* * drvutil.c * * Multimedia kernel driver support component (drvlib) * * Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation * * Support functions common to multiple multi-media drivers : * * -- Open a device * -- Translate a kernel IO return code to a multi-media return code * -- Count the number of devices of a given type * -- Set and Get data synchronously to a kernel device * * History * 01-Feb-1992 - Robin Speed (RobinSp) wrote it * 04-Feb-1992 - Reviewed by SteveDav * ***************************************************************************/
#include <drvlib.h>
#include <ntddwave.h>
#include <ntddmidi.h>
#include <ntddaux.h>
#include <registry.h>
** External name of driver */
extern TCHAR DriverName[];
** We need an hInstance module handle to get strings from since the kernel ** driver returns string Ids in its structures */
extern HINSTANCE hInstance;
** Internal structures */
** List of cached device descriptions. This is generated when the ** driver is loaded from the data in the registry so that multiple ** queries are faster and consistent. */
typedef struct _DEVICE_LIST { struct _DEVICE_LIST *Next; // Next pointer
DWORD DeviceType; // Type of device
ULONG CardIndex; // Card entry registry key index
PVOID DeviceInstanceData; // Instance data for this specific device
// if needed.
ULONG DeviceInstanceDataSize; WCHAR Name[1]; // Device name
** Internal routines */
PDEVICE_LIST sndFindDevice(DWORD DeviceType, DWORD dwId); BOOL sndProcessDevices(HKEY DevicesKey, PDEVICE_LIST *DeviceList, DWORD CardIndex); BOOL sndAppendToDeviceList(PDEVICE_LIST *pList, DWORD DeviceType, DWORD CardIndex, LPWSTR Name); VOID sndFreeDeviceList(VOID); BOOL sndEnumKey(HKEY Key, DWORD Index, LPTSTR OurKey, HKEY *pSubkey);
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | sndOpenDev | Open the kernel driver device corresponding * to a logical wave device id * * @parm UINT | DeviceType | The type of device * * @parm DWORD | dwId | The device id * * @parm PHANDLE | phDev | Where to return the kernel device handle * * @parm ACCESS_MASK | Access | The desired access * * @comm For our sound devices the only relevant access are read and * read/write. Device should ALWAYS allow opens for read unless some * resource or access-rights restriction occurs. ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT sndOpenDev(UINT DeviceType, DWORD dwId, PHANDLE phDev, DWORD Access) { PDEVICE_LIST List; WCHAR cDev[SOUND_MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 4];
List = sndFindDevice(DeviceType, dwId);
*phDev = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Always initialise the return value
if (List == NULL) { return MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID; }
// Create the device name and open it - remove '\Device'
wsprintf(cDev, L"\\\\.\\%ls", List->Name);
// Check up on the driver for refusing to open
// multiply for read
WinAssert(!(GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED && Access == GENERIC_READ));
// Return status to caller
return *phDev != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? MMSYSERR_NOERROR : sndTranslateStatus(); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api void | sndTranslateStatus | This function translates an NT status * code into a multi-media error code as far as possible. * * @parm NTSTATUS | Status | The NT base operating system return status. * * * @rdesc The multi-media error code. ***************************************************************************/ DWORD sndTranslateStatus(void) { #if DBG
UINT n; switch (n=GetLastError()) { #else
switch (GetLastError()) { #endif
default: dprintf2(("sndTranslateStatus: LastError = %d", n)); return MMSYSERR_ERROR; } }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | sndGetNumDevs | This function returns the number of (kernel) * * @parm UINT | DeviceType | The Device type * * @rdesc The number of devices. ***************************************************************************/
DWORD sndGetNumDevs(UINT DeviceType) { //
// Search the device list for devices of our type
int i; PDEVICE_LIST List;
for (List = DeviceList, i= 0; List != NULL; List = List->Next) { if (List->DeviceType == DeviceType) { i++; } }
return i; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | sndSetData | This function sets the volume given a device id * and could be used for other soft value setting * when only read access is required to the device * * @parm UINT | DeviceType | The Device type * * @parm UINT | DeviceId | The device id * * @parm UINT | Length | Length of data to set * * @parm PBYTE | Data | Data to set * * @parm ULONG | Ioctl | The Ioctl to use * * @rdesc MM... return code. ***************************************************************************/
MMRESULT sndSetData(UINT DeviceType, UINT DeviceId, UINT Length, PBYTE Data, ULONG Ioctl) {
HANDLE hDev; MMRESULT mRet; DWORD BytesReturned;
// Open the device
mRet = sndOpenDev(DeviceType, DeviceId, &hDev, GENERIC_READ); if (mRet != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { return mRet; }
// Set our data.
