#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ncxbase.h>
#include "hwres.h"
#include "kkcwinf.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szAfIoAddr[]; extern const WCHAR c_szAfIrq[]; extern const WCHAR c_szAfDma[]; extern const WCHAR c_szAfMem[]; extern const WCHAR c_szBusType[];
// Member: CHwRes::CHwRes
// Purpose: Class constructor. (Variable initialization)
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes: Doesn't do much. Just some member variable initialization.
// Bulk of the init work is done in HrInit().
CHwRes::CHwRes() : m_DevNode(NULL), m_pnccItem(NULL), m_fInitialized(FALSE), m_fHrInitCalled(FALSE), m_fDirty(FALSE) { m_vAfDma.InitNotPresent(VALUETYPE_DWORD); m_vAfIrq.InitNotPresent(VALUETYPE_DWORD); m_vAfMem.InitNotPresent(VALUETYPE_DWORD); m_vAfMemEnd.InitNotPresent(VALUETYPE_DWORD); m_vAfIo.InitNotPresent(VALUETYPE_DWORD); m_vAfIoEnd.InitNotPresent(VALUETYPE_DWORD); }
// Member: CHwRes::HrInit
// Purpose: Initialize class
// Arguments:
// hInst [in] Handle to our instance.
// pnccItem [in] Our INetCfgComponent.
// Returns: S_OK - init successfull;
// info for device; E_FAIL - other failure (device not found,etc)
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes: - should initialize all non-ui stuff
// - initialize configuration and resource lists.
HRESULT CHwRes::HrInit(const DEVNODE& devnode) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
m_fHrInitCalled = TRUE;
// use the config manager to get devnode
// Since the devnode might have a problem, e.g. resources not set
// correctly, we need to retrieve possible phantoms
// We only do work on Isa adapters so we need to get the bustype
// value from the driver (software) key
crRet = CM_Open_DevNode_Key(devnode, KEY_READ, 0, RegDisposition_OpenExisting, &hkey, CM_REGISTRY_SOFTWARE);
if (CR_SUCCESS == crRet) { // Get BusType
ULONG ulBusType; hr = HrRegQueryStringAsUlong(hkey, c_szBusType, c_nBase10, &ulBusType);
// If Isa, than we can continue
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (Isa == ulBusType)) { m_DevNode = devnode; // read configuration current config info
hr = HrInitConfigList(); } else { hr = S_FALSE; }
if (S_OK == hr) { m_fInitialized = TRUE; }
TraceError("CHwRes::HrInit", (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) == hr || S_FALSE == hr) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Member: CHwRes::GetNextElement
// Purpose: Gets the next (or prev) element in a resource list
// Arguments:
// pResource [in] resource list to traverse.
// ppeList [out] the "next" element is returned.
// fNext [in] TRUE - moving fwd in list; FALSE - move bkwrds.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CHwRes::GetNextElement(PRESOURCE pResource, PVOID *ppeList, BOOL fNext) { UINT size = 0;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "GetNextElement called before CHwRes is HrInit'ed");
Assert(pResource != NULL); // get the vector size (dependant on resource type)
switch (pResource->ResourceType) { case ResType_IRQ: size = pResource->pIRQList->size(); break; case ResType_DMA: size = pResource->pDMAList->size(); break; case ResType_IO: size = pResource->pIOList->size(); break; case ResType_Mem: size = pResource->pMEMList->size(); break; default: Assert(FALSE); break; }
// increment/decrement current position within vector
if (fNext) { pResource->pos++; } else { pResource->pos--; } // Check for wrapping
if ((int)(pResource->pos) < 0) { Assert(pResource->pos == -1); Assert(!fNext); // we're going backwards
pResource->pos = size-1; } else if (pResource->pos >= size) { Assert(pResource->pos == size); Assert(fNext); pResource->pos = 0; }
// return the current vector element (dependant on res type)
// REVIEW: do we ever use the element that's gathered below?
switch (pResource->ResourceType) { case ResType_IRQ: *ppeList = (*pResource->pIRQList)[pResource->pos]; break; case ResType_DMA: *ppeList = (*pResource->pDMAList)[pResource->pos]; break; case ResType_IO: *ppeList = (*pResource->pIOList)[pResource->pos]; break; case ResType_Mem: *ppeList = (*pResource->pMEMList)[pResource->pos]; break; default: Assert(FALSE); break; } }
// Member: CHwRes::HrInitConfigList
// Purpose: Initialize m_ConfigList (the internal vector of
// configurations.)
