// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// File: I E N U M . H
// Contents: Implements the IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface,
// IEnumNetCfgBindingPath, and IEnumNetCfgComponent COM
// interfaces.
// Notes:
// Author: shaunco 15 Jan 1999
#pragma once
#include "bindings.h"
#include "compdefs.h"
#include "complist.h"
#include "iatl.h"
#include "inetcfg.h"
// IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface -
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingInterface : public CImplINetCfgHolder, public IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface { private: class CImplINetCfgBindingPath* m_pIPath; UINT m_unIndex;
private: HRESULT HrNextOrSkip ( IN ULONG celt, OUT INetCfgBindingInterface** rgelt, OUT ULONG* pceltFetched);
public: CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingInterface () { m_pIPath = NULL; m_unIndex = 1; }
VOID FinalRelease ();
BEGIN_COM_MAP(CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingInterface) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface) END_COM_MAP()
// IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface
STDMETHOD (Next) ( IN ULONG celt, OUT INetCfgBindingInterface** rgelt, OUT ULONG* pceltFetched);
STDMETHOD (Skip) ( IN ULONG celt);
STDMETHOD (Reset) ();
STDMETHOD (Clone) ( OUT IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface** ppIEnum);
public: static HRESULT HrCreateInstance ( IN CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg, IN class CImplINetCfgBindingPath* pIPath, OUT IEnumNetCfgBindingInterface** ppIEnum); };
// IEnumNetCfgBindingPath -
enum EBPC_FLAGS { EBPC_CREATE_EMPTY = 0x00000001, EBPC_COPY_BINDSET = 0x00000002, EBPC_TAKE_OWNERSHIP = 0x00000004, };
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingPath : public CImplINetCfgHolder, public IEnumNetCfgBindingPath { friend CImplINetCfgComponent;
private: CBindingSet m_InternalBindSet;
// m_pBindSet is the pointer through which we access the data being
// enumerated. It will either point to m_InternalBindSet above or some
// other bindset that we were given ownership of via HrCreateInstance.
const CBindingSet* m_pBindSet;
// The current enumeration position.
CBindingSet::const_iterator m_iter;
private: HRESULT HrNextOrSkip ( IN ULONG celt, OUT INetCfgBindingPath** rgelt, OUT ULONG* pceltFetched);
public: CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingPath () { m_pBindSet = NULL; m_iter = NULL; }
~CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingPath () { // Delete m_pBindSet if we own it. (If it's not aliasing a copied
// bindset.)
if (&m_InternalBindSet != m_pBindSet) { delete m_pBindSet; } }
// IEnumNetCfgBindingPath
STDMETHOD (Next) ( IN ULONG celt, OUT INetCfgBindingPath** rgelt, OUT ULONG* pceltFetched);
STDMETHOD (Skip) ( IN ULONG celt);
STDMETHOD (Reset) ();
STDMETHOD (Clone) ( OUT IEnumNetCfgBindingPath** ppIEnum);
public: static HRESULT HrCreateInstance ( IN CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg, IN const CBindingSet* pBindSet OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwFlags, OUT CImplIEnumNetCfgBindingPath** ppIEnum); };
// IEnumNetCfgComponent -
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CImplIEnumNetCfgComponent : public CImplINetCfgHolder, public IEnumNetCfgComponent { private: UINT m_unIndex; NETCLASS m_Class;
private: HRESULT HrNextOrSkip ( IN ULONG celt, OUT INetCfgComponent** rgelt, OUT ULONG* pceltFetched);
public: CImplIEnumNetCfgComponent () { m_unIndex = 0; }
// IEnumNetCfgComponent
STDMETHOD (Next) ( IN ULONG celt, OUT INetCfgComponent** rgelt, OUT ULONG* pceltFetched);
STDMETHOD (Skip) ( IN ULONG celt);
STDMETHOD (Reset) ();
STDMETHOD (Clone) ( OUT IEnumNetCfgComponent** ppIEnum);
public: static HRESULT HrCreateInstance ( IN CImplINetCfg* pINetCfg, IN NETCLASS Class, OUT IEnumNetCfgComponent** ppIEnum); };