* * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dphelp.c * Content: allows the dplay winsock sp's to all share a single * server socket * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 18-jul-96 andyco initial implementation * 25-jul-96 andyco ddhelp now watches dplay procs so it can remove * them from our list when they go away * 3-sep-96 andyco don't get stale ip's - pick up a default ip whenever * we add a servernode. bug 3716. * 2-oct-96 andyco propagated from \orange\ddhelp.2 to \mustard\ddhelp * 3-oct-96 andyco made the winmain crit section "cs" a global so we can take * it in dphelps receive thread before forwarding requests * 21-jan-97 kipo use LoadLibrary on "wsock32.dll" instead of statically * linking to it so DDHELP will still run even when Winsock * is not around. This lets DDRAW and DSOUND work. Fixes * bug #68596. * 15-feb-97 andyco moved from ddhelp to the project formerly known as * ddhelp (playhelp? dplayhlp? dplay.exe? dphost?) Allowed * one process to host mulitple sessions * 29-jan-98 sohailm added support for stream enum sessions * ***************************************************************************/ /*============================================================================
* * Why this file exists : * * when you want to find a dplay game, you send a message to a well * known port (an enumrequest). * * if a game is being hosted on that system, it will listen on that * port, and respond to the message. * * BUT, only one process can listen on a given socket. * * So, we let ddhelp.exe listen on that socket, and forward enumrequests * to all games registered as being hosted on this system. * * see also : \%MANROOT%\dplay\wsock\dpsp.h * *****************************************************************************/
// todo - should we return error codes on AddServer xproc to our caller?
#include "dphelp.h"
* GLOBALS */ SOCKET gsDatagramListener = INVALID_SOCKET; // we listen for datagrams on this socket
SOCKET gsForwardSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; SOCKET gsStreamListener; // we listen for tcp connections on this socket
LPSPNODE gNodeList; BOOL gbInit; HANDLE ghDatagramReceiveThread,ghStreamReceiveThread; BOOL gbReceiveShutdown; // receive thread will exit when TRUE
// pointers to Winsock routines returned from GetProcAddress
cb_accept g_accept; cb_bind g_bind; cb_closesocket g_closesocket; cb_gethostbyname g_gethostbyname; cb_gethostname g_gethostname; cb_getpeername g_getpeername; cb_getsockname g_getsockname; cb_inet_ntoa g_inet_ntoa; cb_recvfrom g_recvfrom; cb_recv g_recv; cb_select g_select; cb_send g_send; cb_sendto g_sendto; cb_setsockopt g_setsockopt; cb_shutdown g_shutdown; cb_socket g_socket; cb_WSAFDIsSet g_WSAFDIsSet; cb_WSAGetLastError g_WSAGetLastError; cb_WSAStartup g_WSAStartup; cb_listen g_listen; cb_htons g_htons;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DPF_MODNAME "DebugPrintAddr"
// helper function called from DEBUGPRINTADDR macro
void DebugPrintAddr(UINT nLevel,LPSTR pStr,SOCKADDR * psockaddr) { SOCKADDR_IN * pin = (SOCKADDR_IN *)psockaddr;
DPF(nLevel,"%s af = AF_INET : address = %s : port = %d\n",pStr, g_inet_ntoa(pin->sin_addr),g_htons(pin->sin_port));
} // DebugPrintAddr
#define DPF_MODNAME "DebugPrintSocket"
void DebugPrintSocket(UINT level,LPSTR pStr,SOCKET * pSock) { SOCKADDR sockaddr; int addrlen=sizeof(sockaddr);
g_getsockname(*pSock,&sockaddr,&addrlen); DEBUGPRINTADDR(level,pStr,&sockaddr); }
#endif // debug
// this is called every time we add a new server node to our list...
HRESULT GetDefaultHostAddr(DWORD * puHostAddr) {
// a-josbor: we used to get the first interface and use that, but WebTV taught
// us that that can be dangerous. So we just use the loopback address.
// It's guaranteed to be there. Or so they say...
