// Copyright(C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: sdocollection.h
// Project: Everest
// Description: IAS Server Data Object Collection Implementation
// Author: TLP 1/23/98
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sdo.h"
#include "sdocollection.h"
#include "sdofactory.h"
#include "sdohelperfuncs.h"
// CSdoCollection Class Implementation
CSdoCollection::CSdoCollection() : m_fSdoInitialized(false), m_pDSContainer(NULL), m_pSdoMachine(NULL), m_fCreateOnAdd(false) { InternalAddRef(); }
CSdoCollection::~CSdoCollection() { InternalShutdown(); }
// ISdoCollection Interface Implmentation
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::get_Count(long* pCount) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
// Check precondtions
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT( NULL != pCount ); if ( NULL == pCount ) return E_POINTER;
*pCount = m_Objects.size(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::Add( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[in/out]*/ IDispatch** ppItem ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
// Check preconditions
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT ( NULL != ppItem ); if ( NULL == ppItem ) return E_POINTER;
// Get the Sdo name from the specified object if bstrName is not given
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; _variant_t vtSdoName; if ( NULL == bstrName ) { CComPtr<ISdo> pSdo; hr = (*ppItem)->QueryInterface(IID_ISdo, (void**)&pSdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - QueryInterface(ISdo) failed!..."); return hr; } hr = pSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &vtSdoName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add - GetProperty(Name) failed"); return hr; } bstrName = V_BSTR(&vtSdoName); }
// Ensure that the SDO name is unique
VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; hr = InternalIsNameUnique(bstrName, &boolVal); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( VARIANT_TRUE == boolVal ) { // Can still fail if name is not unique in the underlying data store
hr = InternalAdd(bstrName, ppItem); } else { // Name is not unqiue
hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::Remove(IDispatch* pItem) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
try { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_2("Removing item at $%p from SDO collection at $%p...", pItem, this);
// Check preconditions
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) throw _com_error(E_UNEXPECTED);
_ASSERT ( NULL != pItem ); if ( NULL == pItem ) throw _com_error(E_POINTER);
CComPtr<ISdo> pSdo; hr = pItem->QueryInterface(IID_ISdo, (void**)&pSdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr);
VariantArrayIterator p = m_Objects.begin(); while ( p != m_Objects.end() ) { if ( (*p).pdispVal == pItem ) { // Remove the object from the underlying datastore (if neccessary)
if ( m_pDSContainer ) { _variant_t vtItemName; hr = pSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_DATASTORE_NAME, &vtItemName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr);
hr = m_pDSContainer->Remove(NULL, V_BSTR(&vtItemName)); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); } // Remove the object from the collection
m_Objects.erase(p); break; } p++; } }
catch (_com_error theError) { hr = theError.Error(); IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Remove() - Caught _com_error exception: %lx...", hr); }
catch (...) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Remove() - Caught unhandled exception..."); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::RemoveAll(void) {
CSdoLock theLock(*this);
try { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("Clearing the items from the SDO collection at $%p...",this);
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) throw _com_error(E_UNEXPECTED);
if ( ! m_Objects.empty() ) { VariantArrayIterator p = m_Objects.begin(); while( p != m_Objects.end() ) { if ( m_pDSContainer ) { CComPtr<ISdo> pSdo; hr = ((*p).pdispVal)->QueryInterface(IID_ISdo, (void**)&pSdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(E_UNEXPECTED);
_variant_t vtItemName; hr = pSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_DATASTORE_NAME, &vtItemName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(E_UNEXPECTED);
hr = m_pDSContainer->Remove(NULL, V_BSTR(&vtItemName)); if ( FAILED(hr) ) throw _com_error(hr); // Datastore Error
p = m_Objects.erase(p); } } }
catch(_com_error theError) { hr = theError.Error(); IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - RemoveAll() - Caught _com_error exception: %lx...", hr); } catch(...) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - RemoveAll() - Caught unhandled exception..."); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::Reload(void) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
try { _ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) throw _com_error(E_UNEXPECTED);
if ( m_pDSContainer ) { ReleaseItems(); hr = Load(); } } catch(_com_error theError) { hr = theError.Error(); IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Reload() - Caught _com_error exception: %lx...", hr); } catch(...) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Reload() - Caught unhandled exception..."); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::IsNameUnique( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL* pBool ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
