// Copyright(C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: Properties.cpp
// Project: Windows 2000 IAS
// Description: Implementation of the CProperties class
// Author: tperraut
// Revision 02/24/2000 created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Properties.h"
// class CProperties
CProperties::CProperties(CSession& SessionParam) :m_PropertiesCommandGet(SessionParam), m_PropertiesCommandGetByName(SessionParam), m_PropertiesCommandInsert(SessionParam), m_PropertiesCommandDelete(SessionParam), m_PropertiesCommandDeleteMultiple(SessionParam) { };
// Destructor
CProperties::~CProperties() { };
// GetProperty
HRESULT CProperties::GetProperty( LONG Bag, _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Type, _bstr_t& StrVal ) { return m_PropertiesCommandGet.GetProperty( Bag, Name, Type, StrVal ); }
// GetNextProperty
HRESULT CProperties::GetNextProperty( LONG Bag, _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Type, _bstr_t& StrVal, LONG Index ) { return m_PropertiesCommandGet.GetProperty( Bag, Name, Type, StrVal, Index ); }
// GetPropertyByName
HRESULT CProperties::GetPropertyByName( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Type, _bstr_t& StrVal ) { return m_PropertiesCommandGetByName.GetPropertyByName( Bag, Name, Type, StrVal ); }
// InsertProperty
// throw an exception if it fails
void CProperties::InsertProperty( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Type, const _bstr_t& StrVal ) { m_PropertiesCommandInsert.InsertProperty( Bag, Name, Type, StrVal ); }
// DeleteProperty
// throw an exception if it fails
void CProperties::DeleteProperty( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name ) { m_PropertiesCommandDelete.DeleteProperty( Bag, Name ); }
// DeletePropertiesExcept
void CProperties::DeletePropertiesExcept( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Exception ) { m_PropertiesCommandDeleteMultiple.DeletePropertiesExcept(Bag, Exception); }
// UpdateProperty
// throw an exception if it fails
// Improvement possible: create a SQL statement
// to update instead of doing a delete then insert
void CProperties::UpdateProperty( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Type, const _bstr_t& StrVal ) { try { m_PropertiesCommandDelete.DeleteProperty( Bag, Name ); } catch(...) { // ignore the failure. If delete fails but insert works, that's ok
} m_PropertiesCommandInsert.InsertProperty( Bag, Name, Type, StrVal ); }
// class CPropertiesCommandGet
CProperties::CPropertiesCommandGet::CPropertiesCommandGet( CSession& CurrentSession ) { Init(CurrentSession); };
// GetProperty
HRESULT CProperties::CPropertiesCommandGet::GetProperty( LONG Bag, _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Type, _bstr_t& StrVal ) { m_BagParam = Bag;
HRESULT hr = BaseExecute(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Name = m_Name; Type = m_Type; StrVal = m_StrVal; } return hr; }
// GetProperty overloaded
HRESULT CProperties::CPropertiesCommandGet::GetProperty( LONG Bag, _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Type, _bstr_t& StrVal, LONG Index ) { m_BagParam = Bag;
HRESULT hr = BaseExecute(Index); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Name = m_Name; Type = m_Type; StrVal = m_StrVal; } return hr; }
// class CPropertiesCommandGetByName
CProperties::CPropertiesCommandGetByName::CPropertiesCommandGetByName( CSession& CurrentSession ) { Init(CurrentSession); };
// GetPropertyByName
HRESULT CProperties::CPropertiesCommandGetByName::GetPropertyByName( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name, LONG& Type, _bstr_t& StrVal ) { m_BagParam = Bag; if ( Name.length() ) { lstrcpynW(m_NameParam, Name, NAME_SIZE); }
HRESULT hr = BaseExecute(); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Type = m_Type; StrVal = m_StrVal; } return hr; };
// class CPropertiesCommandInsert
CProperties::CPropertiesCommandInsert::CPropertiesCommandInsert( CSession& CurrentSession ) { Init(CurrentSession); }
// InsertProperty
void CProperties::CPropertiesCommandInsert::InsertProperty( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name, LONG Type, const _bstr_t& StrVal ) { ClearRecord(); m_BagParam = Bag; if ( Name.length() ) { lstrcpynW(m_NameParam, Name, NAME_SIZE); } m_TypeParam = Type; if ( StrVal.length() ) { lstrcpynW(m_StrValParam, StrVal, STRVAL_SIZE); }
CDBPropSet propset(DBPROPSET_ROWSET); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange, true); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_UPDATABILITY, DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE | DBPROPVAL_UP_INSERT );
_com_util::CheckError(Open(&propset)); Close(); }
// class CPropertiesCommandDelete
CProperties::CPropertiesCommandDelete::CPropertiesCommandDelete( CSession& CurrentSession ) { Init(CurrentSession); }
// DeleteProperty
void CProperties::CPropertiesCommandDelete::DeleteProperty( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Name ) { m_BagParam = Bag; lstrcpynW(m_NameParam, Name, NAME_SIZE);
CDBPropSet propset(DBPROPSET_ROWSET); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange, true); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_UPDATABILITY, DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE | DBPROPVAL_UP_DELETE );
_com_util::CheckError(Open(&propset)); Close(); }
// class CPropertiesCommandDeleteMultiple
CProperties::CPropertiesCommandDeleteMultiple:: CPropertiesCommandDeleteMultiple(CSession& CurrentSession) { Init(CurrentSession); }
// DeleteProperty
void CProperties::CPropertiesCommandDeleteMultiple::DeletePropertiesExcept( LONG Bag, const _bstr_t& Exception ) { m_BagParam = Bag; lstrcpynW(m_ExceptionParam, Exception, SIZE_EXCEPTION_MAX);
CDBPropSet propset(DBPROPSET_ROWSET); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange, true); propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_UPDATABILITY, DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE | DBPROPVAL_UP_DELETE );
Open(&propset); // ignore the result
Close(); }