// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: S M R A S P S P . C P P
// Contents: The rendering of the UI for the network status monitor's RAS
// property page
// Notes:
// Author: CWill 02/03/1998
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "sminc.h"
#include "smpsh.h"
#include "smutil.h"
#include "nsres.h"
#include "ncatlui.h"
#include "ncnetcon.h"
#include "ncras.h"
#include "mprapi.h"
const int c_nColumns=2;
HRESULT HrRasGetSubEntryHandle(HRASCONN hrasconn, DWORD dwSubEntry, HRASCONN* prasconnSub); HRESULT HrRasHangUp(HRASCONN hrasconn);
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::CPspStatusMonitorRas
// Purpose: Creator
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
CPspStatusMonitorRas::CPspStatusMonitorRas() : m_hRasConn(NULL) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
m_pGenPage = NULL; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::~CPspStatusMonitorTool
// Purpose: Destructor
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
CPspStatusMonitorRas::~CPspStatusMonitorRas(VOID) { ::FreeCollectionAndItem(m_lstprdi); }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::HrInitRasPage
// Purpose: Initialize the RAS page class before the page has been
// created
// Arguments: pncInit - The connection associated with this monitor
// pGenPage - The general page that contains the persistent info
// for retrieving the INetConnection on disconnect
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::HrInitRasPage(INetConnection* pncInit, CPspStatusMonitorGen * pGenPage, const DWORD * adwHelpIDs) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// set context help IDs
m_adwHelpIDs = adwHelpIDs;
// Stash the connection name for later use.
// Note: Failures are handled and are not fatal
NETCON_PROPERTIES* pProps; hr = pncInit->GetProperties(&pProps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_strConnectionName = pProps->pszwName; m_ncmType = pProps->MediaType; m_dwCharacter = pProps->dwCharacter;
FreeNetconProperties(pProps); }
// Get a point to the General page where we can disconnect the connection
// when suspending the last link in multilink RAS connection
AssertSz(pGenPage, "We should have a valid pointer to the General page."); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pGenPage = pGenPage; }
// Get RAS specific data
if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY) { INetRasConnection* pnrcNew = NULL;
hr = HrQIAndSetProxyBlanket(pncInit, &pnrcNew); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RASCON_INFO rciPage = { 0 };
// Find out what entry in what phone book this connection is on
hr = pnrcNew->GetRasConnectionInfo (&rciPage); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { RASENTRY* pRasEntry = NULL;
AssertSz(rciPage.pszwPbkFile, "We should have a pszwPbkFile"); AssertSz(rciPage.pszwEntryName, "We should have a pszwEntryName");
// Save for later use
m_strPbkFile = rciPage.pszwPbkFile; m_strEntryName = rciPage.pszwEntryName;
// Get the handle to the connection
hr = pnrcNew->GetRasConnectionHandle( reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(&m_hRasConn)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We only allow user to dial/resume individual links
// if DialAll is set (i.e. neither "DialAsNeeded" or
// "Dial first available device only")
hr = ::HrRasGetEntryProperties( rciPage.pszwPbkFile, rciPage.pszwEntryName, &pRasEntry, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pRasEntry->dwDialMode == RASEDM_DialAll) { DWORD iSubEntry = 1;
// clear up the current list before we add any new new entry
// $REVIEW(tongl 5/12): to fix bug # 170789
// This is a one based count, so we have to have less than or
// equal to
for (; SUCCEEDED(hr) && iSubEntry <= pRasEntry->dwSubEntries; iSubEntry++) { RASSUBENTRY* pRasSubEntry = NULL;
// The name of the subentry
hr = ::HrRasGetSubEntryProperties( rciPage.pszwPbkFile, rciPage.pszwEntryName, iSubEntry, &pRasSubEntry); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CRasDeviceInfo* prdiNew = NULL; // If we have all the info we need, create
// a new entry add it to the list
prdiNew = new CRasDeviceInfo;
if (prdiNew) { prdiNew->SetSubEntry(iSubEntry); prdiNew->SetDeviceName(pRasSubEntry->szDeviceName); m_lstprdi.push_back(prdiNew); }
// Free the subentry data
MemFree(pRasSubEntry); } } }
MemFree(pRasEntry); } }
::RciFree(&rciPage); }
::ReleaseObj(pnrcNew); }
} else if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_INCOMING_ONLY) { // for incoming connection only
