** Copyright 1991,1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <namesint.h>
#include <math.h>
** Some math routines that are optimized in assembly */
#define __GL_FRAC(f) ((f) - __GL_FAST_FLOORF(f))
// Repeats the given float value in float [0, scale) and converts to
// int. The repeat count is an integer which is a power of two
#define REPEAT_SCALED_VAL(val, scale, repeat) \
(__GL_FLOAT_GEZ(val) ? (FTOL((val) * (scale)) & ((repeat)-1)) : \ ((repeat)-1)-(FTOL(-(val) * (scale)) & ((repeat)-1))) // Clamps the given float value to float [0, scale) and converts to int
#define CLAMP_SCALED_VAL(val, scale) \
(__GL_FLOAT_LEZ(val) ? 0 : \ __GL_FLOAT_COMPARE_PONE(val, >=) ? (FTOL(scale)-1) : \ FTOL((val) * (scale)))
** Return texel nearest the s coordinate. s is converted to u ** implicitly during this step. */ void FASTCALL __glNearestFilter1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { GLint col; __GLfloat w2f;
gc = gc; color = color; t = t; #endif
/* Find texel index */ w2f = lp->width2f; if (tex->params.sWrapMode == GL_REPEAT) { col = REPEAT_SCALED_VAL(s, w2f, lp->width2); } else { col = CLAMP_SCALED_VAL(s, w2f); }
CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); /* Lookup texel */ (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, 0, col, result); }
** Return texel nearest the s&t coordinates. s&t are converted to u&v ** implicitly during this step. */ void FASTCALL __glNearestFilter2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { GLint row, col; __GLfloat w2f, h2f;
gc = gc; color = color; #endif
/* Find texel column address */ w2f = lp->width2f; if (tex->params.sWrapMode == GL_REPEAT) { col = REPEAT_SCALED_VAL(s, w2f, lp->width2); } else { col = CLAMP_SCALED_VAL(s, w2f); }
/* Find texel row address */ h2f = lp->height2f; if (tex->params.tWrapMode == GL_REPEAT) { row = REPEAT_SCALED_VAL(t, h2f, lp->height2); } else { row = CLAMP_SCALED_VAL(t, h2f); }
CHOP_ROUND_OFF(); /* Lookup texel */ (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, row, col, result); }
** Return texel which is a linear combination of texels near s. */ void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter1(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLfloat u, alpha, omalpha, w2f; GLint col0, col1; __GLtexel t0, t1;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
color = color; t = t; #endif
/* Find col0 and col1 */ w2f = lp->width2f; u = s * w2f; if (tex->params.sWrapMode == GL_REPEAT) { GLint w2mask = lp->width2 - 1; u -= __glHalf; col0 = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(u); alpha = u - (__GLfloat) col0; // Get fractional part
col0 &= w2mask; col1 = (col0 + 1) & w2mask; } else { if (u < __glZero) u = __glZero; else if (u > w2f) u = w2f; u -= __glHalf; col0 = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(u); alpha = u - (__GLfloat) col0; // Get fractional part
col1 = col0 + 1; }
/* Calculate the final texel value as a combination of the two texels */ (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, 0, col0, &t0); (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, 0, col1, &t1);
omalpha = __glOne - alpha; switch (lp->baseFormat) { case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: result->alpha = omalpha * t0.alpha + alpha * t1.alpha; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GL_LUMINANCE: result->luminance = omalpha * t0.luminance + alpha * t1.luminance; break; case GL_RGBA: result->alpha = omalpha * t0.alpha + alpha * t1.alpha; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GL_RGB: result->r = omalpha * t0.r + alpha * t1.r; result->g = omalpha * t0.g + alpha * t1.g; result->b = omalpha * t0.b + alpha * t1.b; break; case GL_ALPHA: result->alpha = omalpha * t0.alpha + alpha * t1.alpha; break; case GL_INTENSITY: result->intensity = omalpha * t0.intensity + alpha * t1.intensity; break; } }
** Return texel which is a linear combination of texels near s&t. */ void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter2(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLfloat u, v, alpha, beta, half, w2f, h2f; GLint col0, row0, col1, row1; __GLtexel t00, t01, t10, t11; __GLfloat omalpha, ombeta, m00, m01, m10, m11;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
color = color; #endif
