// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1987 - 1999
// Module Name:
// dnstest.c
// Abstract:
// Queries into network drivers
// Author:
// Anilth - 4-20-1998
// Environment:
// User mode only.
// Contains NT-specific code.
// Revision History:
// ElenaAp - 10-22-1998
#include "precomp.h"
#include "dnscmn.h"
BOOL DnsServerUp(LPSTR IpAddressString, NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, INTERFACE_RESULT *pIfResults);
BOOL DnsServerHasRecords(LPSTR IpAddressString, NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, INTERFACE_RESULT *pIfResults);
BOOL DnsServerHasDCRecords (NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, LPSTR IpAddressString);
BOOL ReadStringToDnsRecord(IN LPSTR lpstrString, OUT PDNS_RECORD pDNSRecord);
VOID PrintDNSError(IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, IN DWORD status, IN NdVerbose ndv);
VOID PrintARecord (IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ); VOID PrintSRVRecord (IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ); VOID PrintCNAMERecord (IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ); VOID PrintRecord (IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord, IN NdVerbose ndv);
Routine Description:
Ensure that DNS is up and running
Return Value:
TRUE: Test suceeded. FALSE: Test failed
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; PIP_ADDR_STRING DnsServer; ULONG WorkingDnsServerCount = 0; ULONG ConfiguredDnsServerCount = 0; BOOL fRecordsRegistered = FALSE; BOOL fDSRecordsRegistered = FALSE; BOOL fFixOnce = FALSE; BOOL fBogusDnsRecord = FALSE; INTERFACE_RESULT * pVariableInfo; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pIpVariableInfo; IP_ADDR_STRING LocalDnsServerList; PIP_ADDR_STRING DnsServerList; BOOL fUseOldDnsServerList = FALSE; HRESULT hr = hrOK, hrTemp = hrOK; WCHAR wszBuffer[DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH]; DWORD dwSize = DNS_MAX_NAME_BUFFER_LENGTH; int i, ids; PDNS_NETINFO pNetworkInfo = NULL; DNS_STATUS dwStatus = NO_ERROR; LPTSTR pError = NULL; BOOL bDnscacheRunning = TRUE; BOOL bGetComputerName = TRUE; PIP_ARRAY pDnsServers = NULL; DWORD idx, dwError;
for ( i=0; i<pResults->cNumInterfaces; i++) InitializeListHead( &pResults->pArrayInterface[i].Dns.lmsgOutput );
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 4, IDS_DNS_STATUS_MSG);
// Ensure the DNS cache resolver is running.
NetStatus = IsServiceStarted( _T("DnsCache") ); if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_RESOLVER_CACHE_IS_OFF, NetStatusToString(NetStatus));
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_RESOLVER_CACHE_IS_OFF, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); bDnscacheRunning = FALSE; }
// For validation we must use the UNICODE DNS name, not the ANSI name
if (!GetComputerNameExW( ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified, wszBuffer, &dwSize )) { dwError = GetLastError(); // "[WARNING] GetComputerNameExW() failed with error %d\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12948, dwError); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12948, dwError); } else { NetStatus = DnsValidateDnsName_W( wszBuffer );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { if ( NetStatus == DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME ) { // "[WARNING] DnsHostName '%S' valid only on NT 5.0 DNS servers. [%s]\n"
ids = IDS_DNS_NAME_VALID_NT5_ONLY; } else { // "[FATAL] DnsHostName '%S' is not valid. [%s]\n",
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, ids, wszBuffer, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, ids, wszBuffer, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); } }
// Get the DNS Network Information
// Force rediscovery
pNetworkInfo = DnsQueryConfigAlloc( DnsConfigNetInfo, NULL ); if (!pNetworkInfo) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); pError = NetStatusToString(dwStatus); // [FATAL] Cannot get the DNS Adapter Information from registry, error 0x%x %s\n
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12877, dwStatus, pError);
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12877, dwStatus, pError); hr = S_FALSE; goto Error; }
// See if we have at least one DNS server
// If there are no DNS servers at all,
// That's fatal.