// save the handle
INetInboundConnection* pnicNew;
hr = HrQIAndSetProxyBlanket(pncInit, &pnicNew);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pnicNew->GetServerConnectionHandle( reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(&m_hRasConn)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Find out what ports are in this connection
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-84706-2000/09/28-sumeetb
ReleaseObj(pnicNew); } } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Invalid connection type.."); }
TraceError("CPspStatusMonitorRas::HrInitRasPage",hr); return hr; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnInitDialog
// Purpose: Do the initialization required when the page has just been created
// Arguments: Standard window messsage parameters
// Returns: Standard window message return value
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// Fill the property list view
// Fill the device list
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnDestroy
// Purpose: Clean up the dialog before the window goes away
// Arguments: Standard window messsage parameters
// Returns: Standard window message return value
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnDestroy(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
::FreeCollectionAndItem(m_lstprdi); return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnContextMenu
// Purpose: When right click a control, bring up help
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnContextMenu(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (m_adwHelpIDs != NULL) { ::WinHelp(m_hWnd, c_szNetCfgHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)m_adwHelpIDs); }
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnHelp
// Purpose: When drag context help icon over a control, bring up help
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnHelp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
LPHELPINFO lphi = reinterpret_cast<LPHELPINFO>(lParam); Assert(lphi);
if ((m_adwHelpIDs != NULL) && (HELPINFO_WINDOW == lphi->iContextType)) { ::WinHelp(static_cast<HWND>(lphi->hItemHandle), c_szNetCfgHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)m_adwHelpIDs); }
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnSetCursor
// Purpose: Ensure the mouse cursor over the Property Sheet is an Arrow.
// Arguments: Standard command parameters
// Returns: Standard return
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnSetCursor ( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT) { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); } return FALSE; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::GetActiveDeviceCount
// Purpose: Return the number of active devices
// Arguments: none
// Returns: UINT
UINT CPspStatusMonitorRas::GetActiveDeviceCount() { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon); INT nCntDevices; INT iCmb; INT nCnt = 0;
nCntDevices = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETCOUNT, 0L, 0L); if ((CB_ERR != nCntDevices) && (nCntDevices > 1)) { for (iCmb = 0; iCmb < nCntDevices; iCmb++) { CRasDeviceInfo* prdiSelect = NULL; NETCON_STATUS ncsTemp = NCS_DISCONNECTED;
// Get the object from the selection
prdiSelect = reinterpret_cast<CRasDeviceInfo*>( SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETITEMDATA, iCmb, 0L));
AssertSz(prdiSelect, "We should have a prdiSelect");
// Count the connected devices
ncsTemp = NcsGetDeviceStatus(prdiSelect); if (fIsConnectedStatus(ncsTemp)) { nCnt++; } } }
return nCnt; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillPropertyList
// Purpose: Fill in the list of RAS properties
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
VOID CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillPropertyList(VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// list view column structure
RECT rect; LV_COLUMN lvCol; int index, iNewItem;
// Calculate column width
::GetClientRect(hList, &rect); int colWidthFirst = rect.right * 0.4; // First column is 40%
int colWidthSubsequent = (rect.right-colWidthFirst)/(c_nColumns-1); // Divide remaining space between other columns equally
// The mask specifies that the fmt, width and pszText members
// of the structure are valid
lvCol.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT ; lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; // left-align column
// Add the two columns and header text.