/* Find col0, col1 */ w2f = lp->width2f; u = s * w2f; half = __glHalf; if (tex->params.sWrapMode == GL_REPEAT) { GLint w2mask = lp->width2 - 1; u -= half; col0 = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(u); alpha = u - (__GLfloat) col0; // Get fractional part
col0 &= w2mask; col1 = (col0 + 1) & w2mask; } else { if (u < __glZero) u = __glZero; else if (u > w2f) u = w2f; u -= half; col0 = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(u); alpha = u - (__GLfloat) col0; // Get fractional part
col1 = col0 + 1; }
/* Find row0, row1 */ h2f = lp->height2f; v = t * h2f; if (tex->params.tWrapMode == GL_REPEAT) { GLint h2mask = lp->height2 - 1; v -= half; row0 = (__GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(v)); beta = v - (__GLfloat) row0; // Get fractional part
row0 &= h2mask; row1 = (row0 + 1) & h2mask; } else { if (v < __glZero) v = __glZero; else if (v > h2f) v = h2f; v -= half; row0 = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(v); beta = v - (__GLfloat) row0; // Get fractional part
row1 = row0 + 1; }
/* Calculate the final texel value as a combination of the square chosen */ (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, row0, col0, &t00); (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, row0, col1, &t10); (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, row1, col0, &t01); (*lp->extract)(lp, tex, row1, col1, &t11);
omalpha = __glOne - alpha; ombeta = __glOne - beta;
m00 = omalpha * ombeta; m10 = alpha * ombeta; m01 = omalpha * beta; m11 = alpha * beta;
switch (lp->baseFormat) { case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: /* FALLTHROUGH */ result->alpha = m00*t00.alpha + m10*t10.alpha + m01*t01.alpha + m11*t11.alpha; case GL_LUMINANCE: result->luminance = m00*t00.luminance + m10*t10.luminance + m01*t01.luminance + m11*t11.luminance; break; case GL_RGBA: /* FALLTHROUGH */ result->alpha = m00*t00.alpha + m10*t10.alpha + m01*t01.alpha + m11*t11.alpha; case GL_RGB: result->r = m00*t00.r + m10*t10.r + m01*t01.r + m11*t11.r; result->g = m00*t00.g + m10*t10.g + m01*t01.g + m11*t11.g; result->b = m00*t00.b + m10*t10.b + m01*t01.b + m11*t11.b; break; case GL_ALPHA: result->alpha = m00*t00.alpha + m10*t10.alpha + m01*t01.alpha + m11*t11.alpha; break; case GL_INTENSITY: result->intensity = m00*t00.intensity + m10*t10.intensity + m01*t01.intensity + m11*t11.intensity; break; } }
// Macros to convert unsigned byte rgb{a} to float
#define __glBGRByteToFloat( fdst, bsrc ) \
(fdst)->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ ); \ (fdst)->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ ); \ (fdst)->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ ); \ (bsrc)++;
#define __glBGRAByteToFloat( fdst, bsrc ) \
(fdst)->b = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ ); \ (fdst)->g = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ ); \ (fdst)->r = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ ); \ (fdst)->a = __GL_UB_TO_FLOAT( *(bsrc)++ );
void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter2_BGR8Repeat(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLfloat u, v, alpha, beta, half; GLint col, row, rowLen; __GLcolor t00, t01, t10, t11; __GLfloat omalpha, ombeta, m00, m01, m10, m11; GLint width2m1, height2m1; GLubyte *image, *pData;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
color = color; #endif
half = __glHalf; width2m1 = lp->width2 - 1; height2m1 = lp->height2 - 1;
/* Find col, compute alpha */
u = (s * lp->width2f) - half; col = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(u); alpha = u - (__GLfloat) col; // Get fractional part
col &= width2m1;
/* Find row, compute beta */
v = (t * lp->height2f) - half; row = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(v); beta = v - (__GLfloat) row; // Get fractional part
row &= height2m1;
// Extract first texel at row, col
pData = image = (GLubyte *)lp->buffer + (((row << lp->widthLog2) + col) << 2);
__glBGRByteToFloat( &t00, pData );
// Extract remaining texels
rowLen = lp->width2 << 2; // row length in bytes
if( (row < height2m1) && (col < width2m1) ) { // Most common case - the texels are a compact block of 4
