#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "global.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncstring.h"
#include "ncxbase.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "util.h"
CParam::CParam () : m_fInit(FALSE), m_eType(VALUETYPE_UNKNOWN), m_hkRoot(NULL), m_pszKeyName(NULL), m_pszDesc(NULL), m_pszHelpFile(NULL), m_dwHelpContext(0), m_uLimitText(0), m_hkEnum(NULL), m_fOptional(FALSE), m_fModified(FALSE), m_fReadOnly(FALSE), m_fOEMText(FALSE), m_fUppercase(FALSE) { }
BOOL CParam::FInit(HKEY hkRoot, HKEY hkNdiParam, PWSTR pszSubKey) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD cbBuf; BYTE szBuf[VALUE_SZMAX]; UINT uTemp; DWORD dwType; HKEY hkParamInfo;
// store hkRoot, pszSubKey for future reference
m_hkRoot = hkRoot; m_pszKeyName = new WCHAR[lstrlenW (pszSubKey) + 1];
if (m_pszKeyName == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
lstrcpyW (m_pszKeyName, pszSubKey);
hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx(hkNdiParam, pszSubKey, KEY_READ, &hkParamInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) { hkParamInfo = NULL; goto error; }
// Get the parameter type, use EDIT if none specified
// range values (etc.) for the type. If 'type' is empty
// or invalid, the "int" type is returned.
cbBuf = sizeof(szBuf); hr = HrRegQueryValueEx(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamType,&dwType,szBuf,&cbBuf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { AssertSz(REG_SZ == dwType, "Expecting REG_SZ type but got something else."); } else { ((PWCHAR)szBuf)[0] = L'\0'; }
// Get the description text
cbBuf = sizeof(szBuf); hr = HrRegQueryValueEx(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamDesc,&dwType,szBuf,&cbBuf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { AssertSz(REG_SZ == dwType, "Expecting REG_SZ type but got something else."); } else { // No description string
lstrcpyW((WCHAR *)szBuf, SzLoadIds (IDS_NO_DESCRIPTION)); }
// allocate and store description
m_pszDesc = new WCHAR[lstrlenW((WCHAR *)szBuf) + 1];
if (m_pszDesc == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
lstrcpyW(m_pszDesc, (WCHAR *)szBuf);
// Optional parameter
m_fOptional = FALSE; uTemp = Reg_QueryInt(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamOptional,0);
if (uTemp != 0) { m_fOptional = TRUE; }
// Help file info
m_pszHelpFile = NULL; m_dwHelpContext = 0; cbBuf = sizeof(szBuf); hr = HrRegQueryValueEx(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamHelpFile,&dwType, szBuf,&cbBuf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { AssertSz(REG_SZ == dwType, "Expecting REG_SZ type but got something else."); m_pszHelpFile = new WCHAR[lstrlenW((WCHAR *)szBuf)+1];
if (m_pszHelpFile == NULL) { return(FALSE); }
lstrcpyW(m_pszHelpFile, (WCHAR *)szBuf); m_dwHelpContext = Reg_QueryInt(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamHelpContext,0); }
// Numeric Type Info
if (m_vValue.IsNumeric()) { // if no step value in registry, default to 1 (default already
// set in FInitParamType() )
m_vStep.FLoadFromRegistry(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamStep); if (m_vStep.GetNumericValueAsDword() == 0) { m_vStep.SetNumericValue(1); }
// get m_vMix and m_vMax from registry (no effect if doesn't exist,
// defaults were set in FInitParamType() )
(VOID) m_vMin.FLoadFromRegistry(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamMin); (VOID) m_vMax.FLoadFromRegistry(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamMax); }
// Edit type info
else if (m_eType == VALUETYPE_EDIT) { // Limit text
m_uLimitText = VALUE_SZMAX-1; uTemp = Reg_QueryInt(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamLimitText,m_uLimitText); if ((uTemp > 0) && (uTemp < VALUE_SZMAX)) { m_uLimitText = uTemp; }
// Read-only
m_fReadOnly = FALSE; uTemp = Reg_QueryInt(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamReadOnly,0); if (uTemp != 0) { m_fReadOnly = TRUE; }
// OEMText
m_fOEMText = FALSE; uTemp = Reg_QueryInt(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamOEMText,0); if (uTemp != 0) { m_fOEMText = TRUE; }
// Uppercase
m_fUppercase = FALSE; uTemp = Reg_QueryInt(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamUppercase,0); if (uTemp != 0) { m_fUppercase = TRUE; } }
// Enum type info
else if (m_eType == VALUETYPE_ENUM) { hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamTypeEnum,KEY_READ, &m_hkEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) { m_hkEnum = NULL; } }
// Current Value
m_fModified = FALSE; if (!m_vValue.FLoadFromRegistry(m_hkRoot,m_pszKeyName,hkParamInfo)) { // Use default value (current value not in registry)
if (!m_vValue.FLoadFromRegistry(hkParamInfo,c_szRegParamDefault)) { // If no default in registry, assume a decent value
if (m_vValue.IsNumeric()) { m_vValue.Copy(&m_vMin); } else { m_vValue.FromString(L""); } }
// Keep not-present state of optional parameters.