for (index = 0; index < c_nColumns; index++) { // column header text
if (0==index) // first column
{ lvCol.cx = colWidthFirst; lvCol.pszText = (PWSTR) SzLoadIds(IDS_PROPERTY); } else { lvCol.cx = colWidthSubsequent; lvCol.pszText = (PWSTR) SzLoadIds(IDS_VALUE); }
iNewItem = ListView_InsertColumn(hList, index, &lvCol);
AssertSz((iNewItem == index), "Invalid item inserted to list view !"); }
// Get RAS property data
if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY) { FillRasClientProperty(); } else { FillRasServerProperty(); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillRasClientProperty
// Purpose: Fill in the list of RAS properties for a RAS client
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
VOID CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillRasClientProperty(VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon); BOOLEAN bSlipConnection = FALSE; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(IDC_LVW_RAS_PROPERTY); tstring strServerType = (PWSTR) SzLoadIds(IDS_PPP); tstring strProtocolList = c_szEmpty; tstring strDeviceName = c_szEmpty; tstring strDeviceType = c_szEmpty;
DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwSize;
RASCONNSTATUS rcs; rcs.dwSize = sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS); dwRetCode = RasGetConnectStatus (m_hRasConn, &rcs); if (dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) { strDeviceName = rcs.szDeviceName; strDeviceType = rcs.szDeviceType; TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RASCONNSTATUS.szDeviceName = %s", rcs.szDeviceName); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RASCONNSTATUS.szDeviceType = %s", rcs.szDeviceType); }
// RASP_PppIp
tstring strServerIp = c_szEmpty; tstring strClientIp = c_szEmpty;
RASPPPIP RasPppIp; RasPppIp.dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIp );
dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIp );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (m_hRasConn, RASP_PppIp, &RasPppIp, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasPppIp.dwError)) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_TCPIP);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasPppIp.szServerIpAddress = %S", RasPppIp.szServerIpAddress); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasPppIp.szIpAddress = %S", RasPppIp.szIpAddress);
strServerIp = RasPppIp.szServerIpAddress; strClientIp = RasPppIp.szIpAddress; }
// RASP_PppIpx
tstring strClientIpx = c_szEmpty;
RASPPPIPX RasPppIpx; RasPppIpx.dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIpx );
dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIpx );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (m_hRasConn, RASP_PppIpx, &RasPppIpx, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasPppIpx.dwError)) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_IPX);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasPppIpx.szIpxAddress = %S", RasPppIpx.szIpxAddress); strClientIpx = RasPppIpx.szIpxAddress; }
// RASP_PppNbf
tstring strComputerName = c_szEmpty;
RASPPPNBF RasPppNbf; RasPppNbf.dwSize = sizeof( RasPppNbf );
dwSize = sizeof( RasPppNbf );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (m_hRasConn, RASP_PppNbf, &RasPppNbf, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasPppNbf.dwError)) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_NBF);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasPppNbf.szWorkstationName = %S", RasPppNbf.szWorkstationName); strComputerName = RasPppNbf.szWorkstationName; }
// RASP_Slip
RASSLIP RasSlip; RasSlip.dwSize = sizeof( RasSlip );
dwSize = sizeof( RasSlip );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (m_hRasConn, RASP_Slip, &RasSlip, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasSlip.dwError)) { AssertSz(strProtocolList.empty(), "How could this connection be both PPP and SLIP ?");
strServerType = SzLoadIds(IDS_SLIP); strProtocolList = SzLoadIds(IDS_TCPIP);
// Get the client IP address. The server IP is not exposed in this
// structure.
strClientIp = RasSlip.szIpAddress;
// Remember that this is a SLIP connection and not a PPP connection.
