Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Revision History:
timmoore, sachins, May 19 2000, Created
#include "pcheapol.h"
#pragma hdrstop
LONG_PTR FAR PASCAL WndProc( HWND hWnd, unsigned message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );
#define TASK_BAR_CREATED L"TaskbarCreated"
TCHAR EAPOLClassName[] = TEXT("EAPOLClass");
UINT g_TaskbarCreated; HWND g_hWnd = 0; HINSTANCE g_hInstance; HANDLE g_UserToken;
HWINSTA hWinStaUser = 0; HWINSTA hSaveWinSta = 0; HDESK hDeskUser = 0; HDESK hSaveDesk = 0;
// WindowInit
// Description:
// Function called create the taskbar used to detect user logon/logoff
// Arguments:
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR - success
// NON-zero - error
DWORD WindowInit () { WNDCLASS Wc; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
TRACE0 (ANY, "Came into WindowInit ========================\n");
do { if ((g_TaskbarCreated = RegisterWindowMessage(TASK_BAR_CREATED)) == 0) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: RegisterWindowMessage failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; }
TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: TaskbarCreated id = %ld", g_TaskbarCreated);
// save current desktop and window station
// so that it can be restored when we shutdown
if ((hSaveWinSta = GetProcessWindowStation()) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: GetProcessWindowStation failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } if ((hSaveDesk = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId())) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: GetThreadDesktop failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } // Open the current user's window station and desktop
if ((hWinStaUser = OpenWindowStation(L"WinSta0", FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: OpenWindowStation failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } if (!SetProcessWindowStation(hWinStaUser)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: SetProcessWindowStation failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } else { TRACE0 (ANY, "WindowInit: SetProcessWindowStation succeeded\n"); } if ((hDeskUser = OpenDesktop(L"Default", 0 , FALSE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED)) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: OpenDesktop failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } if (!SetThreadDesktop(hDeskUser)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: SetThreadDesktop failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } else { TRACE0 (ANY, "WindowInit: SetThreadDesktop succeeded\n"); } //
// Register the class for the window
Wc.style = CS_NOCLOSE; Wc.cbClsExtra = 0; Wc.cbWndExtra = 0; Wc.hInstance = g_hInstance; Wc.hIcon = NULL; Wc.hCursor = NULL; Wc.hbrBackground = NULL; Wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; Wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; Wc.lpszClassName = EAPOLClassName; if (!RegisterClass(&Wc)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: RegisterClass failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); if (dwRetCode == ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS) { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; } else { break; } }
// Create the window that will receive the taskbar menu messages.
// The window has to be created after opening the user's desktop
if ((g_hWnd = CreateWindow( EAPOLClassName, L"EAPOLWindow", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL)) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: CreateWindow failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; }
// We don't care about the return value, since we just want it to
// be hidden and it will always succeed
ShowWindow(g_hWnd, SW_HIDE); if (!UpdateWindow(g_hWnd)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowInit: UpdateWindow failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); break; } TRACE0 (ANY, "WindowInit: CreateWindow succeeded\n");
} while (FALSE);
return dwRetCode; }
// WindowShut
// Description:
// Function called to delete the task bar created to detect user logon/logoff
// Arguments:
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR - success
// NON-zero - error
DWORD WindowShut () { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
do {
if (g_hWnd) { if (!DestroyWindow (g_hWnd)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: DestroyWindow failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
} }
if (g_hInstance) { if (!UnregisterClass ( EAPOLClassName, g_hInstance)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: UnregisterClass failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
} g_hInstance = NULL; } if (hDeskUser) { if (CloseDesktop(hDeskUser) == 0) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: CloseDesktop-hDeskUser failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
} hDeskUser = 0; } if (hWinStaUser) { if (CloseWindowStation(hWinStaUser) == 0) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: CloseWindowStation-hWinStaUser failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
} hWinStaUser = 0; }
if (hSaveDesk) { if (!SetThreadDesktop(hSaveDesk)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: SetThreadDesktop failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
