// Copyright (c) 1997 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// DDStrm.cpp : Implementation of CDDStream
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "project.h"
// See if we can blt this to the screen
void ShowSurface(IDirectDrawSurface *pSurface) { CComPtr<IDirectDraw> pDDraw; CComPtr<IDirectDrawSurface2> pSurface2; DDSURFACEDESC ddsdSurf; ddsdSurf.dwSize = sizeof(ddsdSurf); HRESULT hr = pSurface->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawSurface2, (void **)&pSurface2); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSurface2->GetDDInterface((void **)&pDDraw); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsdSurf); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IDirectDrawSurface> pPrimary; DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE; HRESULT hr = pDDraw->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &pPrimary, NULL); RECT rc; rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = ddsdSurf.dwWidth; rc.bottom = ddsdSurf.dwHeight; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pPrimary->Blt(&rc, pSurface, &rc, DDBLT_WAIT, NULL); } else { } } } #endif
// CDDStream
CDDStream::CDDStream() : m_dwForcedFormatFlags(0), m_Height(0), m_Width(0), m_lLastPitch(0), m_pMyReadOnlySample(NULL), m_pDefPixelFormat(GetDefaultPixelFormatPtr(NULL)) { }
HRESULT CDDStream::InitDirectDraw() { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; if (!m_pDirectDraw) { CComPtr<IDirectDraw> pDDraw; hr = DirectDrawCreate(NULL, &pDDraw, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDDraw->SetCooperativeLevel(NULL, DDSCL_NORMAL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pDirectDraw = pDDraw; } } return hr; }
HRESULT CDDStream::InternalAllocateSample( DWORD dwFlags, bool bIsInternalSample, IDirectDrawStreamSample **ppDDSample, bool bTemp ) { AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr <IDirectDrawSurface> pSurface; CComPtr<IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette;
// Create the direct draw object here if necessary. It is important to call the
// SetDirectDraw method so it can set other member variables appropriately
if (!m_pDirectDraw) { hr = InitDirectDraw(); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; } }
DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); GetFormatInternal(&ddsd, &pPalette, NULL, NULL);
hr = m_pDirectDraw->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &pSurface, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pPalette) { pSurface->SetPalette(pPalette); } RECT rect = {0, 0, ddsd.dwWidth, ddsd.dwHeight}; hr = InternalCreateSample(pSurface, &rect, dwFlags, bIsInternalSample, ppDDSample, bTemp); // No need to release surface if create fails since pSurface is a CComPtr
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !bIsInternalSample) { // Make sure the surface has a palette if the stream has one
if (pPalette == NULL && m_pDirectDrawPalette) { pSurface->SetPalette(m_pDirectDrawPalette); } } } Exit: return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::SetSameFormat(IMediaStream *pStream, DWORD dwFlags) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::SetSameFormat(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X)\n"), pStream, dwFlags); CComQIPtr<IDirectDrawMediaStream, &IID_IDirectDrawMediaStream> pSource(pStream); if (!pSource) { return MS_E_INCOMPATIBLE; } DDSURFACEDESC ddsdCurrent; CComPtr <IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette; ddsdCurrent.dwSize = sizeof(ddsdCurrent); HRESULT hr = pSource->GetFormat(&ddsdCurrent, &pPalette, NULL, 0);
/* Lock the source format */ ddsdCurrent.dwFlags |= DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSource->SetFormat(&ddsdCurrent, pPalette); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetFormat(&ddsdCurrent, pPalette); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IDirectDraw> pDD; hr = pSource->GetDirectDraw(&pDD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetDirectDraw(pDD); } } } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::AllocateSample(DWORD dwFlags, IStreamSample **ppSample) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::AllocateSample(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X)\n"), dwFlags, ppSample); HRESULT hr; if (ppSample) { *ppSample = NULL; } if (!ppSample || dwFlags) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { IDirectDrawStreamSample *pDDSample = NULL; hr = InternalAllocateSample(0, false, &pDDSample); *ppSample = pDDSample; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::CreateSharedSample(IStreamSample *pExistingSample, DWORD dwFlags, IStreamSample **ppNewSample) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::CreateSharedSample(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X)\n"), pExistingSample, dwFlags, ppNewSample); *ppNewSample = NULL; CComQIPtr<IDirectDrawStreamSample, &IID_IDirectDrawStreamSample> pSource(pExistingSample); if (!pSource) { return MS_E_INCOMPATIBLE; } CComPtr<IDirectDrawSurface> pSurface; RECT rect; pSource->GetSurface(&pSurface, &rect);
