** Copyright 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** */
#include <setjmp.h>
struct JumpBuffer { jmp_buf buf; };
#define mysetjmp(x) setjmp((x)->buf)
#define mylongjmp(x,y) longjmp((x)->buf, y)
/* <<AT&T USL C++ Language System <3.0.1> 02/03/92>> */ /* < ../core/ccw.c++ > */
void *__vec_new (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_ct (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_dt (void *, int , int , void *);
void __vec_delete (void *, int , int , void *, int , int ); typedef int (*__vptp)(void); struct __mptr {short d; short i; __vptp f; };
typedef unsigned int size_t ;
// extern void *malloc (size_t );
// extern void free (void *);
struct JumpBuffer;
struct Buffer;
struct Buffer {
struct Buffer *next__6Buffer ; }; struct Pool;
enum __Q2_4Pool5Magic { is_allocated__Q2_4Pool5Magic = 62369, is_free__Q2_4Pool5Magic = 61858} ;
struct Pool {
struct Buffer *freelist__4Pool ; char *blocklist__4Pool [32]; int nextblock__4Pool ; char *curblock__4Pool ; int buffersize__4Pool ; int nextsize__4Pool ; int nextfree__4Pool ; int initsize__4Pool ;
char *name__4Pool ; int magic__4Pool ; };
void __glgrow__4PoolFv (struct Pool *);
struct PooledObj;
struct PooledObj {
char __W3__9PooledObj ; };
typedef float REAL ; typedef void (*Pfvv )(void ); typedef void (*Pfvf )(float *); typedef int (*cmpfunc )(void *, void *); typedef REAL Knot ;
typedef REAL *Knot_ptr ;
struct TrimVertex;
struct PwlArc;
struct PwlArc {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
struct TrimVertex *pts__6PwlArc ; int npts__6PwlArc ; long type__6PwlArc ; };
struct TrimVertex;
struct TrimVertex { REAL param__10TrimVertex [2]; long nuid__10TrimVertex ; };
typedef struct TrimVertex *TrimVertex_p ;
struct Bin;
struct Arc;
struct BezierArc;
typedef struct Arc *Arc_ptr ; enum arc_side { arc_none = 0, arc_right = 1, arc_top = 2, arc_left = 3, arc_bottom = 4} ;
struct Arc;
struct Arc {
char __W3__9PooledObj ;
Arc_ptr prev__3Arc ; Arc_ptr next__3Arc ; Arc_ptr link__3Arc ; struct BezierArc *bezierArc__3Arc ; struct PwlArc *pwlArc__3Arc ; long type__3Arc ; long nuid__3Arc ; };
extern int __glbezier_tag__3Arc ; extern int __glarc_tag__3Arc ; extern int __gltail_tag__3Arc ;
struct Bin;
struct Bin {
struct Arc *head__3Bin ; struct Arc *current__3Bin ; };
struct Sorter;
struct Sorter {
int es__6Sorter ; struct __mptr *__vptr__6Sorter ; };
struct FlistSorter;
struct FlistSorter {
int es__6Sorter ; struct __mptr *__vptr__6Sorter ; };
struct Flist;
struct Flist {
REAL *pts__5Flist ; int npts__5Flist ; int start__5Flist ; int end__5Flist ;
struct FlistSorter sorter__5Flist ; };
struct Backend;
struct Jarcloc;
struct Jarcloc {
struct Arc *arc__7Jarcloc ; struct TrimVertex *p__7Jarcloc ; struct TrimVertex *plast__7Jarcloc ; };
struct Trimline;
struct Trimline {
struct TrimVertex **pts__8Trimline ; long numverts__8Trimline ; long i__8Trimline ; long size__8Trimline ; struct Jarcloc jarcl__8Trimline ; struct TrimVertex t__8Trimline ;
struct TrimVertex b__8Trimline ; struct TrimVertex *tinterp__8Trimline ;
struct TrimVertex *binterp__8Trimline ; };
struct Gridline;
struct Gridline { long v__8Gridline ; REAL vval__8Gridline ; long vindex__8Gridline ; long ustart__8Gridline ; long uend__8Gridline ; };
struct Uarray;
struct Uarray {
long size__6Uarray ; long ulines__6Uarray ;
REAL *uarray__6Uarray ; };
struct Backend;
struct TrimRegion;
void __gl__dt__8TrimlineFv (struct Trimline *, int );
void __gl__dt__6UarrayFv (struct Uarray *, int );
struct TrimRegion {
struct Trimline left__10TrimRegion ; struct Trimline right__10TrimRegion ; struct Gridline top__10TrimRegion ; struct Gridline bot__10TrimRegion ; struct Uarray uarray__10TrimRegion ;
REAL oneOverDu__10TrimRegion ; };
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side;
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side { struct Trimline *left__Q2_4Hull4Side ; struct Gridline *line__Q2_4Hull4Side ; struct Trimline *right__Q2_4Hull4Side ; long index__Q2_4Hull4Side ; }; struct Hull;
struct Hull {
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side lower__4Hull ; struct __Q2_4Hull4Side upper__4Hull ; struct Trimline fakeleft__4Hull ; struct Trimline fakeright__4Hull ; struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion; struct TrimRegion OTrimRegion; };
struct Backend;
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct Mesher;
struct Mesher {
struct __Q2_4Hull4Side lower__4Hull ; struct __Q2_4Hull4Side upper__4Hull ; struct Trimline fakeleft__4Hull ; struct Trimline fakeright__4Hull ; struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion;
struct Backend *backend__6Mesher ;
struct Pool p__6Mesher ; unsigned int stacksize__6Mesher ; struct GridTrimVertex **vdata__6Mesher ; struct GridTrimVertex *last__6Mesher [2]; int itop__6Mesher ; int lastedge__6Mesher ; struct TrimRegion OTrimRegion; };
extern float __glZERO__6Mesher ;
struct Backend;
struct GridVertex;
struct GridTrimVertex;
struct CoveAndTiler;
struct CoveAndTiler {
struct Backend *backend__12CoveAndTiler ; struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion; struct TrimRegion OTrimRegion; };
extern int __glMAXSTRIPSIZE__12CoveAndTil0 ;
struct Backend;
struct Slicer;
struct Slicer {
struct Backend *backend__12CoveAndTiler ; struct TrimRegion *PTrimRegion; struct Mesher OMesher;
struct Backend *backend__6Slicer ; REAL oneOverDu__6Slicer ; REAL du__6Slicer ;
REAL dv__6Slicer ; int isolines__6Slicer ; };
struct BezierArc;
struct TrimVertexPool;
struct ArcTessellator;
struct ArcTessellator {
struct Pool *pwlarcpool__14ArcTessellator ; struct TrimVertexPool *trimvertexpool__14ArcTessellator ; };
