Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains code for starting off, shutting down and handling device addition/removal request for the EAPOL module.
Revision History:
sachins, Apr 25 2000, Created
Notes: EAPOL_SERVICE if defined, on compilation, a .exe version is created. If not defined, on compilation, a .lib is created, with entry points defined, which netman calls into.
#include "pcheapol.h"
#pragma hdrstop
extern VOID EAPOLServiceMain ( IN DWORD argc, IN LPWSTR *lpwsServiceArgs );
VOID EAPOLServiceMainWorker ( IN PVOID pvContext );
// main
// Description: Will simply register the entry point of the EAPOL
// service with the service controller. The service controller
// will capture this thread. It will be freed only when
// the service is shutdown. At that point we will simply exit
// the process.
// Return values: none
void _cdecl main ( int argc, unsigned char * argv[] ) { SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY EapolServiceDispatchTable[2];
EapolServiceDispatchTable[0].lpServiceName = EAPOL_SERVICE_NAME; EapolServiceDispatchTable[0].lpServiceProc = EAPOLServiceMain; EapolServiceDispatchTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL; EapolServiceDispatchTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL;
if ( !StartServiceCtrlDispatcher( EapolServiceDispatchTable ) ) { ASSERT (0); }
ExitProcess(0); }
// EAPOLAnnounceServiceStatus
// Description: Will simly call SetServiceStatus to inform the service
// control manager of this service's current status.
// Return values: none
VOID EAPOLAnnounceServiceStatus ( VOID ) { BOOL dwRetCode;
ASSERT (g_hServiceStatus);
// Increment the checkpoint in a pending state:
switch( g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState ) { case SERVICE_START_PENDING: case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING:
default: break; }
dwRetCode = SetServiceStatus( g_hServiceStatus, &g_ServiceStatus );
if ( dwRetCode == FALSE ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "Error: SetServiceStatus returned %d\n", GetLastError() ); } }
// EAPOLCleanUp
// Description: Will free any allocated memory, deinitialize RPC, deinitialize
// the kernel-mode server and unload it if it was loaded.
// This could have been called due to an error on SERVICE_START
// or normal termination.
// Return values: none
VOID EAPOLCleanUp ( IN DWORD dwError ) { DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwEventStatus = 0; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
if (g_hEventTerminateEAPOL == NULL) { return; }
// Check if have already gone through EAPOLCleanUp before
// Return if so
if (( dwEventStatus = WaitForSingleObject ( g_hEventTerminateEAPOL, 0)) == WAIT_FAILED) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanUp: WaitForSingleObject failed with error %ld, Terminating cleanup", dwRetCode); }
// log
return; }
if (dwEventStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE0 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanUp: g_hEventTerminateEAPOL already signaled, returning"); } return; }
// Announce that we are stopping
g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; g_ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; g_ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 200000;
// Tear down and free everything
// Set event to indicate to waiting threads to terminate
if ( !SetEvent (g_hEventTerminateEAPOL) ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanUp: SetEvent for g_hEventTerminateEAPOL failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); }
// log
// Shutdown device related stuff
// Close handles to NDISUIO
// Shutdown EAPOL State machine
if ( ( dwRetCode = ElMediaDeInit()) != NO_ERROR ) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "Media DeInit failed with dwRetCode = %ld\n", dwRetCode ); }
dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; } else { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "Media DeInit succeeded with dwRetCode = %ld\n", dwRetCode ); } }
if ( dwError == NO_ERROR ) { g_ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; } else { g_ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; }
g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; g_ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = dwError;
if (!CloseHandle(g_hStopService)) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanup: CloseHandle failed with error %ld", GetLastError()); } }
// Shut down NDISUIO service
if ( g_hNDISUIOService != NULL ) { if (!ControlService ( g_hNDISUIOService, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus )) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanup: ControlService failed with error %ld", GetLastError()); } }
if (!CloseServiceHandle ( g_hNDISUIOService )) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanup: CloseServiceHandle failed with error %ld", GetLastError()); } }
g_hNDISUIOService = NULL; }
if ( g_hServiceCM != NULL ) { if (!CloseServiceHandle ( g_hServiceCM )) { if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanup: CloseServiceHandle for SCM failed with error %ld", GetLastError()); } }
g_hServiceCM = NULL; }
if ( g_dwTraceId != INVALID_TRACEID ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLCleanup completed with error %d\n", dwError ); TraceDeregisterA( g_dwTraceId ); g_dwTraceId = INVALID_TRACEID; }
if ( g_hLogEvents != NULL) { EapolLogInformation (EAPOL_LOG_SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, NULL); RouterLogDeregisterW( g_hLogEvents ); g_hLogEvents = NULL; }
return; }
// ServiceHandlerEx
// Description: Will respond to control requests from the service controller.
// Return values: none
DWORD ServiceHandlerEx ( IN DWORD dwControlCode, IN DWORD dwEventType, IN LPVOID lpEventData, IN LPVOID lpContext ) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
if ( ( g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) || ( g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED )) { break; }
TRACE0 (INIT, "ServiceHandlerEx: SERVICE_CONTROL_ STOP or SHUTDOWN event called");
// Announce that we are stopping
g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; g_ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; g_ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 200000;
SetEvent( g_hStopService );
return( NO_ERROR );
case SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT: if ( ( g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) || ( g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED )) { break; }
TRACE0 (INIT, "ServiceHandlerEx: SERVICE_CONTROL_DEVICEEVENT event called"); // Received notification that some LAN interface was added or deleted
if (lpEventData != NULL) { // Call device notification handler
if ((dwRetCode = ElDeviceNotificationHandler ( lpEventData, dwEventType)) != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1 (INIT, "ServiceHandlerEx: ElDeviceNotificationHandler faield with error %ld", dwRetCode); break; } }
break; }
return( dwRetCode ); }
// EAPOLServiceMain
// Description: This is the main procedure for the EAPOL Server Service. It
// will be called when the service is supposed to start itself.