dwStatus = GetAllDnsServersFromRegistry(pNetworkInfo, &pDnsServers); if (dwStatus) { if (dwStatus == DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATA) { // IDS_DNS_12872 "[FATAL] No DNS servers are configured.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_12872);
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12872); } else { // IDS_DNS_12885 "[FATAL] Cannot get the DNS server list, error %d %s\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_12885, dwStatus, NetStatusToString(dwStatus));
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12885, dwStatus, NetStatusToString(dwStatus)); }
hr = S_FALSE; goto Error;
// check the DNS registration
hrTemp = CheckDnsRegistration(pNetworkInfo, pParams, pResults); hr = ((hr == S_FALSE) ? hr : hrTemp);
//if this is a DC, check if all the dns entries in
//netlogon.dns are registered on DNS servers
if ( (pResults->Global.pPrimaryDomainInfo->MachineRole == DsRole_RoleBackupDomainController) || (pResults->Global.pPrimaryDomainInfo->MachineRole == DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController) ) { //
// go through list of DNS servers and check DC registration
for (idx = 0; idx < pDnsServers->AddrCount; idx++) { //
//(nsun) we need just fix the DC records on one DNS server and that DNS server will replicate the
// the fix on other DNS servers
if ( !fFixOnce ) { if (DnsServerHasDCRecords( pParams, pResults, IP_STRING(pDnsServers->AddrArray[idx]))) fDSRecordsRegistered = TRUE; }
if ( pParams->fFixProblems ) fFixOnce = TRUE; }
if( !fDSRecordsRegistered ) { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_DC_FAILURE); //IDS_DNS_DC_FAILURE "[FATAL] No DNS servers have our DNS records for this DC registered.\n"
AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_DC_FAILURE); hr = S_FALSE; } }
// If we're running a build that's older than ipconfig can handle,
// build our own list of DNS servers directly from the registry.
if ( _ttoi(pResults->Global.pszCurrentBuildNumber) < NTBUILD_DNSSERVERLIST) { HKEY TcpipParametersKey; HKEY TransientKey; LPSTR Name; BOOLEAN ok; BOOL ReadRegistryIpAddrString(HKEY, LPSTR, PIP_ADDR_STRING);
RtlZeroMemory( &LocalDnsServerList, sizeof(LocalDnsServerList));
Name = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\TcpIp\\Parameters"; NetStatus = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Name, &TcpipParametersKey );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { PrintDebugSz(pParams, 0, _T(" [FATAL] Cannot open key '%s'. [%s]\n"), Name, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); hr = S_FALSE; goto Error; } //
// NameServer: 1st try Transient key then NameServer (override) in
// Parameters key, and finally DhcpNameServer in parameters key
if (RegOpenKey(TcpipParametersKey, "Transient", &TransientKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ok = ReadRegistryIpAddrString(TransientKey, "NameServer", &LocalDnsServerList ); RegCloseKey(TransientKey); } else { ok = FALSE; }
if (!ok) { ok = ReadRegistryIpAddrString(TcpipParametersKey, "NameServer", &LocalDnsServerList ); }
if (!ok) { ok = ReadRegistryIpAddrString(TcpipParametersKey, "DhcpNameServer", &LocalDnsServerList ); }
fUseOldDnsServerList = TRUE; }
// Test the DNS servers for each adapter
for ( i=0; i<pResults->cNumInterfaces; i++) { pVariableInfo = pResults->pArrayInterface + i; pIpVariableInfo = pVariableInfo->IpConfig.pAdapterInfo;
if (!pVariableInfo->IpConfig.fActive) continue;
// Use the old Dns server list or the per adapter one depending on
// what build we're running.
if ( fUseOldDnsServerList ) { DnsServerList = &LocalDnsServerList; } else { DnsServerList = &pVariableInfo->IpConfig.DnsServerList;
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_CHECKING_DNS_SERVERS, pVariableInfo->pszFriendlyName);
AddMessageToListSz(&pVariableInfo->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, _T(" ")); AddMessageToList(&pVariableInfo->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_CHECKING_DNS_SERVERS, pVariableInfo->pszFriendlyName); }
// Make sure all of the DNS servers are up.
for ( DnsServer = DnsServerList; DnsServer; DnsServer = DnsServer->Next) { if ( DnsServer->IpAddress.String[0] == '\0' ) { fBogusDnsRecord = TRUE; continue; }
if ( DnsServerUp( DnsServer->IpAddress.String, pParams, pResults, pVariableInfo) ) { if ( pParams->fReallyVerbose) { // IDS_DNS_SERVER_IS_UP "DNS server at %s is up.\n"
AddMessageToList(&pVariableInfo->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_SERVER_IS_UP, DnsServer->IpAddress.String ); } WorkingDnsServerCount ++;
// Since the server is up,
// check to see that it has all of the right records registered.
if ( DnsServerHasRecords( DnsServer->IpAddress.String, pParams, pResults, pVariableInfo) ) { fRecordsRegistered = TRUE; }
if ((hr == hrOK)) { // check DC dns entry here
//if this is a DC, we check if all the dns entries in
//netlogon.dns are registered on DNS server
if ( pResults->Global.pPrimaryDomainInfo->MachineRole == DsRole_RoleBackupDomainController || pResults->Global.pPrimaryDomainInfo->MachineRole == DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController ) { //(nsun) we need just fix the DC records on one DNS server and that DNS server will replicate the
// the fix on other DNS servers
if ( !fFixOnce ) { if (DnsServerHasDCRecords( pParams, pResults, DnsServer->IpAddress.String)) fDSRecordsRegistered = TRUE; }
if ( pParams->fFixProblems ) fFixOnce = TRUE; } // if it is not a DC, we don't check it later.
else fDSRecordsRegistered = TRUE; } } }
// There isn't one old list per adapter
if ( fUseOldDnsServerList ) { break; }
// If there are no DNS servers at all,
// That's fatal.
if ( ConfiguredDnsServerCount == 0 ) { if ( !fBogusDnsRecord ) { // IDS_DNS_12872 "[FATAL] No DNS servers are configured.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_12872);
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12872);
hr = S_FALSE; }
// If there are no working DNS servers,
// That's fatal.