// Next texel along row
__glBGRByteToFloat( &t10, pData ); // Up to next row...
pData += (rowLen-8); __glBGRByteToFloat( &t01, pData ); __glBGRByteToFloat( &t11, pData ); } else { // Exceptional case : one or both of row, col are on edge
GLint rowInc, colInc; // increments in bytes
// Calc increments to next texel along row/col
if( col < width2m1 ) rowInc = 4; else // increment to left edge
rowInc = -(rowLen - 4);
if( row < height2m1 ) // increment by row length
colInc = rowLen; else // increment to lower edge
colInc = - height2m1 * rowLen;
// Next texel along row
pData = image + rowInc; __glBGRByteToFloat( &t10, pData );
// Second row, first texel
pData = image + colInc; __glBGRByteToFloat( &t01, pData );
// Next texel along row
pData += (rowInc - 4); __glBGRByteToFloat( &t11, pData ); } omalpha = __glOne - alpha; ombeta = __glOne - beta;
m00 = omalpha * ombeta; m10 = alpha * ombeta; m01 = omalpha * beta; m11 = alpha * beta;
result->r = m00*t00.r + m10*t10.r + m01*t01.r + m11*t11.r; result->g = m00*t00.g + m10*t10.g + m01*t01.g + m11*t11.g; result->b = m00*t00.b + m10*t10.b + m01*t01.b + m11*t11.b; }
void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter2_BGRA8Repeat(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLmipMapLevel *lp, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLfloat u, v, alpha, beta, half; GLint col, row, rowLen; __GLcolor t00, t01, t10, t11; __GLfloat omalpha, ombeta, m00, m01, m10, m11; GLint width2m1, height2m1; GLubyte *image, *pData;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
color = color; #endif
half = __glHalf; width2m1 = lp->width2 - 1; height2m1 = lp->height2 - 1;
/* Find col, compute alpha */
u = (s * lp->width2f) - half; col = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(u); alpha = u - (__GLfloat) col; // Get fractional part
col &= width2m1;
/* Find row, compute beta */
v = (t * lp->height2f) - half; row = __GL_FAST_FLOORF_I(v); beta = v - (__GLfloat) row; // Get fractional part
row &= height2m1;
// Extract first texel
pData = image = (GLubyte *)lp->buffer + (((row << lp->widthLog2) + col) << 2);
// Extract the first texel at row, col
__glBGRAByteToFloat( &t00, pData );
// Extract remaining texels
rowLen = lp->width2 << 2; // row length in bytes
if( (row < height2m1) && (col < width2m1) ) { // Most common case - the texels are a compact block of 4
// Next texel along row...
