* Module Name: mtkwin.cxx * * Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "mtk.hxx"
#include "glutil.hxx"
#include "mtkwin.hxx"
#include "mtkwproc.hxx"
#include "mtkinit.hxx"
* MTKWIN constructor * \**************************************************************************/
MTKWIN::MTKWIN() { Reset(); }
* Reset * * Reset parameters to default init state \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::Reset() { // Basic initialization
bOwnWindow = FALSE; wFlags = 0; hwnd = 0; hdc = 0; hrc = 0; pos.x = pos.y = 0; size.width = size.height = 0; pBackBitmap = NULL; pBackgroundBitmap = NULL; bDoubleBuf = FALSE; bFullScreen = FALSE; execRefCount = 0;
ReshapeFunc = NULL; RepaintFunc = NULL; DisplayFunc = NULL; MouseMoveFunc = NULL; MouseDownFunc = NULL; MouseUpFunc = NULL; KeyDownFunc = NULL;
FinishFunc = NULL; DataPtr = NULL; }
* MTKWIN destructor * * This can be called when a window is closed, or by the ss client * \**************************************************************************/
MTKWIN::~MTKWIN() { //mf: !!! we're in trouble if user calls this directly, because would then need to
// post a DESTROY msg, here putting us in an endless loop...
// -> could have a flag set so we know if user or internal call
//mf: another potential timing problem here : If user calls MTKWIN::Return(),
// which posts an MTK_WM_RETURN msg to the windows queue, and then calls here
// before the msg is processed, we could delete the MTKWIN here before exiting
// the msg loop. So here we should make sure the msg loop is exited by
// calling Return() or something. This should be easy to verify via a
// reference count
if( execRefCount ) { SS_ERROR1( "MTKWIN::~MTKWIN : execRefCount is %d\n", execRefCount ); // mf: ? can we exit the msg loop here ?
//mf: this din't get through
#if 1
SendMessage( hwnd, MTK_WM_RETURN, 0, 0l ); #else
if( ! PostMessage( hwnd, MTK_WM_RETURN, 0, 0l ) ) SS_ERROR( "MTKWIN dtor : MTK_WM_RETURN msg not posted\n" ); #endif
if( pBackBitmap ) delete pBackBitmap;
if( pBackgroundBitmap ) delete pBackgroundBitmap;
if( hwnd ) { animator.Stop(); // Remove from SSWTable
sswTable.Remove( hwnd ); }
// Clean up GL
//mf: !!!
//mf: This assumes FinishFunc is only related to gl
if( hrc ) { // FinishFunc still needs gl
if( FinishFunc ) #if 0
(*FinishFunc)( DataPtr ); #else
(*FinishFunc)(); #endif
wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ); if( ! (wFlags & SS_HRC_PROXY_BIT) ) wglDeleteContext( hrc ); }
// Release the dc
if( hdc ) { HWND hwndForHdc = hwnd; ReleaseDC(hwndForHdc, hdc); } }
* Create * * Create window. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL MTKWIN::Create( LPCTSTR pszWindowTitle, ISIZE *pSize, IPOINT2D *pPos, UINT winConfig, WNDPROC userWndProc ) { HWND hwndParent; UINT uStyle = 0; UINT uExStyle = 0; HINSTANCE hInstance; int width, height;
if( ! mtk_Init( this ) ) return FALSE; bOwnWindow = TRUE; // We're creating the window, it's not a wrapper
if( winConfig & MTK_FULLSCREEN ) { //mf: this really only valid if no border
bFullScreen = TRUE; pos.x = 0; pos.y = 0; size.width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); size.height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); uExStyle |= WS_EX_TOPMOST; } else { pos = *pPos; size = *pSize; }
LPCTSTR pszClass; HBRUSH hBrush = ghbrbg; HCURSOR hCursor = ghArrowCursor; WNDPROC wndProc;
if( bTransparent = (winConfig & MTK_TRANSPARENT) ) { uExStyle |= WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; hBrush = NULL; }
//mf: if winsize, winpos NULL, pick default size, pos
if( winConfig & MTK_NOBORDER ) { uStyle |= WS_POPUP; width = size.width; height = size.height; } else { uStyle |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; /*