// Setting the overlapped parameter (last) to null means we
// wait until the operation completes.
mRet = DeviceIoControl(hDev, Ioctl, Data, Length, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL) ? MMSYSERR_NOERROR : sndTranslateStatus();
// Close our file and return
return mRet; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api DWORD | sndGetData | This function gets data from a given device * specified by device id when read-only access is * sufficient * * @parm UINT | DeviceType | The Device type * * @parm UINT | DeviceId | The device id * * @parm UINT | Length | Length of data to set * * @parm PBYTE | Data | Data to set * * @parm ULONG | Ioctl | The Ioctl to use * * @rdesc MM... return code. ***************************************************************************/
MMRESULT sndGetData(UINT DeviceType, UINT DeviceId, UINT Length, PBYTE Data, ULONG Ioctl) {
HANDLE hDev; MMRESULT mRet; DWORD BytesReturned;
// Open the wave output device
mRet = sndOpenDev(DeviceType, DeviceId, &hDev, GENERIC_READ); if (mRet != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { return mRet; }
// Set our data.
// Setting the overlapped parameter (last) to null means we
// wait until the operation completes.
mRet = DeviceIoControl(hDev, Ioctl, NULL, 0, (LPVOID)Data, Length, &BytesReturned, NULL) ? MMSYSERR_NOERROR : sndTranslateStatus();
// Close our file and return
return mRet; }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | sndGetHandleData | Get data from a device using its handle * * @parm PWAVEALLOC | pClient | Client handle. * * @parm DWORD | dwSize | Size of the data * * @parm PVOID | pData | Where to put the data. * * @parm ULONG | Function | The Ioctl to use * * @rdesc MMSYS... return value. ***************************************************************************/
MMRESULT sndGetHandleData(HANDLE hDev, DWORD dwSize, PVOID pData, ULONG Ioctl, HANDLE hEvent) { OVERLAPPED Overlap; DWORD BytesReturned;
WinAssert(hDev != NULL);
memset(&Overlap, 0, sizeof(Overlap));
Overlap.hEvent = hEvent;
// Issue the IO control. We must wait with our own event because
// setting the overlapped object to null will complete if other
// IOs complete.
if (!DeviceIoControl(hDev, Ioctl, NULL, 0, pData, dwSize, &BytesReturned, &Overlap)) { DWORD cbTransfer;
// Wait for completion if necessary
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (!GetOverlappedResult(hDev, &Overlap, &cbTransfer, TRUE)) { return sndTranslateStatus(); } } else { return sndTranslateStatus(); } }
// We'd better peek aleratbly to flush out any IO
// completions so that things like RESET only
// return when all buffers have been completed
// This relies on the fact that SleepEx will return
// WAIT_IO_COMPLETION in preference to OK
while (SetEvent(hEvent) && WaitForSingleObjectEx(hEvent, 0, TRUE) == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) {}
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | sndSetHandleData | Pass data to a device using its handle * * @parm PWAVEALLOC | pClient | Client handle. * * @parm DWORD | dwSize | Size of the data * * @parm PVOID | pData | Data to send. * * @parm ULONG | Function | The Ioctl to use * * @rdesc MMSYS... return value. ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT sndSetHandleData(HANDLE hDev, DWORD dwSize, PVOID pData, ULONG Ioctl, HANDLE hEvent) { OVERLAPPED Overlap; DWORD BytesReturned;
WinAssert(hDev != NULL);
memset((PVOID)&Overlap, 0, sizeof(Overlap));
Overlap.hEvent = hEvent;
// Issue the IO control. We must wait with our own event because
// setting the overlapped object to null will complete if other
// IOs complete.