IDirectDrawStreamSample * pDDSample; HRESULT hr = CreateSample(pSurface, &rect, 0, &pDDSample); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppNewSample = pDDSample; } return hr; }
// IDirectDrawMediaStream
void CDDStream::InitSurfaceDesc(LPDDSURFACEDESC lpddsd) { lpddsd->dwFlags = 0; if (m_Height) { lpddsd->dwHeight = m_Height; lpddsd->dwWidth = m_Width; } else { lpddsd->dwHeight = lpddsd->dwWidth = 100; } if ((m_dwForcedFormatFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT) || m_pConnectedPin) { memcpy(&lpddsd->ddpfPixelFormat, &m_PixelFormat, sizeof(m_PixelFormat)); } else { memcpy(&lpddsd->ddpfPixelFormat, m_pDefPixelFormat, sizeof(m_PixelFormat)); } lpddsd->ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::GetFormat(DDSURFACEDESC *pDDSDCurrent, IDirectDrawPalette **ppDirectDrawPalette, DDSURFACEDESC *pDDSDDesired, DWORD *pdwFlags) { if(!m_pConnectedPin) { return MS_E_NOSTREAM; }
return GetFormatInternal(pDDSDCurrent, ppDirectDrawPalette, pDDSDDesired, pdwFlags); }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::GetFormatInternal(DDSURFACEDESC *pDDSDCurrent, IDirectDrawPalette **ppDirectDrawPalette, DDSURFACEDESC *pDDSDDesired, DWORD *pdwFlags) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::GetFormat(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X)\n"), pDDSDCurrent, ppDirectDrawPalette, pDDSDDesired, pdwFlags); //
// If we have never connected, and the format is not set, then default
// to returning a height and width (100 x 100) and a caps of
// data interchange type,
// If we are connected but haven't allocated a sureface, simply return the
// correct height and width, and a caps of data interchange type.
// If we have a set format, then return the height, width, pixel format,
// and caps of the current surfacedesc we have.
if (pDDSDCurrent) { InitSurfaceDesc(pDDSDCurrent); pDDSDCurrent->dwFlags = DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_CAPS | m_dwForcedFormatFlags; if (m_cAllocated) { pDDSDCurrent->dwFlags |= DDSD_PIXELFORMAT; } } if (pDDSDDesired) { InitSurfaceDesc(pDDSDDesired); if (m_pConnectedPin) { pDDSDDesired->dwFlags |= DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH; } } if (ppDirectDrawPalette) { *ppDirectDrawPalette = m_pDirectDrawPalette; if (*ppDirectDrawPalette) { (*ppDirectDrawPalette)->AddRef(); } } if (pdwFlags) { *pdwFlags = m_bSamplesAreReadOnly ? DDSFF_PROGRESSIVERENDER : 0; } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::SetFormat(const DDSURFACEDESC *lpDDSurfaceDesc, IDirectDrawPalette *pDirectDrawPalette) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::SetFormat(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X)\n"), lpDDSurfaceDesc, pDirectDrawPalette); HRESULT hr = InternalSetFormat(lpDDSurfaceDesc, pDirectDrawPalette, false); if (hr == VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED) { hr = DDERR_INVALIDSURFACETYPE; } return hr; }
HRESULT CDDStream::RenegotiateMediaType(const DDSURFACEDESC *lpDDSurfaceDesc, IDirectDrawPalette *pPalette, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt) { HRESULT hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; // If the type is acceptable and we're using
// our own allocator then QueryAccept is OK - we can
// just return the new type from GetBuffer
if (m_bUsingMyAllocator) { if (S_OK == m_pConnectedPin->QueryAccept(pmt)) { hr = S_OK; } }
// Check if we'll be able to make a read-only sample
if (m_bSamplesAreReadOnly) { // If the pixel format is not OK
if (!IsSupportedType(&lpDDSurfaceDesc->ddpfPixelFormat)) { hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; } }
// If we're stopped then we can attempt to reconnect
if (S_OK != hr && m_FilterState == State_Stopped) { AM_MEDIA_TYPE SavedType; DDSURFACEDESC ddsdSaved; CComPtr<IDirectDrawPalette> pPaletteSaved; ddsdSaved.dwSize = sizeof(ddsdSaved); ConnectionMediaType(&SavedType); GetFormatInternal(&ddsdSaved, &pPaletteSaved, NULL, NULL); CComPtr<IPin> pConnected = m_pConnectedPin; Disconnect(); pConnected->Disconnect(); IPin *ppinIn; IPin *ppinOut; if (m_Direction == PINDIR_INPUT) { ppinIn = this; ppinOut = pConnected; } else { ppinOut = this; ppinIn = pConnected; } HRESULT hrTmp = InternalSetFormat(lpDDSurfaceDesc, pPalette, false); // Recurse!