} else if ( WorkingDnsServerCount == 0 ) { // IDS_DNS_12873 "[FATAL] No DNS servers are working.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_12873);
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12873); hr = S_FALSE;
} else { if ( !fRecordsRegistered ) { //
// Warn if no DNS servers have our addresses registered.
// (But still not fatal).
// IDS_DNS_12874 "[WARNING] No DNS servers have our records registered.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 8, IDS_DNS_12874);
pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12874); } */
DnsFreeConfigStructure( pNetworkInfo, DnsConfigNetInfo );
if (pDnsServers) LocalFree (pDnsServers); pResults->Dns.hr = hr; return hr;
Error: if (pDnsServers) LocalFree (pDnsServers); pResults->Dns.hr = hr; return hr; }
BOOL DnsServerUp( LPSTR IpAddressString, NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, INTERFACE_RESULT *pIfResults ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the DNS server at the specified address is up and running.
IpAddressString - Ip Address of a DNS server
Return Value:
TRUE: Dns server is up. FALSE: Dns server is not up
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; BOOL RetVal = TRUE; CHAR SoaNameBuffer[DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; PCHAR SoaName; PCHAR OldSoaName; PDNS_RECORD DnsRecord = NULL; SOCKADDR_IN SockAddr; ULONG SockAddrSize;
IP_ARRAY DnsServer;
// Ping the DNS server.
if ( !IsIcmpResponseA( IpAddressString) ) { PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 12, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_PING, IpAddressString);
pIfResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 16, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_PING, IpAddressString); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Compute the name of an SOA record.
if (pResults->Global.pszDnsDomainName == NULL) { //IDS_DNS_12821 " [FATAL] Cannot test DNS server at %s since no DnsDomainName\n."
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12821, IpAddressString ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
strcpy( SoaNameBuffer, pResults->Global.pszDnsDomainName ); SoaName = SoaNameBuffer;
// Tell DNS which Dns Server to use
DnsServer.AddrCount = 1; SockAddrSize = sizeof(SockAddr); NetStatus = WSAStringToAddress( IpAddressString, AF_INET, NULL, (LPSOCKADDR) &SockAddr, &SockAddrSize );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { NetStatus = WSAGetLastError(); //IDS_DNS_12822 " [FATAL] Cannot convert DNS server address %s to SockAddr. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12822, IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
DnsServer.AddrArray[0] = SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
// Loop until the real SOA record is found
for (;;) {
// Query this DNS server for the SOA record.
NetStatus = DnsQuery( SoaName, DNS_TYPE_SOA, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE | DNS_QUERY_NO_RECURSION, &DnsServer, &DnsRecord, NULL );
if ( NetStatus == NO_ERROR ) { if ( DnsRecord != NULL ) { DnsRecordListFree ( DnsRecord, TRUE ); } DnsRecord = NULL; break; }
switch ( NetStatus ) { case ERROR_TIMEOUT: // DNS server isn't available
// IDS_DNS_12823 " [WARNING] DNS server at %s is down for SOA record '%s'. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12823, IpAddressString, SoaName, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); //IDS_DNS_12825 "\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12825); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup;
case DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP: // TCP/IP not configured
// IDS_DNS_12826 " [FATAL] DNS (%s) thinks IP is not configured for SOA record '%s'. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12826, IpAddressString, SoaName, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup;
case DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS: // DNS not configured
// IDS_DNS_12827 " [FATAL] DNS (%s) thinks DNS is not configured for SOA record '%s'. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12827, IpAddressString, SoaName, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup;
case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR: // no RR's by this name
case DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS: // RR's by this name but not of the requested type:
break; default: // IDS_DNS_12828 " [FATAL] Cannot query DNS server at %s for SOA record '%s'. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12828, IpAddressString, SoaName, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// Remove the next label from the potential SOA name and use it.
SoaName = strchr( SoaName, '.' );
if ( SoaName == NULL ) { // IDS_DNS_12829 " [FATAL] DNS server at %s could not find an SOA record for '%s'.\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12829, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.pszDnsDomainName ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
SoaName ++; }
Cleanup: if ( DnsRecord != NULL ) { DnsRecordListFree ( DnsRecord, TRUE ); } return RetVal; }
BOOL DnsServerHasRecords(LPSTR IpAddressString, NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, INTERFACE_RESULT *pIfResults ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine if the DNS server at the specified address has all of records registered that that machine is supposed to have registered.