__glBGRAByteToFloat( &t10, pData ); // Up to next row...
pData += (rowLen-8); __glBGRAByteToFloat( &t01, pData ); __glBGRAByteToFloat( &t11, pData ); } else { // Exceptional case : one or both of row, col are on edge
GLint rowInc, colInc; // increments in bytes
// Calc increments to next texel along row/col
if( col < width2m1 ) rowInc = 4; else // increment to left edge
rowInc = -(rowLen - 4);
if( row < height2m1 ) // increment by row length
colInc = rowLen; else // increment to lower edge
colInc = - height2m1 * rowLen;
// Next texel along row
pData = image + rowInc; __glBGRAByteToFloat( &t10, pData );
// Second row, first texel
pData = image + colInc; __glBGRAByteToFloat( &t01, pData );
// Next texel along row
pData += (rowInc - 4); __glBGRAByteToFloat( &t11, pData ); } omalpha = __glOne - alpha; ombeta = __glOne - beta;
m00 = omalpha * ombeta; m10 = alpha * ombeta; m01 = omalpha * beta; m11 = alpha * beta;
result->r = m00*t00.r + m10*t10.r + m01*t01.r + m11*t11.r; result->g = m00*t00.g + m10*t10.g + m01*t01.g + m11*t11.g; result->b = m00*t00.b + m10*t10.b + m01*t01.b + m11*t11.b; result->alpha = m00*t00.a + m10*t10.a + m01*t01.a + m11*t11.a; }
** Linear min/mag filter */ void FASTCALL __glLinearFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
lod = lod; #endif
(*tex->linear)(gc, tex, &tex->level[0], color, s, t, result); }
** Nearest min/mag filter */ void FASTCALL __glNearestFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
lod = lod; #endif
(*tex->nearest)(gc, tex, &tex->level[0], color, s, t, result); }
** Apply minification rules to find the texel value. */ void FASTCALL __glNMNFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLmipMapLevel *lp; GLint p, d;
if (lod <= ((__GLfloat)0.5)) { d = 0; } else { p = tex->p; d = FTOL(lod + ((__GLfloat)0.49995)); /* NOTE: .5 minus epsilon */ if (d > p) { d = p; } } lp = &tex->level[d]; (*tex->nearest)(gc, tex, lp, color, s, t, result); }
** Apply minification rules to find the texel value. */ void FASTCALL __glLMNFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLmipMapLevel *lp; GLint p, d;
if (lod <= ((__GLfloat) 0.5)) { d = 0; } else { p = tex->p; d = FTOL(lod + ((__GLfloat) 0.49995)); /* NOTE: .5 minus epsilon */ if (d > p) { d = p; } } lp = &tex->level[d]; (*tex->linear)(gc, tex, lp, color, s, t, result); }
** Apply minification rules to find the texel value. */ void FASTCALL __glNMLFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLmipMapLevel *lp; GLint p, d; __GLtexel td, td1; __GLfloat f, omf;
p = tex->p; d = (FTOL(lod)) + 1; if (d > p || d < 0) { /* Clamp d to last available mipmap */ lp = &tex->level[p]; (*tex->nearest)(gc, tex, lp, color, s, t, result); } else { (*tex->nearest)(gc, tex, &tex->level[d], color, s, t, &td); (*tex->nearest)(gc, tex, &tex->level[d-1], color, s, t, &td1); f = __GL_FRAC(lod); omf = __glOne - f; switch (tex->level[0].baseFormat) { case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: result->alpha = omf * td1.alpha + f * td.alpha; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GL_LUMINANCE: result->luminance = omf * td1.luminance + f * td.luminance; break; case GL_RGBA: result->alpha = omf * td1.alpha + f * td.alpha; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GL_RGB: result->r = omf * td1.r + f * td.r; result->g = omf * td1.g + f * td.g; result->b = omf * td1.b + f * td.b; break; case GL_ALPHA: result->alpha = omf * td1.alpha + f * td.alpha; break; case GL_INTENSITY: result->intensity = omf * td1.intensity + f * td.intensity; break; } } }