if (!DeviceIoControl(hDev, Ioctl, pData, dwSize, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, &Overlap)) { DWORD cbTransfer;
// Wait for completion if necessary
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { if (!GetOverlappedResult(hDev, &Overlap, &cbTransfer, TRUE)) { return sndTranslateStatus(); } } else { return sndTranslateStatus(); } }
// We'd better peek alertably to flush out any IO
// completions so that things like RESET only
// return when all buffers have been completed
// This relies on the fact that SleepEx will return
// WAIT_IO_COMPLETION in preference to OK
while (SleepEx(0, TRUE) == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION) {}
HKEY sndOpenParametersKey(VOID) { return DrvOpenRegKey(DriverName, TEXT("")); }
* @doc INTERNAL * * @api MMRESULT | sndFindDevices | Find all the devices using its handle * * @parm HKEY | Key| Handle to * * @parm PDEVICE_LIST * | DeviceList | The data about the devices found is * returned here. * * @rdesc MMSYS... return value. * * @comm * The registry structure is assumed to be (eg) * * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\sndsys\Parameters.. * * Parameters * Device0 One key for each card found * DriverParameters * Interrupt REG_DWORD * Port REG_DWORD * DmaChannel REG_DWORD * Devices (Volatile key) * WSSWave0 REG_BINARY (device data) * WSSMix1 REG_BINARY (device data) * MixerSettings REG_BINARY * * The (device data) for each device contains : * * DWORD DeviceType * BYTE DeviceInstanceData[] * * NOTE - DON'T use the 'standard' names (eg WaveOut0) for your device * or mmdrv will try to grab those devices. * * ***************************************************************************/ MMRESULT sndFindDevices(VOID) { DWORD Index; HKEY DriverKey;
WinAssert(DeviceList == NULL);
** Open the driver's registry key */
DriverKey = sndOpenParametersKey();
if (DriverKey == NULL) { return sndTranslateStatus(); }
for (Index = 0; ; Index++) {
BOOL Rc; HKEY Subkey;
if (!sndEnumKey(DriverKey, Index, SOUND_DEVICES_SUBKEY, &Subkey)) {
sndFreeDeviceList(); RegCloseKey(DriverKey); return sndTranslateStatus(); }
** Null returned subkey means end of list */
if (Subkey == NULL) { break; }
** Process all the data for this device : */
Rc = sndProcessDevices(Subkey, &DeviceList, Index);
if (!Rc) { sndFreeDeviceList(); RegCloseKey(DriverKey); return sndTranslateStatus(); } }
BOOL sndProcessDevices(HKEY DevicesKey, PDEVICE_LIST *DeviceList, DWORD CardIndex) { BOOL Rc; DWORD Index; DWORD Length; DWORD Type; DWORD Value;
Rc = TRUE;
for (Index = 0; ; Index++) { WCHAR DeviceName[SOUND_MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; DWORD Error; DWORD cbSize; PBYTE Data;
Length = sizeof(DeviceName) / sizeof(DeviceName[0]); cbSize = 0;
** Can't get the value at the same time as the key name because ** bugs in RegEnumValue mean that if the value is too big you ** won't get any of it! */
Error = RegEnumValue(DevicesKey, Index, DeviceName, &Length, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbSize);
if (Error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; }
** Check we got the data we wanted */
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Rc = FALSE; break; }
if (cbSize < sizeof(DWORD)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); Rc = FALSE; break; }
** Get some space for the value */
Data = (PBYTE)HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, cbSize);
if (Data == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); Rc = FALSE; break; }
** Read the actual value */
Error = RegQueryValueEx(DevicesKey, DeviceName, NULL, &Type, Data, &cbSize);
Value = *(LPDWORD)Data; HeapFree(hHeap, 0, Data);
** The kernel driver is supposed to put either a binary or ** DWORD into the registry */
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
Rc = FALSE; break; }
if (Type != REG_DWORD && Type != REG_BINARY || cbSize < sizeof(DWORD)) { dprintf(("Invalid device type!")); WinAssert(FALSE); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); Rc = FALSE; break; }
** Store the device data in the table ** ** When we actually open it we're going to need to append ** \\.\ .. to it */
if (!sndAppendToDeviceList(DeviceList, Value, CardIndex, DeviceName)) { Rc = FALSE; break; } }
return Rc; }
BOOL sndEnumKey(HKEY Key, DWORD Index, LPTSTR OurKey, HKEY *pSubkey) { DWORD cchName; WCHAR SubKeyName[50]; HKEY Subkey; UINT OurKeyLen;
OurKeyLen = lstrlen(OurKey);