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { CComQIPtr<IGraphBuilder, &IID_IGraphBuilder> pBuilder(m_pFilterGraph); hrTmp = pBuilder->Connect(ppinOut, ppinIn); } if (FAILED(hrTmp)) { SetFormat(&ddsdSaved, pPaletteSaved); m_pFilterGraph->ConnectDirect(ppinOut, ppinIn, &SavedType); } else { hr = S_OK; } CoTaskMemFree(SavedType.pbFormat); } return hr; }
HRESULT CDDStream::InternalSetFormat(const DDSURFACEDESC *lpDDSurfaceDesc, IDirectDrawPalette *pPalette, bool bFromPin, bool bQuery) { if (!lpDDSurfaceDesc) { return E_POINTER; } if (lpDDSurfaceDesc->dwSize != sizeof(*lpDDSurfaceDesc)) { return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS; }
DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; bool bPaletteAllocated = false;
Lock(); DDSURFACEDESC ddsdCopy; if (m_pConnectedPin && !bQuery && (bFromPin && !(m_dwForcedFormatFlags & (DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT)) || !bFromPin && pPalette == NULL && lpDDSurfaceDesc->ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == 8 ) ) {
/* See what size the connected pin would like :
-- If the width and height haven't been specified set them to the output pin's preferred values -- If no palette is specified try to get one from the output pin */ AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; IEnumMediaTypes *pEnum; HRESULT hr = m_pConnectedPin->EnumMediaTypes(&pEnum); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONG ulGot; bool bBreak = false; while (!bBreak && S_OK == pEnum->Next(1, &pmt, &ulGot)) { if (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { VIDEOINFO *pvi = (VIDEOINFO *)pmt->pbFormat; if (bFromPin) { ddsdCopy = *lpDDSurfaceDesc; ddsdCopy.dwWidth = pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth; ddsdCopy.dwHeight = pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight < 0 ? -pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight : pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight; lpDDSurfaceDesc = &ddsdCopy; bBreak = true; } else { if (pmt->subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8) { DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; _ASSERTE(pPalette == NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(ConvertMediaTypeToSurfaceDesc( pmt, m_pDirectDraw, &pPalette, &ddsd)) && pPalette != NULL) { bPaletteAllocated = true; } bBreak = true; } } } DeleteMediaType(pmt); } pEnum->Release(); } } InitSurfaceDesc(&ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = lpDDSurfaceDesc->dwFlags; bool bMatches = true; bool bPixelFmtMatches = true; BOOL bContradictsForced = FALSE; if (ddsd.dwFlags & (DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH)) { if (ddsd.dwHeight != lpDDSurfaceDesc->dwHeight || ddsd.dwWidth != lpDDSurfaceDesc->dwWidth) { bMatches = false; ddsd.dwHeight = lpDDSurfaceDesc->dwHeight; ddsd.dwWidth = lpDDSurfaceDesc->dwWidth; bContradictsForced |= (m_dwForcedFormatFlags & DDSD_HEIGHT); } } if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT) { if (!ComparePixelFormats(&ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat, &lpDDSurfaceDesc->ddpfPixelFormat)) { bMatches = false; bPixelFmtMatches = false; bContradictsForced |= (m_dwForcedFormatFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT); }
// Always copy because ComparePixelFormats doesn't check all
// the bits but we need to save the correct format for making
// more surfaces
memcpy(&ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat, &lpDDSurfaceDesc->ddpfPixelFormat, sizeof(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat)); }
HRESULT hr; if (bMatches) { hr = S_OK; } else { if (bContradictsForced && bFromPin) { hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; } else { if (m_cAllocated) { hr = MS_E_SAMPLEALLOC; } else { //
// If the pin is trying to change its own type via query accept then skip the
// renegotiation phase.