* Make window large enough to hold a client area of requested size */ RECT WinRect;
//mf: either of these should work
#if 0
WinRect.left = 0; WinRect.right = size.width; WinRect.top = 0; WinRect.bottom = size.height; #else
WinRect.left = pos.x; WinRect.right = pos.x + size.width; WinRect.top = pos.y; WinRect.bottom = pos.y + size.height; #endif
AdjustWindowRectEx(&WinRect, uStyle, FALSE, uExStyle ); width = WinRect.right - WinRect.left; height = WinRect.bottom - WinRect.top; }
if( winConfig & MTK_NOCURSOR ) hCursor = NULL;
if( userWndProc ) wndProc = userWndProc; else wndProc = mtkWndProc;
// Register window class
pszClass = mtk_RegisterClass( wndProc, NULL, hBrush, hCursor );
hInstance = GetModuleHandle( NULL ); hwndParent = NULL; // for now
hwnd = CreateWindowEx( uExStyle, pszClass, pszWindowTitle, uStyle, pos.x, pos.y, width, height, hwndParent, NULL, // menu
hInstance, (LPVOID) this );
if (!hwnd) { SS_WARNING( "SSW::CreateSSWindow : CreateWindowEx failure\n" ); return FALSE; }
if( bTransparent ) { // Create a bitmap buffer that tracks the window size. This will be
// used to store a window background.
ConfigureForGdi(); pBackgroundBitmap = new MTKBMP( hdc ); if( !pBackgroundBitmap ) { SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::Create: couldn't create background bitmap\n" ); } else { // Set bitmap's size to the window's size
pBackgroundBitmap->Resize( &size ); } }
animator.SetHwnd( hwnd );
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
return TRUE; }
* ConfigureForGdi * * Creates an hdc for the window * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL MTKWIN::ConfigureForGdi() { if( hdc ) // already configured
return TRUE;
// Figure window to get hdc from
#if 0
HWND hwndForHdc = hwnd ? hwnd : psswParent ? psswParent->hwnd : NULL; #else
HWND hwndForHdc = hwnd; #endif
if( !hwndForHdc || !(hdc = GetDC(hwndForHdc)) ) { SS_WARNING( "SSW::ConfigureForGdi failed\n" ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* ConfigureForGL * * Creates a GL rendering context for the specified window * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL MTKWIN::Config( UINT glConfig ) { return Config( glConfig, NULL ); }
BOOL MTKWIN::Config( UINT glConfig, PVOID pConfigData ) { if( hrc ) // Already configured...
return TRUE;
if( ConfigureForGdi() && (hrc = hrcSetupGL( glConfig, pConfigData )) ) return TRUE;
SS_WARNING( "SSW::ConfigureForGL failed\n" ); return FALSE; }
* hrcSetupGL * * Setup OpenGL. * \**************************************************************************/
#define NULL_RC ((HGLRC) 0)
HGLRC MTKWIN::hrcSetupGL( UINT glConfig, PVOID pData ) { HGLRC hrc; HDC hgldc; int pfFlags = 0; PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = {0};
// Setup pixel format flags
// Double buffering can either be done with a double-buffered pixel
// format, or by using a local back buffer bitmap that tracks the window
// size. The latter allows us more control with buffer swaps.
bDoubleBuf = glConfig & MTK_DOUBLE; BOOL bBitmapBackBuf = glConfig & MTK_BITMAP; if( bDoubleBuf ) { if( bBitmapBackBuf ) pfFlags |= SS_BITMAP_BIT; else pfFlags |= SS_DOUBLEBUF_BIT; } if( glConfig & MTK_DEPTH ) pfFlags |= SS_DEPTH32_BIT; if( glConfig & MTK_DEPTH16 ) pfFlags |= SS_DEPTH16_BIT; if( glConfig & MTK_ALPHA ) pfFlags |= SS_ALPHA_BIT;
// If preview mode or config mode, don't allow pixel formats that need
// the system palette, as this will create much ugliness.
if( !bFullScreen ) pfFlags |= SS_NO_SYSTEM_PALETTE_BIT;
//mf: don't really need pixel format for window if using back bitmap method,
// but if user wants to draw to front buffer, then we'll need it. So, we'll
// always set it here.
if( !SSU_SetupPixelFormat( hdc, pfFlags, &pfd ) ) return NULL_RC;
//mf: ???