// Check preconditions
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT ( NULL != bstrName && NULL != pBool ); if ( NULL == bstrName || NULL == pBool ) return E_POINTER;
VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; HRESULT hr = InternalIsNameUnique(bstrName, &boolVal); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) *pBool = boolVal;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::Item( /*[in]*/ VARIANT* pName, /*[out]*/ IDispatch** ppItem ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
// Check preconditions
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT ( NULL != pName && NULL != ppItem ); if ( pName == NULL || ppItem == NULL ) return E_POINTER;
if ( VT_BSTR != V_VT(pName) ) return E_INVALIDARG;
SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_2("Locating item '%ls' in SDO collection at $%p...", V_BSTR(pName), this);
if ( m_Objects.empty() ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Item() - Could not locate the specified item..."); return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; }
try { ISdo* pSdo; IDispatch* pDispatch; _variant_t varName;
VariantArrayIterator p = m_Objects.begin(); while ( p != m_Objects.end() ) { pDispatch = (*p).pdispVal; hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_ISdo,(void **)&pSdo); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
hr = pSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &varName); pSdo->Release(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
_ASSERT( V_VT(&varName) == VT_BSTR ); if ( 0 == lstrcmpiW(V_BSTR(pName), V_BSTR(&varName)) ) { (*ppItem = pDispatch)->AddRef(); hr = S_OK; break; }
varName.Clear(); p++; hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Item() - Could not locate the specified item..."); } catch(_com_error theCOMError) { hr = theCOMError.Error(); IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Item() - Caught COM exception..."); } catch(...) { hr = DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Item() - Caught unknown exception..."); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSdoCollection::get__NewEnum(IUnknown** ppEnumSdo) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
// Check function preconditions
_ASSERT ( m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( ! m_fSdoInitialized ) return E_FAIL;
_ASSERT ( NULL != ppEnumSdo ); if (ppEnumSdo == NULL) return E_POINTER;
try { newEnum = new (std::nothrow) CComObject<EnumVARIANT>;
if ( newEnum == NULL ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - get__NewEnum() - Out of memory..."); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
hr = newEnum->Init( m_Objects.begin(), m_Objects.end(), static_cast<IUnknown*>(this), AtlFlagCopy ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { (*ppEnumSdo = newEnum)->AddRef(); return S_OK; } } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - get__NewEnum() - Caught unknown exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; }
if ( NULL != newEnum ) delete newEnum;
return hr; }
// Collection Initialization / Shutdown Methods
HRESULT CSdoCollection::InternalInitialize( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszCreateClassId, /*[in]*/ ISdoMachine* pSdoMachine, /*[in]*/ IDataStoreContainer* pDSContainer ) { CSdoLock theLock(*this);
// Check preconditions...
_ASSERT( ! m_fSdoInitialized ); if ( m_fSdoInitialized ) return S_OK;
SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("SDO Collection at $%p is initializing its internal state...",this);
_ASSERT( NULL != pSdoMachine ); m_pSdoMachine = pSdoMachine; m_pSdoMachine->AddRef();
if ( lpszCreateClassId ) { m_fCreateOnAdd = true; m_CreateClassId = lpszCreateClassId; if ( NULL != pDSContainer ) { m_DatastoreClass = ::GetDataStoreClass(lpszCreateClassId); m_pDSContainer = pDSContainer; m_pDSContainer->AddRef(); hr = Load(); } } else { // Collection of SDOs for IAS components (auditors, request handlers, protocols).
// New components cannot be added to this collection by a script or UI.
// Instead, component parameters and class information should be added to ias.mdb
_ASSERT( pDSContainer ); m_pDSContainer = pDSContainer; m_pDSContainer->AddRef(); hr = Load(); }
if ( FAILED(hr) ) InternalShutdown(); else m_fSdoInitialized = TRUE;
return hr; }
void CSdoCollection::InternalShutdown() { ReleaseItems();
if ( m_pDSContainer ) m_pDSContainer->Release();
if ( m_pSdoMachine ) m_pSdoMachine->Release();
m_fSdoInitialized = FALSE; }
HRESULT CSdoCollection::InternalAdd( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[in/out]*/ IDispatch **ppItem ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
try { do { // Does the caller want us to create the item?
if ( NULL == *ppItem ) { // Yes... Attempt to create the item
if ( ! m_fCreateOnAdd ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - Cannot create on add..."); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
_ASSERT( NULL != bstrName ); if ( NULL == bstrName ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - NULL object name..."); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("Creating new item and additing it to SDO collection at $%p...",this);
_variant_t varName = bstrName; CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSObject;
// Does the collection have a data store container associated with it?