// Returns: S_OK - init successful;
// HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) if no device configs
// found; E_FAIL otherwise (invalid device, etc.)
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes: "Lists" are actually implemented as STL vectors.
HRESULT CHwRes::HrInitConfigList() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PCONFIGURATION pConfiguration; CONFIGRET ConfigRet; LOG_CONF lcCurrent, lcNext; UINT iBasicConfig; BOOL fFoundConfig = FALSE;
Assert(NULL != m_DevNode);
// erase all elements
m_ConfigList.erase(m_ConfigList.begin(), m_ConfigList.end());
// Boot Configuration
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&lcCurrent, m_DevNode, BOOT_LOG_CONF) == CR_SUCCESS) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "Boot config already exists"); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Basic Configurations (may be more than one)
iBasicConfig = 0; ConfigRet = CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&lcCurrent, m_DevNode, BASIC_LOG_CONF);
if (CR_SUCCESS != ConfigRet) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "CM_Get_First_Log_conf returned %lX", ConfigRet); } #endif // ENABLETRACE
while (CR_SUCCESS == ConfigRet) { pConfiguration = new CONFIGURATION;
if (pConfiguration == NULL) { TraceError("pConfiguration == NULL", E_FAIL); goto error; }
pConfiguration->LogConf = lcCurrent; pConfiguration->fBoot = FALSE; pConfiguration->fAlloc = FALSE;
if (!FInitResourceList(pConfiguration)) { hr = E_FAIL; TraceError("CHwRes::FInitResourceList",hr); goto error; }
// Move on to the next basic config
iBasicConfig++; ConfigRet = CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf(&lcNext, lcCurrent, 0); lcCurrent = lcNext; fFoundConfig = TRUE; }
if (!fFoundConfig) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "No basic configs");
// if no config entries found, return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.
error: // ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND is an okay error message.
TraceError("CHwRes::HrInitConfigList", (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr || HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) == hr ) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Member: CHwRes::FInitResourceList
// Purpose: Initializes the resource list for a given logical config.
// Arguments:
// pConfiguration [in] configuration who's resource list is to
// be initialized.
// Returns: TRUE if init sucessful; FALSE otherwise.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes: Requires pConfiguration->LogConf to be initialized.
BOOL CHwRes::FInitResourceList(PCONFIGURATION pConfiguration) { RES_DES rdCurrent; RES_DES rdNext; RESOURCEID ResType; UINT iResource; #define RESOURCE_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
Assert(pConfiguration->LogConf); rdCurrent = (RES_DES) pConfiguration->LogConf; iResource = 0; while ((cr = CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&rdNext, rdCurrent, ResType_All, &ResType, 0)) == CR_SUCCESS) { rdCurrent = rdNext; // Only process this resource if the ignore bit is not set
if (ResType_Ignored_Bit != ResType) { pRes = &(pConfiguration->aResource[iResource]); pRes->ResDes = rdCurrent; pRes->ResourceType = ResType; cr = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size(&ulDataSize, rdCurrent, 0); if (CR_SUCCESS != cr) { TraceTag (ttidDefault, "CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size returned 0x%08x", cr); goto error; }
AssertSz (ulDataSize, "CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size returned 0!"); AssertSz (ulDataSize <= sizeof(Buffer), "CHwRes::FInitResourceList: buffer is too small.");;
cr = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(rdCurrent, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), 0); if (CR_SUCCESS != cr) { TraceTag (ttidDefault, "CM_Get_Res_Des_Data returned 0x%08x", cr); goto error; }
// Depending on the ResType, we have to initialize our resource list.
switch (ResType) { case ResType_Mem: InitMEMList(&(pRes->pMEMList), (PMEM_RESOURCE)Buffer); break; case ResType_IO: InitIOList(&(pRes->pIOList), (PIO_RESOURCE)Buffer); break; case ResType_DMA: InitDMAList(&(pRes->pDMAList), (PDMA_RESOURCE)Buffer); break; case ResType_IRQ: InitIRQList(&(pRes->pIRQList), (PIRQ_RESOURCE)Buffer); break; default: AssertSz (ResType_None != ResType, "ResType_None hit caught in CHwRes::FInitResourceList."); break; } // set the list position to the first element;
// applied_pos will get copied to pos when dialog box is created.
pRes->applied_pos = 0;
iResource++; pConfiguration->cResource = iResource; if (iResource >= c_nMaxResCtls) { break; // we're done.