bSlipConnection = TRUE; }
// Authentication, Encryption and Compression info
tstring strAuthentication = c_szEmpty; tstring strEncryption = c_szEmpty; tstring strIPSECEncryption = c_szEmpty; tstring strCompression = SzLoadIds(IDS_NONE); tstring strFraming = c_szEmpty;
// RASP_PppLcp
RASPPPLCP RasLcp; RasLcp.dwSize = sizeof( RasLcp );
dwSize = sizeof( RasLcp );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (m_hRasConn, RASP_PppLcp, &RasLcp, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasLcp.dwError)) { TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "Getting RASP_PppLcp info"); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasLcp.dwServerAuthenticationProtocol = %d", RasLcp.dwAuthenticationProtocol); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasLcp.dwServerAuthenticationData = %d", RasLcp.dwAuthenticationData); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasLcp.fMultilink = %d", RasLcp.fMultilink); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasLcp.dwOptions = %d", RasLcp.dwOptions);
switch(RasLcp.dwServerAuthenticationProtocol) { case RASLCPAP_PAP: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_PAP); break;
case RASLCPAP_SPAP: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_SPAP); break;
case RASLCPAP_CHAP: { // get more specifics
switch(RasLcp.dwServerAuthenticationData) { case RASLCPAD_CHAP_MS: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_CHAP); break;
case RASLCPAD_CHAP_MD5: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_CHAP_MD5); break;
case RASLCPAD_CHAP_MSV2: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_CHAP_V2); break; } } break;
case RASLCPAP_EAP: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_EAP); break; }
if (bSlipConnection == FALSE ) { // Only PPP connections have the multilink property.
if (RasLcp.fMultilink) strFraming = SzLoadIds(IDS_ON); else strFraming = SzLoadIds(IDS_OFF); }
if (RasLcp.dwOptions & RASLCPO_DES_56) { strIPSECEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_EncryptionDES56); } else if (RasLcp.dwOptions & RASLCPO_3_DES) { strIPSECEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption3DES); } }
// RASP_PppCcp
RASPPPCCP RasCcp; RasCcp.dwSize = sizeof( RasCcp );
dwSize = sizeof( RasCcp );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (m_hRasConn, RASP_PppCcp, &RasCcp, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasCcp.dwError)) { TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "Getting RASP_PppCcp info"); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasCcp.dwOptions = %x", RasCcp.dwOptions); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "RasCcp.dwCompressionAlgorithm = %d", RasCcp.dwCompressionAlgorithm);
if (RasCcp.dwOptions & RASCCPO_Encryption56bit) { strEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption56bit); } else if (RasCcp.dwOptions & RASCCPO_Encryption40bit) { strEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption40bit); } else if (RasCcp.dwOptions & RASCCPO_Encryption128bit) { strEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption128bit); }
if (RasCcp.dwOptions & RASCCPO_Compression) { switch(RasCcp.dwCompressionAlgorithm) { case RASCCPCA_MPPC: strCompression = SzLoadIds(IDS_MPPC); break;
case RASCCPCA_STAC: strCompression = SzLoadIds(IDS_STAC); break; } } }
// Fill the list view
int iItem =0;
// Device name
int iListviewItem = InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_DeviceName, strDeviceName); if (-1 != iListviewItem) { ListView_SetItemState(hList, iListviewItem, LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED); }
// Device type
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_DeviceType, strDeviceType); // Server type
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ServerType, strServerType);
// Transports
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Transports, strProtocolList);
// Authentication
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Authentication, strAuthentication);
// Encryption
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Encryption, strEncryption);
// IPSEC Encryption
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_IPSECEncryption, strIPSECEncryption);
// Compression
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Compression, strCompression);
// PPP Multilink Framing
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ML_Framing, strFraming);
// Server IP address
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ServerIP, strServerIp);
// Client IP address
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ClientIP, strClientIp);
// Client IPX address
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ClientIPX, strClientIpx);
// Client computer name
