// Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// formbuf.cpp
// Defines the class FormattedBuffer.
// 08/04/1998 Original version.
// 12/17/1998 Add append overload for IASATTRIBUTE&.
// 01/22/1999 UTF-8 support.
// 01/25/1999 Date and time are separate fields.
// 03/23/1999 Add support for text qualifiers.
// 04/19/1999 Strip null-terminators from OctetStrings.
// 05/17/1999 Handle ANSI strings correctly.
// 06/01/1999 Make sure Class 'string' is printable.
#include <ias.h>
#include <iasattr.h>
#include <iasutil.h>
#include <iasutf8.h>
#include <sdoias.h>
#include <classattr.h>
#include <formbuf.h>
// Helper function that returns the number of printable characters if an
// OctetString consists solely of printable UTF-8 characters.
DWORD WINAPI IsOctetStringPrintable( PBYTE buf, DWORD buflen ) throw () { // Is the last character just a null terminator?
if (buflen && !buf[buflen - 1]) { --buflen; }
PBYTE p = buf; PBYTE end = buf + buflen;
// Scan for control characters and delimiters.
while (p < end) { if (!(*p & 0x60)) { return 0; }
++p; }
// Ensure it's a valid UTF-8 string.
return (IASUtf8ToUnicodeLength((PCSTR)buf, buflen) >= 0) ? buflen : 0; }
void FormattedBuffer::append(DWORD value) { CHAR buffer[11], *p = buffer + 11;
do { *--p = '0' + (CHAR)(value % 10);
} while (value /= 10);
append((const BYTE*)p, (DWORD)(buffer + 11 - p)); }
void FormattedBuffer::append(DWORDLONG value) { CHAR buffer[21], *p = buffer + 21;
do { *--p = '0' + (CHAR)(value % 10);
} while (value /= 10);
append((const BYTE*)p, (DWORD)(buffer + 21 - p)); }
void FormattedBuffer::append(const IASVALUE& value) { switch (value.itType) { case IASTYPE_BOOLEAN: case IASTYPE_INTEGER: case IASTYPE_ENUM: { append(value.Integer); break; }
case IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING: case IASTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC: { DWORD len = IsOctetStringPrintable( value.OctetString.lpValue, value.OctetString.dwLength );
if (len) { appendText((PCSTR)value.OctetString.lpValue, len); } else { appendFormattedOctets(value.OctetString.lpValue, value.OctetString.dwLength); } break; }
case IASTYPE_INET_ADDR: { CHAR buffer[16]; append(ias_inet_htoa(value.InetAddr, buffer)); break; }
case IASTYPE_STRING: { // Make sure we have a Unicode string available.
if (!value.String.pszWide) { // If there's no ANSI string either, then there's nothing to log.
if (!value.String.pszAnsi) { break; }
// Convert the value into an attribute ...
// ... and allocate a Unicode string.
if (IASAttributeUnicodeAlloc(p) != NO_ERROR) { throw std::bad_alloc(); } }
// Compute the length of the source Unicode string.
DWORD srclen = wcslen(value.String.pszWide);
// Compute the length of the converted UTF-8 string.
LONG dstlen = IASUnicodeToUtf8Length(value.String.pszWide, srclen);
// Allocate space for the converted string.
PSTR dst = (PSTR)_alloca(dstlen);
// Convert the string.
IASUnicodeToUtf8(value.String.pszWide, srclen, dst);
// Write the buffer.
appendText(dst, dstlen); break; }
case IASTYPE_UTC_TIME: { SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&value.UTCTime, &st); appendDate(st); append(' '); appendTime(st); break; } } }
// Appends a single attribute value.
void FormattedBuffer::append(const IASATTRIBUTE& attr) { // Class attributes are special-cased.
if (attr.dwId == RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_CLASS) { appendClassAttribute(attr.Value.OctetString); } else { append(attr.Value); } }
// Appends an array of attributes. The array is terminated either by a null
// attribute pointer or an attribute with a different ID.
void FormattedBuffer::append(const ATTRIBUTEPOSITION* pos) { DWORD id = pos->pAttribute->dwId;
// Will this attribute be written as text?
BOOL isText = FALSE; switch (pos->pAttribute->Value.itType) { case IASTYPE_INET_ADDR: case IASTYPE_STRING: case IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING: case IASTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC: isText = TRUE; }
// If so, then we surround it with the text qualifier.
if (isText) { appendQualifier(); }
// Write the first value.
append(*(pos->pAttribute)); ++pos;
// Then add any additional values delimited by a pipe.
while (pos->pAttribute && pos->pAttribute->dwId == id) { append('|'); append(*(pos->pAttribute)); ++pos; }
// Write the closing text qualifier if necessary.
if (isText) { appendQualifier(); } }
void FormattedBuffer::appendClassAttribute(const IAS_OCTET_STRING& value) { // Extract a class attribute from the blob.