// Update pfFlags based on pfd returned
// !!! mf: klugey, fix after SUR
// (for now, the only ones we care about are the generic/accelerated flags)
if( SSU_bNeedPalette( &pfd ) ) { // Note: even if bStretch, need to set up palette here so they match
if( !gpssPal ) { SS_PAL *pssPal; #if 1
BOOL bTakeOverPalette = bFullScreen ? TRUE : FALSE; #else
//mf: For next rev, we don't have to force palette takeover - but it will
// automically be invoked for any case like MCD, etc.
BOOL bTakeOverPalette = FALSE; #endif
// The global palette has not been created yet - do it
// SS_PAL creation requires pixel format descriptor for color bit
// information, etc. (the pfd is cached in SS_PAL, since for
// palette purposes it is the same for all windows)
pssPal = new SS_PAL( hdc, &pfd, bTakeOverPalette ); if( !pssPal ) return NULL_RC; // Set approppriate palette manage proc
if( bFullScreen ) pssPal->paletteManageProc = FullScreenPaletteManageProc; else // use regular palette manager proc
pssPal->paletteManageProc = PaletteManageProc; gpssPal = pssPal; } // Realize the global palette in this window
//mf: assume we're realizing in foreground
HWND hwndPal = hwnd; if( hwndPal ) gpssPal->Realize( hwndPal, hdc, FALSE ); }
if( bBitmapBackBuf ) { pBackBitmap = new MTKBMP( hdc ); if( !pBackBitmap ) { SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::hrcSetupGL : couldn't create back bitmap\n" ); return NULL_RC; } // Set bitmap's size to the window's size
pBackBitmap->Resize( &size ); hgldc = pBackBitmap->hdc; // Setup pixelformat
if( !SSU_SetupPixelFormat( hgldc, pfFlags, &pfd ) ) return NULL_RC; // If window needed a palette, so does the bitmap...
if( gpssPal ) SSDIB_UpdateColorTable( hgldc, hdc, gpssPal->hPal ); } else { hgldc = hdc; }
// Create a new hrc
hrc = wglCreateContext(hgldc);
if( !hrc || !wglMakeCurrent(hgldc, hrc) ) { SS_WARNING( "SSW::hrcSetupGL : hrc context failure\n" ); return NULL_RC; }
SS_DBGLEVEL2( SS_LEVEL_INFO, "SSW::hrcSetupGL: wglMakeCurrent( hrc=0x%x, hwnd=0x%x )\n", hrc, hwnd );
//mf: Note that these queries are based on a single gl window screen saver. In
// a more complicated scenario, these capabilities could be queried on a
// per-window basis (since support could vary with pixel formats).