} } } //while
if ((CR_SUCCESS != cr) && (CR_NO_MORE_RES_DES != cr)) { TraceTag (ttidDefault, "CM_Get_Next_Res_Des returned 0x%08x", cr); goto error; }
return TRUE; error: return FALSE; }
// Member: CHwRes::InitIRQList
// Purpose: Initialize an IRQ resource vector given a config manager
// resource structure.
// Arguments:
// ppIRQList [out] returns IRQ_LIST that will be created.
// pIRQResource [in] IRQ_RESOURCE structure from config manager.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
pIRQHeader = &(pIRQResource->IRQ_Header); pIRQData = &(pIRQResource->IRQ_Data[0]);
// Create a new list.
*ppIRQList = new IRQ_LIST;
if (*ppIRQList == NULL) { return; }
for (iData = 0; iData < pIRQHeader->IRQD_Count; iData++) { for (iIRQ = pIRQData[iData].IRQR_Min; iIRQ <= pIRQData[iData].IRQR_Max; iIRQ++) { // For each IRQ that falls within the given range,
// create new IRQ List Element, populate its fields and insert
// it into the m_IRQList.
pIRQListElement = new IRQ_LIST_ELEMENT;
if (pIRQListElement == NULL) { continue; }
pIRQListElement->dwIRQ = iIRQ; pIRQListElement->fConflict = FALSE; pIRQListElement->fAllocated = FALSE; (*ppIRQList)->push_back(pIRQListElement); } } }
// Member: CHwRes::InitDMAList
// Purpose: Initialize a DMA resource vector given a config manager
// resource structure.
// Arguments:
// ppDMAList [out] returns DMA_LIST that will be created.
// pDMAResource [in] DMA_RESOURCE structure from config manager.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
pDMAHeader = &(pDMAResource->DMA_Header); pDMAData = &(pDMAResource->DMA_Data[0]);
// Create a new list.
*ppDMAList = new DMA_LIST;
if (*ppDMAList == NULL) { return; }
ULONG iData; // index of DMA_Range structure we're looking at.
ULONG iDMA; // current DMA number we're adding to the list.
// Go through all the DMA_Range structures, and all DMAs in the
// specified range to the list.
for (iData = 0; iData < pDMAHeader->DD_Count; iData++) { for (iDMA = pDMAData[iData].DR_Min; iDMA <= pDMAData[iData].DR_Max; iDMA++) { // For each DMA that falls within the given range,
// create new DMA List Element, populate its fields and insert
// it into the DMAList.
if (peDMAList == NULL) { continue; }
peDMAList->dwDMA = iDMA; peDMAList->fConflict = FALSE; peDMAList->fAllocated = FALSE; (*ppDMAList)->push_back(peDMAList); } } }
// Member: CHwRes::InitMEMList
// Purpose: Initialize a MEM resource vector given a config manager
// resource structure.
// Arguments:
// ppMEMList [out] returns MEM_LIST that will be created.
// pMEMResource [in] MEM_RESOURCE structure from config manager.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
// For easy access
pMEMHeader = &(pMEMResource->MEM_Header); pMEMData = pMEMResource->MEM_Data;
// Create a new list.
*ppMEMList = new MEM_LIST;
if (*ppMEMList == NULL) { return; } ULONG iData; // index of MEM_Range structure we're looking at.
DWORDLONG MEMBase; // current MEM Base we're adding to the list.
ULONG cMEMBytes; // number of bytes required.