if (bFromPin || bQuery) { // If we're connected then this is from QueryAccept so we'll say OK. Otherwise, only
// accept a ReceiveConnection if the pixel format matches the display pixel format.
// NOTE - aren't we going to return S_OK always here?
// During connection m_pConnectedPin is not set anyway
// and bQuery already checks for QueryAccept (Robin)
hr = (m_pConnectedPin || bPixelFmtMatches) ? S_OK : VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; } else { _ASSERTE(!bQuery); // Note: The below call to ConvertSurfaceDescToMediaType should always be done to make
// sure that the surface descriptor is valid, EVEN IF WE'RE NOT CONNECTED TO A PIN!
AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt; hr = ConvertSurfaceDescToMediaType(lpDDSurfaceDesc, pPalette, NULL, true, &pmt); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pConnectedPin ? RenegotiateMediaType(lpDDSurfaceDesc, pPalette, pmt) : S_OK; DeleteMediaType(pmt); } } } } }
// Even if we match we may be forcing more format flags and
// setting caps flags
if (S_OK == hr && !bQuery) {
// Don't update the pixel format if it was already forced
if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT) { if (!bFromPin || !(m_dwForcedFormatFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT)) { memcpy(&m_PixelFormat, &ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat, sizeof(m_PixelFormat)); m_PixelFormat.dwSize = sizeof(m_PixelFormat); } }
if (!bFromPin) { m_dwForcedFormatFlags = ddsd.dwFlags & (DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT | DDSD_CAPS); } m_pDirectDrawPalette = pPalette;
if (ddsd.dwFlags & (DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH)) { m_Height = ddsd.dwHeight; m_Width = ddsd.dwWidth; } }
if (bPaletteAllocated) { pPalette->Release(); pPalette = NULL; }
Unlock(); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::GetDirectDraw(IDirectDraw **ppDirectDraw) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::GetDirectDraw(0x%8.8X)\n"), ppDirectDraw); if (!ppDirectDraw) { return E_POINTER; } Lock(); *ppDirectDraw = m_pDirectDraw; Unlock(); if (*ppDirectDraw) { (*ppDirectDraw)->AddRef(); } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::SetDirectDraw(IDirectDraw *pDirectDraw) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::SetDirectDraw(0x%8.8X)\n"), pDirectDraw); HRESULT hr; AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; if (m_cAllocated) { hr = IsSameObject(m_pDirectDraw, pDirectDraw) ? S_OK : MS_E_SAMPLEALLOC; } else { //
// NOTE: This is important! We need to release ALL objects that were allocated
// by the previous DirectDraw object since they will magically disappear
// beneath us. So far, the only object we hold is the palette so we'll copy
// the entries and then create a new object.
hr = S_OK; if (m_pDirectDrawPalette) { if (pDirectDraw) { PALETTEENTRY aPaletteEntry[256]; hr = m_pDirectDrawPalette->GetEntries(0, 0, 256, aPaletteEntry); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr <IDirectDrawPalette> pNewPal; hr = pDirectDraw->CreatePalette(DDPCAPS_8BIT | DDPCAPS_ALLOW256, aPaletteEntry, &pNewPal, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pDirectDrawPalette = pNewPal; } } } else { m_pDirectDrawPalette = NULL; // If no direct draw object then toss the palette.
} } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pDirectDraw = pDirectDraw; if (pDirectDraw) { m_pDefPixelFormat = GetDefaultPixelFormatPtr(pDirectDraw); } } } return hr; }
// NOTE: For this function, the caller MUST provide a rect. The format of the surface
// and the DirectDraw object are not checked for validity. They are assumed to be correct.