*puHostAddr = 0x0100007f; // loopback (<bleeping> little-endian)
return DP_OK; } // GetDefaultHostAddr
// the functions DPlayHelp_xxx are called from dphelp.c
// add a new node to our list of servers which want to have enum
// requests forwarded to them...
HRESULT DPlayHelp_AddServer(LPDPHELPDATA phd) { LPSPNODE pNode; BOOL bFoundIt=FALSE; HRESULT hr; if (!gbInit) { hr = DPlayHelp_Init(); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("dphelp : could not init wsock ! not adding server"); return (hr); } }
// see if we're already watching this process
// if we are, we won't start a watcher thread (below)
pNode = gNodeList;
// search the list
while (pNode && !bFoundIt) { if (pNode->pid == phd->pid) bFoundIt = TRUE; pNode = pNode->pNextNode; }
// now, build a new server node
pNode = MemAlloc(sizeof(SPNODE)); if (!pNode) { DPF_ERR("could not add new server node OUT OF MEMORY"); return (DPERR_OUTOFMEMORY); } pNode->pid = phd->pid; // build the sockaddr
// dwReserved1 of the phd is the port that the server is listening on
pNode->sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // find the default ip to use w/ this host
hr = GetDefaultHostAddr(&(pNode->sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr)); if (FAILED(hr)) { DPF_ERR("could not get host IP address"); MemFree(pNode); return (DPERR_UNAVAILABLE); } pNode->sockaddr.sin_port = phd->port;
DPF(5,"dphelp :: adding new server node : pid = %d, port = %d\n",phd->pid,g_htons(phd->port));
// link our new node onto the beginning of the list
pNode->pNextNode = gNodeList; gNodeList = pNode;
// see if we need to start our watcher thread
if (!bFoundIt) { //
// set up a thread to keep on eye on this process.
// we'll let the thread notify us when the process goes away
WatchNewPid(phd); }
return (DP_OK);
} // DPlayHelp_AddServer
// delete the server node from proc pid from our list
// called by "ThreadProc" from DPHELP.c when the process that
// goes away, or from the client side when a session goes away.
// if bFreeAll is TRUE, we delete all server nodes for process
// phd->pid. otherwise, we just delete the first server node whose
// port matches phd->port
BOOL FAR PASCAL DPlayHelp_DeleteServer(LPDPHELPDATA phd,BOOL bFreeAll) { BOOL bFoundIt = FALSE; LPSPNODE pNode,pNodePrev,pNodeNext;
pNode = gNodeList; pNodePrev = NULL; pNodeNext = NULL; // search the whole list
while (pNode && !bFoundIt) { // if we have the right pid, and it's either FreeAll or the right port - cruise it!
if ((pNode->pid == phd->pid) && (bFreeAll || (pNode->sockaddr.sin_port == phd->port)) ) { // remove it from the list
if (pNodePrev) pNodePrev->pNextNode = pNode->pNextNode; else gNodeList = pNode->pNextNode; if (bFreeAll) { // pick up the next one b4 we free pNode
pNodeNext = pNode->pNextNode; } else { // mark us as done
bFoundIt = TRUE; pNodeNext = NULL; }
DPF(5,"dphelp :: deleting server node : pid = %d\n",pNode->pid); // free up the node
pNode = pNodeNext; // pNodePrev doesn't change here...
} else { // just get the next one
pNodePrev = pNode; pNode = pNode->pNextNode; } }
return FALSE;
} // DPlayHelp_DeleteServer
// poke an ip addr into a message blob
// code stolen from \orange\dplay\wsock\winsock.c
void IP_SetAddr(LPVOID pmsg,SOCKADDR_IN * paddrSrc) { LPSOCKADDR_IN paddrDest; // tempo variable, makes casting less ugly
phead = (LPMESSAGEHEADER)pmsg;
paddrDest = (SOCKADDR_IN *)&(phead->sockaddr); // poke the new ip addr into the message header
paddrDest->sin_addr.s_addr = paddrSrc->sin_addr.s_addr;
return; } // IP_SetAddr
// we get a message. presumably its an enumrequest. forward it to all registered clients.