// Go through all the MEM_Range structures, and all MEMs in the
// specified range to the list.
for (iData = 0; iData < pMEMHeader->MD_Count; iData++) { MEMAlign = pMEMData[iData].MR_Align; cMEMBytes = pMEMData[iData].MR_nBytes;
// do sanity checks
if (0 == MEMAlign) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "CHwRes::InitMEMList() - Bogus alignment " "field while processing info from Config Manager."); break; }
if (0 == cMEMBytes) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "CHwRes::InitMEMList() - Bogus membytes " "field while processing info from Config Manager."); break; }
for (MEMBase = pMEMData[iData].MR_Min; MEMBase+cMEMBytes-1 <= pMEMData[iData].MR_Max; MEMBase += ~MEMAlign + 1) { // For each MEM that falls within the given range,
// create new MEM List Element, populate its fields and insert
// it into the MEMList.
if (peMEMList == NULL) { continue; }
peMEMList->dwMEM_Base = MEMBase; peMEMList->dwMEM_End = MEMBase + cMEMBytes - 1; peMEMList->fConflict = FALSE; peMEMList->fAllocated = FALSE; (*ppMEMList)->push_back(peMEMList);
// Check for wrapping.
if (MEMBase >= MEMBase + ~MEMAlign + 1) { TraceTag(ttidError, "Memory base is greater than Memory " "end!!!"); break; } } } }
// Member: CHwRes::InitIOList
// Purpose: Initialize an IO resource vector given a config manager
// resource structure.
// Arguments:
// ppIOList [out] returns IO_LIST that will be created.
// pIOResource [in] IO_RESOURCE structure from config manager.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
// For easy access
pIOHeader = &(pIOResource->IO_Header); pIOData = pIOResource->IO_Data;
// Create a new list.
*ppIOList = new IO_LIST;
if (*ppIOList == NULL) { return; }
ULONG iData; // index of IO_Range structure we're looking at.
DWORDLONG IOBase; // current IO Base we're adding to the list.
ULONG cIOBytes; // number of bytes required.
// Go through all the IO_Range structures, and all IOs in the
// specified range to the list.
for (iData = 0; iData < pIOHeader->IOD_Count; iData++) { IOAlign = pIOData[iData].IOR_Align; cIOBytes = pIOData[iData].IOR_nPorts;
// Perform sanity checks.
if (0 == IOAlign) { TraceTag(ttidError, "CHwRes::InitIOList - Bogus alignment field " "while processing data from Config Manager."); break; }
if (0 == cIOBytes) { TraceTag(ttidError, "CHwRes::InitIOList - Bogus IObytes field " "while processing data from Config Manager."); break; }
for (IOBase = pIOData[iData].IOR_Min; IOBase+cIOBytes-1 <= pIOData[iData].IOR_Max; IOBase += ~IOAlign + 1) { // For each IO that falls within the given range,
// create new IO List Element, populate its fields and insert
// it into the IOList.
if (peIOList == NULL) { continue; }
peIOList->dwIO_Base = IOBase; peIOList->dwIO_End = IOBase + cIOBytes-1; peIOList->fConflict = FALSE; peIOList->fAllocated = FALSE; (*ppIOList)->push_back(peIOList);
// Check for wrapping.
if (IOBase >= IOBase + ~IOAlign+1) { TraceTag(ttidError, "IO base is greater than IO end!!!"); break; } } } }
// Member: CHwRes::UseAnswerFile
// Purpose: Reads in settings from answerfile and puts them into m_vAf*
// member variables.
// Arguments:
// szAnswerFile [in] Path to answerfile.
// szSection [in] Section to read within answerfile
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
VOID CHwRes::UseAnswerFile(const WCHAR * const szAnswerFile, const WCHAR * const szSection) { CWInfFile AnswerFile; PCWInfSection pSection;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "UseAnswerFile called before CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
// initialize answer file class
if (AnswerFile.Init() == FALSE) { AssertSz(FALSE,"CHwRes::UseAnswerFile - Failed to initialize CWInfFile"); return; }
// Open the answerfile and find the desired section.