// Send another reshape msg to the app, since the first one on window
// create would have been sent before we had an rc
return hrc; }
* MakeCurrent * * Call wglMakeCurrent for this window's hrc. Note: an ss client may have * more than one hrc (e.g. pipes), in which case it is the client's * responsibility to make current. \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::MakeCurrent() { if( ! wglMakeCurrent( hdc, hrc ) ) SS_WARNING( "SSW::MakeCurrent : wglMakeCurrent failure\n" ); }
// Callback functions:
* ss_ReshapeFunc * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::SetReshapeFunc(MTK_RESHAPEPROC Func) { ReshapeFunc = Func; }
* ss_RepaintFunc * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::SetRepaintFunc(MTK_REPAINTPROC Func) { RepaintFunc = Func; }
void MTKWIN::SetDisplayFunc(MTK_DISPLAYPROC Func) { DisplayFunc = Func; }
* SetAnimateFunc * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::SetAnimateFunc(MTK_ANIMATEPROC Func ) { animator.SetFunc( Func ); // If we are in msg loop and Func is non-NULL, have to make sure
// animator starts again... (awkward). If animator was already started,
// this will do nothing
if( execRefCount && Func ) animator.Start(); }
* Animate * * Call the animation function * * If animate mode is interval (as opposed to continuous), * animate the number of supplied frames. The animation count is decremented * by the WndProc processing the WM_TIMER messages. Exits the msg loop when * the desired number fo frames has been animated. * \**************************************************************************/
//mf: had to rename from Animate to mtkAnimate due to name conflicts at link
// time
void MTKWIN::mtkAnimate() { if( ! animator.Draw() ) Return(); }
* SetAnimateMode * * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::SetAnimateMode( UINT mode, float *fParam ) { animator.SetMode( mode, fParam ); }
* Exec * * Starts the message loop for the window. * * If an animation has been requested prior to this call, then a new animation * timer is setup. This msg loop can terminate in the following ways : * 1) The window is closed * 2) An interval animation was requested, and the required number of frames * have been drawn * 3) The user calls MTKWIN::Return(), which will cause the MTKWIN::Exec() * call to return * * For now : * Returns TRUE on normal termination, FALSE if the window it's animating in * gets closed. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL MTKWIN::Exec() { // If user is already in here, get out
if( execRefCount ) return TRUE; execRefCount++;
// Stop any existing timer (this will flush WM_TIMER msg's)
// Start new animation timer (if animator modes are set)
MSG msg; BOOL bNotQuitMsg; while( bNotQuitMsg = GetMessage( &msg, hwnd, 0, 0 ) ) { if( msg.message == MTK_WM_RETURN ) { // User or mtk wants to terminate msg loop and return control
// (mf: could pick up return parameter here...)
// SS_DBGPRINT1( "MTKWIN::Exec got WM_RETURN for %p\n", this );
break; } //mf: ? better way of doing this ?
else if( ! msg.hwnd ) { // Window has been destroyed, get out !
SS_DBGPRINT( "MTKWIN::Exec : hwnd = 0, forcing msg loop exit\n" ); return FALSE; } TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); }
if( bNotQuitMsg ) return TRUE; else { SS_DBGPRINT1( "MTKWIN::Exec got WM_QUIT for %p\n", this ); return FALSE; } }
* Return * * Called by the user when they want to return from the Exec() call which * started the message loop. * * mf: could include parameter here * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::Return() { animator.Stop(); PostMessage( hwnd, MTK_WM_RETURN, 0, 0l ); }
void MTKWIN::SetMouseMoveFunc(MTK_MOUSEMOVEPROC Func) { MouseMoveFunc = Func; }
void MTKWIN::SetMouseUpFunc(MTK_MOUSEUPPROC Func) { MouseUpFunc = Func; }
void MTKWIN::SetMouseDownFunc(MTK_MOUSEDOWNPROC Func) { MouseDownFunc = Func; }
void MTKWIN::SetKeyDownFunc(MTK_KEYDOWNPROC Func) { KeyDownFunc = Func; }
void MTKWIN::GetMouseLoc( int *x, int *y ) { POINT Point;
*x = 0; *y = 0;
* GetCursorPos returns screen coordinates, * we want window coordinates */
*x = Point.x - pos.x; *y = Point.y - pos.y; }
void MTKWIN::Close() { DestroyWindow( hwnd ); }
* ss_FinishFunc * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::SetFinishFunc(MTK_FINISHPROC Func) { FinishFunc = Func; }
* Resize * * Resize wrapper * * Called in response to WM_SIZE. * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::Resize( int width, int height ) { size.width = width; size.height = height;
if( pBackBitmap ) pBackBitmap->Resize( &size ); if( pBackgroundBitmap ) pBackgroundBitmap->Resize( &size ); Reshape(); }
* Repaint * * Repaint wrapper * * Called in response to WM_PAINT. * \**************************************************************************/
#define NULL_UPDATE_RECT( pRect ) \
( ((pRect)->left == 0) && \ ((pRect)->right == 0) && \ ((pRect)->top == 0) && \ ((pRect)->bottom == 0) )
void MTKWIN::Repaint( BOOL bCheckUpdateRect ) { if( !hwnd ) return;
RECT rect, *pRect = NULL;
if( bCheckUpdateRect ) { GetUpdateRect( hwnd, &rect, FALSE ); //mf
SS_DBGPRINT4( "MTKWIN::Repaint rect: %d - %d, %d - %d\n", rect.left, rect.right, rect.top, rect.bottom ); // mf: Above supposed to return NULL if rect is all 0's,
// but this doesn't happen
if( NULL_UPDATE_RECT( &rect ) ) return; pRect = ▭ }
// transparent window thing
if( pBackgroundBitmap ) { if( !pRect ) { // UpdateBg doesn't handle null rect
pRect = ▭ GetClientRect( hwnd, pRect ); } UpdateBackgroundBitmap( pRect ); }
#if 0
if( RepaintFunc ) (*RepaintFunc)( pRect ); #else
#if 0
Display(); #else
//mf: test: ? help bg update problem ?? nope, din't seem to...
