIALIZERS {RECT z = {0,0,0,0}; u.r = z;} SRECT(const SRECT &sr) : SRECT_INITIALIZERS {u.r = sr.r;}
SRECT(int c, int d, int e, int f) : SRECT_INITIALIZERS {RECT z = {c,d,e,f}; u.r = z;}
SRECT(const RECT &_r) : SRECT_INITIALIZERS {u.r = _r;}
SRECT operator = (const SRECT &sr) {u.r = sr.r; return *this;} SRECT operator = (const RECT &_r) {u.r = _r; return *this;}
operator RECT () const {return r;}
long &left, &top, &right, ⊥ rgref<int> a; RECT &r; SPOINT ul, lr;
private: union { int a[4]; RECT r; struct { POINT ul, lr; } p; } u; };
int ConvertVal(int x, int a1, int a2, int b1, int b2); double dConvertVal(double x, double a1, double a2, double b1, double b2);
SIZE GetTextSize(LPCTSTR tszText, HFONT hFont = NULL); int GetTextHeight(HFONT hFont); SIZE GetRectSize(const RECT &rect);
int FormattedMsgBox(HINSTANCE, HWND, UINT, UINT, UINT, ...); int FormattedErrorBox(HINSTANCE, HWND, UINT, UINT, ...); int FormattedLastErrorBox(HINSTANCE, HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD); BOOL UserConfirm(HINSTANCE, HWND, UINT, UINT, ...);
struct AFS_FLAG {DWORD value; LPCTSTR name;}; LPTSTR AllocFlagStr(DWORD value, const AFS_FLAG flag[], DWORD flags);
LPTSTR AllocFileNameNoPath(LPTSTR path);
LPTSTR AllocLPTSTR(LPCWSTR wstr); LPTSTR AllocLPTSTR(LPCSTR cstr); LPWSTR AllocLPWSTR(LPCWSTR wstr); LPWSTR AllocLPWSTR(LPCSTR str); LPSTR AllocLPSTR(LPCWSTR wstr); LPSTR AllocLPSTR(LPCSTR str); void CopyStr(LPWSTR dest, LPCWSTR src, size_t max); void CopyStr(LPSTR dest, LPCSTR src, size_t max); void CopyStr(LPWSTR dest, LPCSTR src, size_t max); void CopyStr(LPSTR dest, LPCWSTR src, size_t max);
void PolyLineArrowShadow(HDC hDC, POINT *p, int i); void PolyLineArrow(HDC hDC, POINT *, int, BOOL bDoShadow = FALSE);
void DrawArrow(HDC hDC, const RECT &rect, BOOL bVert, BOOL bUpLeft);
BOOL ScreenToClient(HWND hWnd, LPRECT rect); BOOL ClientToScreen(HWND hWnd, LPRECT rect);
int StrLen(LPCWSTR s); int StrLen(LPCSTR s);
LPCTSTR GetOpenFileName(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR title, LPCTSTR filter, LPCTSTR defext, LPCTSTR inidir = NULL); #endif
template<class T> int GetSuperStringByteSize(const T *str) { for (int i = 0;; i++) if (!str[i] && !str[i + 1]) return (i + 2) * sizeof(T); }
template<class T> T *DupSuperString(const T *str) { int s = GetSuperStringByteSize(str); T *ret = (T *)malloc(s); if (ret != NULL) { CopyMemory((void *)ret, (const void *)str, (DWORD)s); } return ret; }
template<class T> int CountSubStrings(const T *str) { int n = 0;
while (1) { str += StrLen(str) + 1;
if (!*str) return n; } }
template<class T> const T *GetSubString(const T *str, int i) { int n = 0;
while (1) { if (n == i) return str;
str += StrLen(str) + 1;
if (!*str) return NULL; } }
template<class T> class SetOnFunctionExit { public: SetOnFunctionExit(T &var, T value) : m_var(var), m_value(value) {} ~SetOnFunctionExit() {m_var = m_value;}
private: T &m_var; T m_value; };
#endif //__USEFUL_H__