// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N C P R S H T . C P P
// Contents: NetCfg custom PropertySheet
// Notes:
// Author: billbe 8 Apr 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncprsht.h"
#include <prsht.h>
#include "nceh.h"
// Necessary evil globals
CAPAGES g_capPagesToAdd; // Counted array of pages to add after Property
// Sheet is initialized
CAINCP g_cai; // Counted array of INetCfgProperty pointers
HRESULT g_hr; // Global error code
BOOL g_fChanged; // Global flag representing whether a PSM_CHANGED
// message was sent by a page
DLGPROC lpfnOldWndProc; // Previous dialog procedure
// NetCfg Property Sheet dialog procedure
LONG FAR PASCAL NetCfgPsDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Function: SetLastHresult
// Purpose: This sets a global hresult variable. The function
// is analogous to SetLastError
// Arguments:
// HRESULT [in] Result to set
// Returns: nothing
// Author: billbe 8 Apr 1997
// Notes:
inline void SetLastHresult(HRESULT hr) { g_hr = hr; }
// Function: HrGetLastHresult
// Purpose: This returns the value of the global hresult variable.
// The function is analogous to GetLastError
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns: HRESULT. Value of the global g_hr.
// Author: billbe 8 Apr 1997
// Notes:
inline HRESULT HrGetLastHresult() { return (g_hr); }
// Function: ResetChanged
// Purpose: This resets the global changed flag. The reset state
// indicates that a PSM_VHANGED message was not sent
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns:
// (nothing)
// Author: billbe 3 May 1997
// Notes:
inline void ResetChanged() { g_fChanged = FALSE; }
// Function: SetChanged
// Purpose: This sets the global changed flag. The set state indicates
// that a PSM_CHANGED message was sent
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns:
// (nothing)
// Author: billbe 3 May 1997
// Notes:
inline void SetChanged() { g_fChanged = TRUE; }
// Function: FGetChanged
// Purpose: This returns the state of the global changed flag. The set
// state indicates whether a PSM_CHANGED message was sent
// or not.
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns:
// BOOL. Value of the global g_fChanged flag.
// Author: billbe 3 May 1997
// Notes:
inline BOOL FGetChanged() { return (g_fChanged); }
// Function: NetCfgPropSheetCallback
// Purpose: This callback is called after the aheet dialog is
// initialized. We subclass the dialog and add any OEM
// pages here (if common pages exist). See Win32 for
// discussion of PropSheetProc
// Arguments:
// HWND [in] hwndDlg handle to the property sheet dialog box
// UINT uMsg [in] message identifier
// LPARAM lParam [in] message parameter
// Returns: int, The function returns zero.
// Author: billbe 11 Nov 1996
// Notes:
int CALLBACK NetCfgPropSheetCallback(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam) { // If the sheet has just been initialized
if (uMsg == PSCB_INITIALIZED) { // Replace the original procedure with ours
lpfnOldWndProc = (DLGPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_DLGPROC, (LONG_PTR) NetCfgPsDlgProc); Assert(lpfnOldWndProc);
// Add the OEM pages that were scheduled for late add
// This will cause them to be clipped if they are larger than
// the common (default) pages. Note that this is the desired
// result.
for (int i = 0; i < g_capPagesToAdd.nCount; i++) { PropSheet_AddPage(hwndDlg, g_capPagesToAdd.ahpsp[i]); }
return (0); }
// Function: HrCallValidateProperties
// Purpose: This function calls the notify objects'
// INetCfgProperties::ValidateProperties method.
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns: HRESULT, S_OK if all of the INetCfgProperties return S_OK
// of the result of the first interface that does not
// return S_OK.
// Author: billbe 8 Apr 1997
// Notes: If one of the interfaces returns something other than S_OK, the
// others will not be called and the function will return the hresult
// of that interface.
HRESULT HrCallValidateProperties(HWND hwndSheet) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// enumerate through the counted array of interfaces
// and call ValidateProperties
for (int i = 0; i < g_cai.nCount; i++) { // At the first sign of non-S_OK get out
if (S_OK != (hr = g_cai.apncp[i]->ValidateProperties(hwndSheet))) break; }
TraceError("HrCallValidateProperties", hr); return (hr); }
// Function: NetCfgPsDlgProc
// Purpose: This function is the dialog procedure for the property sheet
// See Win32 documentation on DialogProc for more information
// Arguments:
// hwndDlg [in] handle to dialog box
// uMsg [in] message
// wParam [in] first message parameter
// lParam [in] second message parameter
// Returns: LONG, Except in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message, the
// dialog box procedure should return nonzero if it processes
// the message, and zero if it does not.
// Author: billbe 8 Apr 1997
// Notes:
LONG FAR PASCAL NetCfgPsDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_DESTROY: // restore the dialog procedure before we exit
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_DLGPROC, (LONG_PTR) lpfnOldWndProc); break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: // The user is closing through the system menu. This is like
// canceling
if (SC_CLOSE == wParam) { SetLastHresult(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED)); } break; case PSM_CHANGED: SetChanged(); break; case WM_COMMAND: // If the user pressed OK
if ((IDOK == LOWORD(wParam)) && (BN_CLICKED == HIWORD(wParam))) {
// Send a KillActive message to the currect page. This echoes
// what the Win32 propertysheet would do. This results in a
// second KillActive message being sent to the active page
// when the OK message is processed. It is necessary
// to send it here because we need its result before we
// call HrCallValidateProperties which is done before the OK
// is processed.
