// File: proxystate.cpp
// Synopsis: Implementation of CProxyState class methods
// History: 10/16/97 MKarki Created
// 08/28/98 MKarki Updated to use perimeter class
// Copyright (C) 1997-98 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
#include "radcommon.h"
#include "proxystate.h"
// Function: CProxyState
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class constructor
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 10/16/97
CProxyState::CProxyState() { m_dwTableIndex = 0; m_pProxyStateTable = NULL;
} // end of CProxyState constructor
// Function: ~CProxyState
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class destructor
// Arguments: NONE
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 10/16/97
CProxyState::~CProxyState() { if (m_pProxyStateTable) { HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, m_pProxyStateTable); }
} // end of CProxyState destructor
// Function: Init
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class public method used
// for initializing the class object
// Arguments:
// [in] DWORD - proxy state hash table size
// Returns: BOOL - status
// History: MKarki Created 11/24/97
BOOL CProxyState::Init ( DWORD dwIPAddress, DWORD dwTableSize ) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
__try {
if ((0 == dwIPAddress) || (0 == dwTableSize)) __leave;
// initialize the table
m_pProxyStateTable = static_cast <CProxyInfo**> (HeapAlloc ( GetProcessHeap (), 0, dwTableSize*sizeof (CProxyInfo*) )); if (NULL == m_pProxyStateTable) { __leave; }
m_dwTableIndex = 0;
m_dwTableSize = dwTableSize;
// initialize the IP address
m_dwIPAddress = dwIPAddress;
BYTE ClientAuthenticator[AUTHENTICATOR_SIZE]; BYTE ProxyAuthenticator[AUTHENTICATOR_SIZE]; DWORD dwClientAddress = 0; WORD wClientPort = 0; ZeroMemory (ProxyAuthenticator, AUTHENTICATOR_SIZE); ProxyAuthenticator[0] = 24; CProxyInfo *pCProxyInfo = new CProxyInfo;
pCProxyInfo->Init ( ClientAuthenticator, ProxyAuthenticator, dwClientAddress, wClientPort );
m_pProxyStateTable[m_dwTableIndex++] = pCProxyInfo;
*/ //
// initialization successfull
bRetVal = TRUE; } __finally { //
// nothing here for now
if ((FALSE == bRetVal) && (NULL != m_pProxyStateTable)) { HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, m_pProxyStateTable); } }
return (bRetVal); } // end of CProxyState::Init method
// Function: SetProxyStateInfo
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class public method used
// for setting the Proxy state information, once
// you have received the attribute
// Arguments:
// [in] - CPacketRadius*
// [in] DWORD - state id
// Returns: BOOL status
// History: MKarki Created 10/16/97
BOOL CProxyState::SetProxyStateInfo( CPacketRadius *pCPacketRadius, DWORD dwProxyStateId, PBYTE pbyProxyReqAuthenticator ) { BYTE ClientAuthenticator[AUTHENTICATOR_SIZE]; DWORD dwClientAddress = 0; WORD wClientPort = 0; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; CProxyInfo *pCProxyInfo = NULL; BOOL bStatus = FALSE;
__try {
if ((dwProxyStateId > m_dwTableSize) || (NULL == pCPacketRadius)|| (NULL == pbyProxyReqAuthenticator) ) { __leave; }
// extract the NAS authenticator from the packet
bStatus = pCPacketRadius->GetInRequestAuthenticator ( reinterpret_cast <PBYTE> (ClientAuthenticator) ); if (FALSE == bStatus) __leave;
// get the NAS IP address
dwClientAddress = pCPacketRadius->GetInAddress (); //
// get the NAS UDP port
wClientPort = pCPacketRadius->GetPort ();
// get a new CProxyInfo class object
pCProxyInfo = new CProxyInfo (); if (NULL == pCProxyInfo) __leave;
// set the values in the object now
bStatus = pCProxyInfo->Init ( ClientAuthenticator, pbyProxyReqAuthenticator, dwClientAddress, wClientPort ); if (FALSE == bStatus) {__leave;}
// lock the ProxyStateTable for write
LockExclusive ();
// insert the CProxyInfo object into the table
m_pProxyStateTable[dwProxyStateId] = pCProxyInfo; //
// unlock the table now
Unlock ();
// we have successfully store the proxy information
bRetVal = TRUE; } __finally { }
*/ return (bRetVal);
} // end of CProxyState::SetProxyInfo method
// Function: GenerateProxyState
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class public method used
// to generate a proxy state RADIUS attribute to
// be added to the outbound packet
// Arguments:
// [in] CPacketRadius*
// [out] PDWORD - returns the Proxy state id
// Returns: BOOL - status
// History: MKarki Created 11/24/97
BOOL CProxyState::GenerateProxyState ( CPacketRadius *pCPacketRadius, PDWORD pdwProxyStateId ) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; DWORD dwCheckSum = 0; PROXYSTATE ProxyState; const DWORD PROXY_STATE_SIZE = sizeof (PROXYSTATE); DWORD dwSize = 0;
__try { if ((NULL == pCPacketRadius) || (NULL == pdwProxyStateId)) { __leave; } //
// get a new attribute from CPacketRadius
