Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains declarations for socket-management. The routines declared here operate asynchronously on sockets associated with an I/O completion port. They are also integrated with the component-reference object, which may optionally be used by callers to control the number of outstanding entries into a component's address-space. (See 'COMPREF.H'.)
Abolade Gbadegesin (aboladeg) 2-Mar-1998
Revision History:
Abolade Gbadegesin (aboladeg) 23-May-1999
Added support for stream sockets.
#define INET_NTOA(x) inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*)&(x))
// NhIsFatalSocketError(
// ULONG Error
// );
// Determines whether a request may be reissued on a socket,
// given the error-code from the previous issuance of the request.
// This macro is arranged to branch on the most common error-codes first.
#define \
NhIsFatalSocketError( \ _Error \ ) \ ((_Error) != ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED && \ ((_Error) == WSAEDISCON || \ (_Error) == WSAECONNRESET || \ (_Error) == WSAETIMEDOUT || \ (_Error) == WSAENETDOWN || \ (_Error) == WSAENOTSOCK || \ (_Error) == WSAESHUTDOWN || \ (_Error) == WSAECONNABORTED))
typedef class _CNhSock : public virtual GENERIC_NODE {
_CNhSock(SOCKET iSocket);
void ComponentCleanUpRoutine(void);
virtual void StopSync(void);
virtual PCHAR GetObjectName() { return ObjectNamep;}
SOCKET GetSock() { return Socket;};
VOID SetSock(SOCKET inSock) { Socket = inSock;};
ULONG NhAcceptStreamSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, class _CNhSock * AcceptedSocketp OPTIONAL, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp OPTIONAL, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE AcceptCompletionRoutine, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
ULONG NhConnectStreamSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, ULONG Address, USHORT Port, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp OPTIONAL, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE ConnectCompletionRoutine, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CloseNotificationRoutine OPTIONAL, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
ULONG NhCreateDatagramSocket( ULONG Address, USHORT Port, OUT SOCKET* Socketp );
ULONG NhCreateStreamSocket( ULONG Address OPTIONAL, // may be INADDR_NONE
#define NhDeleteDatagramSocket(s) NhDeleteSocket(s)
#define NhDeleteStreamSocket(s) NhDeleteSocket(s)
VOID NhDeleteSocket( SOCKET Socket );
VOID NhDeleteSocket() \ {if (this->Socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {closesocket(this->Socket);};}
ULONG NhNotifyOnCloseStreamSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp OPTIONAL, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CloseNotificationRoutine, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
VOID NhQueryAcceptEndpoints( PUCHAR AcceptBuffer, PULONG LocalAddress OPTIONAL, PUSHORT LocalPort OPTIONAL, PULONG RemoteAddress OPTIONAL, PUSHORT RemotePort OPTIONAL );
ULONG NhQueryAddressSocket();
ULONG NhQueryLocalEndpointSocket( PULONG Address OPTIONAL, PUSHORT Port OPTIONAL );
USHORT NhQueryPortSocket();
ULONG NhQueryRemoteEndpointSocket( PULONG Address OPTIONAL, PUSHORT Port OPTIONAL );
ULONG NhReadDatagramSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp OPTIONAL, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
ULONG NhReadStreamSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp OPTIONAL, ULONG Length, ULONG Offset, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
ULONG NhWriteDatagramSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, ULONG Address, USHORT Port, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp, ULONG Length, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
ULONG NhWriteStreamSocket( PCOMPONENT_SYNC Component, PNH_BUFFER Bufferp, ULONG Length, ULONG Offset, PNH_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine, PVOID Context, PVOID Context2 );
static VOID NTAPI NhpConnectOrCloseCallbackRoutine( PVOID Context, BOOLEAN WaitCompleted );
static VOID NTAPI NhpCloseNotificationCallbackRoutine( PVOID Context, BOOLEAN WaitCompleted );
static VOID WINAPI NhpIoCompletionRoutine( ULONG ErrorCode, ULONG BytesTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED Overlapped );
static VOID APIENTRY NhpIoWorkerRoutine( PVOID Context );
protected: SOCKET Socket;
static const PCHAR ObjectNamep; // For Shared Sockets we should have ShareCounter
} CNhSock, *PCNhSock;
// Utility functions
ULONG InterfaceForDestination(ULONG DestIp);
#endif // _NATHLP_SOCKET_H_