// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// File: B I N D I N G S . C P P
// Contents: The basic datatypes for binding objects. Bindpaths are
// ordered collections of component pointers. Bindsets
// are a collection of bindpaths. This module implements
// the operations that are valid on binpaths and bindsets.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 15 Jan 1999
#include <pch.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "bindings.h"
#include "complist.h"
#include "diagctx.h"
#include "nceh.h"
// CBindPath -
bool CBindPath::operator< ( const CBindPath& OtherPath) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); const_iterator iterThis; const_iterator iterOther; NETCLASS Class; NETCLASS OtherClass;
for (iterThis = begin(), iterOther = OtherPath.begin(); (iterThis != end()) && (iterOther != OtherPath.end()); iterThis++, iterOther++) { Class = (*iterThis)->Class(); OtherClass = (*iterOther)->Class();
if (Class > OtherClass) { return TRUE; } else if (Class < OtherClass) { return FALSE; } }
return size() > OtherPath.size(); }
bool CBindPath::operator> ( const CBindPath& OtherPath) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); const_iterator iterThis; const_iterator iterOther; NETCLASS Class; NETCLASS OtherClass;
for (iterThis = begin(), iterOther = OtherPath.begin(); (iterThis != end()) && (iterOther != OtherPath.end()); iterThis++, iterOther++) { Class = (*iterThis)->Class(); OtherClass = (*iterOther)->Class();
if (Class < OtherClass) { return TRUE; } else if (Class > OtherClass) { return FALSE; } }
return size() < OtherPath.size(); }
BOOL CBindPath::FAllComponentsLoadedOkayIfLoadedAtAll () const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); CBindPath::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent;
Assert (this);
for (iter = begin(); iter != end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
if (!pComponent->Ext.FLoadedOkayIfLoadedAtAll()) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CBindPath::FGetPathToken ( OUT PWSTR pszToken, IN OUT ULONG* pcchToken) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent; ULONG cchIn; ULONG cch; BOOL fFirstTime;
Assert (this); Assert (pcchToken);
if (pszToken) { *pszToken = 0; } cchIn = *pcchToken; cch = 0;
for (iter = begin(), fFirstTime = TRUE; iter != end(); iter++) { if (!fFirstTime) { cch += 2; if (pszToken && (cch <= cchIn)) { wcscat (pszToken, L"->"); } } else { fFirstTime = FALSE; }
pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
cch += wcslen (pComponent->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); if (pszToken && (cch <= cchIn)) { wcscat (pszToken, pComponent->PszGetPnpIdOrInfId()); } }
*pcchToken = cch; return cch <= cchIn; }
BOOL CBindPath::FIsSameBindPathAs ( IN const CBindPath* pOtherPath) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); UINT unThisSize; UINT unOtherSize; UINT cb;
Assert (this); Assert (pOtherPath);
unThisSize = this->size(); unOtherSize = pOtherPath->size();
if ((0 == unThisSize) || (0 == unOtherSize) || (unThisSize != unOtherSize)) { return FALSE; }
// Sizes are non-zero and equal. Compare the data.
cb = (UINT)((BYTE*)(end()) - (BYTE*)(begin())); Assert (cb == unThisSize * sizeof(CComponent*));
return (0 == memcmp ( (BYTE*)(this->begin()), (BYTE*)(pOtherPath->begin()), cb)); }
BOOL CBindPath::FIsSubPathOf ( IN const CBindPath* pOtherPath) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); UINT unThisSize; UINT unOtherSize; UINT unSkipComponents; UINT cb;
Assert (this); Assert (pOtherPath);
unThisSize = this->size(); unOtherSize = pOtherPath->size();
if ((0 == unThisSize) || (0 == unOtherSize) || (unThisSize >= unOtherSize)) { return FALSE; }
// This size is less than other. Compare the data starting at the
// component pointer in the other path that will have the same depth
// as this path.
cb = (UINT)((BYTE*)(end()) - (BYTE*)(begin()));
// The component pointer in the other path that we start comparing at
// is at an offset equal to the difference in path sizes.
