Copyright (c) 1996,1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Session Statistics routines
Aaron Ogus (aarono)
Revision History:
Date Author Description ====== ====== ============================================================ 7/30/97 aarono Original 6/6/98 aarono Turn on throttling and windowing
#include <windows.h>
#include "newdpf.h"
#include <dplay.h>
#include <dplaysp.h>
#include <dplaypr.h>
#include "mydebug.h"
#include "arpd.h"
#include "arpdint.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "command.h"
#define STARTING_LONG_LATENCY 1 /* 1 ms (intentionally low so first sample fills) */
#define STARTING_SHORT_LATENCY 15000 /* 15 seconds (intentionally high so first sample fills) */
#define STARTING_AVERAGE_LATENCY 2000 /* 2 seconds (good start for internet) */
#define STARTING_MAXRETRY 16 /* Maximum number of retries */
#define STARTING_MINDROPTIME 15000 /* Minimum time to retry before dropping connection (ms) */
#define STARTING_MAXDROPTIME 60000 /* Maximum time to retry before dropping connection (ms) */
#define STARTING_BANDWIDTH (28800/10) /* 28 kbps modem */
#define TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET 10000000
#define Fp(_x) ((_x)<<8)
#define unFp(_x)((_x)>>8)
// Latency Averages and deviation averages are stored as fixed point 24.8
VOID InitSessionStats(PSESSION pSession) { pSession->ShortestLatency = STARTING_SHORT_LATENCY; pSession->LongestLatency = STARTING_LONG_LATENCY; pSession->FpAverageLatency = 1000; pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency = 1000;
pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation = 300; pSession->FpAvgDeviation = 300;
pSession->Bandwidth = 28800/10; pSession->HighestBandwidth=28800/10; pSession->MaxRetry = STARTING_MAXRETRY; pSession->MinDropTime = STARTING_MINDROPTIME; pSession->MaxDropTime = STARTING_MAXDROPTIME; }
// called with SESSIONLOCK.
VOID UpdateSessionStats(PSESSION pSession, PSENDSTAT pStat, PCMDINFO pCmdInfo, BOOL fBadDrop) { DWORD tLatency; DWORD nBytesReceived; DWORD tDeviation; DWORD BytesLost=0; DWORD BackLog=0;
DWORD fThrottleAdjusted=FALSE;
DWORD tRemoteDelta; // change in time on remote from last received ACK until this was ACKed.
DWORD tBiasedDelta; // a biased difference in local and remote clocks.
INT tDelta; // the unbiased difference (signed)
static DWORD cBiasReset;
// Get the statistics information we need.
tLatency = pCmdInfo->tReceived-pStat->tSent;
ASSERT((int)tLatency >= 0); if(!tLatency){ DPF(8,"0ms observed latency, using 1ms\n"); tLatency=1; }
Lock(&pSession->SessionStatLock); // Calculates the number of bytes received at remote since this send was done.
pSession->RemoteBytesReceived = pCmdInfo->bytes; pSession->tRemoteBytesReceived = pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK; nBytesReceived = pSession->RemoteBytesReceived - pStat->RemoteBytesReceived;
BytesLost = pStat->LocalBytesSent-(pSession->RemoteBytesReceived+pSession->BytesLost);
if((int)BytesLost >= 0){ pSession->BytesLost += BytesLost;
// Note, Backlog may be as little as 1/2 this value.
BackLog = pSession->BytesSent -( pSession->RemoteBytesReceived + pSession->BytesLost );
if((int)BackLog < 0){ DPF(8,"Hmmm, upside down backlog?\n"); DPF(8,"pSession->BytesSent %d\n",pSession->BytesSent); DPF(8,"pSession->RemoteBytesReceived %d\n",pSession->RemoteBytesReceived); DPF(8,"pSession->BytesLost %d\n",pSession->BytesLost); DPF(8,"Calculated BackLog %d\n",BackLog); BackLog=0; } } else if((int)BytesLost < 0){ // Can be caused by out of order receives
DPF(1,"Out of order remote receive lots of these may affect throttling...\n"); DPF(8,"Hmmm, upside down byte counting?\n"); DPF(8,"pStat->LocalBytesSent %d\n",pStat->LocalBytesSent); DPF(8,"pSession->RemoteBytesReceived %d\n",pSession->RemoteBytesReceived); DPF(8,"pSession->BytesLost %d\n",pSession->BytesLost); DPF(8,"Calculated Bytes Lost %d\n",BytesLost); BytesLost=0; // fixup lost count.