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ComputerName, strComputerName);
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillRasServerProperty
// Purpose: Fill in the list of RAS properties for a RAS server
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
VOID CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillRasServerProperty(VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
RAS_SERVER_HANDLE hMprAdmin; DWORD dwError = MprAdminServerConnect(NULL, &hMprAdmin);
if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { // Initialize the list view
ListView_DeleteAllItems(hList); int iItem =0;
// Level 1 info
// Only PPP is supported on the RAS server
tstring strServerType = (PWSTR) SzLoadIds(IDS_PPP); tstring strProtocolList = c_szEmpty;
// IP info
tstring strServerIp = c_szEmpty; tstring strClientIp = c_szEmpty;
// IPX info
tstring strClientIpx = c_szEmpty;
// Nbf info
tstring strComputerName = c_szEmpty;
RAS_CONNECTION_1 * pConn1; dwError = MprAdminConnectionGetInfo(hMprAdmin, 1, m_hRasConn, (LPBYTE*)&pConn1); if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { PPP_INFO * pInfo = &(pConn1->PppInfo);
if (!(pInfo->ip).dwError) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_TCPIP);
strServerIp = pInfo->ip.wszAddress; strClientIp = pInfo->ip.wszRemoteAddress; }
if (!pInfo->ipx.dwError) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_IPX);
strClientIpx = pInfo->ipx.wszAddress; }
if (!pInfo->nbf.dwError) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_NBF);
strComputerName = pInfo->nbf.wszWksta; }
if (!pInfo->at.dwError) { if (!strProtocolList.empty()) strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_COMMA); strProtocolList += SzLoadIds(IDS_APPLETALK); }
MprAdminBufferFree(pConn1); }
// Level 2 info
// Authentication, Encryption and Compression
tstring strAuthentication = c_szEmpty; tstring strEncryption = c_szEmpty; tstring strCompression = c_szEmpty; tstring strIPSECEncryption = c_szEmpty;
RAS_CONNECTION_2 * pConn2; dwError = MprAdminConnectionGetInfo(hMprAdmin, 2, m_hRasConn, (LPBYTE*)&pConn2); if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { PPP_INFO_2 * pInfo2 = &(pConn2->PppInfo2);
if (!(pInfo2->lcp).dwError) { TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "Getting PPP_LCP_INFO"); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "lcp.dwAuthenticationProtocol = %d", (pInfo2->lcp).dwAuthenticationProtocol); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "lcp.dwAuthenticationData = %d", (pInfo2->lcp).dwAuthenticationData); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "lcp.dwOptions = %d", (pInfo2->lcp).dwOptions);
switch((pInfo2->lcp).dwAuthenticationProtocol) { case PPP_LCP_PAP: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_PAP); break;
case PPP_LCP_SPAP: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_SPAP); break;
case PPP_LCP_CHAP: { // get more specifics
switch((pInfo2->lcp).dwAuthenticationData) { case RASLCPAD_CHAP_MS: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_CHAP); break;
case RASLCPAD_CHAP_MD5: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_CHAP_MD5); break;
case RASLCPAD_CHAP_MSV2: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_CHAP_V2); break; } } break;
case PPP_LCP_EAP: strAuthentication = SzLoadIds(IDS_EAP); break; }
if ((pInfo2->lcp).dwOptions & PPP_LCP_DES_56) { strIPSECEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_EncryptionDES56); } else if ((pInfo2->lcp).dwOptions & PPP_LCP_3_DES) { strIPSECEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption3DES); } }
if (!(pInfo2->ccp).dwError) { TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "Getting PPP_CCP_INFO"); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "ccp.dwOptions = %x", pInfo2->ccp.dwOptions); TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "ccp.dwCompressionAlgorithm = %d", pInfo2->ccp.dwCompressionAlgorithm);
if ((pInfo2->ccp.dwOptions) & PPP_CCP_ENCRYPTION56BIT) { strEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption56bit); } else if ((pInfo2->ccp.dwOptions) & PPP_CCP_ENCRYPTION40BIT) { strEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption40bit); } else if ((pInfo2->ccp.dwOptions) & PPP_CCP_ENCRYPTION128BIT) { strEncryption = SzLoadIds(IDS_Encryption128bit); }
if ((pInfo2->ccp.dwOptions) & PPP_CCP_COMPRESSION) { switch(pInfo2->ccp.dwCompressionAlgorithm) { case RASCCPCA_MPPC: strCompression = SzLoadIds(IDS_MPPC); break;
case RASCCPCA_STAC: strCompression = SzLoadIds(IDS_STAC); break; } } }
MprAdminBufferFree(pConn2); }
// Now add to the list view
// Server type
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ServerType, strServerType);
// Transports
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Transports, strProtocolList);