HRESULT CDDStream::InternalCreateSample(IDirectDrawSurface *pSurface, const RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags, bool bIsInternalSample, IDirectDrawStreamSample **ppSample, bool bTemp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; *ppSample = NULL;
AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; CDDSample *pSample;
// First check the surface format
CComPtr<IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette; pSurface->GetPalette(&pPalette); ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); _ASSERTE(pRect != NULL); hr = pSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd); ddsd.dwWidth = pRect->right - pRect->left; ddsd.dwHeight = pRect->bottom - pRect->top; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetFormat(&ddsd, pPalette ? pPalette : m_pDirectDrawPalette); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (bIsInternalSample) { CDDInternalSample *pInternal = new CComObject<CDDInternalSample>; if (pInternal != NULL) { hr = pInternal->InternalInit(); } pSample = pInternal; } else { pSample = new CComObject<CDDSample>; } if (pSample) { //
// InitSample will increment our m_cAllocated variable if this is not an internal sample....
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pSample->InitSample(this, pSurface, pRect, dwFlags & DDSFF_PROGRESSIVERENDER, bIsInternalSample, bTemp); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pSample->GetControllingUnknown()->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawStreamSample, (void **)ppSample); } else { delete pSample; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
#if 0
// Use the real pixel format for subsequent surfaces
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_PixelFormat.dwFlags = ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags; } #endif
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::CreateSample(IDirectDrawSurface *pSurface, const RECT *pRect, DWORD dwFlags, IDirectDrawStreamSample **ppSample) { TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::CreateSample(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X)\n"), pSurface, pRect, dwFlags, ppSample); HRESULT hr; *ppSample = NULL;
AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; if (pSurface == NULL) { if (pRect) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = InternalAllocateSample(dwFlags, false, ppSample); } } else { CComQIPtr <IDirectDrawSurface2, &IID_IDirectDrawSurface2> pSurf2(pSurface);
// Work around DDrawEx bug
IUnknown *pUnk; hr = pSurf2->GetDDInterface((void **)&pUnk); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IDirectDraw *pDD; hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDraw, (void **)&pDD); pUnk->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetDirectDraw(pDD); pDD->Release(); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); hr = pSurface->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RECT SubRect; if (pRect) { SubRect = *pRect; if (SubRect.left > SubRect.right || SubRect.right > (LONG)ddsd.dwWidth || SubRect.top > SubRect.bottom || SubRect.bottom > (LONG)ddsd.dwHeight) { hr = DDERR_INVALIDRECT; goto Exit; } ddsd.dwWidth = SubRect.right - SubRect.left; ddsd.dwHeight = SubRect.bottom - SubRect.top; } else { SubRect.top = SubRect.left = 0; SubRect.bottom = ddsd.dwHeight; SubRect.right = ddsd.dwWidth; }
// We don't set the CAPS flag here so we won't force a particular caps
// mode. I'm not sure if this is the right choice, but it seems more
// flexible.
ddsd.dwFlags &= (DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT); CComPtr<IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette; pSurface->GetPalette(&pPalette); hr = SetFormat(&ddsd, pPalette); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = InternalCreateSample(pSurface, &SubRect, dwFlags, false, ppSample); } } } } Exit: return hr; }
// Get the time per frame
// If we're connected this comes out of the media type, otherwise we
// don't know
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::GetTimePerFrame( /* [out] */ STREAM_TIME *pFrameTime ) { if (pFrameTime == NULL) { return E_POINTER; } AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; if (m_pConnectedPin) { *pFrameTime = ((VIDEOINFO *)m_ConnectedMediaType.pbFormat)->AvgTimePerFrame; } else { return MS_E_NOSTREAM; } return S_OK; }
// IPin implementation
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::ReceiveConnection(IPin * pConnector, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt) { AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; //
// This helper function in CStream checks basic parameters for the Pin such as
// the connecting pin's direction (we need to check this -- Sometimes the filter
// graph will try to connect us to ourselves!) and other errors like already being
// connected, etc.