pSession->BytesLost=pSession->RemoteBytesReceived-pStat->LocalBytesSent; }
if(pSession->MaxCSends==1){ DWORD Bias; // 1st ACK, adjust windows to normal operation.
pSession->MaxCSends = MAX_SMALL_CSENDS; pSession->MaxCDGSends = MAX_SMALL_DG_CSENDS; pSession->WindowSize = MAX_SMALL_WINDOW; pSession->DGWindowSize = MAX_SMALL_WINDOW;
pSession->FpAverageLatency = 2*tLatency; // start high to avoid overthrottle
pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency = 2*tLatency;
pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation = 1+tLatency/3; pSession->FpAvgDeviation = 1+tLatency/3;
Bias = pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK - pStat->tSent;
if(Bias > TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET){ Bias = -1*(Bias-TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET); } else { Bias = TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET - Bias; }
pSession->RemAvgACKBias = Bias; pSession->RemAvgACKDelta = (pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK - pStat->tSent)+pSession->RemAvgACKBias;
// Calculate shift in outbound latency.
tBiasedDelta = (pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK - pStat->tSent)+pSession->RemAvgACKBias; tDelta = tBiasedDelta-TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET;
if(tDelta < 0 || pStat->bResetBias || tDelta > (int)tLatency){ DWORD Bias;
// Either clock drift or lower server load shows latency down, so reset baseline.
Bias = pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK - pStat->tSent;
if(Bias > TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET){ Bias = -1*(Bias-TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET); } else { Bias = TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET - Bias; } cBiasReset++;
pSession->RemAvgACKBias = Bias; tBiasedDelta = (pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK - pStat->tSent)+pSession->RemAvgACKBias; tDelta = tBiasedDelta-TARGET_CLOCK_OFFSET; }
pSession->RemAvgACKDelta -= pSession->RemAvgACKDelta >> 7; // -1/128th
pSession->RemAvgACKDelta += tBiasedDelta >> 7; // +1/128th of new value
// keep the residue so we don't creep down due to rounding error.
pSession->RemAvgACKDeltaResidue += tBiasedDelta & 0x7f; if(pSession->RemAvgACKDeltaResidue>>7){ pSession->RemAvgACKDelta += pSession->RemAvgACKDeltaResidue>>7; pSession->RemAvgACKDeltaResidue &= 0x7f; }
DPF(8,"tRemoteACK %d tSent %d Bias %d tBiasedDelta %d tDelta %d\n", pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK, pStat->tSent, pSession->RemAvgACKBias, tBiasedDelta, tDelta); //
// Update latency statistics
ASSERT(!(nBytesReceived & 0x80000000)); // received in interval +ve
ASSERT(!(tLatency & 0x80000000)); // latency is +ve
if(tLatency < pSession->ShortestLatency){ pSession->ShortestLatency=tLatency; DPF(8,"Shortest Latency %d ms\n",tLatency); }
if(tLatency > pSession->LongestLatency){ pSession->LongestLatency=tLatency; DPF(8,"Longest Latency %d ms\n", tLatency); }
// Throw out 1/16 of local latency and add in the new statistic.
// Note we only use local latency for retry calculations.
if(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency){ if(Fp(tLatency) > pSession->FpAverageLatency){ pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency -= (pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency >> LATENCY_SHORT_BITS); pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency += (tLatency << (8-LATENCY_SHORT_BITS)); } else { // Ratched down when we get a latency that is below average, so we can better
// detect backlog due to latency.
pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency = Fp(tLatency); } } else { // this only happens once at startup.
pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency = Fp(tLatency); pSession->FpAverageLatency = Fp(tLatency); }
if(Fp(tLatency) > pSession->FpAverageLatency){
// Thow out 1/128 of average latency and add in the new statistic.
pSession->FpAverageLatency -= (pSession->FpAverageLatency >> LATENCY_LONG_BITS); pSession->FpAverageLatency += (tLatency << (8-LATENCY_LONG_BITS));
} else { // Ratched down when we get a latency that is below average, so we can better
// detect backlog due to latency.
pSession->FpAverageLatency = Fp(tLatency); } tDeviation=unFp(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency)-tLatency; if((int)tDeviation < 0){ tDeviation = 0-tDeviation; }
pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation -= (pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation >> LATENCY_SHORT_BITS); pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation += (tDeviation << (8-LATENCY_SHORT_BITS));
pSession->FpAvgDeviation -= (pSession->FpAvgDeviation >> LATENCY_LONG_BITS); pSession->FpAvgDeviation += (tDeviation << (8-LATENCY_LONG_BITS));
DPF(8,"Got ACK, tLat: %d Avg: %d.%d Dev: %d AvgDev: %d.%d \n", tLatency, pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency >> 8, ((pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency&0xFF)*100)/256, tDeviation, pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation >> 8, ((pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation&0xFF)*100)/256);
// Do Bandwidth calculations
tRemoteDelta= pCmdInfo->tRemoteACK - pStat->tRemoteBytesReceived; if(!tRemoteDelta){ tRemoteDelta=1; }
if(pStat->tRemoteBytesReceived){ pSession->Bandwidth = (1000*nBytesReceived)/(tRemoteDelta); // could adjust throttle here if Bandwidth is higher, but this
// might pimp high speed links. (BUGBUG:).