IpAddressString - Ip Address of a DNS server
Return Value:
TRUE: Dns server is up. FALSE: Dns server is not up
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS NetStatus; BOOL RetVal = TRUE; CHAR LocalIpAddressString[NL_IP_ADDRESS_LENGTH+1]; PDNS_RECORD DnsRecord = NULL; PDNS_RECORD CurrentDnsRecord; SOCKADDR_IN SockAddr; ULONG SockAddrSize;
IP_ARRAY DnsServer;
// Avoid this test if this build is incompatible with the current
// Dynamic DNS servers.
if ( _ttoi(pResults->Global.pszCurrentBuildNumber) < NTBUILD_DYNAMIC_DNS) { // IDS_DNS_CANNO_TEST_DNS "Cannot test Dynamic DNS to %s since this machine is running build %ld. [Test skipped.]\n",
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_TEST_DNS, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.pszCurrentBuildNumber ); return TRUE; }
// Tell DNS which Dns Server to use
DnsServer.AddrCount = 1; SockAddrSize = sizeof(SockAddr); NetStatus = WSAStringToAddress( IpAddressString, AF_INET, NULL, (LPSOCKADDR) &SockAddr, &SockAddrSize );
if ( NetStatus != NO_ERROR ) { NetStatus = WSAGetLastError();
PrintDebugSz(pParams, 0, _T(" [FATAL] Cannot convert DNS server address %s to SockAddr. [%s]\n"), IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus));
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_CONVERT_DNS_ADDRESS, IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus));
RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
DnsServer.AddrArray[0] = SockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
// Query this DNS server for A record for this hostname
NetStatus = DnsQuery( pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE, &DnsServer, &DnsRecord, NULL );
switch ( NetStatus ) { case NO_ERROR: break; case ERROR_TIMEOUT: // DNS server isn't available
// IDS_DNS_SERVER_IS_DOWN " [WARNING] DNS server at %s is down. [%s]\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 12, IDS_DNS_SERVER_IS_DOWN, IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); AddIMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, 16, IDS_DNS_SERVER_IS_DOWN, IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; case DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP: // TCP/IP not configured
//IDS_DNS_THINKS_IP_IS_UNCONFIGURED " [FATAL] DNS (%s) thinks IP is not configured. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_THINKS_IP_IS_UNCONFIGURED, IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; case DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS: // DNS not configured
// IDS_DNS_IS_UNCONFIGURED " [FATAL] DNS (%s) thinks DNS is not configured. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_IS_UNCONFIGURED, IpAddressString, NetStatusToString(NetStatus)); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR: // no RR's by this name
case DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS: // RR's by this name but not of the requested type:
// IDS_DNS_HAS_NO_RECORD " [WARNING] DNS server at %s has no A record for '%s'. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_HAS_NO_RECORD, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; default: // IDS_DNS_CANNOT_QUERY " [FATAL] Cannot query DNS server at %s. [%s]\n"
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_CANNOT_QUERY, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, NetStatusToString(NetStatus) ); RetVal = FALSE; goto Cleanup; }
// We have an A record for ourselves.
#ifdef notdef
//IDS_DNS_12830 " DNS server at %s has an A record for '%s'.\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12830, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName ); if ( pParams->fDebugVerbose ) { PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12830, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName ); //IDS_DNS_12831 " A"
DnsPrint_RecordSet( &PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12831, DnsRecord ); } #endif // notdef
// Match the IP address on the A records with the IP address of this machine
// Mark each transport that its IP address hasn't yet been found.
for ( ListEntry = pResults->NetBt.Transports.Flink ; ListEntry != &pResults->NetBt.Transports ; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) {
NetbtTransport = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, NETBT_TRANSPORT, Next );
NetbtTransport->Flags &= ~IP_ADDRESS_IN_DNS;
// Loop through the A records
for ( CurrentDnsRecord = DnsRecord; CurrentDnsRecord; CurrentDnsRecord = CurrentDnsRecord->pNext ) {
// Ignore everything but A records.
if ( CurrentDnsRecord->wType == DNS_TYPE_A ) { BOOLEAN FoundIt = FALSE;
// Loop through the list of netbt transports finding one with this IP address.
for ( ListEntry = pResults->NetBt.Transports.Flink ; ListEntry != &pResults->NetBt.Transports ; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) {
NetbtTransport = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, NETBT_TRANSPORT, Next );
if ( NetbtTransport->IpAddress == CurrentDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress ) { FoundIt = TRUE; NetbtTransport->Flags |= IP_ADDRESS_IN_DNS; }
if ( !FoundIt ) { NetpIpAddressToStr( CurrentDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress, LocalIpAddressString );
// IDS_DNS_HAS_A_RECORD " [WARNING] DNS server at %s has an A record for '%s' with wrong IP address: %s", IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, LocalIpAddressString );
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_HAS_A_RECORD, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, LocalIpAddressString );
RetVal = FALSE; }
} }
// If all of the addresses of this machine aren't registered,
// complain.