// Authentication
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Authentication, strAuthentication);
// Encryption
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Encryption, strEncryption);
// IPSEC Encryption
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_IPSECEncryption, strIPSECEncryption);
// Compression
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_Compression, strCompression);
// Server IP address
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ServerIP, strServerIp);
// Client IP address
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ClientIP, strClientIp);
// Client IPX address
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ClientIPX, strClientIpx);
// Client computer name
InsertProperty(&iItem, IDS_ComputerName, strComputerName); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::InsertProperty
// Purpose: Fill one RAS properties to the list
// Arguments: piItem - the index ofthe item
// unId - the property name
// strValue - the property value
// Returns: Nil
int CPspStatusMonitorRas::InsertProperty(int * piItem, UINT unId, tstring& strValue) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
int lres = 0;
if (!strValue.empty()) { int iItem = *piItem;
LV_ITEM lvItem; lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvItem.iItem=iItem; lvItem.iSubItem=0; lvItem.pszText = (PWSTR) SzLoadIds(unId); lres = static_cast<int>(SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_LVW_RAS_PROPERTY, LVM_INSERTITEM, iItem, (LPARAM)&lvItem));
lvItem.iSubItem=1; lvItem.pszText=(PWSTR)strValue.c_str();
SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_LVW_RAS_PROPERTY, LVM_SETITEMTEXT, iItem, (LPARAM)&lvItem); ++(*piItem); } return lres; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillDeviceDropDown
// Purpose: Do the initialization required when the page has just been created
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
VOID CPspStatusMonitorRas::FillDeviceDropDown(VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
INT iCmb = 0; list<CRasDeviceInfo*>::iterator iterLstprdi;
// Clear out the control
// Put the devices in our list
iterLstprdi = m_lstprdi.begin(); while (iterLstprdi != m_lstprdi.end()) { // Create a new entry in the list
iCmb = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)((*iterLstprdi)->PszGetDeviceName()));
if (CB_ERR != iCmb) { // Store the vaule on the selection to make it easy to read later
SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_SETITEMDATA, iCmb, (LPARAM)(*iterLstprdi)); }
iterLstprdi++; }
// Set the first selection
// Make sure the state of the button is correct
iCmb = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETCURSEL, 0L, 0L); if (CB_ERR != iCmb) { CRasDeviceInfo* prdiSelect = NULL;
// Get the object from the selection
prdiSelect = reinterpret_cast<CRasDeviceInfo*>( SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETITEMDATA, iCmb, 0L));
SetButtonStatus(prdiSelect); }
// If the number of devices is less than or equal to one then
// hide the device related group of controls
for (int nIdx=0; nIdx < celems(nrgIdc); nIdx++) ::ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(nrgIdc[nIdx]), SW_HIDE);
// We can now display a larger properties window
RECT rcRectDialog; if (GetWindowRect(&rcRectDialog)) { RECT rcRectRasProperty; if (::GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(IDC_LVW_RAS_PROPERTY), &rcRectRasProperty)) { DWORD dwTopDiff = rcRectRasProperty.top - rcRectDialog.top; DWORD dwLeftDiff = rcRectRasProperty.left - rcRectDialog.left; DWORD dwRightDiff = rcRectDialog.right - rcRectRasProperty.right; DWORD dwBottomDiff = rcRectDialog.bottom - rcRectRasProperty.bottom; DWORD dwDialogWidth = rcRectDialog.right - rcRectDialog.left; DWORD dwDialogHeight = rcRectDialog.bottom - rcRectDialog.top;
rcRectRasProperty.top = dwTopDiff; rcRectRasProperty.left = dwLeftDiff; rcRectRasProperty.right = dwDialogWidth - dwRightDiff; rcRectRasProperty.bottom = dwDialogHeight - dwRightDiff;
::MoveWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_LVW_RAS_PROPERTY), rcRectRasProperty.left, rcRectRasProperty.top, rcRectRasProperty.right - rcRectRasProperty.left, rcRectRasProperty.bottom - rcRectRasProperty.top, TRUE); } }
// Disable the suspend button, so no one can activate it by keystroke
::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_SM_SUSPEND_DEVICE), FALSE); } else { // Set the number of active devices
UINT unActiveDeviceCount = GetActiveDeviceCount();
SetDlgItemInt( IDC_TXT_SM_NUM_DEVICES_VAL, unActiveDeviceCount, FALSE); } }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnSuspendDevice
// Purpose: Suspend the device that is in the combo box
// Arguments: Standard window message
// Returns: Standard return.