HRESULT hr = CheckReceiveConnectionPin(pConnector);
if (hr == NOERROR && pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) { //
// Check the source accepts negative heights
VIDEOINFO * const pvi = (VIDEOINFO *)pmt->pbFormat; if (pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight > 0) { VIDEOINFO vi; CopyMemory((PVOID)&vi, (PVOID)pmt->pbFormat, min(pmt->cbFormat, sizeof(vi))); AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt = *pmt; mt.pbFormat = (PBYTE)&vi; vi.bmiHeader.biHeight = - vi.bmiHeader.biHeight; if (S_OK != pConnector->QueryAccept(&mt)) { hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; } } }
if (hr == NOERROR) { DDSURFACEDESC SurfaceDesc; SurfaceDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC); CComPtr <IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette; m_pConnectedPin = pConnector; if (NOERROR == ConvertMediaTypeToSurfaceDesc(pmt, m_pDirectDraw, &pPalette, &SurfaceDesc) && SUCCEEDED(InternalSetFormat(&SurfaceDesc, pPalette, true))) { CopyMediaType(&m_ConnectedMediaType, pmt); CopyMediaType(&m_ActualMediaType, pmt); hr = NOERROR; } else { m_pConnectedPin = NULL; hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pConnector->QueryInterface(IID_IQualityControl, (void **)&m_pQC); }
return hr; }
HRESULT hr = VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; DDSURFACEDESC SurfaceDesc; SurfaceDesc.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC); CComPtr <IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette; if (S_OK == ConvertMediaTypeToSurfaceDesc(pmt, m_pDirectDraw, &pPalette, &SurfaceDesc) && SUCCEEDED(InternalSetFormat(&SurfaceDesc, pPalette, true, true)) && ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)pmt->pbFormat)->bmiHeader.biHeight >= 0) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::Receive(IMediaSample *pMediaSample) { bool bDummySample = false;
if (m_bFlushing || m_bStopIfNoSamples && m_cAllocated == 0) { EndOfStream(); return S_FALSE; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; #ifdef DEBUG
if (bDbgTraceTimes) { REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop; if (SUCCEEDED(pMediaSample->GetTime(&rtStart, &rtStop))) { ATLTRACE(_T("AMSTREAM.DLL : Video sample received - start %dms, end %dms, duration %dms\n"), (LONG)(rtStart / 10000), (LONG)(rtStop / 10000), (LONG)((rtStop - rtStart) / 10000)); } } #endif
if (m_bUsingMyAllocator) { CDDSample *pSrcSample = (CDDSample *)((CMediaSample *)pMediaSample)->m_pSample; pSrcSample->ReleaseMediaSampleLock(); pSrcSample->m_bReceived = true; if (!pSrcSample->m_bWaited) { // Wait for render time
REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop; if (SUCCEEDED(pMediaSample->GetTime(&rtStart, &rtStop))) { m_pFilter->WaitUntil(rtStart); } } if (pSrcSample->IsTemp()) { bDummySample = true; } else { #ifdef SHOWSURFACES
ShowSurface(pSrcSample->m_pSurface); #endif
// In this case if the read-only sample has no buddy then
// it's a temp sample for the nostall stuff
if (pSrcSample == m_pMyReadOnlySample && !m_pMyReadOnlySample->HasBuddy()) { _ASSERTE(m_bNoStall); bDummySample = true; } } } else { CDDSample *pDestSample; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtEnd; pMediaSample->GetTime(&rtStart, &rtEnd); hr = AllocDDSampleFromPool(&rtStart, &pDestSample);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _ASSERTE(!pDestSample->IsTemp()); Lock(); // This is a media sample coming from a different allocator.
AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pNewMediaType; if (pMediaSample->GetMediaType(&pNewMediaType) == S_OK) { FreeMediaType(m_ActualMediaType); // Note just copying has the effect
// of transferring pNewMediaType's format block
// and pUnk reference count
// Also this way we avoid allocation failures
m_ActualMediaType = *pNewMediaType; CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pNewMediaType); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDestSample->CopyFrom(pMediaSample, &m_ActualMediaType); #ifdef SHOWSURFACES
ShowSurface(pDestSample->m_pSurface); #endif
hr = pDestSample->SetCompletionStatus(hr); // Warning! The SetCompletionStatus may delete pDestSample. Don't touch it after this point!