cchName = sizeof(SubKeyName) / sizeof(SubKeyName[0]) - OurKeyLen;
switch (RegEnumKeyEx(Key, Index, SubKeyName, &cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { case ERROR_SUCCESS:
if (OurKeyLen != 0) { wcscat(SubKeyName, TEXT("\\")); } wcscat(SubKeyName, OurKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(Key, SubKeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &Subkey)) { return FALSE; } else { *pSubkey = Subkey; return TRUE; }
case ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: *pSubkey = NULL; return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } }
BOOL sndAppendToDeviceList( PDEVICE_LIST *pList, DWORD DeviceType, DWORD CardIndex, LPWSTR Name) { PDEVICE_LIST pNew;
#if DBG
PDEVICE_LIST List; for (List = *pList; List != NULL; List = List->Next) { if (List->DeviceType == DeviceType && lstrcmpi(List->Name, Name) == 0) { dprintf(("Duplicate device name found - %ls!!", Name)); DebugBreak(); } } #endif // DBG
** Allocate space for the new entry. ** ** Note that the space for the trailing null in the name is accounted ** for by the length of 1 given to the Name structure entry. */
pNew = (PDEVICE_LIST)HeapAlloc( hHeap, 0, sizeof(DEVICE_LIST) + lstrlen(Name) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pNew == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
** Fill in the new entry */
pNew->DeviceType = DeviceType; pNew->CardIndex = CardIndex; lstrcpy(pNew->Name, Name); pNew->DeviceInstanceData = NULL;
pNew->Next = *pList;
*pList = pNew;
return TRUE; }
VOID sndFreeDeviceList(VOID) { PDEVICE_LIST pFree;
for (; DeviceList != NULL; ) { pFree = DeviceList; DeviceList = pFree->Next; if (pFree->DeviceInstanceData != NULL) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, (LPVOID)pFree->DeviceInstanceData); } HeapFree(hHeap, 0, (LPSTR)pFree); } }
** Load the device data into the device list */
PVOID sndLoadDeviceData(DWORD DeviceType, DWORD dwId, LPDWORD pSize) { PDEVICE_LIST List; HKEY DriverKey; DWORD Index; BOOL Rc; PVOID DeviceData;
DeviceData = NULL;
List = sndFindDevice(DeviceType, dwId);
WinAssert(List != NULL);
** Search through all the entries trying to open the key with the ** device name. Note that it's possible for the registry to have ** totally changed so we can't assume all this is going to work ** or give the correct result. We can check the device type of ** the entry we open and of course the name must be correct. */
DriverKey = sndOpenParametersKey();
for (Index = 0, Rc = FALSE; ; Index++) {
HKEY Subkey; DWORD Type; DWORD Size;
if (!sndEnumKey(DriverKey, Index, SOUND_DEVICES_SUBKEY, &Subkey)) {
RegCloseKey(DriverKey); return FALSE; }
** Null returned subkey means end of list */
if (Subkey == NULL) { break; }
if (Rc) { /*
** Try to get the data for this device */
Size = 0; Rc = (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(Subkey, List->Name, NULL, &Type, NULL, &Size)); }
if (Rc) {
** Allocate some space and try to load it */
DeviceData = (PVOID)HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, Size);
if (DeviceData != NULL) {
Rc = (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(Subkey, List->Name, NULL, &Type, DeviceData, &Size));
if (!Rc || *(LPDWORD)DeviceData != DeviceType) {
LocalFree((HLOCAL)DeviceData); DeviceData = NULL;
} else {
*pSize = Size; } }
** This was the one we wanted */
break; } else { RegCloseKey(Subkey); } }
return DeviceData; }
PDEVICE_LIST sndFindDevice(DWORD DeviceType, DWORD dwId) { PDEVICE_LIST List; DWORD CurrentId;
for (List = DeviceList, CurrentId = 0; List != NULL; List = List->Next) { if (List->DeviceType == DeviceType) { if (CurrentId == dwId) { break; } else { CurrentId++; } } }
return List; }
BOOL sndFindDeviceInstanceData(DWORD DeviceType, DWORD dwId, PVOID *InstanceData) { PDEVICE_LIST List;
List = sndFindDevice(DeviceType, dwId);
if (List == NULL) { return FALSE; }
*InstanceData = List->DeviceInstanceData;
return TRUE; }
BOOL sndSetDeviceInstanceData(DWORD DeviceType, DWORD dwId, PVOID InstanceData) { PDEVICE_LIST List;
List = sndFindDevice(DeviceType, dwId);
WinAssert(List != NULL); WinAssert(List->DeviceInstanceData == NULL); List->DeviceInstanceData = InstanceData;
return TRUE; }
** Package up LoadString a bit */
void InternalLoadString(UINT StringId, LPTSTR pszString, UINT Length) { ZeroMemory(pszString, Length * sizeof(pszString[0]));
if (StringId != 0) { LoadString(hInstance, StringId, pszString, Length); } }