extern REAL __glgl_Bernstein__14ArcTessell0 [][24][24];
struct TrimVertexPool;
struct TrimVertexPool {
struct Pool pool__14TrimVertexPool ; struct TrimVertex **vlist__14TrimVertexPool ; int nextvlistslot__14TrimVertexPool ; int vlistsize__14TrimVertexPool ; };
struct Renderhints;
struct Backend;
struct Quilt;
struct Patchlist;
struct Curvelist;
struct JumpBuffer;
struct Subdivider; enum __Q2_10Subdivider3dir { down__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 0, same__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 1, up__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 2, none__Q2_10Subdivider3dir = 3} ;
struct Subdivider {
struct Slicer slicer__10Subdivider ; struct ArcTessellator arctessellator__10Subdivider ; struct Pool arcpool__10Subdivider ; struct Pool bezierarcpool__10Subdivider ; struct Pool pwlarcpool__10Subdivider ; struct TrimVertexPool trimvertexpool__10Subdivider ;
struct JumpBuffer *jumpbuffer__10Subdivider ; struct Renderhints *renderhints__10Subdivider ; struct Backend *backend__10Subdivider ;
struct Bin initialbin__10Subdivider ; struct Arc *pjarc__10Subdivider ; int s_index__10Subdivider ; int t_index__10Subdivider ; struct Quilt *qlist__10Subdivider ; struct Flist spbrkpts__10Subdivider ; struct Flist tpbrkpts__10Subdivider ; struct Flist smbrkpts__10Subdivider ; struct Flist tmbrkpts__10Subdivider ; REAL stepsizes__10Subdivider [4]; int showDegenerate__10Subdivider ; int isArcTypeBezier__10Subdivider ; };
int __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 (REAL , REAL , REAL , REAL , REAL , REAL );
int __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 (struct TrimVertex *, struct TrimVertex *, struct TrimVertex *);
extern struct __mptr* __ptbl_vec_____core_ccw_c___ccwTurn_sr_[];
int __glccwTurn_sr__10SubdividerFP0 (struct Subdivider *__0this , Arc_ptr __1j1 , Arc_ptr __1j2 ) { register struct TrimVertex *__1v1 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1next ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2next ; int __1sgn ;
__1v1 = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1last = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2 = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2last = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1next = (__1v1 - 1 ); __1v2next = (__1v2 + 1 );
((void )0 ); ((void )0 );
if (((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])== (__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))&& ((__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])== (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))) return 0 ;
if (((__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))|| ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))) mylongjmp ( __0this -> jumpbuffer__10Subdivider , 28 ) ;
if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 0 ; else if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 1 ;
while (1 ){ if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X13 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X14 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X15 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X13 = __1v2 ), ( (__1__X14 = __1v2next ), ( (__1__X15 = __1v1next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X13 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X14 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X15 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X13 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X14 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X15 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 0 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v2 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1){ return __1sgn ; } else { ( 0 ) ; __1v1 = (__1v1next -- ); if (__1v1 == __1v1last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 1 ; } } else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X16 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X17 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X18 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X16 = __1v1 ), ( (__1__X17 = __1v1next ), ( (__1__X18 = __1v2next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X16 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X17 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X18 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X16 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X17 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X18 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 1 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v1 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1){ return __1sgn ; } else { ( 0 ) ; __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 0 ; } } else { if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 0 ; else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 1 ; else { ( 0 ) ; __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } } } }
int __glccwTurn_sl__10SubdividerFP0 (struct Subdivider *__0this , Arc_ptr __1j1 , Arc_ptr __1j2 ) { register struct TrimVertex *__1v1 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1next ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2next ; int __1sgn ;
__1v1 = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1last = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2 = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2last = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1next = (__1v1 - 1 ); __1v2next = (__1v2 + 1 );
((void )0 ); ((void )0 );