MSG Message; if (!PeekMessage(&Message, hwnd, MTK_WM_REDRAW, MTK_WM_REDRAW, PM_NOREMOVE) ) { PostMessage( hwnd, MTK_WM_REDRAW, 0, 0l ); } #endif
void MTKWIN::Display() { if( DisplayFunc ) (*DisplayFunc)(); }
//mf: not using these in current scheme, although might if use 'ss' mode
#if 0
* UpdateWindow * * Update the window * * Currently this assumes all windows are being animated (i.e. not showing * a static image) * * Things *must* happen in the order defined here, so they work on generic as * well as hardware implementations. * Note: Move must happen after SwapBuf, and will cause some encroaching on * the current display, as the parent window repaints after the move. Therefore * apps must take care to leave an empty border around their rendered image, * equal to the maximum window move delta. * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::UpdateWindow() { if( !AnimateFunc ) return;
// bDoubleBuf and pStretch should be mutually exclusive...
if( bDoubleBuf ) { UpdateDoubleBufWin(); } else { //mf: ? where's the clearing here ? (true, no one uses this path...)
#if 0
(*AnimateFunc)( DataPtr ); #else
(*AnimateFunc)(); #endif
} }
* UpdateDoubleBufWin * * This is used when moving a double buffered window around. It will * work for all configurations. * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::UpdateDoubleBufWin() { RECT updateRect;
// Update the back buffer
#if 0
(*AnimateFunc)( DataPtr ); #else
(*AnimateFunc)(); #endif
// Swap to the new window position
SwapBuffers( hdc ); } #endif
* GetSSWindowRect * * Return window position and size in supplied RECT structure * * - This rect is relative to the parent \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::GetSSWindowRect( LPRECT lpRect ) { lpRect->left = pos.x; lpRect->top = pos.y; lpRect->right = pos.x + size.width; lpRect->bottom = pos.y + size.height; }
* GLPosY * * Return y-coord of window position in GL coordinates (a win32 window position * (starts from top left, while GL starts from bottom left) * \**************************************************************************/
int MTKWIN::GLPosY() { //mf: !!!
#if 0
return psswParent->size.height - size.height - pos.y; #else
return 0; #endif
* SwapBuffers * \**************************************************************************/
//mf: name problem...
void MTKWIN::mtkSwapBuffers() { if( bDoubleBuf ) { if( pBackBitmap ) CopyBackBuffer(); else SwapBuffers( hdc ); } }
* * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::Flush() { glFlush(); if( bDoubleBuf ) { mtkSwapBuffers(); } }
* CopyBackBuffer * * Like SwapBuffers, but copies from local bitmap to front buffer * * Also capable of copying over 1 or more rects of the bitmap, rather than the * whole thing. mf: Might need local implementation of swaphintrect here, to * collect and reduce the rects \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::CopyBackBuffer() { if( !pBackBitmap ) return;
// Do a BitBlt from back buffer to the window (may as well put stretch in
// here ?