if ( m_pDSContainer ) { // Yes... Create a new data store object and associate it with the SDO
hr = m_pDSContainer->Create( m_DatastoreClass, bstrName, &pDSObject ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - Could not create a data store object..."); break; } } CComPtr<ISdo> pSdo; pSdo.p = ::MakeSDO( bstrName, m_CreateClassId, m_pSdoMachine, pDSObject, static_cast<ISdoCollection*>(this), true ); if ( NULL == pSdo.p ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in Collection SDO - Add() - MakeSDO() failed..."); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch; hr = pSdo->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispatch); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch) failed..."); break; }
m_Objects.push_back((IDispatch*)pDispatch.p); (*ppItem = pDispatch.p)->AddRef(); } else { // No... Just add the specified item to the collection
m_Objects.push_back(*ppItem); }
} while ( FALSE ); } catch (bad_alloc) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - Out of memory..."); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch(...) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - Caught unhandled exception..."); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CSdoCollection::InternalIsNameUnique( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL* pBool ) { _variant_t vtSdoName; VariantArrayIterator p = m_Objects.begin(); while ( p != m_Objects.end() ) { if ( FAILED((dynamic_cast<ISdo*>((*p).pdispVal))->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &vtSdoName)) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME) failed..."); *pBool = VARIANT_FALSE; return E_FAIL; } if ( 0 == lstrcmpi(bstrName, V_BSTR(&vtSdoName)) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection - Add() - Sdo Name is Not Unique..."); *pBool = VARIANT_FALSE; return S_OK; } vtSdoName.Clear(); p++; } *pBool = VARIANT_TRUE; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CSdoCollection::Load()
{ CSdoLock theLock(*this);
_ASSERT ( m_pDSContainer ); if ( m_pDSContainer ) { SDO_TRACE_VERBOSE_1("SDO Collection at $%p is loading its items from the data store...",this);
CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnknown; hr = m_pDSContainer->get__NewEnum(&pUnknown); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection SDO - Load() - IDataStoreContainer::get__NewEnum() failed..."); return E_FAIL; }
CComPtr<IEnumVARIANT> pEnumVariant; hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT, (void**)&pEnumVariant); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection SDO - Load() - QueryInterface(IID_IEnumVARIANT) failed..."); return E_FAIL; }
CComBSTR bstrClassID(SDO_STOCK_PROPERTY_CLASS_ID); if (!bstrClassID) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
CComPtr<IDataStoreObject> pDSObject; CComPtr<ISdo> pSdoArchive; CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch; CComPtr<ISdo> pSdo;
hr = ::SDONextObjectFromContainer(pEnumVariant, &pDSObject); while ( S_OK == hr ) { if ( 0 == m_CreateClassId.length() ) { _variant_t vtComponentClassId; hr = pDSObject->GetValue(bstrClassID, &vtComponentClassId); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection SDO - LoadSdo() - IDataStoreObject::GetValue() failed..."); break; } pSdo.p = ::MakeSDO( NULL, V_BSTR(&vtComponentClassId), m_pSdoMachine, pDSObject.p, static_cast<ISdoCollection*>(this), false ); } else { pSdo.p = ::MakeSDO( NULL, m_CreateClassId, m_pSdoMachine, pDSObject.p, static_cast<ISdoCollection*>(this), false ); } if ( NULL == pSdo.p ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection SDO - LoadSdo() - MakeSDO() failed..."); break; } hr = pSdo->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispatch); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection SDO - Load() - QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch) failed..."); break; } _variant_t vtName; hr = pSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &vtName); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { IASTracePrintf("Error in SDO Collection SDO - Load() - GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME) failed..."); break; } hr = InternalAdd(V_BSTR(&vtName), &pDispatch.p); if ( FAILED(hr) ) break;
vtName.Clear(); pDispatch.Release(); pDSObject.Release(); pSdo.Release();
hr = ::SDONextObjectFromContainer(pEnumVariant, &pDSObject); }
if ( S_FALSE == hr ) hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
void CSdoCollection::ReleaseItems() { if ( ! m_Objects.empty() ) { VariantArrayIterator p = m_Objects.begin(); while( p != m_Objects.end() ) p = m_Objects.erase(p); } }