** Copyright 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** $Revision: 1.4 $ ** $Date: 1994/09/09 06:03:33 $ */ #ifdef NT
#include <glos.h>
#include "gluint.h"
#include <GL/glu.h>
#ifndef NT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "glstring.h"
#ifndef NT
static const char *glErrorStrings[GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GL_INVALID_ENUM + 1] = { "invalid enumerant", "invalid value", "invalid operation", "stack overflow", "stack underflow", "out of memory", };
static const char *gluErrorStrings[GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GLU_INVALID_ENUM + 1] = { "invalid enumerant", "invalid value", "out of memory", };
#define NERRORS (sizeof(errorStrings)/sizeof(errorStrings[0]))
// For NT, rather using statically allocated strings, we use statically
// allocated string resource identifiers. The string arrays are dynamically
// initialized using the resource ids to load the appropriate string resource.
// This make localization of the strings easier.
static char *pszNoError; // "no error"
static WCHAR *pwszNoError; // L"no error"
static UINT auiGlErrorStrings[GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GL_INVALID_ENUM + 1] = { STR_GLU_INVALID_ENUM, // "invalid enumerant"
STR_GLU_INVALID_VAL , // "invalid value"
STR_GLU_INVALID_OP , // "invalid operation"
STR_GLU_STACK_OVER , // "stack overflow"
STR_GLU_STACK_UNDER , // "stack underflow"
STR_GLU_OUT_OF_MEM // "out of memory"
static const char *glErrorStrings[GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GL_INVALID_ENUM + 1]; static const WCHAR *glErrorStringsW[GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GL_INVALID_ENUM + 1];
static UINT auiGluErrorStrings[GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GLU_INVALID_ENUM + 1] = { STR_GLU_INVALID_ENUM, // "invalid enumerant"
STR_GLU_INVALID_VAL , // "invalid value"
STR_GLU_OUT_OF_MEM // "out of memory"
}; static const char *gluErrorStrings[GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GLU_INVALID_ENUM + 1]; static const WCHAR *gluErrorStringsW[GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GLU_INVALID_ENUM + 1];
char *pszGetResourceStringA(HINSTANCE hMod, UINT uiID) { char *pch; char ach[MAX_PATH+1];
if (!LoadStringA(hMod, uiID, ach, MAX_PATH+1)) ach[0] = '\0';
pch = (char *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (lstrlenA(ach)+1) * sizeof(char)); if (pch) lstrcpyA(pch, ach);
return pch; }
WCHAR *pwszGetResourceStringW(HINSTANCE hMod, UINT uiID) { WCHAR *pwch; WCHAR awch[MAX_PATH+1];
if (!LoadStringW(hMod, uiID, awch, MAX_PATH+1)) awch[0] = L'\0';
pwch = (WCHAR *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (lstrlenW(awch)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwch) lstrcpyW(pwch, awch);
return pwch; }
VOID vInitGluStrings(HINSTANCE hMod, BOOL bAnsi) { int i;
if (bAnsi) { pszNoError = pszGetResourceStringA(hMod, STR_GLU_NO_ERROR);
for (i = 0; i < (GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GL_INVALID_ENUM + 1); i++) glErrorStrings[i] = pszGetResourceStringA(hMod, auiGlErrorStrings[i]);
for (i = 0; i < (GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GLU_INVALID_ENUM + 1); i++) gluErrorStrings[i] = pszGetResourceStringA(hMod, auiGluErrorStrings[i]); } else { pwszNoError = pwszGetResourceStringW(hMod, STR_GLU_NO_ERROR);
for (i = 0; i < (GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GL_INVALID_ENUM + 1); i++) glErrorStringsW[i] = pwszGetResourceStringW(hMod, auiGlErrorStrings[i]);
for (i = 0; i < (GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY - GLU_INVALID_ENUM + 1); i++) gluErrorStringsW[i] = pwszGetResourceStringW(hMod, auiGluErrorStrings[i]); } }
VOID vInitErrorStrings(BOOL bAnsi) { static BOOL bInitializedAnsi = FALSE; static BOOL bInitializedUnicode = FALSE;
if ( (bAnsi && !bInitializedAnsi) || (!bAnsi && !bInitializedUnicode) ) { HINSTANCE hMod = (HINSTANCE) GetModuleHandle("glu32.dll");
vInitGluStrings(hMod, bAnsi); vInitNurbStrings(hMod, bAnsi); vInitTessStrings(hMod, bAnsi);
if (bAnsi) bInitializedAnsi = TRUE; else bInitializedUnicode = TRUE; } }
const wchar_t* APIENTRY gluErrorUnicodeStringEXT(GLenum errorCode) { vInitErrorStrings(FALSE);
if (errorCode == 0) { return (LPCWSTR) pwszNoError; } if ((errorCode >= GL_INVALID_ENUM) && (errorCode <= GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY)) { return (LPCWSTR) glErrorStringsW[errorCode - GL_INVALID_ENUM]; } if ((errorCode >= GLU_INVALID_ENUM) && (errorCode <= GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY)) { return (LPCWSTR) gluErrorStringsW[errorCode - GLU_INVALID_ENUM]; } if ((errorCode >= GLU_NURBS_ERROR1) && (errorCode <= GLU_NURBS_ERROR37)) { return (LPCWSTR) __glNURBSErrorStringW(errorCode - (GLU_NURBS_ERROR1 - 1)); } if ((errorCode >= GLU_TESS_ERROR1) && (errorCode <= GLU_TESS_ERROR8)) { return (LPCWSTR) __glTessErrorStringW(errorCode - GLU_TESS_ERROR1); } return 0; }
const GLubyte* APIENTRY gluErrorString(GLenum errorCode) { #ifdef NT
vInitErrorStrings(TRUE); #endif
if (errorCode == 0) { #ifdef NT
return (const unsigned char *) pszNoError; #else
return (const unsigned char *) "no error"; #endif
} if ((errorCode >= GL_INVALID_ENUM) && (errorCode <= GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY)) { return (const unsigned char *) glErrorStrings[errorCode - GL_INVALID_ENUM]; } if ((errorCode >= GLU_INVALID_ENUM) && (errorCode <= GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY)) { return (const unsigned char *) gluErrorStrings[errorCode - GLU_INVALID_ENUM]; } if ((errorCode >= GLU_NURBS_ERROR1) && (errorCode <= GLU_NURBS_ERROR37)) { return (const unsigned char *) __glNURBSErrorString(errorCode - (GLU_NURBS_ERROR1 - 1)); } if ((errorCode >= GLU_TESS_ERROR1) && (errorCode <= GLU_TESS_ERROR8)) { return (const unsigned char *) __glTessErrorString(errorCode - GLU_TESS_ERROR1); } return 0; }