if( (size.width == pBackBitmap->size.width) && (size.height == pBackBitmap->size.height) ) // buffers same size
{ BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, pBackBitmap->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } else { SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::CopyBackBuffer: bitmap size mismatch\n" ); StretchBlt(hdc, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, pBackBitmap->hdc, 0, 0, pBackBitmap->size.width, pBackBitmap->size.height, SRCCOPY); } GdiFlush(); }
* UpdateBackgroundBitmap * * Updates the background bitmap with screen bits * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::UpdateBackgroundBitmap( RECT *pRect ) { if( !pBackgroundBitmap ) { SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::UpdateBackgroundBitmap : No background bitmap\n" ); return; }
// mf:!!! handle update rect parameter
MTKBMP *pBmpDest = pBackgroundBitmap;
// Get a screen DC
HDC hdcScreen = GetDC( NULL );
#if DBG
if( !hdcScreen ) { SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::UpdateBackgroundBitmap : failed to get screen hdc\n" ); return; } #endif
#if 0
SS_DBGPRINT4( "MTKWIN::UpdateBackgroundBitmap : %d - %d, %d - %d\n", pRect->left, pRect->right, pRect->top, pRect->bottom ); #endif
// Calc the screen origin of the window
RECT screenRect = {0, 0 }; // just need left and top points
MapWindowPoints( hwnd, NULL, (POINT *) &screenRect, 2 );
// Offset screenRect with the supplied rect
screenRect.left += pRect->left; screenRect.top += pRect->top; // Set update size
//mf: thought I should have to add 1 here, but I guess pRect is non-inclusive...
ISIZE updateSize = { pRect->right - pRect->left, pRect->bottom - pRect->top };
if( (size.width == pBmpDest->size.width) && (size.height == pBmpDest->size.height) ) // buffers same size
{ BitBlt(pBmpDest->hdc, pRect->left, pRect->top, updateSize.width, updateSize.height, hdcScreen, screenRect.left, screenRect.top, SRCCOPY); } else { #if 0
//mf: ignore this for now
// Shouldn't happen, since BackgroundBitmap tracks window size
StretchBlt(pBmpDest->hdc, 0, 0, pBmpDest->size.width, pBmpDest->size.height, hdcScreen, screenRect.left, screenRect.top, size.width, size.height, SRCCOPY); #else
SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::UpdateBackgroundBitmap : bitmap size mismatch\n" ); #endif
} GdiFlush(); }
* ClearToBackground * * Copy from the background bitmap to the window. If the window is doublebuf, * then we copy to the backbuffer instead of the window. * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::ClearToBackground() { if( !pBackgroundBitmap ) { SS_WARNING( "MTKWIN::ClearToBackgournd : No background bitmap\n" ); return; }
MTKBMP *pBmpSrc = pBackgroundBitmap;
HDC hdcDest; if( bDoubleBuf ) { if( !pBackBitmap ) return; //mf: assumption here that backbitmap size is same as window
hdcDest = pBackBitmap->hdc; } else hdcDest = hdc;
if( (size.width == pBmpSrc->size.width) && (size.height == pBmpSrc->size.height) ) // buffers same size
{ BitBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, pBmpSrc->hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } else { StretchBlt(hdcDest, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, pBmpSrc->hdc, 0, 0, pBmpSrc->size.width, pBmpSrc->size.height, SRCCOPY); } GdiFlush(); }
* Reshape * * Reshape wrapper
* Sends reshape msg to screen saver * This is the size of the surface that gl renders onto, which can be a bitmap. * \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::Reshape() { // Point to size of window, or bitmap if it has one
ISIZE *pSize = &size;
// If the window has an hrc, set default viewport
//mf: so app doesn't have to worry about it ?
if( hrc ) { glViewport( 0, 0, pSize->width, pSize->height ); }
if( ReshapeFunc ) { #if 0
(*ReshapeFunc)( pSize->width, pSize->height, DataPtr ); #else
(*ReshapeFunc)( pSize->width, pSize->height ); #endif
} }
* GdiClear * * Clears window using Gdi FillRect \**************************************************************************/
void MTKWIN::GdiClear() { if( !hdc ) return;
RECT rect;
GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect );
//mf: rect is exclusive, so shouldn't we have to add 1 ?
FillRect( hdc, &rect, ghbrbg ); GdiFlush(); }
//mf: unicode...
void MTKWIN::SetTitle( char *title ) { SetWindowText( hwnd, title ); }