if (((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])== (__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))&& ((__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])== (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))) return 0 ;
if (((__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))|| ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ]))) mylongjmp ( __0this -> jumpbuffer__10Subdivider , 28 ) ;
if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 1 ; else if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 0 ;
while (1 ){ if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X19 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X20 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X21 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X19 = __1v2next ), ( (__1__X20 = __1v2 ), ( (__1__X21 = __1v1next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X19 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X20 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X21 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X19 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X20 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X21 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 1 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v2 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1) return __1sgn ; else { __1v1 = (__1v1next -- ); ( 0 ) ; if (__1v1 == __1v1last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 0 ; } } else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X22 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X23 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X24 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X22 = __1v1next ), ( (__1__X23 = __1v1 ), ( (__1__X24 = __1v2next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X22 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X23 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X24 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ], __1__X22 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X23 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )], __1__X24 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 1 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 0 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v1 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1) return __1sgn ; else { __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); ( 0 ) ; if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 1 ; } } else { ( 0 ) ; if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 1 ; else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])) return 0 ; else { __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); ( 0 ) ; if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } } } }
int __glccwTurn_tr__10SubdividerFP0 (struct Subdivider *__0this , Arc_ptr __1j1 , Arc_ptr __1j2 ) { register struct TrimVertex *__1v1 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1next ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2next ; int __1sgn ;
__1v1 = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1last = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2 = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2last = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1next = (__1v1 - 1 ); __1v2next = (__1v2 + 1 );
((void )0 ); ((void )0 );
if (((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])== (__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))&& ((__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])== (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))) return 0 ;
if (((__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))|| ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))) mylongjmp ( __0this -> jumpbuffer__10Subdivider , 28 ) ;
if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 1 ; else if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 0 ;
while (1 ){ if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X25 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X26 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X27 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X25 = __1v2 ), ( (__1__X26 = __1v2next ), ( (__1__X27 = __1v1next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X25 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X26 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X27 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X25 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X26 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X27 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 1 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v2 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1){ return __1sgn ; } else { ( 0 ) ; __1v1 = (__1v1next -- ); if (__1v1 == __1v1last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 0 ; } } else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X28 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X29 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X30 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X28 = __1v1 ), ( (__1__X29 = __1v1next ), ( (__1__X30 = __1v2next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X28 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X29 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X30 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X28 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X29 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X30 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 0 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v1 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1){ return __1sgn ; } else { ( 0 ) ; __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 1 ; } } else { ( 0 ) ; if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 1 ; else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 0 ; else { ( 0 ) ; __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } } } }
int __glccwTurn_tl__10SubdividerFP0 (struct Subdivider *__0this , Arc_ptr __1j1 , Arc_ptr __1j2 ) { register struct TrimVertex *__1v1 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2 ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2last ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v1next ; register struct TrimVertex *__1v2next ; int __1sgn ;
__1v1 = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1last = (& (__1j1 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2 = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [0 ])); __1v2last = (& (__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> pts__6PwlArc [(__1j2 -> pwlArc__3Arc -> npts__6PwlArc - 1 )])); __1v1next = (__1v1 - 1 ); __1v2next = (__1v2 + 1 );
((void )0 ); ((void )0 );
if (((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])== (__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))&& ((__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])== (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))) return 0 ;
if (((__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))|| ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))) mylongjmp ( __0this -> jumpbuffer__10Subdivider , 28 ) ;
if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 0 ; else if ((__1v1 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 1 ;
while (1 ){ if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X31 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X32 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X33 ;
((void )0 ); ((void )0 ); switch (( (__1__X31 = __1v2next ), ( (__1__X32 = __1v2 ), ( (__1__X33 = __1v1next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X31 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X32 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X33 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X31 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X32 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X33 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 0 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v2 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1) return __1sgn ; else { __1v1 = (__1v1next -- ); ( 0 ) ; if (__1v1 == __1v1last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 1 ; } } else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])){ struct TrimVertex *__1__X34 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X35 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X36 ;
switch (( (__1__X34 = __1v1next ), ( (__1__X35 = __1v1 ), ( (__1__X36 = __1v2next ), ( __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 ( __1__X34 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X35 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X36 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ], __1__X34 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X35 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )], __1__X36 -> param__10TrimVertex [(1 - 0 )]) ) ) ) ) ){ case -1: return 1 ; case 0 : __1sgn = __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 ( __1v1next , __1v1 , __1v2next ) ; if (__1sgn != -1) return __1sgn ; else { __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); ( 0 ) ; if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } break ; case 1 : return 0 ; } } else { ( 0 ) ; if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])< (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 0 ; else if ((__1v1next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])> (__1v2next -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])) return 1 ; else { __1v2 = (__1v2next ++ ); ( 0 ) ; if (__1v2 == __1v2last ){ ( 0 ) ; return 0 ; } } } } }
int __glbbox__10SubdividerSFfN51 (register REAL __1sa , register REAL __1sb , register REAL __1sc , register REAL __1__A37 , register REAL __1__A38 , register REAL __1__A39 ) { if (__1sa < __1sb ){ if (__1sc <= __1sa ){ return -1; } else if (__1sb <= __1sc ){ return 1 ; } else { return 0 ; } } else if (__1sa > __1sb ){ if (__1sc >= __1sa ){ return 1 ; } else if (__1sb >= __1sc ){ return -1; } else { return 0 ; } } else { if (__1sc > __1sa ){ return 1 ; } else if (__1sb > __1sc ){ return -1; } else { return 0 ; } } }
int __glccw__10SubdividerSFP10Trim0 (struct TrimVertex *__1a , struct TrimVertex *__1b , struct TrimVertex *__1c ) { REAL __1d ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X40 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X41 ;
struct TrimVertex *__1__X42 ;
__1d = ( (__1__X40 = __1a ), ( (__1__X41 = __1b ), ( (__1__X42 = __1c ), ( ((((__1__X40 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])* ((__1__X41 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])- (__1__X42 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])))+ ((__1__X41 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])* ((__1__X42 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])- (__1__X40 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))))+ ((__1__X42 -> param__10TrimVertex [0 ])* ((__1__X40 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ])- (__1__X41 -> param__10TrimVertex [1 ]))))) ) ) ) ; if (( ((__1d < 0.0 )?(- __1d ):__1d )) < 0.0001 )return -1; return ((__1d < 0.0 )?0 :1 ); }
/* the end */