// It will do all service wide initialization.
// Return values: none
VOID WINAPI EAPOLServiceMain ( IN DWORD argc, // Command line arguments. Will be ignored.
IN LPWSTR * lpwsServiceArgs ) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
g_hEventTerminateEAPOL = NULL;
// Queue a worker item to do the heavy-duty work during initialization
// This will not hold up the main worker thread
if (!QueueUserWorkItem( (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)EAPOLServiceMainWorker, NULL, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); ASSERT (0); }
VOID EAPOLServiceMainWorker ( IN PVOID pvContext ) {
DWORD dwIndex = 0; SC_HANDLE hServiceCM; SC_HANDLE hNDISUIOService; SC_HANDLE hNetManService; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG pNetmanServiceConfig = NULL; DWORD dwBufSize = 0, dwBytesNeeded = 0; DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR;
// Initialize globals
g_hLogEvents = NULL; g_dwTraceId = INVALID_TRACEID; g_hServiceCM = NULL; g_hNDISUIOService = NULL; g_hStopService = NULL; g_dwModulesStarted = 0; g_dwMachineAuthEnabled = 0; g_hNLA_LPC_Port = NULL;
// Create event that will be used to indicate EAPOL shutdown
g_hEventTerminateEAPOL = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if ( g_hEventTerminateEAPOL == (HANDLE)NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); ASSERT (0); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
// Register for debug tracing via rtutils.dll
g_dwTraceId = TraceRegister (L"EAPOL");
if ( g_dwTraceId == INVALID_TRACEID ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); ASSERT (0); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
// Register for event logging via rtutils.dll
g_hLogEvents = RouterLogRegisterW(L"EAPOL");
if ( g_hLogEvents == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: RouterLogRegisterW failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
g_hServiceStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx( TEXT("EAPOL"), ServiceHandlerEx, NULL );
if ( !g_hServiceStatus ) { return; }
g_ServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS; g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING;
// Start NDISUIO driver
if ((g_hServiceCM = OpenSCManager ( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT | SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE )) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: OpenSCManager failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
if ((g_hNDISUIOService = OpenService ( g_hServiceCM, NDISUIO_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_START | SERVICE_STOP )) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: OpenService NdisUIO failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
if (!StartService( g_hNDISUIOService, 0, NULL )) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: StartService failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); if (dwRetCode != ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; } }
// Register for event logging via rtutils.dll
g_hLogEvents = RouterLogRegisterW(L"EAPOL");
if ( g_hLogEvents == NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: RouterLogRegisterW failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
// Announce that we have successfully started.
g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; g_ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP;
// Create event that will be used to shutdown the EAPOL service
g_hStopService = CreateEvent ( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if ( g_hStopService == (HANDLE)NULL ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: CreateEvent failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
// Set User logged indication
g_fUserLoggedOn = 0;
// Used for detetcing MACHINE_AUTH
// Verify if netman is SERVICE_AUTO_START and set flag if machine auth
// is enabled to indicate machine authentication
if ((hNetManService = OpenService ( g_hServiceCM, NETMAN_SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG )) == NULL) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: OpenService Netman failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
dwBufSize = 0; if (!QueryServiceConfig ( hNetManService, NULL, dwBufSize, &dwBytesNeeded )) { if ((dwRetCode = GetLastError()) == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { pNetmanServiceConfig = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG) MALLOC (dwBytesNeeded); if (pNetmanServiceConfig == NULL) { dwRetCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; TRACE0 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: MALLOC failed for pNetmanServiceConfig"); if (!CloseServiceHandle (hNetManService)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: CloseServiceHandle Netman failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); } EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; } else { dwBufSize = dwBytesNeeded; if (!QueryServiceConfig ( hNetManService, pNetmanServiceConfig, dwBufSize, &dwBytesNeeded )) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE0 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: QueryServiceConfig failed for pNetmanServiceConfig"); if (!CloseServiceHandle (hNetManService)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: CloseServiceHandle Netman failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); } EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; } else { if (pNetmanServiceConfig->dwStartType == SERVICE_AUTO_START) { TRACE0 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: Machine auth enabled"); g_dwMachineAuthEnabled = 1; } else { TRACE0 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: Machine auth disabled"); } } } } else { TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: QueryServiceConfig failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); if (!CloseServiceHandle (hNetManService)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: CloseServiceHandle Netman failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); } EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; } }
if (!CloseServiceHandle (hNetManService)) { dwRetCode = GetLastError (); TRACE1 (INIT, "EAPOLServiceMainWorker: CloseServiceHandle Netman failed with error %ld", dwRetCode); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; }
// Initialize media related stuff
// Interfaces will be enumerated, handles to NDISUIO driver will be opened,
// EAPOL will be initialized
if ( ( dwRetCode = ElMediaInit()) != NO_ERROR ) { TRACE1 (INIT, "Media Init failed with dwRetCode = %d\n", dwRetCode ); EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode ); return; } else { TRACE1 (INIT, "Media Init succeeded with dwRetCode = %d\n", dwRetCode ); }
TRACE0 (INIT, "EAPOL started successfully\n" );
// Just wait here for EAPOL service to terminate.
dwRetCode = WaitForSingleObject( g_hStopService, INFINITE );
if ( dwRetCode == WAIT_FAILED ) { dwRetCode = GetLastError(); } else { dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; }
TRACE0 (INIT, "Stopping EAPOL gracefully\n" );
EAPOLCleanUp ( dwRetCode );