// we "home" the message (store the received ip addr w/ it) here, 'cause otherwise the clients
// would all think it came from us. we change the token to srvr_token so the clients know it
// came from us (so they don't home it again)
void HandleIncomingMessage(LPBYTE pBuffer,DWORD dwBufferSize,SOCKADDR_IN * psockaddr) { LPSPNODE pNode = gNodeList; UINT addrlen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); UINT err; ASSERT(VALID_SP_MESSAGE(pBuffer));
// reset the old token
*( (DWORD *)pBuffer) &= ~TOKEN_MASK; // set the new token
*( (DWORD *)pBuffer) |= HELPER_TOKEN;
// home it
IP_SetAddr((LPVOID)pBuffer,psockaddr); // now, forward the message to all registered servers
while (pNode) { DEBUGPRINTADDR(7,"dplay helper :: forwarding enum request to",(SOCKADDR *)&(pNode->sockaddr)); // send out the enum message
err = g_sendto(gsForwardSocket,pBuffer,dwBufferSize,0,(LPSOCKADDR)&(pNode->sockaddr), addrlen); if (SOCKET_ERROR == err) { err = g_WSAGetLastError(); DPF(0,"dphelp : send failed err = %d\n",err); }
pNode = pNode->pNextNode; }
return ;
} // HandleIncomingMessage
// BUF_SIZE is our initial guess at a receive buffer size
// if we get an enum request bigger than this, we'll realloc our
// buffer, and receive successfully if they send again
// (the only way this could happen is if they have password > ~ 1000
// bytes).
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
// listen on our socket for enum requests
DWORD WINAPI ListenThreadProc(LPVOID pvUnused) { UINT err; LPBYTE pBuffer=NULL; INT addrlen=sizeof(SOCKADDR); SOCKADDR sockaddr; // the from address
DPF(2,"dphelp :: starting udp listen thread ");
pBuffer = MemAlloc(BUF_SIZE); if (!pBuffer) { DPF_ERR("could not alloc dgram receive buffer"); ExitThread(0); return 0; } while (1) { err = g_recvfrom(gsDatagramListener,pBuffer,dwBufSize,0,&sockaddr,&addrlen); if (SOCKET_ERROR == err) { err = g_WSAGetLastError(); if (WSAEMSGSIZE == err) { LPBYTE pNewBuffer;
// buffer too small!
dwBufSize *= 2;
DPF(9,"\n udp recv thread - resizing buffer newsize = %d\n",dwBufSize); pNewBuffer = MemReAlloc(pBuffer,dwBufSize); if (!pNewBuffer) { DPF_ERR("could not realloc dgram receive buffer"); goto ERROR_EXIT; } pBuffer = pNewBuffer; // we can't do anything with this message, since it was truncated...
else { #ifdef DEBUG
if (WSAEINTR != err) { // WSAEINTR is what winsock uses to break a blocking socket out of
// its wait. it means someone killed this socket.
// if it's not that, then it's a real error.
DPF(0,"\n udp recv error - err = %d socket = %d",err,(DWORD)gsDatagramListener); } else { DPF(9,"\n udp recv error - err = %d socket = %d",err,(DWORD)gsDatagramListener); } #endif // DEBUG
// we bail on errors other than WSAEMSGSIZE
else if ((err >= sizeof(DWORD)) && VALID_SP_MESSAGE(pBuffer)) { // now, if we succeeded, err is the # of bytes read
DEBUGPRINTADDR(9,"dplay helper :: received enum request from ",(SOCKADDR *)&sockaddr); // take the dplay lock so no one messes w/ our list of registered serves while we're
// trying to send to them...