} else { // backup calculation, not as good. Only used early in the link
// before we have received an ACK from the remote prior to issuing
// a send.
pSession->Bandwidth = (2000*nBytesReceived)/tLatency; // 2000, not 1000 since tLatency is round trip.
} if(pSession->Bandwidth > pSession->HighestBandwidth){ pSession->HighestBandwidth = pSession->Bandwidth; }
DPF(8,"tRemoteDelta %d Remote bytes Received %d\n",tRemoteDelta,nBytesReceived);
// Adjust sending...
if ( BackLog && pSession->Bandwidth) {
DWORD tAvgLat; DWORD tBackLog; DWORD ExcessBackLog; // amount of backlog (bytes) we need to clear before hitting avg latency again.
DWORD tLatCheck; DWORD AvgLat133; // 133% of local average latency (tolerance for slow links)
DWORD AvgLat200; // 200% of local average latency (tolerance for fast links)
if(pSession->fFastLink){ tAvgLat=unFp(pSession->FpAverageLatency); tLatCheck = (tAvgLat*3)/2; AvgLat133 = max(100,3*unFp(pSession->FpAvgDeviation)+(unFp(pSession->FpAverageLatency)*4)/3); // don't throttle <100ms lat
AvgLat200 = max(100,3*unFp(pSession->FpAvgDeviation)+unFp(pSession->FpAverageLatency)*2); } else { tAvgLat=unFp(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency); tLatCheck = (tAvgLat*3)/2; AvgLat133 = max(100,3*unFp(pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation)+(unFp(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency)*4)/3); // don't throttle <100ms lat
AvgLat200 = max(100,3*unFp(pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation)+unFp(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency)*2); } if(tLatCheck < AvgLat133){ tLatCheck = AvgLat133; }
if(tLatency > tLatCheck){ // check link speed
if(pSession->fFastLink){ if(pSession->Bandwidth <= 10000){ pSession->fFastLink=FALSE; } } else { if(pSession->Bandwidth >= 25000){ pSession->fFastLink=TRUE; } } }
if(pSession->fFastLink && tLatCheck < AvgLat200){ tLatCheck=AvgLat200; }
DPF(8,"tLat %d, tLatCheck %d, tDelta %d, tLat/3 %d\n",tLatency,tLatCheck,tDelta,tLatency/3); DPF(8,"pSession->ShortestLatency %d, Shortest+MaxPacketTime %d\n",pSession->ShortestLatency, pSession->ShortestLatency+(pSession->MaxPacketSize*1000)/pSession->Bandwidth);
if((tLatency > tLatCheck && tDelta > (int)(tLatency/3)) || ((!pSession->fFastLink)&& (tLatency > pSession->ShortestLatency+((pSession->MaxPacketSize*2000)/pSession->Bandwidth)) ) ) { #ifdef DEBUG
if(pSession->SendRateThrottle){ DPF(8,"BackLog %d, SendRate %d BackLog ms %d, tLatency %d tAvgLat %d Used Bandwidth %d tBacklog %d \n", BackLog, pSession->SendRateThrottle, (BackLog*1000 / pSession->SendRateThrottle), tLatency, tAvgLat, pSession->Bandwidth, ((BackLog*1000) / pSession->Bandwidth) ); } #endif
tBackLog = (BackLog * 1000)/pSession->Bandwidth; if(tBackLog > 4*tLatency){ DPF(8,"1: tBackLog %d was >> tLatency %d, using 4*tLatency instead\n",tBackLog,tLatency); tBackLog=4*tLatency; //never wait more than 4 latency periods
} if(tBackLog > 8000){ DPF(8,"Disalowing backlog > 8 seconds, using 8 instead\n"); tBackLog=8000; }
// if the backlog is greater than the bandwidth*latency, then we need to slow down our sending.