// e.g. other path: a->b->c->d->e size=5
// this path: c->d->e size=3
// start comparing after skipping 5-3=2 components of the other path
Assert (unOtherSize > unThisSize); unSkipComponents = unOtherSize - unThisSize;
return (0 == memcmp ( (BYTE*)(this->begin()), (BYTE*)(pOtherPath->begin() + unSkipComponents), cb)); }
HRESULT CBindPath::HrAppendBindPath ( IN const CBindPath* pBindPath) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pBindPath);
NC_TRY { insert (end(), pBindPath->begin(), pBindPath->end()); DbgVerifyBindpath (); hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindPath::HrAppendBindPath"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindPath::HrAppendComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponent); Assert (!FContainsComponent (pComponent));
NC_TRY { push_back (const_cast<CComponent*>(pComponent)); DbgVerifyBindpath (); hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindPath::HrAppendComponent"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindPath::HrGetComponentsInBindPath ( IN OUT CComponentList* pComponents) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr; CBindPath::const_iterator iter; const CComponent* pComponent;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponents);
for (iter = begin(); iter != end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
hr = pComponents->HrInsertComponent (pComponent, INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP | INS_SORTED);
if (S_OK != hr) { TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindPath::HrGetComponentsInBindPath"); return hr; } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CBindPath::HrInsertComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponent); Assert (!FContainsComponent (pComponent));
NC_TRY { insert (begin(), const_cast<CComponent*>(pComponent)); DbgVerifyBindpath (); hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindPath::HrInsertComponent"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindPath::HrReserveRoomForComponents ( IN UINT cComponents) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
NC_TRY { reserve (cComponents); hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindPath::HrReserveRoomForComponents"); return hr; }
#if DBG
VOID CBindPath::DbgVerifyBindpath () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); const_iterator iter; const_iterator iterOther; const CComponent* pComponent; const CComponent* pOtherComponent;
Assert (this);
// Make sure the bindpath does not contain any duplicate component
// pointers.
for (iter = begin(); iter != end(); iter++) { pComponent = *iter; Assert (pComponent);
for (iterOther = begin(); iterOther != end(); iterOther++) { pOtherComponent = *iterOther; Assert (pOtherComponent);
if (iter == iterOther) { continue; }
Assert (pComponent != pOtherComponent); } } } #endif
// CBindingSet -
VOID CBindingSet::Printf ( TRACETAGID ttid, PCSTR pszPrefixLine) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); WCHAR pszBuf [1024]; WCHAR* pch; ULONG cch;
Assert (this);
if (pszPrefixLine) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttid, pszPrefixLine); }
const CBindPath* pBindPath; INT nIndex = 1;
for (pBindPath = begin(); pBindPath != end(); pBindPath++, nIndex++) { pch = pszBuf + wsprintfW (pszBuf, L"%2i: ", nIndex);
cch = celems(pszBuf) - wcslen(pszBuf) - 1; if (pBindPath->FGetPathToken (pch, &cch)) { g_pDiagCtx->Printf (ttid, "%S\n", pszBuf); } } }
BOOL CBindingSet::FContainsBindPath ( IN const CBindPath* pBindPathToCheckFor) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); const CBindPath* pBindPath;
Assert (this); Assert (pBindPathToCheckFor);
for (pBindPath = begin(); pBindPath != end(); pBindPath++) { if (pBindPath->FIsSameBindPathAs (pBindPathToCheckFor)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL CBindingSet::FContainsComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); const CBindPath* pBindPath;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponent);
for (pBindPath = begin(); pBindPath != end(); pBindPath++) { if (pBindPath->FContainsComponent (pComponent)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
HRESULT CBindingSet::HrAppendBindingSet ( IN const CBindingSet* pBindSet) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr; const CBindPath* pSrcPath;
Assert (this); Assert (pBindSet);
hr = S_OK;
NC_TRY { for (pSrcPath = pBindSet->begin(); pSrcPath != pBindSet->end(); pSrcPath++) { if (!FContainsBindPath (pSrcPath)) { insert (end(), *pSrcPath); } } } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindingSet::HrAppendBindingSet"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingSet::HrAddBindPath ( IN const CBindPath* pBindPath, IN DWORD dwFlags) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pBindPath); Assert (!pBindPath->FIsEmpty()); Assert ((dwFlags & INS_ASSERT_IF_DUP) || (dwFlags & INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP)); Assert ((dwFlags & INS_APPEND) || (dwFlags & INS_INSERT)); Assert (!(INS_SORTED & dwFlags) && !(INS_NON_SORTED & dwFlags));
if (FContainsBindPath (pBindPath)) { // If the caller didn't tell us to ignore duplicates, we assert
// if there is one because it is bad, bad, bad to have duplicate
// bindpaths in the set.
// If we have a dup, we want the caller to be aware that it
// is possible, and pass us the flag telling us to ignore it.