for ( ListEntry = pResults->NetBt.Transports.Flink ; ListEntry != &pResults->NetBt.Transports ; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) { NetbtTransport = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, NETBT_TRANSPORT, Next );
if ( (NetbtTransport->Flags & IP_ADDRESS_IN_DNS) == 0 ) { NetpIpAddressToStr( NetbtTransport->IpAddress, LocalIpAddressString ); // IDS_DNS_HAS_NO_A_RECORD " [WARNING] DNS server at %s does not have an A record for '%s' with IP address: %s (%ws)", IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, LocalIpAddressString, NetbtTransport->pswzTransportName );
AddMessageToList(&pIfResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_HAS_NO_A_RECORD, IpAddressString, pResults->Global.szDnsHostName, LocalIpAddressString, NetbtTransport->pswzTransportName );
RetVal = FALSE; }
Cleanup: if ( DnsRecord != NULL ) { DnsRecordListFree ( DnsRecord, TRUE ); } return RetVal; }
BOOL DnsServerHasDCRecords ( NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, LPSTR IpAddressString)
Routine Description: On a DC machine, Open file (%systemroot%\system32\config\netlogon.dns) and read the dns entry from it. Query the specified dns server for the entry and confirm it is correct. Reupdate these entry if /fix option is on.
Arguments: IpAddressString - DNS server IP address
Return Value:
TRUE: Query succeed. FALSE: failed.
{ char pchDnsDataFileName[MAX_PATH] = "\\config\\netlogon.dns"; char pchDnsDataFileExpandName[MAX_PATH]; FILE *fDnsFile; PIP_ARRAY pIpArray = NULL; CHAR achTempLine[ NL_MAX_DNS_LENGTH*3+1 ]; INT iMaxLineLength; DWORD status, dwOptions = DNS_QUERY_BYPASS_CACHE; PDNS_RECORD pDNSRecord = NULL; PDNS_RECORD pDNSTempRecord = NULL; PDNS_RECORD pDiff1=NULL, pDiff2=NULL; PDNS_RECORD pNotUsedSet = NULL; BOOL bReRegister, bReadData = FALSE, bFixFail = FALSE; BOOL fRetVal = TRUE;
enum _Results // Declare enum type
{ enumSuccess, enumRegistered, enumProblem, enumTimeout } Results;
Results = enumSuccess;
pIpArray = (PIP_ARRAY) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ( sizeof(IP_ADDRESS) + sizeof(DWORD) ));
// "Check the DNS registration for DCs entries on DNS server %s\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12944, IpAddressString);
if ( ! pIpArray ) { DebugMessage(" [FATAL] No enough memory to create IpArray."); return ( FALSE ); } pIpArray->AddrCount = 1; pIpArray->AddrArray[0] = inet_addr( IpAddressString );
if ( pIpArray->AddrArray[0] == INADDR_NONE) { //IDS_DNS_IPADDR_ERR " [FATAL] Cannot convert DNS server address %s, failed in inet_addr().\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_IPADDR_ERR, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_IPADDR_ERR, IpAddressString); return( FALSE ); }
//open file
if ( ! GetSystemDirectory ( pchDnsDataFileExpandName, MAX_PATH)) { // IDS_DNS_12832 " [FATAL] Could not GetSystemDir %s for reading."
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12832, pchDnsDataFileExpandName); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12832, pchDnsDataFileExpandName); return FALSE; } strcat( pchDnsDataFileExpandName, pchDnsDataFileName); if (( fDnsFile = fopen (pchDnsDataFileExpandName, "rt")) == NULL) { //IDS_DNS_12833 " [FATAL] Could not open file %s for reading."