// don't slow down due to backlog until we are over 100ms on way latency (200 round trip)
if((tBackLog > 200) && (tBackLog > tAvgLat)){ BOOL fWait=TRUE;
// at max we cut send rate in 1/2.
if(pSession->SendRateThrottle/2 > pSession->Bandwidth){ DPF(8,"Asked for too aggresive throttle adjust %d, going from %d to %d\n",pSession->Bandwidth,pSession->SendRateThrottle,pSession->SendRateThrottle/2); pSession->SendRateThrottle /= 2; // Recheck if we are really backlogged at the new rate
tBackLog = (BackLog * 1000)/pSession->SendRateThrottle; if(tBackLog > tLatency){ DPF(8,"2: tBackLog %d was > tLatency %d, using tLatency instead\n",tBackLog,tLatency); tBackLog=tLatency;// never wait more than last latency period
} } else { // set new throttle rate and current observed bandwidth (+5% to avoid overthrottle)
pSession->SendRateThrottle=pSession->Bandwidth+pSession->Bandwidth/16; }
// don't adjust for a while.
pSession->bhitThrottle=FALSE; pSession->tLastThrottleAdjust = pCmdInfo->tReceived;
if(fWait && (tBackLog > tAvgLat)){ ExcessBackLog = ((tBackLog-tAvgLat)*pSession->Bandwidth)/1000; DPF(8,"Throttling back due to BACKLOG, excess = %d\n",ExcessBackLog);
#ifdef DEBUG
if(tBackLog-tAvgLat > 30000){ DPF(5,"WARNING: BACKLOG THROTTLE %d ms seems kinda large\n",tBackLog-tAvgLat); } #endif
// wait until backlog is down to avg latency before sending again
Lock(&pSession->SessionStatLock); pSession->bResetBias = 2; // could be in the middle of a send, so count down from 2.
Unlock(&pSession->SessionStatLock); UpdateSendTime(pSession,ExcessBackLog,timeGetTime(),TRUE); } else { DPF(8,"Not throttling due to BACKLOG because of smaller adjustment\n"); } } else { DPF(8,"NOT Throttling back due to BACKLOG\n"); } }
} else if(tDelta > (int)tLatency) { // tDelta is bogus due to clock drift, force throttle so we can correct.
Lock(&pSession->SessionStatLock); pSession->bResetBias=2; Unlock(&pSession->SessionStatLock); pSession->tNextSend=timeGetTime()+2*tLatency; DPF(8,"tDelta %d > tLatency %d, need to correct for clock drift, time %d set next send time to %d\n", tDelta, tLatency,timeGetTime(),pSession->tNextSend); }
// Adjust Throttle if not already adjusted.
if((pSession->ThrottleState==Begin) || (pCmdInfo->tReceived-pSession->tLastThrottleAdjust) > (1+1*pSession->fFastLink)*unFp(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency) ) { if(!fThrottleAdjusted){ DPF(8,"Current Send Rate %d\n", pSession->SendRateThrottle); if(!BytesLost && pSession->bhitThrottle){ pSession->bhitThrottle=FALSE; pSession->tLastThrottleAdjust = pCmdInfo->tReceived; // Good Send, push up send rate if we hit throttle.
switch(pSession->ThrottleState){ case Begin: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100+START_GROWTH_RATE))/100; pSession->GrowCount++; pSession->ShrinkCount=0; break; case MetaStable: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100+METASTABLE_GROWTH_RATE))/100; pSession->GrowCount++; pSession->ShrinkCount=0; break; case Stable: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100+STABLE_GROWTH_RATE))/100; pSession->GrowCount++; pSession->ShrinkCount=0; if(pSession->GrowCount > (UINT)(20+60*pSession->fFastLink)){ pSession->ThrottleState = MetaStable; pSession->GrowCount=0; } break; default: DPF(0,"Session in wierd ThrottleState %d\n",pSession->ThrottleState); break; } DPF(8,"Successful Send Adjusted Throttle, SendRate %d\n",pSession->SendRateThrottle); } else if(BytesLost){ // Figure out how much we dropped
if(fBadDrop || (BytesLost > pSession->pProtocol->m_dwSPMaxFrame)){ // Very bad send, back off