ENTER_DPLAYSVR(); HandleIncomingMessage(pBuffer,err,(SOCKADDR_IN *)&sockaddr); // give up the lock
} } // 1
ERROR_EXIT: DPF(2,"UDP Listen thread exiting"); if (pBuffer) MemFree(pBuffer); // all done
ExitThread(0); return 0;
} // UDPListenThreadProc
// startup winsock and find the default ip addr for this machine
HRESULT StartupIP() { UINT err; WSADATA wsaData; HINSTANCE hWinsock;
// load winsock library
hWinsock = LoadLibrary("wsock32.dll"); if (!hWinsock) { DPF(0,"Could not load wsock32.dll\n"); goto LOADLIBRARYFAILED; }
// get pointers to the entry points we need
g_accept = (cb_accept) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "accept"); if (!g_accept) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_bind = (cb_bind) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "bind"); if (!g_bind) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED; g_closesocket = (cb_closesocket) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "closesocket"); if (!g_closesocket) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_gethostbyname = (cb_gethostbyname) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "gethostbyname"); if (!g_gethostbyname) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED; g_gethostname = (cb_gethostname) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "gethostname"); if (!g_gethostname) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_getpeername = (cb_getpeername) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "getpeername"); if (!g_getpeername) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_getsockname = (cb_getsockname) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "getsockname"); if (!g_getsockname) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_htons = (cb_htons) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "htons"); if (!g_htons) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED; g_inet_ntoa = (cb_inet_ntoa) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "inet_ntoa"); if (!g_inet_ntoa) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_listen = (cb_listen) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "listen"); if (!g_listen) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED; g_recv = (cb_recv) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "recv"); if (!g_recv) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_recvfrom = (cb_recvfrom) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "recvfrom"); if (!g_recvfrom) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_select = (cb_select) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "select"); if (!g_select) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_send = (cb_send) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "send"); if (!g_send) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_sendto = (cb_sendto) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "sendto"); if (!g_sendto) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_setsockopt = (cb_setsockopt) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "setsockopt"); if (!g_setsockopt) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_shutdown = (cb_shutdown) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "shutdown"); if (!g_shutdown) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_socket = (cb_socket) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "socket"); if (!g_socket) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_WSAFDIsSet = (cb_WSAFDIsSet) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "__WSAFDIsSet"); if (!g_WSAFDIsSet) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED; g_WSAGetLastError = (cb_WSAGetLastError) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "WSAGetLastError"); if (!g_WSAGetLastError) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
g_WSAStartup = (cb_WSAStartup) GetProcAddress(hWinsock, "WSAStartup"); if (!g_WSAStartup) goto GETPROCADDRESSFAILED;
// start up sockets, asking for version 1.1
err = g_WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsaData); if (err) { DPF(0,"dphelp :: could not start winsock err = %d\n",err); goto WSASTARTUPFAILED; } DPF(3,"dphelp :: started up winsock succesfully");
return DP_OK;
GETPROCADDRESSFAILED: DPF(0,"Could not find required Winsock entry point"); WSASTARTUPFAILED: FreeLibrary(hWinsock); LOADLIBRARYFAILED: return DPERR_UNAVAILABLE; } // StartupIP
// helper function to create the socket we listen on
HRESULT GetSocket(SOCKET * psock,DWORD type,PORT port,BOOL bBroadcast,BOOL bListen) { SOCKADDR_IN sockaddr; UINT err; SOCKET sNew;
sNew = g_socket( AF_INET, type, 0); if (INVALID_SOCKET == sNew) { goto ERROR_EXIT; }
// set up the sockaddr to bind to
sockaddr.sin_family = PF_INET; sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; sockaddr.sin_port = port;
// do the bind
if( SOCKET_ERROR == g_bind( sNew, (LPSOCKADDR)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr) ) ) { goto ERROR_EXIT; }
if (bBroadcast) { BOOL bTrue = TRUE;
if( SOCKET_ERROR == g_setsockopt( sNew,SOL_SOCKET,SO_BROADCAST,(char FAR *)&bTrue, sizeof(bTrue) ) ) { err = g_WSAGetLastError(); DPF(0," dphelp - create - could not set broadcast err = %d\n",err); // not really tragic, since for AF_INET it's not required to set broadcast
// b4 receiving w/ MS winsock...