AnswerFile.Open(szAnswerFile); pSection = AnswerFile.FindSection(szSection);
// If the answer file section specified is missing
// we should skip trying to read
if (pSection) { // Get the hardware resource keys
if (pSection->GetIntValue(c_szAfIoAddr, &dw)) { // set this only if the value isn't obviously wrong (i.e. <= 0)
if (dw > 0) { m_vAfIo.SetDword(dw); m_vAfIo.SetPresent(TRUE); } } if (pSection->GetIntValue(c_szAfIrq, &dw)) { // set this only if the value isn't obviously wrong (i.e. <= 0)
if (dw > 0) { m_vAfIrq.SetDword(dw); m_vAfIrq.SetPresent(TRUE); } } if (pSection->GetIntValue(c_szAfDma, &dw)) { // set this only if the value isn't obviously wrong (i.e. <= 0)
if (dw > 0) { m_vAfDma.SetDword(dw); m_vAfDma.SetPresent(TRUE); } } if (pSection->GetIntValue(c_szAfMem, &dw)) { // set this only if the value isn't obviously wrong (i.e. <= 0)
if (dw > 0) { m_vAfMem.SetDword(dw); m_vAfMem.SetPresent(TRUE); } } } }
// Member: CHwRes::FValidateAnswerfileSettings
// Purpose:
// Ensures that the hw resource settings read in from the answerfile
// are valid. It will, optionally, raise UI if the properties
// are invalid.
// Arguments:
// fDisplayUI [in] TRUE, if an error UI is to be displayed if the
// answerfile settings are invalid
// Returns: HRESULT. S_OK if the answerfile settings are valid, S_FALSE if there
// are no resources to set, an error code otherwise
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
// Will set the m_vAfMemEnd and m_vAfIoEnd to correspond to
// m_vAfMem and m_vAfIo.
HRESULT CHwRes::HrValidateAnswerfileSettings(BOOL fDisplayUI) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FValidateAnswerfileSettings called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
// override current resource settings
if (!m_vAfDma.IsPresent() && !m_vAfIrq.IsPresent() && !m_vAfIo.IsPresent() && !m_vAfMem.IsPresent()) { // no resources found...
TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "No Hardware Resources found in answerfile."); hr = S_FALSE; } else { if (!FValidateAnswerfileResources()) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); TraceError("Error setting adapter resources from " "answerfile.", hr); } else { // m_vAfMemEnd and m_vAfIoEnd were set by
// FValidateAnswerfileResources()
Assert(FImplies(m_vAfMem.IsPresent(), m_vAfMemEnd.IsPresent())); Assert(FImplies(m_vAfIo.IsPresent(), m_vAfIoEnd.IsPresent())); } } TraceError("CHwRes::HrValidateAnswerfileSettings", (S_FALSE == hr) ? S_OK : hr); return hr; }
// Member: CHwRes::FCommitAnswerfileSettings
// Purpose:
// Commits (to the config manager) the hw resource settings read
// in from the Answerfile.
// Returns: FALSE if there were problems writing the BootConfig entry.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
BOOL CHwRes::FCommitAnswerfileSettings() { AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FCommitAnswerfileSettings called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
Assert(FImplies(m_vAfIo.IsPresent(), m_vAfIoEnd.IsPresent())); Assert(FImplies(m_vAfMem.IsPresent(), m_vAfMemEnd.IsPresent()));
// write out forced config entry to the config manager
BOOL f; f = FCreateBootConfig(&m_vAfMem, &m_vAfMemEnd, &m_vAfIo, &m_vAfIo, &m_vAfDma, &m_vAfIrq); return f; }
// Member: CHwRes::FValidateAnswerfileResources
// Purpose: Validates the resource requirements read in from Answerfile.
// Arguments:
// nID [out] ID of thingy.
// fInstall [in] TRUE if installing, FALSE otherwise.
// ppv [in,out] Old value is freed and this returns new value.
// Returns: TRUE, if resource requirement are valid.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
// Implementation note: We have a set of resource requirements from
// the answerfile (stored in m_vAf*). This method iterates through
// every logical config (execept alloc or boot ones) and tests to see
// if the resource requirements are valid in the logical config.
// If they are, then we can use the resource requirements. If they're
// not all valid in any logical config, then we return FALSE.