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12833, pchDnsDataFileExpandName); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12833, pchDnsDataFileExpandName); return FALSE ; }
//allocate memory for pDNSRecord
pDNSRecord = (PDNS_RECORD) Malloc( sizeof( DNS_RECORD ) );
if ( !pDNSRecord ) { // IDS_DNS_12834 "Out of Memory: LocalAlloc(sizeof(DNS_RECORD)) call failed.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12834); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12834 ); return( FALSE ); }
ZeroMemory( pDNSRecord, sizeof( DNS_RECORD ) );
//read each line
//do query one by one
//print out msg
//do reupdate
//check the result
// Parse the file line by line
iMaxLineLength = NL_MAX_DNS_LENGTH*3+1 ; while( fgets( achTempLine, iMaxLineLength, fDnsFile ) != NULL) { //
// Read the data into pDNSRecord
if (ReadStringToDnsRecord(achTempLine, pDNSRecord)) {
bReadData = TRUE ;
if ( pParams->fDebugVerbose ) { //IDS_DNS_12835 "\n********** * ********** * ********** * ********** * ********** *\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_DebugVerbose, IDS_DNS_12835); //IDS_DNS_12836 "* CHECK NAME %s on DNS server %s\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_DebugVerbose, IDS_DNS_12836, UTF8ToAnsi(pDNSRecord->pName), IpAddressString); //IDS_DNS_12837 "********** * ********** * ********** * ********** * ********** *\n\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_DebugVerbose, IDS_DNS_12837); }
bReRegister = FALSE; //
// make the query
status = DnsQuery_UTF8( pDNSRecord->pName, pDNSRecord->wType, dwOptions, pIpArray, &pDNSTempRecord, NULL );
if ( status ) {
//IDS_DNS_12838 "Query for DC DNS entry %s on DNS server %s failed.\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12838, UTF8ToAnsi(pDNSRecord->pName), IpAddressString); PrintDNSError( pParams, pResults, status, Nd_ReallyVerbose ); bReRegister = TRUE; Results = enumProblem;
// if result was TIMEOUT do not continue querying this server
if ( status == ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { Results = enumTimeout; break; } } else { //
// Sometimes when DnsQuery is called, the returned record set
// contains additional records of different types than what
// was queried for. Need to strip off the additional records
// from the query results.
pNotUsedSet = DnsRecordSetDetach( pDNSTempRecord );
if ( pNotUsedSet ) { DnsRecordListFree( pNotUsedSet, TRUE ); pNotUsedSet = NULL; }
if ( DnsRecordSetCompare( pDNSRecord, pDNSTempRecord, &pDiff1, &pDiff2 )) { //
// The response from dns server is the same as the data in the file
//PrintDebugSz(pParams, 0, _T("The Record is correct on dns server %s!\n\n"), IpAddressString);
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12941, IpAddressString); } else { //
// The RR on dns server is different, we check if it is one of the RR on dns server
// PrintDebugSz(pParams, 0, _T("The Record is different on dns server %s.\n"), IpAddressString);
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12942, IpAddressString); if (pDiff1 == NULL) { //"DNS server has more than one entries for this name, usually this means there are multiple DCs for this domain.\nYour DC entry is one of them on DNS server %s, no need to re-register.\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12943, IpAddressString); if ( Results == enumSuccess ) Results = enumRegistered; } else { Results = enumProblem; bReRegister = TRUE; }
//IDS_DNS_12839 "\n+------------------------------------------------------+\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12839); //IDS_DNS_12840 "The record on your DC is: \n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12840); PrintRecord(pParams, pResults, pDNSRecord, Nd_ReallyVerbose ); //IDS_DNS_12841 "\nThe record on DNS server %s is:\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12841, IpAddressString); PrintRecord(pParams, pResults, pDNSTempRecord, Nd_ReallyVerbose ); //IDS_DNS_12842 "+------------------------------------------------------+\n\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12842);
} } if ( bReRegister && pParams->fFixProblems) { //
// Send to register again
// IDS_DNS_12843 " [Fix] Try to re-register the record on DNS server %s...\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_ReallyVerbose, IDS_DNS_12843, IpAddressString);
status = DnsModifyRecordsInSet( pDNSRecord, // add records
NULL, // no delete records
0, // no options
NULL, // default security context
pIpArray, // DNS servers
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // IDS_DNS_12844 " [FATAL] Failed to fix: DC DNS entry %s re-registeration on DNS server %s failed. \n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12844, pDNSRecord->pName, IpAddressString); PrintDNSError( pParams, pResults, status, Nd_Quiet ); bFixFail = TRUE; } else { //IDS_DNS_12845 " [FIX] re-register DC DNS entry %s on DNS server %s succeed.\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Verbose, IDS_DNS_12845, UTF8ToAnsi(pDNSRecord->pName), IpAddressString ); } }
// free the memory after process each line
if ( pDNSTempRecord ) DnsRecordListFree( pDNSTempRecord, TRUE ); if ( pDiff1 ){ DnsRecordListFree( pDiff1, TRUE ); pDiff1 = NULL; } if ( pDiff2 ) { DnsRecordListFree( pDiff2, TRUE ); pDiff2 = NULL; } } else { bReadData = FALSE ; }
} // "\n ** ** Check DC DNS NAME FINAL RESULT ** ** \n"
if ( pParams->fDebugVerbose ) { AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_DebugVerbose, IDS_DNS_12945); }