} Unlock(); } else { // Might be timeout which means we become a zombie
hr = S_OK; bDummySample = true; } }
// Send quality message if clocked
// NOTE - we must do this AFTER releasing the media sample lock
// or we can deadlock on the win16 lock when querying the clock
// because dsound can be running on another thread waiting for
// the win16 lock but holding its global mutex
REFERENCE_TIME CurTime; if (S_OK == m_pFilter->GetCurrentStreamTime(&CurTime)) { REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop; if (m_pQC && SUCCEEDED(pMediaSample->GetTime(&rtStart, &rtStop))) { Quality msg; msg.Proportion = 1000; msg.Type = Famine; msg.Late = CurTime - rtStart; msg.TimeStamp = rtStart; if (bDummySample) { // Tell them they're later than they actually are
msg.Late += 150 * 10000; }
// Call Notify on our connected pin
m_pQC->Notify(m_pBaseFilter, msg);
//ATLTRACE("Late by %dms\n", (LONG)((CurTime - rtStart) / 10000));
} else { //ATLTRACE("No timestamp\n");
} }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (bDbgTraceTimes) { REFERENCE_TIME CurTime; m_pFilter->GetCurrentStreamTime(&CurTime); ATLTRACE(_T("AMSTREAM.DLL : Got sample at %dms\n"), (LONG)(CurTime / 10000)); } #endif
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::NotifyAllocator(IMemAllocator * pAllocator, BOOL bReadOnly) { if (bReadOnly) { // If the pixel format is not OK
if (!IsSupportedType(&m_PixelFormat)) { return VFW_E_TYPE_NOT_ACCEPTED; } } return CStream::NotifyAllocator(pAllocator, bReadOnly); }
// IMemAllocator implementation
// IMemAllocator
AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; ZeroMemory(pActual, sizeof(*pActual)); if (pRequest->cbAlign == 0) { hr = VFW_E_BADALIGN; } else { if (m_bCommitted == TRUE) { hr = VFW_E_ALREADY_COMMITTED; } else { m_lRequestedBufferCount = pRequest->cBuffers; hr = GetProperties(pActual); } } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::GetProperties(ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES* pProps) { AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType; HRESULT hr = GetMediaType(-1, &pMediaType); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VIDEOINFO *pVideoInfo = (VIDEOINFO *)pMediaType->pbFormat; BITMAPINFOHEADER *pbmiHeader = &pVideoInfo->bmiHeader; pProps->cbBuffer = pbmiHeader->biSizeImage; pProps->cBuffers = m_lRequestedBufferCount ? m_lRequestedBufferCount : 1; pProps->cbAlign = 1; pProps->cbPrefix = 0; DeleteMediaType(pMediaType); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::Decommit() { AUTO_CRIT_LOCK; if (m_pMyReadOnlySample) { m_pMyReadOnlySample->Die(); m_pMyReadOnlySample->GetControllingUnknown()->Release(); m_pMyReadOnlySample = NULL; } return CStream::Decommit(); }
// This method assumes the critical section is *NOT* owned!
HRESULT CDDStream::GetMyReadOnlySample(CDDSample *pBuddy, CDDSample **ppSample) { *ppSample = NULL; CDDInternalSample *pROSample; Lock(); if (!m_pMyReadOnlySample) { IDirectDrawStreamSample *pDDSample; HRESULT hr = InternalAllocateSample(DDSFF_PROGRESSIVERENDER, true, &pDDSample); if (FAILED(hr)) { Unlock(); return hr; } m_pMyReadOnlySample = (CDDInternalSample *)pDDSample; } pROSample = m_pMyReadOnlySample; pROSample->GetControllingUnknown()->AddRef(); Unlock(); //
// Must leave our critical section here! This is very important since JoinToBuddy can fail.