} }
if (bListen) { LINGER Linger; // set up socket w/ max listening connections
err = g_listen(sNew,LISTEN_BACKLOG); if (SOCKET_ERROR == err) { err = g_WSAGetLastError(); DPF(0,"init listen socket / listen error - err = %d\n",err); goto ERROR_EXIT; }
// set for hard disconnect
Linger.l_onoff=1; Linger.l_linger=0; if( SOCKET_ERROR == g_setsockopt( sNew,SOL_SOCKET,SO_LINGER, (char FAR *)&Linger,sizeof(Linger) ) ) { err = g_WSAGetLastError(); DPF(0,"Failed to set linger option on the socket = %d\n",err); } }
// success!
*psock = sNew; return DP_OK;
ERROR_EXIT: // clean up and bail
err = g_WSAGetLastError(); DPF(0,"dphelp - could not get helper socket :: err = %d\n",err); if (INVALID_SOCKET != sNew) { g_closesocket(sNew); } return E_FAIL;
} // GetSocket
void CloseSocket(SOCKET * psSocket) { UINT err;
if (INVALID_SOCKET != *psSocket) { if (SOCKET_ERROR == g_closesocket(*psSocket)) { err = g_WSAGetLastError(); DPF(1,"dphelp : killsocket - socket close err = %d\n",err); } *psSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } return ;
} // CloseSocket
HRESULT DPlayHelp_Init() { DWORD dwThreadID; HRESULT hr;
// start winsock, and get the default ip addr for this system
hr = StartupIP(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; // StartupIP will have printed an error
// get the listen socket
hr = GetSocket(&gsDatagramListener,SOCK_DGRAM,SERVER_DGRAM_PORT,TRUE,FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ERROR_EXIT; // GetSocket will have printed an error
// get the forward socket
hr = GetSocket(&gsForwardSocket,SOCK_DGRAM,0,FALSE,FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ERROR_EXIT; // GetSocket will have printed an error
// get us a enum sessions stream listener
hr = GetSocket(&gsStreamListener,SOCK_STREAM,SERVER_STREAM_PORT,FALSE,TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto ERROR_EXIT; // GetSocket will have printed an error
ghDatagramReceiveThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,ListenThreadProc,NULL,0,&dwThreadID); if (!ghDatagramReceiveThread) { DPF_ERR("could not create udp listen thread"); hr = E_FAIL; goto ERROR_EXIT; // GetSocket will have printed an error
ghStreamReceiveThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,StreamReceiveThreadProc,NULL,0,&dwThreadID); if (!ghStreamReceiveThread) { DPF_ERR("could not create tcp listen thread"); hr = E_FAIL; goto ERROR_EXIT; // GetSocket will have printed an error
DPF(5,"DPLAYHELP : init succeeded"); gbInit = TRUE; return DP_OK;
ERROR_EXIT: CloseSocket(&gsDatagramListener); CloseSocket(&gsForwardSocket); CloseSocket(&gsStreamListener);
return hr;
} // DPlayHelp_Init
void DPlayHelp_FreeServerList() { LPSPNODE pNodeKill,pNodeNext;
pNodeNext = gNodeList;
// search the whole list
while (pNodeNext) { // kill this node
pNodeKill = pNodeNext; // but first, remember what's next
pNodeNext = pNodeKill->pNextNode; // free up the node
MemFree(pNodeKill); } CloseSocket(&gsDatagramListener); CloseSocket(&gsForwardSocket);
// close stream receive
RemoveSocketFromList(gsStreamListener); gbReceiveShutdown = TRUE; // drop the lock so the threads can exit - they might be waiting on
// the lock for cleanup
LEAVE_DPLAYSVR(); // wait for the threads to go away
if (ghDatagramReceiveThread) WaitForSingleObject(ghDatagramReceiveThread, INFINITE); if (ghStreamReceiveThread) WaitForSingleObject(ghStreamReceiveThread, INFINITE); ENTER_DPLAYSVR(); if (ghDatagramReceiveThread) { DPF(5,"datagram receive thread exited!"); CloseHandle(ghDatagramReceiveThread); ghDatagramReceiveThread = NULL; } if (ghStreamReceiveThread) { DPF(5,"stream receive thread exited!"); CloseHandle(ghStreamReceiveThread); ghStreamReceiveThread = NULL; }
return ; } // DPlayHelp_FreeServerList