pSession->tLastThrottleAdjust = pCmdInfo->tReceived; switch(pSession->ThrottleState){ case Begin: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100-START_ADJUST_LARGE_ERR))/100; pSession->GrowCount=0; pSession->ShrinkCount++; break; case MetaStable: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100-METASTABLE_ADJUST_LARGE_ERR))/100; pSession->GrowCount=0; pSession->ShrinkCount++; break; case Stable: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100-STABLE_ADJUST_LARGE_ERR))/100; pSession->ShrinkCount++; if(pSession->ShrinkCount > 1){ pSession->ShrinkCount=0; pSession->GrowCount=0; pSession->ThrottleState=MetaStable; } break; default: DPF(0,"Session in wierd ThrottleState %d\n",pSession->ThrottleState); break; } DPF(8,"VERY BAD SEND Adjusted Throttle, SendRate %d\n",pSession->SendRateThrottle); } else { // Bad send, back off a bit
pSession->tLastThrottleAdjust = pCmdInfo->tReceived; switch(pSession->ThrottleState){ case Begin: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100-START_ADJUST_SMALL_ERR))/100; pSession->GrowCount=0; pSession->ShrinkCount=0; pSession->ThrottleState = MetaStable; break; case MetaStable: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100-METASTABLE_ADJUST_SMALL_ERR))/100; pSession->ShrinkCount++; pSession->GrowCount=0; break; case Stable: pSession->SendRateThrottle = (pSession->SendRateThrottle*(100-STABLE_ADJUST_SMALL_ERR))/100; pSession->ShrinkCount++; pSession->GrowCount=0; if(pSession->ShrinkCount > 2){ pSession->ShrinkCount=0; pSession->ThrottleState = MetaStable; } break; default: DPF(0,"Session in wierd ThrottleState %d\n",pSession->ThrottleState); break; } DPF(8,"BAD SEND Adjusted Throttle, SendRate %d\n",pSession->SendRateThrottle); } /* if (BadDrop... ) */ } /* if (BytesLost ...) */ }/*if (ThrottleAdjusted) */
if(!BytesLost && pSession->Bandwidth && pSession->SendRateThrottle < pSession->Bandwidth){ DPF(8,"Avoid goofyness, throttle was %d, setting to observed bandwidth %d\n",pSession->SendRateThrottle,pSession->Bandwidth); pSession->SendRateThrottle=pSession->Bandwidth; } if(pSession->SendRateThrottle < 100){ DPF(8,"WARNING: SendRateThrottle %d below 100, keeping at 100 to avoid starvation\n",pSession->SendRateThrottle); pSession->SendRateThrottle=100; }
#ifdef DEBUG
InWS.stat_ThrottleRate = pSession->SendRateThrottle; InWS.stat_BytesSent = pSession->BytesSent; InWS.stat_BackLog = BackLog; InWS.stat_BytesLost = pSession->BytesLost; //InWS.stat_RemBytesReceived;
InWS.stat_Latency = tLatency; InWS.stat_MinLatency=pSession->ShortestLatency; InWS.stat_AvgLatency=unFp(pSession->FpLocalAverageLatency); InWS.stat_AvgDevLatency=unFp(pSession->FpLocalAvgDeviation); //InWS.stat_USER1=
InWS.stat_USER5 = tDelta; InWS.stat_USER6 = cBiasReset; DbgWriteStats(&InWS); } #endif
DPF(8,"Bandwidth %d, Highest %d\n",pSession->Bandwidth, pSession->HighestBandwidth); }
// Called with SessionLock and SendLock
// Statistics are stored on the send in send order on a BILINK.
// most recent sends are at the end of the list. We scan from
// the end of the list to the beginning until we find the SENDSTAT
// that records the sequence and serial we got ACKED. We then
// update our statistics and throw out all SENDSTATs
// before this entry.
VOID UpdateSessionSendStats(PSESSION pSession, PSEND pSend, PCMDINFO pCmdInfo, BOOL fBadDrop) { PSENDSTAT pStatWalker,pStat=NULL; BILINK *pStatBilink;
pSend->tLastACK=pCmdInfo->tReceived; pSend->RetryCount=0; // Find the last STAT for this ACK.
while(pStatBilink != &pSend->StatList){ pStatWalker=CONTAINING_RECORD(pStatBilink, SENDSTAT, StatList); if(pStatWalker->serial==pCmdInfo->serial && pStatWalker->sequence==pCmdInfo->sequence) { ASSERT(pStatWalker->messageid==pSend->messageid); ASSERT(pSend->messageid==pCmdInfo->messageid); pStat=pStatWalker; break; } pStatBilink=pStatBilink->prev; }
if(pStat){ UpdateSessionStats(pSession,pStat,pCmdInfo,fBadDrop);
// Unlink All Previous SENDSTATS;
pStat->StatList.next->prev=&pSend->StatList; pSend->StatList.next=pStat->StatList.next;
// Put the SENDSTATS back in the pool.
while(pStatBilink != &pSend->StatList){ pStatWalker=CONTAINING_RECORD(pStatBilink, SENDSTAT, StatList); pStatBilink=pStatBilink->prev; ReleaseSendStat(pStatWalker); }
return; }