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnSuspendDevice(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (BN_CLICKED == wNotifyCode) { // Get the item in the drop down
INT iCmb = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETCURSEL, 0L, 0L); if (CB_ERR != iCmb) { CRasDeviceInfo* prdiSelect = NULL; NETCON_STATUS ncsTemp = NCS_DISCONNECTED;
// Get the object from the selection
prdiSelect = reinterpret_cast<CRasDeviceInfo*>( SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETITEMDATA, iCmb, 0L));
AssertSz(prdiSelect, "We should have a prdiSelect"); AssertSz(m_hRasConn, "We should have a m_hRasConn");
// Disable the button till the suspend/resume is done
ncsTemp = NcsGetDeviceStatus(prdiSelect); if (fIsConnectedStatus(ncsTemp)) { // If more than one active link exists, allow the hang up
UINT unActiveDeviceCount = GetActiveDeviceCount(); if ( unActiveDeviceCount >1) { HRASCONN hrasconnSub = NULL;
// Get the handle to the sub entry and hangup
hr = ::HrRasGetSubEntryHandle(m_hRasConn, prdiSelect->DwGetSubEntry(), &hrasconnSub); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ::HrRasHangUp(hrasconnSub); } } else { // Only one active link exists, prompt the user if
// they really wish to disconnect
HWND hwndPS = ::GetParent(m_hWnd);
if (IDYES == ::NcMsgBox(hwndPS, IDS_SM_ERROR_CAPTION, IDS_SM_DISCONNECT_PROMPT, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2, m_strConnectionName.c_str())) { AssertSz(m_pGenPage, "We should have a pointer to the general page.");
if (m_pGenPage) { hr = m_pGenPage->HrDisconnectConnection(TRUE); } } } } else { // if the link was disconnected, "resume"
BOOL fRet = FALSE; RASDIALDLG rdiTemp = { 0 };
// Initialize the structure
rdiTemp.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALDLG); rdiTemp.hwndOwner = m_hWnd; rdiTemp.dwSubEntry = prdiSelect->DwGetSubEntry();
// Dial the entry
fRet = RasDialDlg( const_cast<PWSTR>(m_strPbkFile.c_str()), const_cast<PWSTR>(m_strEntryName.c_str()), NULL, &rdiTemp);
// We have an error. See if the user canceled
if (ERROR_CANCELLED != rdiTemp.dwError) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rdiTemp.dwError); } }
// Regardless of what happened, set the status to it's new
// state
// Re-Enable the button till the suspend/resume is done
::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_SM_SUSPEND_DEVICE), TRUE);
// Also update the active device count
UINT unActiveDeviceCount = GetActiveDeviceCount();
SetDlgItemInt( IDC_TXT_SM_NUM_DEVICES_VAL, unActiveDeviceCount, FALSE); } }
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnDeviceDropDown
// Purpose: Update the push button text when the combo-box selection changes
// Arguments: Standard window messsage parameters
// Returns: Standard window message return value
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnDeviceDropDown(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL& fHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
if (CBN_SELCHANGE == wNotifyCode) { INT iCmb = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETCURSEL, 0L, 0L); if (CB_ERR != iCmb) { CRasDeviceInfo* prdiSelect = NULL; INT idsButton = 0;
prdiSelect = reinterpret_cast<CRasDeviceInfo*>( SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETITEMDATA, iCmb, 0L));
AssertSz(prdiSelect, "We should have a prdiSelect");
if (fIsConnectedStatus(NcsGetDeviceStatus(prdiSelect))) { idsButton = IDS_SM_SUSPEND; } else { idsButton = IDS_SM_RESUME; }
// Set the new name
SetDlgItemText(IDC_BTN_SM_SUSPEND_DEVICE, ::SzLoadIds(idsButton)); } }