IASClass* cl = (IASClass*)value.lpValue;
if (!cl->isMicrosoft(value.dwLength)) { // If it's not one of ours, just write it as an octet string.
appendFormattedOctets(value.lpValue, value.dwLength); } else { // Vendor ID.
// Version.
append(' '); append((DWORD)cl->getVersion());
// Server IP address.
CHAR buffer[16]; append(' '); append(ias_inet_htoa(cl->getServerAddress(), buffer));
// Server reboot time.
FILETIME ft = cl->getLastReboot(); SYSTEMTIME st; FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &st); append(' '); appendDate(st); append(' '); appendTime(st);
// Session serial number.
DWORDLONG serialNumber = cl->getSerialNumber(); append(' '); append(serialNumber);
// Class string.
if (value.dwLength > sizeof(IASClass)) { append(' ');
// Convert the remainder to an OctetString ...
IASVALUE tmp; tmp.itType = IASTYPE_OCTET_STRING; tmp.OctetString.lpValue = const_cast<PBYTE>(cl->getString()); tmp.OctetString.dwLength = value.dwLength - sizeof(IASClass);
// ... and append.
append(tmp); } } }
// Convert a hex number to an ascii digit. Does not check for overflow.
#define HEX_TO_ASCII(h) ((h) < 10 ? '0' + (CHAR)(h) : ('A' - 10) + (CHAR)(h))
// Appends an octet string as stringized hex.
void FormattedBuffer::appendFormattedOctets( const BYTE* buf, DWORD buflen ) { PCHAR dst = (PCHAR)reserve(buflen * 2 + 2);
// Add a leading 0x.
*dst = '0'; ++dst; *dst = 'x'; ++dst;
// Add each octet.
while (buflen) { CHAR digit;
// High-order digit.
digit = (CHAR)(*buf >> 4); *dst = HEX_TO_ASCII(digit); ++dst;
// Low-order digit.
digit = (CHAR)(*buf & 0xf); *dst = HEX_TO_ASCII(digit); ++dst;
// Advance to the next octet.
++buf; --buflen; } }
// insert a 4 character integer.
#define INSERT_4u(p, v) \
{ *p = '0' + (v) / 1000; ++p; *p = '0' + (v) / 100 % 10; ++p; \ *p = '0' + (v) / 10 % 10; ++p; *p = '0' + (v) % 10; ++p; }
// insert a 2 character integer.
#define INSERT_2u(p, v) \
{ *p = '0' + (v) / 10; ++p; *p = '0' + (v) % 10; ++p; }
// insert a single character.
#define INSERT_1c(p, v) \
{ *p = v; ++p; }
void FormattedBuffer::appendDate(const SYSTEMTIME& value) { PCHAR p = (PCHAR)reserve(10);
INSERT_2u(p, value.wMonth); INSERT_1c(p, '/'); INSERT_2u(p, value.wDay); INSERT_1c(p, '/'); INSERT_4u(p, value.wYear); }
void FormattedBuffer::appendText(PCSTR sz, DWORD szlen) { if (textQualifier) { /////////
// We have a text qualifier, so we don't have to worry about embedded
// delimiters, but we do have to worry about embedded qualifiers. We
// replace each embedded qualifier with a double qualifier.
PCSTR p; while ((p = (PCSTR)memchr(sz, textQualifier, szlen)) != NULL) { // Skip past the qualifier.
// How many bytes do we have ?
DWORD nbyte = p - sz;
// Write the bytes.
append((const BYTE*)sz, nbyte);
// Add an extra qualifer.
// Update our state to point to the remainder of the text.
sz = p; szlen -= nbyte; }
// Write the piece after the last embedded qualifer.
append((PBYTE)sz, szlen); } else { ////////
// No text qualifer, so we can't handle embedded delimiter.
if (!memchr(sz, ',', szlen)) { // No delimiters, so write 'as is'.
append((PBYTE)sz, szlen); } else { // It contains a delimiter so write as formatted octets.
appendFormattedOctets((PBYTE)sz, szlen); } } }
void FormattedBuffer::appendTime(const SYSTEMTIME& value) { PCHAR p = (PCHAR)reserve(8);
INSERT_2u(p, value.wHour); INSERT_1c(p, ':'); INSERT_2u(p, value.wMinute); INSERT_1c(p, ':'); INSERT_2u(p, value.wSecond); }