// Otherwise, we assert to let them know. (And we still ignore
// it.)
Assert (dwFlags & INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP);
return S_OK; }
NC_TRY { // Either insert the bindpath or append it.
iterator iter = begin();
if (dwFlags & INS_APPEND) { iter = end(); }
insert (iter, *pBindPath); hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindingSet::HrAddBindPath"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingSet::HrAddBindPathsInSet1ButNotInSet2 ( IN const CBindingSet* pSet1, IN const CBindingSet* pSet2) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr; const CBindPath* pBindPath;
Assert (this); Assert (pSet1); Assert (pSet2); Assert ((this != pSet1) && (this != pSet2));
hr = S_OK;
for (pBindPath = pSet1->begin(); pBindPath != pSet1->end(); pBindPath++) { if (pSet2->FContainsBindPath (pBindPath)) { continue; }
hr = HrAddBindPath (pBindPath, INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP | INS_APPEND); if (S_OK != hr) { break; } } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindingSet::HrAddBindPathsInSet1ButNotInSet2"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingSet::HrCopyBindingSet ( IN const CBindingSet* pSourceSet) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
Assert (this); Assert (pSourceSet);
NC_TRY { *this = *pSourceSet; hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindingSet::HrCopyBindingSet"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingSet::HrGetAffectedComponentsInBindingSet ( IN OUT CComponentList* pComponents) const { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr; const CBindPath* pBindPath;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponents);
hr = S_OK;
for (pBindPath = begin(); pBindPath != end(); pBindPath++) { hr = pComponents->HrInsertComponent (pBindPath->POwner(), INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP | INS_SORTED);
if (S_OK != hr) { break; }
// For bindpaths from a protocol to an adpater, we want to
// add the adapter to the component list because it will need
// to have its upper bind changed.
if (pBindPath->CountComponents() == 2) { const CComponent* pAdapter;
pAdapter = pBindPath->PLastComponent(); if (FIsEnumerated (pAdapter->Class())) { hr = pComponents->HrInsertComponent (pAdapter, INS_IGNORE_IF_DUP | INS_SORTED);
if (S_OK != hr) { break; } } } } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindingSet::HrGetAffectedComponentsInBindingSet"); return hr; }
HRESULT CBindingSet::HrReserveRoomForBindPaths ( IN UINT cBindPaths) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); HRESULT hr;
NC_TRY { reserve (cBindPaths); hr = S_OK; } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CBindingSet::HrReserveRoomForBindPaths"); return hr; }
VOID CBindingSet::RemoveBindPath ( IN const CBindPath* pBindPath) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); CBindPath* pScan;
for (pScan = begin(); pScan != end(); pScan++) { if (pScan->FIsSameBindPathAs (pBindPath)) { erase (pScan); return; } } }
VOID CBindingSet::RemoveBindPathsWithComponent ( IN const CComponent* pComponent) { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); CBindPath* pBindPath;
Assert (this); Assert (pComponent);
pBindPath = begin(); while (pBindPath != end()) { if (pBindPath->FContainsComponent(pComponent)) { erase (pBindPath); } else { pBindPath++; } } }
VOID CBindingSet::RemoveSubpaths () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); CBindPath* pCandidate; CBindPath* pBindPath;
Assert (this);
for (pBindPath = begin(); pBindPath != end(); pBindPath++) { pCandidate = begin();
while (pCandidate != end()) { if (pCandidate->FIsSubPathOf (pBindPath)) { // FIsSubPathOf returns FALSE when asked if a bindpath
// is a subpath of itself. (Set-theorectially, this is
// incorrect, but having it return FALSE for this case
// prevents us from having to make another check.
Assert (pCandidate != pBindPath);
erase (pCandidate);
// If erasing a bindpath that occurs before the current
// outer loop enumerator, we need to back it up because
// the erase would move everything up by one, but we still
// want to finish the inner loop for this current outer
// bindpath.
if (pCandidate < pBindPath) { pBindPath--; } } else { pCandidate++; } } } }
VOID CBindingSet::SortForPnpBind () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); // Sort where bindpaths closes to the adapters come first.
sort<iterator> (begin(), end(), greater<CBindPath>()); }
VOID CBindingSet::SortForPnpUnbind () { TraceFileFunc(ttidNetCfgBind); // Sort where bindpaths furthest from the adapters come first.
sort<iterator> (begin(), end(), less<CBindPath>()); }