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::NcsGetDeviceStatus
// Purpose: Gets the status of one of the RAS subentries
// Arguments: prdiStatus - Device to get status of
// Returns: The status of the device
LRESULT CPspStatusMonitorRas::OnUpdateRasLinkList(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
// Get the item in the drop down
INT iCmb = SendDlgItemMessage(IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETCURSEL, 0L, 0L); if (CB_ERR != iCmb) { CRasDeviceInfo* prdiSelect = NULL;
// Get the object from the selection
prdiSelect = reinterpret_cast<CRasDeviceInfo*>( SendDlgItemMessage( IDC_CMB_SM_RAS_DEVICES, CB_GETITEMDATA, iCmb, 0L));
if (prdiSelect) { // Regardless of what happened, set the status to it's new
// state
// Also update the active device count
UINT unActiveDeviceCount = GetActiveDeviceCount();
SetDlgItemInt( IDC_TXT_SM_NUM_DEVICES_VAL, unActiveDeviceCount, FALSE); } }
return 0; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::NcsGetDeviceStatus
// Purpose: Gets the status of one of the RAS subentries
// Arguments: prdiStatus - Device to get status of
// Returns: The status of the device
NETCON_STATUS CPspStatusMonitorRas::NcsGetDeviceStatus( CRasDeviceInfo* prdiStatus) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, " === Calling NcsGetDeviceStatus on device: %S, subentry: %d ===", prdiStatus->PszGetDeviceName(), prdiStatus->DwGetSubEntry());
// Get the handle to the subentry so that we can
// tell what state the connection is in. If we
// can't do that, assume it is disconnected
hr = HrRasGetSubEntryHandle(m_hRasConn, prdiStatus->DwGetSubEntry(), &hrasconnSub);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "HrRasGetSubEntryHandle returns, hr = %x", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus ( hrasconnSub, &ncsStatus);
TraceTag(ttidStatMon, "HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus returns hr = %x, Status = %d", hr, ncsStatus); }
return ncsStatus; }
// Member: CPspStatusMonitorRas::SetButtonStatus
// Purpose: Change the suspend/resume button to the correct state
// Arguments: prdiSelect - The device that is selected
// Returns: Nil
VOID CPspStatusMonitorRas::SetButtonStatus(CRasDeviceInfo* prdiSelect) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
//$ REVIEW : CWill : 02/25/98 : Common function?
INT idsButton = 0;
if (fIsConnectedStatus(NcsGetDeviceStatus(prdiSelect))) { idsButton = IDS_SM_SUSPEND; } else { idsButton = IDS_SM_RESUME; }
// Set the new name
SetDlgItemText(IDC_BTN_SM_SUSPEND_DEVICE, ::SzLoadIds(idsButton)); }
// Function: HrRasGetSubEntryHandle
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasGetSubEntryHandle
// Arguments: RasGetSubEntryHandle arguements
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT HrRasGetSubEntryHandle(HRASCONN hrasconn, DWORD dwSubEntry, HRASCONN* prasconnSub) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon);
DWORD dwRet = ::RasGetSubEntryHandle(hrasconn, dwSubEntry, prasconnSub); if (dwRet) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); }
TraceError("HrRasGetSubEntryHandle", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRasHangUp
// Purpose: Wrapper around RasHangUp
// Arguments: RasHangUp arguements
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT HrRasHangUp(HRASCONN hrasconn) { TraceFileFunc(ttidStatMon); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
DWORD dwRet = ::RasHangUp(hrasconn); if (dwRet) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwRet); }
TraceError("HrRasHangUp", hr); return hr; }