BOOL CHwRes::FValidateAnswerfileResources() { DWORD dwMemEnd; DWORD dwIoEnd; BOOL fResourceValid;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FValidateAnswerfileResources called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
// Configuration List should be initialized
Assert(0 != m_ConfigList.size()); PRESOURCE pResource; for (size_t iConfig = 0; iConfig < m_ConfigList.size(); iConfig++) { // we only want Basic configurations, so skip alloc or boot.
if (m_ConfigList[iConfig]->fBoot || m_ConfigList[iConfig]->fAlloc) { continue; }
fResourceValid = TRUE; if (m_vAfDma.IsPresent()) { if (!FValidateDMA(m_ConfigList[iConfig], m_vAfDma.GetDword())) { fResourceValid = FALSE; } } if (m_vAfIrq.IsPresent()) { if (!FValidateIRQ(m_ConfigList[iConfig], m_vAfIrq.GetDword())) { fResourceValid = FALSE; } } if (m_vAfIo.IsPresent()) { if (!FGetIOEndPortGivenBasePort(m_ConfigList[iConfig], m_vAfIo.GetDword(), &dwIoEnd)) { m_vAfIoEnd.SetPresent(FALSE); fResourceValid = FALSE; } else { m_vAfIoEnd.SetDword(dwIoEnd); m_vAfIoEnd.SetPresent(TRUE); } } if (m_vAfMem.IsPresent()) { if (!FGetMEMEndGivenBase(m_ConfigList[iConfig], m_vAfMem.GetDword(), &dwMemEnd)) { m_vAfMemEnd.SetPresent(FALSE); fResourceValid = FALSE; } else { m_vAfMemEnd.SetDword(dwMemEnd); m_vAfMemEnd.SetPresent(TRUE); } } if (fResourceValid) break; // found valid one.
} // something has to be present (otherwise don't call this function!)
Assert(m_vAfIo.IsPresent() || m_vAfIrq.IsPresent() || m_vAfDma.IsPresent() || m_vAfMem.IsPresent()); return fResourceValid; }
// Member: CHwRes::FCreateBootConfig
// Purpose: Create and insert a Boot Config entry into the Config
// Manager.
// Arguments:
// pvMem [in] Memory range base
// pvMemEnd [in] Memory range end
// pvIo [in] Io range base
// pvIoEnd [in] Io range end
// pvDma [in] Dma resource required.
// pvIrq [in] Irq resource required.
// Returns: TRUE if creation of forced config was successful.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
BOOL CHwRes::FCreateBootConfig( CValue * pvMem, CValue * pvMemEnd, CValue * pvIo, CValue * pvIoEnd, CValue * pvDma, CValue * pvIrq) { DMA_RESOURCE DMARes; IO_RESOURCE IORes; MEM_RESOURCE MEMRes; IRQ_RESOURCE IRQRes; LOG_CONF lcLogConf = NULL;
AssertSz(pvMem && pvMemEnd && pvIo && pvIoEnd && pvDma && pvIrq, "One of the pointer parameters passed to CHwRes::FCreate" "BootConfig() is null."); AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FCreateBootConfig called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "In FCreateBootConfig");
// Create a boot config
if (CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf(&lcLogConf, m_DevNode, LCPRI_BOOTCONFIG, BOOT_LOG_CONF) != CR_SUCCESS) { TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "Unable to create BOOT_LOG_CONF"); return FALSE; }
if (pvDma->IsPresent()) { Assert(pvDma->GetDword() > 0); // fill out DMAResource structure's header
ZeroMemory(&DMARes, sizeof(DMARes)); DMARes.DMA_Header.DD_Count = 0; DMARes.DMA_Header.DD_Type = DType_Range; DMARes.DMA_Header.DD_Flags = 0; DMARes.DMA_Header.DD_Alloc_Chan = pvDma->GetDword(); // add to boot conf
CM_Add_Res_Des(NULL, lcLogConf, ResType_DMA, &DMARes, sizeof(DMARes), 0); TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "added Dma resource %lX", pvDma->GetDword()); } if (pvIrq->IsPresent()) { Assert(pvIrq->GetDword() > 0); // IRQResource structure
ZeroMemory(&IRQRes, sizeof(IRQRes)); IRQRes.IRQ_Header.IRQD_Count = 0; IRQRes.IRQ_Header.IRQD_Type = IRQType_Range; IRQRes.IRQ_Header.IRQD_Flags |= fIRQD_Edge; IRQRes.IRQ_Header.IRQD_Alloc_Num = pvIrq->GetDword(); IRQRes.IRQ_Header.IRQD_Affinity = 0; // add to boot conf