** Apply minification rules to find the texel value. */ void FASTCALL __glLMLFilter(__GLcontext *gc, __GLtexture *tex, __GLfloat lod, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLtexel *result) { __GLmipMapLevel *lp; GLint p, d; __GLtexel td, td1; __GLfloat f, omf;
p = tex->p; d = (FTOL(lod)) + 1; if (d > p || d < 0) { /* Clamp d to last available mipmap */ lp = &tex->level[p]; (*tex->linear)(gc, tex, lp, color, s, t, result); } else { (*tex->linear)(gc, tex, &tex->level[d], color, s, t, &td); (*tex->linear)(gc, tex, &tex->level[d-1], color, s, t, &td1); f = __GL_FRAC(lod); omf = __glOne - f; switch (tex->level[0].baseFormat) { case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: result->alpha = omf * td1.alpha + f * td.alpha; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GL_LUMINANCE: result->luminance = omf * td1.luminance + f * td.luminance; break; case GL_RGBA: result->alpha = omf * td1.alpha + f * td.alpha; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case GL_RGB: result->r = omf * td1.r + f * td.r; result->g = omf * td1.g + f * td.g; result->b = omf * td1.b + f * td.b; break; case GL_ALPHA: result->alpha = omf * td1.alpha + f * td.alpha; break; case GL_INTENSITY: result->intensity = omf * td1.intensity + f * td.intensity; break; } } }
__GLfloat __glNopPolygonRho(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLshade *sh, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat winv) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; sh = sh; s = s; t = t; winv = winv; #endif
return __glZero; }
** Compute the "rho" (level of detail) parameter used by the texturing code. ** Instead of fully computing the derivatives compute nearby texture coordinates ** and discover the derivative. The incoming s & t arguments have not ** been divided by winv yet. */ __GLfloat __glComputePolygonRho(__GLcontext *gc, const __GLshade *sh, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat qw) { __GLfloat w0, w1, p0, p1; __GLfloat pupx, pupy, pvpx, pvpy; __GLfloat px, py, one; __GLtexture *tex = gc->texture.currentTexture;
if( qw == (__GLfloat) 0.0 ) { return (__GLfloat) 0.0; }
/* Compute partial of u with respect to x */ one = __glOne; w0 = one / (qw - sh->dqwdx); w1 = one / (qw + sh->dqwdx); p0 = (s - sh->dsdx) * w0; p1 = (s + sh->dsdx) * w1; pupx = (p1 - p0) * tex->level[0].width2f;
/* Compute partial of v with repsect to y */ p0 = (t - sh->dtdx) * w0; p1 = (t + sh->dtdx) * w1; pvpx = (p1 - p0) * tex->level[0].height2f;
/* Compute partial of u with respect to y */ w0 = one / (qw - sh->dqwdy); w1 = one / (qw + sh->dqwdy); p0 = (s - sh->dsdy) * w0; p1 = (s + sh->dsdy) * w1; pupy = (p1 - p0) * tex->level[0].width2f;
/* Figure partial of u&v with repsect to y */ p0 = (t - sh->dtdy) * w0; p1 = (t + sh->dtdy) * w1; pvpy = (p1 - p0) * tex->level[0].height2f;
/* Finally, figure sum of squares */ px = pupx * pupx + pvpx * pvpx; py = pupy * pupy + pvpy * pvpy;
/* Return largest value as the level of detail */ if (px > py) { return px * ((__GLfloat) 0.25); } else { return py * ((__GLfloat) 0.25); } }
__GLfloat __glNopLineRho(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat wInv) { #ifdef __GL_LINT
gc = gc; s = s; t = t; wInv = wInv; #endif
return __glZero; }