} if (hSaveWinSta) { if (SetProcessWindowStation(hSaveWinSta) == 0) { TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: SetProcessWindowStation failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); dwRetCode = GetLastError (); // log
} } if (CloseDesktop(hSaveDesk) == 0) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: CloseDesktop-hSaveDesk failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
hSaveDesk = 0; if (hSaveWinSta) { if (CloseWindowStation(hSaveWinSta) == 0) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "WindowShut: CloseWindowStation-hSaveWinSta failed with error %ld\n", dwRetCode); // log
} hSaveWinSta = 0; }
} } while (FALSE);
return dwRetCode;
// UserLogon
// Description:
// Function called to do processing when user logs on
// Arguments:
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR - success
// NON-zero - error
DWORD UserLogon () { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
TRACE0 (ANY, "Came into UserLogon ===================\n");
do { ElUserLogonCallback ( NULL, TRUE ); TRACE0 (ANY, "UserLogon: ElUserLogonCallback completed");
} while (FALSE);
return dwRetCode;
// UserLogoff
// Description:
// Function called to do processing when user logs off
// Arguments:
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR - success
// NON-zero - error
DWORD UserLogoff () { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
TRACE0 (ANY, "Came into UserLogoff ===================\n");
do { ElUserLogoffCallback ( NULL, TRUE ); TRACE0 (ANY, "UserLogoff: ElUserLogoffCallback completed");
} while (FALSE);
return dwRetCode; }
// ElWaitOnEvent
// Description:
// Function called to wait on taskbar event changes
// Arguments:
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR - success
// NON-zero - error
DWORD ElWaitOnEvent () { MSG Msg; HANDLE hEvents[1]; BOOL fExitThread = FALSE; DWORD dwStatus = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// Check if 802.1X service has stopped
// Exit if so
if (( dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject ( g_hEventTerminateEAPOL, 0)) == WAIT_FAILED) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "ElWaitOnEvent: WaitForSingleObject failed with error %ld, Terminating cleanup", dwRetCode); }
// log
return dwRetCode; }
if (dwStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; TRACE0 (INIT, "ElWaitOnEvent: g_hEventTerminateEAPOL already signaled, returning"); } return dwRetCode; }
if (!g_dwMachineAuthEnabled) { if ((dwRetCode = UserLogon()) != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1 (ANY, "ElWaitOnEvent: UserLogon failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); return dwRetCode; } }
do { do { hEvents[0] = g_hEventTerminateEAPOL;
dwStatus = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 1, hEvents, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT | QS_ALLEVENTS | QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE);
if (dwStatus == WAIT_FAILED) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (ANY, "ElWaitOnEvent: MsgWaitForMultipleObjects failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); // log
break; }
switch (dwStatus) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // Service exit detected
fExitThread = TRUE; TRACE0 (ANY, "ElWaitOnEvent: Service exit detected"); break;
default: while (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (Msg.message == WM_QUIT) { break; } TRACE3 (ANY, "ElWaitonEvent: Mesg %ld, wparam %lx, lparam %lx", (DWORD)Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam); if (!IsDialogMessage(g_hWnd, &Msg)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } } break; }
} while (dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0);
if ((dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) || (fExitThread)) { TRACE0 (ANY, "ElWaitOnEvent: Exit wait loop"); break; }
} while (TRUE);
return dwRetCode;
// WndProc
// Description:
// Function called to process taskbar events
// Arguments:
// Return values:
LONG_PTR FAR PASCAL WndProc ( IN HWND hWnd, IN unsigned message, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
TRACE1 (ANY, "WndProc: Came into WndProc %ld", (DWORD)message );
switch (message) { case WM_ENDSESSION: TRACE2 (ANY, "WndProc: Endsession (logoff) %x %x\n", wParam, lParam); if(wParam) { // Only user session logoff
if (lParam & ENDSESSION_LOGOFF) { if ((dwRetCode = UserLogoff()) != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1 (ANY, "WndProc: UserLogoff failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); } } } break;
default: if (message == g_TaskbarCreated) { TRACE0 (ANY, "WndProc: Taskbar created (Logon)\n"); if ((dwRetCode = UserLogon()) != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1 (ANY, "WndProc: UserLogon failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); } } }
return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam)); }
// ElUserLogonDetection
// Description:
// Function called to initialize module detecting user logon/logoff
// Arguments:
// pvContext - Unused
// Return values:
VOID ElUserLogonDetection ( PVOID pvContext ) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
do {
if ((dwRetCode = WindowInit()) != NO_ERROR) { break; }
if ((dwRetCode = ElWaitOnEvent()) != NO_ERROR) { // no action
} while (FALSE);
dwRetCode = WindowShut();
if (dwRetCode != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1 (ANY, "ElUserLogonDetection: Error in processing = %ld", dwRetCode); // log