HRESULT hr; if (pBuddy) { hr = pROSample->JoinToBuddy(pBuddy); } else { hr = S_OK; } if (hr == S_OK) { *ppSample = pROSample; } else { pROSample->GetControllingUnknown()->Release(); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::GetBuffer(IMediaSample **ppBuffer, REFERENCE_TIME * pStartTime, REFERENCE_TIME * pEndTime, DWORD dwFlags) { *ppBuffer = NULL; if (m_bStopIfNoSamples && m_cAllocated == 0) { return E_FAIL; } CDDSample *pSample; #ifdef DEBUG
if (bDbgTraceTimes) { ATLTRACE(_T("AMSTREAM.DLL : GetBuffer for %dms\n"), pStartTime ? (LONG)(*pStartTime / 10000) : 0); } #endif
HRESULT hr = AllocDDSampleFromPool(pStartTime, &pSample); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (CreateInternalSample() && !pSample->m_bProgressiveRender) { CDDSample *pMyReadOnlySample; hr = GetMyReadOnlySample(pSample, &pMyReadOnlySample); if (FAILED(hr)) { return pSample->SetCompletionStatus(hr); } pSample = pMyReadOnlySample; } Lock(); pSample->m_pMediaSample->m_dwFlags = dwFlags; m_lLastPitch = pSample->LockAndPrepareMediaSample(m_lLastPitch); if (m_lLastPitch == 0) { hr = pSample->SetCompletionStatus(E_UNEXPECTED); // Really strange to fail this way!
} else { pSample->m_bReceived = false; pSample->m_bModified = true; *ppBuffer = (IMediaSample *)(pSample->m_pMediaSample); (*ppBuffer)->AddRef(); } Unlock(); } return hr; }
// Special CStream methods
HRESULT CDDStream::GetMediaType(ULONG Index, AM_MEDIA_TYPE **ppMediaType) { if (Index != 0 && Index != -1) { return S_FALSE; }
DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); CComPtr<IDirectDrawPalette> pPalette; GetFormatInternal(&ddsd, &pPalette, NULL, NULL); HRESULT hr = ConvertSurfaceDescToMediaType(&ddsd, pPalette, NULL, TRUE, ppMediaType);
// Don't offer a type for input - someone might use it!
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_Direction == PINDIR_INPUT && Index == 0) { // Something impossible - or at least something we'll reject
// but something they won't fall over on
(*ppMediaType)->formattype = GUID_NULL; }
return hr; }
// Create a temporary sample in order to throw away the data
HRESULT CDDStream::CreateTempSample(CSample **ppSample) { if (CreateInternalSample()) { CDDSample *pDDSample; HRESULT hr = GetMyReadOnlySample(NULL, &pDDSample); *ppSample = pDDSample; return hr; } //ATLTRACE("Creating temp sample\n");
IDirectDrawStreamSample *pSample; *ppSample = NULL;
// This must be allocated as an internal sample otherwise
// we wind up AddRef'ing the filter graph and leaking
// everything (because the final release is on a filter
// thread and the filter graph hangs waiting for the thread
// that is actually doing the final release to go away).
HRESULT hr = InternalAllocateSample(0, true, &pSample, true); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppSample = static_cast<CDDSample *>(pSample); } else { //ATLTRACE("Failed to create temp sample\n");
} return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CDDStream::Initialize(IUnknown *pSourceObject, DWORD dwFlags, REFMSPID PurposeId, const STREAM_TYPE StreamType) { //
TRACEINTERFACE(_T("IDirectDrawStream::Initialize(0x%8.8X, 0x%8.8X, %s, %d)\n"), pSourceObject, dwFlags, TextFromPurposeId(PurposeId), StreamType); // It is important to call the base class first since if we are creating a peer
// stream then the Initalize call from the base class will end up calling SetSameFormat
// which will initialize this stream with the same directdraw object as it's peer.
// Otherwise, if the pSourceObject is actually a DirectDraw then we'll use that one.
HRESULT hr = CStream::Initialize(pSourceObject, dwFlags & ~AMMSF_NOSTALL, PurposeId, StreamType); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
if (dwFlags & AMMSF_NOSTALL) { m_bNoStall = true; } IDirectDraw *pDD; if (pSourceObject && pSourceObject->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDraw, (void **)&pDD) == S_OK) { SetDirectDraw(pDD); pDD->Release(); } else { hr = InitDirectDraw(); } } return hr; }