__GLfloat __glComputeLineRho(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat wInv) { __GLfloat pspx, pspy, ptpx, ptpy; __GLfloat pupx, pupy, pvpx, pvpy; __GLfloat temp, pu, pv; __GLfloat magnitude, invMag, invMag2; __GLfloat dx, dy; __GLfloat s0w0, s1w1, t0w0, t1w1, w1Inv, w0Inv; const __GLvertex *v0 = gc->line.options.v0; const __GLvertex *v1 = gc->line.options.v1;
/* Compute the length of the line (its magnitude) */ dx = v1->window.x - v0->window.x; dy = v1->window.y - v0->window.y; magnitude = __GL_SQRTF(dx*dx + dy*dy); invMag = __glOne / magnitude; invMag2 = invMag * invMag;
w0Inv = v0->window.w; w1Inv = v1->window.w; s0w0 = v0->texture.x * w0Inv; t0w0 = v0->texture.y * w0Inv; s1w1 = v1->texture.x * w1Inv; t1w1 = v1->texture.y * w1Inv;
/* Compute s partials */ temp = ((s1w1 - s0w0) - s * (w1Inv - w0Inv)) / wInv; pspx = temp * dx * invMag2; pspy = temp * dy * invMag2;
/* Compute t partials */ temp = ((t1w1 - t0w0) - t * (w1Inv - w0Inv)) / wInv; ptpx = temp * dx * invMag2; ptpy = temp * dy * invMag2;
pupx = pspx * gc->texture.currentTexture->level[0].width2; pupy = pspy * gc->texture.currentTexture->level[0].width2; pvpx = ptpx * gc->texture.currentTexture->level[0].height2; pvpy = ptpy * gc->texture.currentTexture->level[0].height2;
/* Now compute rho */ pu = pupx * dx + pupy * dy; pu = pu * pu; pv = pvpx * dx + pvpy * dy; pv = pv * pv; return (pu + pv) * invMag2; }
** Fast texture a fragment assumes that rho is noise - this is true ** when no mipmapping is being done and the min and mag filters are ** the same. */ void __glFastTextureFragment(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho) { __GLtexture *tex = gc->texture.currentTexture; __GLtexel texel;
#ifdef __GL_LINT
rho = rho; #endif
(*tex->magnify)(gc, tex, __glZero, color, s, t, &texel); (*tex->env)(gc, color, &texel); }
** Non-mipmapping texturing function. */ void __glTextureFragment(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho) { __GLtexture *tex = gc->texture.currentTexture; __GLtexel texel;
if (rho <= tex->c) { (*tex->magnify)(gc, tex, __glZero, color, s, t, &texel); } else { (*tex->minnify)(gc, tex, __glZero, color, s, t, &texel); }
/* Now apply texture environment to get final color */ (*tex->env)(gc, color, &texel); }
void __glMipMapFragment(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcolor *color, __GLfloat s, __GLfloat t, __GLfloat rho) { __GLtexture *tex = gc->texture.currentTexture; __GLtexel texel;
/* In the spec c is given in terms of lambda.
** Here c is compared to rho (really rho^2) and adjusted accordingly. */ if (rho <= tex->c) { /* NOTE: rho is ignored by magnify proc */ (*tex->magnify)(gc, tex, rho, color, s, t, &texel); } else { if (rho) { /* Convert rho to lambda */ /* This is an approximation of log base 2 */ // Note that these approximations are inaccurate for rho < 1.0, but
// rho is less than tex->c to get here. Since currently tex->c is
// a constant 1.0, this is not a problem.
// This method directly manipulates the floating point binary
// representation.
unsigned int lrho; LONG exponent;
ASSERTOPENGL( rho >= 1.0f, "Log base 2 approximation not accurate"); // Extract exponent
// Extract fractional part of the floating point number
lrho &= ~__GL_FLOAT_EXPONENT_MASK; // dump current exponent
lrho |= __GL_FLOAT_EXPONENT_ZERO; // zap in zero exponent
// Convert back to float, subtract implicit mantissa 1.0, and
// add the exponent value to yield the approximation.
rho = (CASTFLOAT(lrho) - 1.0f + (__GLfloat) exponent) * 0.5f; } else { rho = __glZero; } (*tex->minnify)(gc, tex, rho, color, s, t, &texel); }
/* Now apply texture environment to get final color */ (*tex->env)(gc, color, &texel); }