bStatus = pCPacketRadius->CreateOutAttribute ( &pCAttribute, PROXY_STATE_SIZE ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { __leave; }
if (dwSize < PROXY_STATE_SIZE) { __leave; }
// set Index value
LockExclusive (); ProxyState.dwIndex = htonl (m_dwTableIndex); m_dwTableIndex = (m_dwTableIndex + 1) % m_dwTableSize; Unlock ();
// set IP address
ProxyState.dwIPAddress = htonl (m_dwIPAddress);
// get check sum
bStatus = CalculateCheckSum (&ProxyState,&dwCheckSum); if (FALSE == bStatus) __leave;
// set checksum
ProxyState.dwCheckSum = htonl (dwCheckSum);
// set the attribute information
bStatus = pCAttribute->SetInfo ( PROXY_STATE_ATTRIB, reinterpret_cast <PBYTE> (&ProxyState), PROXY_STATE_SIZE ); if (FALSE == bStatus) __leave;
// store this CAttribute class object now
bStatus = pCPacketRadius->StoreOutAttribute (pCAttribute); if (FALSE == bStatus) __leave;
// set the proxy id to be returned
*pdwProxyStateId = ProxyState.dwIndex;
// attribute generated successfully
bRetVal = TRUE;
} __finally { //
// nothing here for now
} */
return (bRetVal);
} // end of CProxyState::GenerateProxyState method
// Function: Validate
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class private method used
// for carrying out validation of the proxy state
// attribute
// Arguments:
// Returns: BOOL - status
// History: MKarki Created 11/24/97
// Called By: CProxyState::GetProxyStateInfo method
BOOL CProxyState::Validate ( PPROXYSTATE pProxyState ) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; DWORD dwLength = 0; DWORD dwCalculatedCheckSum = 0;
__try { if ((NULL == pCAttribute) || (NULL == pProxyState)) { __leave; } //
// get the length of the attribute
dwLength = pCAttribute->GetLength ();
// check if the length of the proxy state is equal
// to what is should be
if ((dwLength - ATTRIBUTE_HEADER_SIZE) != sizeof (PROXYSTATE)) { __leave; }
// get the proxy state value now
bStatus = pCAttribute->GetValue ( reinterpret_cast <PBYTE> (pProxyState), &dwLength ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { __leave; } //
// calculate the check sum
bStatus = CalculateCheckSum ( pProxyState, &dwCalculatedCheckSum ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { __leave; } //
// verify the check sum
if (dwCalculatedCheckSum != ntohl (pProxyState->dwCheckSum)) { __leave; }
// verify IP address
if (m_dwIPAddress != ntohl (pProxyState->dwIPAddress)) { __leave;} //
// validation successful
bRetVal = TRUE;
} __finally { //
// nothing here for now
*/ return (bRetVal);
} // end of CProxyState::Validate method
// Function: CalculateCheckSum
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class private method used
// for calculating the checksum over the stream
// of bytes in the proxy state attributes
// Algo: We just do the XOR on 2 DWORDs for now
// Arguments:
// [out] PDWORD - pdwCheckSum
// Returns: NONE
// History: MKarki Created 10/16/97
// Called By: CProxyState::Validate method
BOOL CProxyState::CalculateCheckSum ( PPROXYSTATE pProxyState, PDWORD pdwCheckSum ) { DWORD dwCount = 0; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; /*
__try { if ((NULL == pProxyState) || (NULL == pdwCheckSum)) { __leave; }
*pdwCheckSum = ntohl (pProxyState->dwIPAddress) ^ ntohl (pProxyState->dwIndex);
// successfully calculated checksum
bRetVal = TRUE; } __finally { //
// nothing here for now
} */ return (bRetVal);
} // end of CProxyState::CalculateCheckSum method
// Function: ValidateProxyState
// Synopsis: This is CProxyState class public method
// that validates the proxy state returned by the
// server
// Arguments: [in] - CPacketRadius*
// [out] PBYTE - Proxy Request Authenticator
// Returns: BOOL - status
// History: MKarki Created 9/28/97
// Called By: CValidatorProxyPkt::ValidateInPacket method
BOOL CProxyState::ValidateProxyState ( CPacketRadius *pCPacketRadius, PBYTE pbyReqAuthenticator ) { BOOL bStatus = FALSE; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
__try {
// now get the attributes collection from the radius packet
pCAttribColl = pCPacketRadius->GetInAttributes (); //
// get the last proxy attribute, as we append a proxy attribute
// at the end
bStatus = pCAttribColl->GetLast ( PROXY_STATE_ATTRIB, &pCAttrib ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { __leave; }
// validate the proxy state found
bStatus = GetProxyStateInfo ( pCAttrib, pCPacketRadius, pbyReqAuthenticator ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { //
// if could not validate
// find a new one and try again
while (TRUE) { bStatus = pCAttribColl->GetPrevious ( PROXY_STATE_ATTRIB, &pCAttrib ); if (FALSE == bStatus) { __leave; } bStatus = GetProxyStateInfo ( pCAttrib, pCPacketRadius, pbyReqAuthenticator ); if (TRUE == bStatus) {break;} } }
// we have successfully validated the proxy state
bRetVal = TRUE; } // __try
__finally { //
// nothing here for now
*/ return (bRetVal);
} // end of CProxyState::ValidateProxyState method