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// ATSCChannelTuneRequestimpl.h : implementation helper template for component type interface
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999.
#include "channeltunerequestimpl.h"
#include "atsclocator.h"
namespace BDATuningModel {
template<class T, class MostDerived = IATSCChannelTuneRequest, LPCGUID iid = &__uuidof(MostDerived), LPCGUID LibID = &LIBID_TunerLib, WORD wMajor = 1, WORD wMinor = 0, class tihclass = CComTypeInfoHolder > class ATL_NO_VTABLE IATSCChannelTuneRequestImpl : public IChannelTuneRequestImpl<T, MostDerived, iid, LibID, wMajor, wMinor, tihclass> { // IATSCChannelTuneRequest
public: typedef IChannelTuneRequestImpl<T, MostDerived, iid, LibID, wMajor, wMinor, tihclass> basetype; virtual ~IATSCChannelTuneRequestImpl() {} IATSCChannelTuneRequestImpl() : m_MinorChannel(-1){}
BEGIN_PROP_MAP(IATSCChannelTuneRequestImpl) CHAIN_PROP_MAP(basetype) PROP_DATA_ENTRY("Minor Channel", m_MinorChannel, VT_I4) END_PROP_MAP()
long m_MinorChannel;
STDMETHOD(get_MinorChannel)(long *pVal) { try { if (!pVal) { return E_POINTER; } ATL_LOCKT(); *pVal = m_MinorChannel; } catch (...) { return E_POINTER; }
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHOD(put_MinorChannel)(long newVal) { ATL_LOCKT(); TNATSCTuningSpace ts(m_TS); if (!m_TS) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } if (newVal != BDA_UNDEFINED_CHANNEL) { if (newVal < ts.MinMinorChannel()) { newVal = ts.MaxMinorChannel(); } else if (newVal > ts.MaxMinorChannel()) { newVal = ts.MinMinorChannel(); } } m_MinorChannel = newVal; MARK_DIRTY(T);
return NOERROR; }
STDMETHOD(Clone) (ITuneRequest **ppTR) { try { if (!ppTR) { return E_POINTER; } ATL_LOCKT(); HRESULT hr = basetype::Clone(ppTR); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } T* pt = static_cast<T*>(*ppTR); pt->m_MinorChannel = m_MinorChannel;
return NOERROR; } catch (HRESULT h) { return h; } catch (...) { return E_POINTER; } }
STDMETHOD(put_Locator)(ILocator *pLocator) { try { if (pLocator) { PQATSCLocator pL(pLocator); if (!pL) { return DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH; } } return basetype::put_Locator(pLocator); } catch (...) { return E_POINTER; } }
}; // namespace
// end of file -- atschchanneltunerequestimpl.h