* * playfile.c * * Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * ***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wincom.h"
#include "sbtest.h"
#define CHUNKSIZE 0x4000 // size of chunk we send to the driver
* * public data * ***************************************************************************/
HWAVEOUT hWaveOut = 0; // handle to open wave device
int iWaveOut = 0; // count of blocks writen to the wave device
#if 0
* * internal function prototypes * ***************************************************************************/
static void ShowResError(void);
static void ShowResError(void) { DWORD dwErr; char buf[80];
dwErr = medGetError(); if (!dwErr) return;
medGetErrorText(dwErr, buf, sizeof(buf)); sprintf(ach, "\nMediaman error: %s", (LPSTR) buf); dbgOut; } #endif
void PlayFile(LPSTR fname) { // MEDID medid;
int hMed; // FOURCC ckid;
DWORD dwFmtSize; char szFileName[80]; UINT wResult; WAVEFORMAT *pFormat; DWORD dwDataSize; HANDLE hData; LPSTR lpData; LPWAVEHDR lpWaveHdr; PVOID pData;
// Get a handle to our file
hMed = _lopen(fname, OF_READ);
#if 0
lstrcpy(szFileName, fname);
medid = medLocate( szFileName, medMEDTYPE('W','A','V','E'), MEDF_LOCATE, NULL); if (medid == 0) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to locate resource: %s", (LPSTR)szFileName); dbgOut; // ShowResError();
return; }
// open the resource and validate it
hMed = medOpen(medid, MOP_READ, 64); #endif
if (!hMed) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to open resource"); // ShowResError();
return; }
hData = CreateFileMapping(hMed, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); pData = MapViewOfFile(hData, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if (!pData) { sprintf(ach, "\nCould not map file"); dbgOut; return; }
// descend into the murky depths of the RIFF chunk
#if 0
ckid = medDescend(hMed); if (ckid != medFOURCC('R','I','F','F')) { sprintf(ach, "\nResource is not Ricky's Interchange File Format"); dbgOut; // ShowResError();
return; }
// first four chars should be WAVE
if ((medGetFOURCC(hMed) != mmioFOURCC('W','A','V','E')) #endif
if (!IsRiffWaveFormat(pData)) { sprintf(ach, "\nRIFF file not a WAVE file"); dbgOut; // ShowResError();
return; }
// get all excited and look for a fmt chunk
#if 0
if (!medFindChunk(hMed, medFOURCC('f','m','t',' '))) { sprintf(ach, "\nRIFF/WAVE file has no fmt chunk"); dbgOut; // ShowResError();
return; }
// allocate some memory we can read the format chunk into
dwFmtSize = medGetChunkSize(hMed); pFormat = (WAVEFORMAT*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (UINT)dwFmtSize); #endif
pFormat = FindRiffChunk(&dwFmtSize, pData, mmioFOURCC('f','m','t',' '));
if (!pFormat) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to alloc memory for WAVEFORMAT"); dbgOut; return; }
// read the header
#if 0
if (medRead(hMed, (LPSTR) pFormat, dwFmtSize) != dwFmtSize) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to read header"); dbgOut; ShowResError(); return; } #endif
// try to open the first wave device with this format
// (we should enum them later)
if (!hWaveOut) { if (waveOutOpen(&hWaveOut, 0, pFormat, (DWORD)hMainWnd, 0L, CALLBACK_WINDOW)) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to open wave device"); dbgOut; return; } }
// LocalFree((HANDLE)pFormat);
// find the data chunk and get it's size
#if 0
if (!medAscend(hMed)) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to ascend from the depths"); dbgOut; ShowResError(); return; }
if (!medFindChunk(hMed, medFOURCC('d','a','t','a'))) { sprintf(ach, "\nRIFF/WAVE file has no data chunk"); dbgOut; ShowResError(); return; }
dwDataSize = medGetChunkSize(hMed);
// read the data chunk
hData = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwDataSize + sizeof(WAVEHDR));
if (!hData) { sprintf(ach, "\nNot enough memory for data block"); dbgOut; return; }
// fill the buffer from the file
lpData = GlobalLock(hData); #endif
lpData = FindRiffChunk(&dwDataSize, pData, mmioFOURCC('d','a','t','a')); if (!lpData) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to lock data memory"); dbgOut; CloseHandle(hData); // GlobalFree(hData);
return; }
#if 0
if (medRead(hMed, lpData + sizeof(WAVEHDR), dwDataSize) != dwDataSize) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to read data block"); dbgOut; GlobalUnlock(hData); GlobalFree(hData); return; } #endif
// create a header to send to the device
lpWaveHdr = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
lpWaveHdr->lpData = lpData; lpWaveHdr->dwBufferLength = dwDataSize; lpWaveHdr->dwUser = 0; lpWaveHdr->dwFlags = 0; lpWaveHdr->dwLoops = 0;
// Add looping flags if required
if (wLoops != IDM_LOOPOFF) { lpWaveHdr->dwFlags |= (WHDR_BEGINLOOP | WHDR_ENDLOOP); if (wLoops == IDM_LOOP2) lpWaveHdr->dwLoops = 2; else lpWaveHdr->dwLoops = 100; }
// let the driver prepare the header and data block
waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, lpWaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
// send it to the driver
wResult = waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, lpWaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
if (wResult != 0) { sprintf(ach, "\nFailed to write block to device : code %d", wResult); dbgOut; waveOutUnprepareHeader(hWaveOut, lpWaveHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); // GlobalUnlock(hData);
// GlobalFree(hData);
return; }
iWaveOut++; }