// Mark required parameters modified since we read the default.
if (m_fOptional) { m_vValue.SetPresent(FALSE); } else { m_fModified = TRUE; } }
// Save initial value for comparison in Param_Validate
// The initial value is always valid - in case the user hand-mucks
// it to something outside the specified range.
m_fInit = TRUE; RegSafeCloseKey(hkParamInfo); return TRUE;
error: // Cleanup done by destructor.
return FALSE;
VOID CParam::InitParamType(PTSTR pszType) { typedef struct tagPTABLE { const WCHAR * pszToken; VALUETYPE type; DWORD dwMin; DWORD dwMax; } PTABLE; static PTABLE ptable[] = { // 1st entry is default if pszType is invalid or unknown
{c_szRegParamTypeEdit, VALUETYPE_EDIT, NULL, NULL}, {c_szRegParamTypeInt, VALUETYPE_INT, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX}, {c_szRegParamTypeLong, VALUETYPE_LONG, LONG_MIN,(DWORD)LONG_MAX}, {c_szRegParamTypeWord, VALUETYPE_WORD, 0, USHRT_MAX}, {c_szRegParamTypeDword, VALUETYPE_DWORD, 0, ULONG_MAX}, {c_szRegParamTypeEnum, VALUETYPE_ENUM, NULL, NULL}, {c_szRegParamTypeKeyonly, VALUETYPE_KONLY, NULL, NULL} };
Assert(pszType != NULL);
// Lookup token in param table
for (i=0; i < celems(ptable); i++) { pt = &ptable[i]; if (lstrcmpiW(pt->pszToken,pszType) == 0) { break; } } if (i >= celems(ptable)) { pt = &ptable[0]; }
// Table default values
m_eType = pt->type; m_vValue.Init(pt->type,0); m_vInitial.Init(pt->type,0);
if (m_vValue.IsNumeric()) { m_vMin.Init(pt->type,pt->dwMin); m_vMax.Init(pt->type,pt->dwMax); m_vStep.Init(pt->type,1); } else { m_vMin.Init(pt->type,NULL); m_vMax.Init(pt->type,NULL); m_vStep.Init(pt->type,0); } }
// Notes: Don't close m_hkRoot since other's may have copies of it.
// ~CAdvanced will close it.
CParam::~CParam() { // Close the enum subkey
// free strings
delete m_pszKeyName; delete m_pszDesc; delete m_pszHelpFile;
// free values
m_vValue.Destroy(); m_vInitial.Destroy(); m_vMin.Destroy(); m_vMax.Destroy(); m_vStep.Destroy(); }
// Applies from In-Memory storage to registry
BOOL CParam::Apply() { AssertSz(m_fInit,"CParam not FInit()'ed."); if (!FIsModified()) { return TRUE; // not modified, don't save.
} Assert(0 == m_vValue.Compare(&m_vValue)); m_fModified = FALSE; m_vInitial.Copy(&m_vValue); return m_vValue.FSaveToRegistry(m_hkRoot,m_pszKeyName);
UINT CParam::Validate() { AssertSz(m_fInit, "CParam not FInit()'ed."); // Equal to the initial value is ok
if (m_vValue.Compare(&m_vInitial) == 0) { return VALUE_OK; }
// Unpresent-optional value is ok
if (FIsOptional() && !m_vValue.IsPresent()) { return VALUE_OK; }
// Invalid characters
if (m_vValue.IsInvalidChars()) { return VALUE_BAD_CHARS; }
// Empty required field
if (m_vValue.IsEmptyString() && m_vValue.IsPresent() && (m_vValue.GetType() != VALUETYPE_KONLY)) { return VALUE_EMPTY; }
// Numeric range
if (m_vValue.IsNumeric()) { // If value is < min, out of range
if (m_vValue.Compare(&m_vMin) < 0) { return VALUE_OUTOFRANGE; }
// If value is > max, out of range
if (m_vValue.Compare(&m_vMax) > 0) { return VALUE_OUTOFRANGE; }
// Step-range
Assert(m_vStep.GetNumericValueAsDword() != 0);
if (((m_vValue.GetNumericValueAsDword() - m_vMin.GetNumericValueAsDword()) % m_vStep.GetNumericValueAsDword()) != 0) { return VALUE_OUTOFRANGE; } }
return VALUE_OK; }
VOID CParam::GetDescription(WCHAR * sz, UINT cch) { AssertSz(m_fInit, "CParam not FInit()'ed."); lstrcpynW(sz, m_pszDesc, cch); }
VOID CParam::GetHelpFile(WCHAR * sz, UINT cch) { AssertSz(m_fInit, "CParam not FInit()'ed."); lstrcpynW(sz, m_pszHelpFile, cch); }