CM_Add_Res_Des(NULL, lcLogConf, ResType_IRQ, &IRQRes, sizeof(IRQRes), 0); TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "added IRQ resource %lX", pvIrq->GetDword()); } if (pvIo->IsPresent()) { Assert(pvIo->GetDword() > 0); Assert(pvIoEnd->GetDword() > 0); ZeroMemory(&IORes, sizeof(IORes)); IORes.IO_Header.IOD_Count = 0; IORes.IO_Header.IOD_Type = IOType_Range; IORes.IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base = pvIo->GetDword(); IORes.IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_End = pvIoEnd->GetDword(); IORes.IO_Header.IOD_DesFlags = fIOD_10_BIT_DECODE; // add to boot conf
CM_Add_Res_Des(NULL, lcLogConf, ResType_IO, &IORes, sizeof(IORes), 0); TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "added IO resource %lX-%lX", pvIo->GetDword(), pvIoEnd->GetDword()); }
if (pvMem->IsPresent()) { Assert(pvMem->GetDword() > 0); Assert(pvMemEnd->GetDword() > 0); ZeroMemory(&MEMRes, sizeof(MEMRes)); MEMRes.MEM_Header.MD_Count = 0; MEMRes.MEM_Header.MD_Type = MType_Range; MEMRes.MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_Base = pvMem->GetDword(); MEMRes.MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_End = pvMemEnd->GetDword(); MEMRes.MEM_Header.MD_Flags = 0; // add to boot conf
CM_Add_Res_Des(NULL, lcLogConf, ResType_Mem, &MEMRes, sizeof(MEMRes), 0); TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "added Memory resource %lX - %lX", pvMem->GetDword(), pvMemEnd->GetDword()); }
return TRUE; }
// Member: CHwRes::FValidateIRQ
// Purpose: Validates that the IRQ given is valid in the given config.
// Arguments:
// pConfig [in] Config to use.
// dwIRQ [in] irq setting to validate.
// Returns: TRUE if irq setting is valid.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FValidateIRQ called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
Assert(pConfig != NULL); Assert(dwIRQ > 0); // For each IRQ resource in the given config
// go through list of valid IRQ looking for given one
// if found, return TRUE
for (size_t iRes = 0; iRes < pConfig->cResource; iRes++) { if (pConfig->aResource[iRes].ResourceType != ResType_IRQ) continue;
pIRQList = pConfig->aResource[iRes].pIRQList; // for easy access
for (size_t iIRQ = 0; iIRQ < pIRQList->size(); iIRQ++) { if ((*pIRQList)[iIRQ]->dwIRQ == dwIRQ) { return TRUE; // found it.
} } }
TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "IRQ %lX is not valid for this device", dwIRQ); return FALSE; }
// Member: CHwRes::FValidateDMA
// Purpose: Validate that given DMA is valid in given config.
// Arguments:
// pConfig [in] configuration to use
// dwDMA [in] dma setting to validate
// Returns: TRUE if dma setting is valid
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FValidateDMA called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
Assert(pConfig != NULL); Assert(dwDMA > 0); // For each dma resource in the given config
// go through list of valid dma looking for given one
// if found, return TRUE
for (size_t iRes = 0; iRes < pConfig->cResource; iRes++) { if (pConfig->aResource[iRes].ResourceType != ResType_DMA) continue;
pDMAList = pConfig->aResource[iRes].pDMAList; // for easy access
for (size_t iDMA = 0; iDMA < pDMAList->size(); iDMA++) { if ((*pDMAList)[iDMA]->dwDMA == dwDMA) { return TRUE; } } }
TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "DMA %lX is not valid for this device", dwDMA); return FALSE; }
// Member: CHwRes::FGetIOEndPortGivenBasePort
// Purpose: Get an IO Range given only the BasePort
// Arguments:
// pConfig [in] configuration to use.
