** Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
/* - Fetch converts GLubyte alpha value to float and puts in __GLcolor
- Likewise, Store does the reverse - All input coords are viewport biased */
static void FASTCALL Store(__GLalphaBuffer *afb, GLint x, GLint y, const __GLcolor *color) { GLubyte *pAlpha;
pAlpha = __GL_FB_ADDRESS(afb, (GLubyte*), x, y); *pAlpha = (GLubyte) FTOL( color->a ); }
static void FASTCALL StoreSpan(__GLalphaBuffer *afb) { GLint w; GLubyte *pAlpha; __GLcolor *cp; __GLcontext *gc = afb->buf.gc;
w = gc->polygon.shader.length; cp = gc->polygon.shader.colors; pAlpha = __GL_FB_ADDRESS(afb, (GLubyte*), gc->polygon.shader.frag.x, gc->polygon.shader.frag.y); for( ; w ; w--, cp++, pAlpha++ ) *pAlpha = (GLubyte) FTOL( cp->a ); }
// Generic version of StoreSpan
static void FASTCALL StoreSpan2( __GLalphaBuffer *afb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint w, __GLcolor *cp ) { GLubyte *pAlpha; __GLcontext *gc = afb->buf.gc;
pAlpha = __GL_FB_ADDRESS(afb, (GLubyte*), x, y); for( ; w ; w--, cp++, pAlpha++ ) *pAlpha = (GLubyte) FTOL( cp->a ); }
static void FASTCALL Fetch(__GLalphaBuffer *afb, GLint x, GLint y, __GLcolor *result) { GLubyte *pAlpha;
pAlpha = __GL_FB_ADDRESS(afb, (GLubyte*), x, y); result->a = (__GLfloat) *pAlpha; }
static void FASTCALL ReadSpan(__GLalphaBuffer *afb, GLint x, GLint y, GLint w, __GLcolor *results) { GLubyte *pAlpha;
pAlpha = __GL_FB_ADDRESS(afb, (GLubyte*), x, y);
for( ; w ; w--, results++, pAlpha++ ) results->a = (__GLfloat) *pAlpha; }
static void FASTCALL Clear(__GLalphaBuffer *afb) { __GLcontext *gc = afb->buf.gc; __GLcolor *clear; BYTE alphaClear; GLint x0, x1, y0, y1; int width, height, i; GLubyte *puj;
// Check if alpha is masked
if( ! gc->state.raster.aMask ) return;
// Get the alpha clear value
clear = &gc->state.raster.clear; alphaClear = (BYTE) (clear->a*gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale);
// Get area to clear
x0 = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->transform.clipX0); x1 = __GL_UNBIAS_X(gc, gc->transform.clipX1); y0 = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->transform.clipY0); y1 = __GL_UNBIAS_Y(gc, gc->transform.clipY1); width = x1 - x0; height = y1 - y0; if( (width <= 0) || (height <= 0) ) return;
puj = (GLubyte *)((ULONG_PTR)afb->buf.base + (y0*afb->buf.outerWidth) + x0 );
if (width == afb->buf.outerWidth) { // Clearing contiguous buffer
RtlFillMemory( (PVOID) puj, width * height, alphaClear); return; }
// Clearing sub-rectangle of buffer
for( i = height; i; i--, puj += afb->buf.outerWidth ) RtlFillMemory( (PVOID) puj, width, alphaClear ); }
void FASTCALL __glInitAlpha(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolorBuffer *cfb) { __GLalphaBuffer *afb = &cfb->alphaBuf;
// The software alpha buffer is 8-bit.
afb->buf.elementSize = sizeof(GLubyte); afb->store = Store; afb->storeSpan = StoreSpan; afb->storeSpan2 = StoreSpan2; afb->fetch = Fetch; afb->readSpan = ReadSpan; afb->clear = Clear;
afb->buf.gc = gc; afb->alphaScale = cfb->alphaScale; }
** Initialize a lookup table that is indexed by the iterated alpha value. ** The table indicates whether the alpha test passed or failed, based on ** the current alpha function and the alpha reference value. ** ** NOTE: The alpha span routines will never be called if the alpha test ** is GL_ALWAYS (its useless) or if the alpha test is GL_NEVER. This ** is accomplished in the __glGenericPickSpanProcs procedure. */
void FASTCALL __glValidateAlphaTest(__GLcontext *gc) { GLubyte *atft; GLint i, limit; GLint ref; GLenum alphaTestFunc = gc->state.raster.alphaFunction;
limit = gc->constants.alphaTestSize; ref = (GLint) ((gc->state.raster.alphaReference * gc->frontBuffer.alphaScale) * gc->constants.alphaTableConv);
** Allocate alpha test function table the first time. It needs ** to have at most one entry for each possible alpha value. */ atft = gc->alphaTestFuncTable; if (!atft) { atft = (GLubyte*) GCALLOC(gc, (limit) * sizeof(GLubyte)); gc->alphaTestFuncTable = atft; }
** Build up alpha test lookup table. The computed alpha value is ** used as an index into this table to determine if the alpha ** test passed or failed. */ for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { switch (alphaTestFunc) { case GL_NEVER: *atft++ = GL_FALSE; break; case GL_LESS: *atft++ = (GLubyte) (i < ref); break; case GL_EQUAL: *atft++ = (GLubyte) (i == ref); break; case GL_LEQUAL: *atft++ = (GLubyte) (i <= ref); break; case GL_GREATER: *atft++ = (GLubyte) (i > ref); break; case GL_NOTEQUAL: *atft++ = (GLubyte) (i != ref); break; case GL_GEQUAL: *atft++ = (GLubyte) (i >= ref); break; case GL_ALWAYS: *atft++ = GL_TRUE; break; } } }