NMHDR nmhdr; ZeroMemory(&nmhdr, sizeof(NMHDR)); nmhdr.hwndFrom = hDlg; nmhdr.code = PSN_KILLACTIVE;
if (SendMessage(PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(hDlg), WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM) &nmhdr)) { // The page does not want the PropertySheet to go away so exit
// without allowing the original procedure to get the message
return (TRUE); }
// The current page validated okay so now we must call all the
// ValidateProperties necessary.
if (S_OK != HrCallValidateProperties(hDlg)) { // One of the interfaces returned something other than S_OK
// from Validateproperties so we exit without letting
// the original dialog procedure process the message.
// This will keep the PropertySheet active.
return (TRUE); } } else if (IDCANCEL == LOWORD(wParam) && BN_CLICKED == HIWORD(wParam)) { // If Cancel was pressed set the last hresult
// call the original dialog procedure
return (CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)lpfnOldWndProc, hDlg, msg, wParam, lParam));
// Function: VerifyCAPAGES
// Synopsis: function to check the validity of a given CAPAGES structure
// Arguments: [cap] --
// Returns: BOOL
// Notes: 14-Jan-1998 SumitC Created
BOOL FVerifyCAPAGES(const struct CAPAGES& cap) { BOOL fGood = FALSE;
if (cap.nCount == 0) { fGood = (cap.ahpsp == NULL); } else { fGood = !IsBadReadPtr(cap.ahpsp, sizeof(HPROPSHEETPAGE) * cap.nCount); }
return fGood; }
// Function: HrNetCfgPropertySheet
// Purpose: This function is sets up our custom property sheet which is
// a subclassed Win32 property sheet.
// See Win32 documentation on PropertySheet for more information
// Arguments:
// lppsh [in] a PROPSHEETHEADER
// capOem [in] A counted array of Oem pages
// pStartPage [in] Name of the initial page that appears when the property
// sheet dialog box is created. This member can specify
// either the identifier of a string resource or the
// pointer to a string that specifies the name.
// caiProperties [in] A counted array of INetCfgProperties interfaces
// Returns: HRESULT, S_OK if OK was pressed and changes were made,
// S_FALSE if OK was pressed and no changes were
// made. An error code otherwise.
// Author: billbe 8 Apr 1997
// Notes:
// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) is returned if the
// cancel button was pressed
HRESULT HrNetCfgPropertySheet( IN OUT LPPROPSHEETHEADER lppsh, IN const CAPAGES& capOem, IN PCWSTR pStartPage, const CAINCP& caiProperties) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// The following should not be set since we are setting them
Assert(0 == lppsh->nPages); Assert(NULL == lppsh->phpage); Assert(!(PSH_USECALLBACK & lppsh->dwFlags)); Assert(!(PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE & lppsh->dwFlags));
// If a start page was specified than there had better be Oem Pages
Assert(FImplies(pStartPage, capOem.nCount));
// We have to have at least one INetCfgProperties since we are here
Assert(caiProperties.nCount); Assert(caiProperties.apncp);
// Set our global CAINCP structure
g_cai.nCount = caiProperties.nCount; g_cai.apncp = caiProperties.apncp;
// Reset our global CAPAGES
g_capPagesToAdd.nCount = 0; g_capPagesToAdd.ahpsp = NULL;
// We need to set up a callback to subclass the dialog
lppsh->dwFlags |= PSH_USECALLBACK; lppsh->pfnCallback = NetCfgPropSheetCallback;
// There are no common pages to show so we will use the OEM pages
// instead
Assert(capOem.nCount); if (FVerifyCAPAGES(capOem)) { lppsh->nPages = capOem.nCount; lppsh->phpage = capOem.ahpsp; } else { //$ REVIEW sumitc: or just return E_INVALIDARG?
lppsh->nPages = 0; lppsh->phpage = NULL; } Assert(FImplies(lppsh->nPages, lppsh->phpage));
// If a start page was specified, set the propsheet flag and
// start page member.
// Note: (billbe) This will not work if common pages exist since
// that means Oem pages are added after the sheet is initialized
if (pStartPage) { lppsh->dwFlags |= PSH_USEPSTARTPAGE; lppsh->pStartPage = pStartPage; }
// Clear last hresult and changed flag
SetLastHresult(S_OK); ResetChanged();
// Call the Win32 property sheet
NC_TRY { int iRetVal = PropertySheet(lppsh); if (-1 == iRetVal) { // The Win32 Sheet failed so we return E_FAIL
SetLastHresult(E_FAIL); } } NC_CATCH_ALL { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
if (S_OK == hr) { // if the catch hasn't set hr to some error
hr = HrGetLastHresult(); }
// if everthing went well, return the correct value based on whether
// any of the pages changed
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // S_OK - changes were made, S_FALSE - no changes were made
hr = FGetChanged() ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
TraceError("HrNetCfgPropertySheet", ((HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) == hr) || (S_FALSE == hr)) ? S_OK : hr);
return hr; }