// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: C P L . C P P
// Contents: Entrypoints and other code for the new NCPA
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 12 Jan 1998
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cplres.h"
#include <openfold.h> // For launching connections folder
#include <cpl.h>
//---[ Globals ]--------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DllMain
// Purpose: Standard DLL entrypoint
// Arguments:
// hInstance [] Our instance handle
// dwReason [] reason for invocation (attach/detach/etc)
// lpReserved [] Unused
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 12 Jan 1998
// Notes:
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved ) { g_hInst = hInstance;
if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { InitializeDebugging();
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidNetShellBreakOnInit)) { DebugBreak(); }
DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hInstance); } else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { UnInitializeDebugging(); } return TRUE; }
// Function: CPlApplet
// Purpose:
// Arguments:
// hwndCPL [in] Handle of control panel window
// uMsg [in] message
// lParam1 [in]
// lParam2 [in]
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 12 Jan 1998
// Notes:
LONG CALLBACK CPlApplet( HWND hwndCPL, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2 ) { TraceFileFunc(ttidShellFolder); LPNEWCPLINFO pNewCPlInfo = NULL; LPCPLINFO pCPlInfo = NULL; INT iApp = NULL; LONG lReturn = 0;
iApp = ( int ) lParam1;
switch ( uMsg ) { // First message, sent once.
case CPL_INIT: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_INIT"); lReturn = 1; // Successfully initialized
// Second message, sent once.
case CPL_GETCOUNT: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_GETCOUNT"); lReturn = 1; // We only have one app to support
// Third message (alternate, old). Sent once per app
case CPL_INQUIRE: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_INQUIRE"); pCPlInfo = ( LPCPLINFO ) lParam2; pCPlInfo->idIcon = IDI_NCPA; pCPlInfo->idName = IDS_NCPTITLE; pCPlInfo->idInfo = IDS_NCPDESC; pCPlInfo->lData = NULL; lReturn = 0; // Processed successfully
// Alternate third message, sent once per app
case CPL_NEWINQUIRE: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_NEWINQUIRE"); lReturn = 1; // Ignore this message
// Application icon selected. We should never get this message
case CPL_SELECT: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_SELECT"); lReturn = 1; // Who cares? We never get this.
// Application icon double-clicked.
// Or application invoked via STARTWPARAMS (through rundll)
case CPL_DBLCLK: case CPL_STARTWPARMSW: case CPL_STARTWPARMSA: switch(uMsg) { case CPL_STARTWPARMSW: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_STARTWPARMSW, app: %d, parms: %S", lParam1, lParam2 ? (PWSTR) lParam2 : L""); break; case CPL_STARTWPARMSA: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_STARTWPARMSA, app: %d, parms: %s", lParam1, lParam2 ? (PSTR) lParam2 : ""); break; case CPL_DBLCLK: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_DBLCLK"); break; }
// No matter what, we're doing the same thing here
(VOID) HrOpenConnectionsFolder();
// Return the correct code. DBLCLK wants 0 == success, the others want (TRUE)
if (uMsg == CPL_DBLCLK) lReturn = 0; // Processed successfully
else lReturn = 1; // TRUE, which for the START versions means success
// Controlling application closing.
case CPL_STOP: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_STOP"); lReturn = 0; // Processed succesfully
// We're about to be released. Sent after last CPL_STOP
case CPL_EXIT: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_EXIT"); lReturn = 0; // Processed successfully
default: TraceTag(ttidShellFolder, "NCPA message: CPL_? (%d)", uMsg); lReturn = 1; break; }
return lReturn; }