if (bReadData == FALSE) { // PrintDebugSz(pParams, 0, _T(" [FATAL] File %s contains invalid dns entries. Send the file to DnsDev"), pchDnsDataFileName);
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12946, pchDnsDataFileName); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddIMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, 4, IDS_DNS_12946, pchDnsDataFileName); fRetVal = FALSE; } else { switch (Results) { case enumSuccess: // IDS_DNS_12846 " PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server %s.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12846, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12846, IpAddressString); fRetVal = TRUE; break; case enumRegistered: // IDS_DNS_12847 " PASS - All the DNS entries for DC are registered on DNS server %s and other DCs also have some of the names registered.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12847, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12847, IpAddressString); fRetVal = TRUE; break; case enumTimeout: // IDS_DNS_12850 " [WARNING] The DNS entries for this DC cannot be verified right now on DNS server %s, ERROR_TIMEOUT. \n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12949, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12949, IpAddressString); fRetVal = FALSE; break; case enumProblem: default: if (pParams->fFixProblems) { if (bFixFail == FALSE ) { // IDS_DNS_12848 " FIX PASS - nettest re-registered missing DNS entries for this DC successfully on DNS server %s.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12848, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12848, IpAddressString); } else { // IDS_DNS_12849 " [FATAL] Fix Failed: nettest failed to re-register missing DNS entries for this DC on DNS server %s.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12849, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12849, IpAddressString); } } else { // IDS_DNS_12850 " [WARNING] The DNS entries for this DC are not registered correctly on DNS server %s. Please wait for 30 minutes for DNS server replication.\n"
PrintStatusMessage(pParams, 0, IDS_DNS_12850, IpAddressString); pResults->Dns.fOutput = TRUE; AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, Nd_Quiet, IDS_DNS_12850, IpAddressString); } fRetVal = FALSE; } }
Free(pDNSRecord); return fRetVal; }
// The following are for dns DC entry check
BOOL ReadStringToDnsRecord( IN LPSTR lpstrString, OUT PDNS_RECORD pDNSRecord)
Routine Description:
Parse a string and put the data into DNS record
lpstrString - The input string, the format is: DnsName IN Type Data pDNSRecord - The result DNS record
Return Value:
TRUE: if succeed. False otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bComments; LPSTR lpstrType,lpstrTemp; PCHAR pchEnd; DWORD dwTemp; LPCTSTR pszWhite = _T(" \t\n");
// skip white spaces and comments lines
// comments start with ;
// Initialize pDNSRecord
pDNSRecord->pNext = NULL; // Commented out to port to Source Depot - smanda
#ifdef SLM_TREE
pDNSRecord->Flags.S.Unicode = FALSE; #endif
pDNSRecord->dwTtl = 0; // name
pDNSRecord->pName = strtok(lpstrString, pszWhite); if(!pDNSRecord->pName || pDNSRecord->pName[0] == _T(';')) { return ( FALSE ); }
// ttl: this is added since build 1631
// we need to check which format the netlogon.dns is using
lpstrTemp = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); if (lpstrTemp) { dwTemp = strtoul( lpstrTemp, &pchEnd, 10 ); if ( (lpstrTemp != pchEnd) && (*pchEnd == '\0') ) { pDNSRecord->dwTtl = dwTemp ; // skip the class IN
strtok(NULL, pszWhite); } }
// type
lpstrType = strtok(NULL,pszWhite);
if (lpstrType) { if (_stricmp(lpstrType,_T("A")) == 0) { pDNSRecord->wType = DNS_TYPE_A; pDNSRecord->wDataLength = sizeof( DNS_A_DATA );
// IP address
lpstrTemp = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); if (lpstrTemp) pDNSRecord->Data.A.IpAddress = inet_addr ( lpstrTemp ); } else if (_stricmp(lpstrType,_T("SRV")) == 0) {
pDNSRecord->wType = DNS_TYPE_SRV; pDNSRecord->wDataLength = sizeof( DNS_SRV_DATA );
// wPriority
lpstrTemp = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); if (lpstrTemp) pDNSRecord->Data.SRV.wPriority = (WORD) atoi ( lpstrTemp ); // wWeight
lpstrTemp = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); if (lpstrTemp) pDNSRecord->Data.SRV.wWeight = (WORD) atoi ( lpstrTemp ); // wPort
lpstrTemp = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); if (lpstrTemp) pDNSRecord->Data.SRV.wPort = (WORD) atoi ( lpstrTemp ); // pNameTarget
pDNSRecord->Data.SRV.pNameTarget = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); } else if (_stricmp(lpstrType,_T("CNAME")) == 0) { pDNSRecord->wType = DNS_TYPE_CNAME; pDNSRecord->wDataLength = sizeof( DNS_PTR_DATA ); // name host
pDNSRecord->Data.CNAME.pNameHost = strtok(NULL,pszWhite); } }
return ( TRUE ); }
VOID PrintDNSError( NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, IN DWORD status, NdVerbose ndv) /*++
Routine Description:
Print out error message
status - error code
Return Value:
--*/ { // IDS_DNS_12851 "DNS Error code: "
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12851); switch ( status ) {