// dwBase [in] Io base
// pdwEnd [out] Io end is returned
// Returns: TRUE if Io base is valid in given config.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
BOOL CHwRes::FGetIOEndPortGivenBasePort(PCONFIGURATION pConfig, DWORD dwBase, DWORD * pdwEnd) { PIO_LIST pIOList;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FGetIOEndPortGivenBasePort called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
Assert(pConfig != NULL); Assert(dwBase > 0); // For each resource in the given configuration
// if it's an IO Resource
// Go through the list of valid IO resources looking for
// a matching base port
// if found, then set the corresponding end port, return TRUE;
for (size_t iRes = 0; iRes < pConfig->cResource; iRes++) { // ensure we're looking at an IO type
if (pConfig->aResource[iRes].ResourceType != ResType_IO) continue;
pIOList = pConfig->aResource[iRes].pIOList; // for easy access
// go through all IO Elements in this list
for (size_t iIO = 0; iIO < pIOList->size(); iIO++) { if ((*pIOList)[iIO]->dwIO_Base == dwBase) { // found matching IO base port
*pdwEnd = (*pIOList)[iIO]->dwIO_End; return TRUE; } } } TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "IO %lX is not valid for this device", dwBase); return FALSE; // not found
// Member: CHwRes::FGetMEMEndGivenBase
// Purpose: Get a MEM range given the Mem base and config.
// Arguments:
// pConfig [in] configuration to use
// dwBase [in] mem base
// pdwEnd [out] mem end is returned.
// Returns: TRUE if the dwBase is a valid mem setting.
// Author: t-nabilr 07 Apr 1997
// Notes:
BOOL CHwRes::FGetMEMEndGivenBase(PCONFIGURATION pConfig, DWORD dwBase, DWORD * pdwEnd) { PMEM_LIST pMEMList;
AssertSz(m_fInitialized, "FGetMEMEndGivenBase called before " "CHwRes class HrInit'ed");
Assert(pConfig != NULL); Assert(dwBase > 0); // For each resource in the given configuration
// if it's an MEM Resource
// Go through the list of valid MEM resources looking for
// a matching base port
// if found, then set the corresponding end port,return TRUE;
for (size_t iRes = 0; iRes < pConfig->cResource; iRes++) { // ensure we're looking at an MEM type
if (pConfig->aResource[iRes].ResourceType != ResType_Mem) continue;
pMEMList = pConfig->aResource[iRes].pMEMList; // for easy access
// go through all MEM Elements in this list
for (size_t iMEM = 0; iMEM < pMEMList->size(); iMEM++) { if ((*pMEMList)[iMEM]->dwMEM_Base == dwBase) { // found matching MEM base addr
*pdwEnd = (*pMEMList)[iMEM]->dwMEM_End; return TRUE; } } } TraceTag(ttidNetComm, "Memory %lX is not valid for this device", dwBase); return FALSE; // not found
//$REVIEW (t-pkoch) this function isn't yet in our custom STL...
// it can be removed later (when it causes errors)
template<class T> void os_release(vector<T> & v) { for(vector<T>::iterator iterDelete = v.begin() ; iterDelete != v.end() ; ++iterDelete) delete *iterDelete; }
CHwRes::~CHwRes() { AssertSz(m_fHrInitCalled, "CHwRes destructor called before " "CHwRes::HrInit() called");
vector<CONFIGURATION *>::iterator ppConfig; RESOURCE * pRes;
// Delete everything from m_ConfigList.
for (ppConfig = m_ConfigList.begin(); ppConfig != m_ConfigList.end(); ppConfig++) { for (size_t iRes = 0; iRes < (*ppConfig)->cResource; iRes++) { pRes = &((*ppConfig)->aResource[iRes]); switch(pRes->ResourceType) { case ResType_IRQ: os_release(*(pRes->pIRQList)); delete pRes->pIRQList; break; case ResType_DMA: os_release(*(pRes->pDMAList)); delete pRes->pDMAList; break; case ResType_IO: os_release(*(pRes->pIOList)); delete pRes->pIOList; break; case ResType_Mem: os_release(*(pRes->pMEMList)); delete pRes->pMEMList; break; } } delete *ppConfig; }
ReleaseObj(m_pnccItem); }