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12852); break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR : // IDS_DNS_12853 "DNS_ERROR_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12853); break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE : // IDS_DNS_12854 "DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12854); break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR : // IDS_DNS_12855 "DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR (Name does not exist on DNS server)\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12855); break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : // IDS_DNS_12856 "DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12856); break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED : // IDS_DNS_12857 "DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12857); break; case DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTAUTH : // IDS_DNS_12858 "DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTAUTH\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12858); break; case DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATER : // IDS_DNS_12859 "DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATER\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12859); break; case 0xcc000055 : // IDS_DNS_12860 "DNS_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12860); break; case 0x5b4: // IDS_DNS_12861 "ERROR_TIMEOUT (Dns server may be down!)\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12861); break; case 0x4c000030: // IDS_DNS_12862 "DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12862 ); break; default: // IDS_DNS_12863 "0x%.8X\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12863,status); } }
VOID PrintARecord ( IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ) { //IDS_DNS_12864 " A %d.%d.%d.%d\n"
PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12864, ((BYTE *) &pDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress)[0], ((BYTE *) &pDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress)[1], ((BYTE *) &pDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress)[2], ((BYTE *) &pDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress)[3] ); }
VOID PrintSRVRecord ( IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ) { //IDS_DNS_12865 " SRV "
PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12865 );
//IDS_DNS_12866 "%d %d %d %s \n"
PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12866, pDnsRecord->Data.SRV.wPriority, pDnsRecord->Data.SRV.wWeight, pDnsRecord->Data.SRV.wPort, pDnsRecord->Data.SRV.pNameTarget ); }
VOID PrintCNAMERecord ( IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord ) { //IDS_DNS_12867 " CNAME %s \n"
PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12867, pDnsRecord->Data.CNAME.pNameHost); } */
VOID PrintRecord ( IN NETDIAG_PARAMS *pParams, IN NETDIAG_RESULT *pResults, IN PDNS_RECORD pDnsRecord, IN NdVerbose ndv) { PDNS_RECORD pCur;
if (pDnsRecord==NULL) return; //IDS_DNS_12868 "DNS NAME = %s\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12868, UTF8ToAnsi(pDnsRecord->pName)); //IDS_DNS_12869 "DNS DATA = \n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12869); pCur = pDnsRecord; while ( pCur ) { switch( pCur->wType ){ case DNS_TYPE_A : //IDS_DNS_12864 " A %d.%d.%d.%d\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12864, ((BYTE *) &pDnsRecord->Data.A.IpAddress)[0], ((BYTE *) &pCur->Data.A.IpAddress)[1], ((BYTE *) &pCur->Data.A.IpAddress)[2], ((BYTE *) &pCur->Data.A.IpAddress)[3] ); break; case DNS_TYPE_SRV : //IDS_DNS_12865 " SRV "
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12865 );
//IDS_DNS_12866 "%d %d %d %s \n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12866, pCur->Data.SRV.wPriority, pCur->Data.SRV.wWeight, pCur->Data.SRV.wPort, pCur->Data.SRV.pNameTarget ); break; case DNS_TYPE_CNAME : //IDS_DNS_12867 " CNAME %s \n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12867, UTF8ToAnsi(pCur->Data.CNAME.pNameHost)); break; default : // IDS_DNS_12870 "Don't know how to print record type %d\n"
AddMessageToList(&pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput, ndv, IDS_DNS_12870, pCur->wType); } pCur = pCur->pNext; } }
DnsGlobalPrint - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DnsGlobalPrint( NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults) { if (!pResults->IpConfig.fEnabled) return;
if (pParams->fVerbose || !FHrOK(pResults->Dns.hr) || pResults->Dns.fOutput) { PrintNewLine(pParams, 2); PrintTestTitleResult(pParams, IDS_DNS_LONG, IDS_DNS_SHORT, TRUE, pResults->Dns.hr, 0); PrintMessageList(pParams, &pResults->Dns.lmsgOutput); } }
DnsPerInterfacePrint - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DnsPerInterfacePrint( NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults, INTERFACE_RESULT *pInterfaceResults) { /* BOOL fVerboseT;
BOOL fReallyVerboseT;
if (!pResults->IpConfig.fEnabled) return;
if (!pInterfaceResults->IpConfig.fActive) return;
if (pParams->fVerbose || pInterfaceResults->Dns.fOutput) { fVerboseT = pParams->fVerbose; fReallyVerboseT = pParams->fReallyVerbose; pParams->fReallyVerbose = TRUE;
PrintNewLine(pParams, 1); //IDS_DNS_12871 " DNS test results :\n"
PrintMessage(pParams, IDS_DNS_12871); PrintMessageList(pParams, &pInterfaceResults->Dns.lmsgOutput);
pParams->fReallyVerbose = fReallyVerboseT; pParams->fVerbose = fVerboseT; } */ return; }
DnsCleanup - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DnsCleanup( NETDIAG_PARAMS* pParams, NETDIAG_RESULT* pResults) { int i;
for ( i=0; i<pResults->cNumInterfaces; i++) { MessageListCleanUp(&pResults->pArrayInterface[i].Dns.lmsgOutput); } }