// Copyright (c) 1997, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// Timer.h
// This file describes the class TimerQueue.
// 11/26/1997 Original version.
// 4/16/1997 Completely clean-up in Finalize().
#ifndef _TIMER_H_
#define _TIMER_H_
#include <guard.h>
#include <hashtbl.h>
#include <nocopy.h>
#include <set>
using std::set;
// TimerQueue
// This class maintains a queue of timers.
class TimerQueue : Guardable, NonCopyable { public:
void Initialize(); void Finalize();
HANDLE Set(DWORD dwMilliseconds, PIAS_CALLBACK pOnExpiry); PIAS_CALLBACK Cancel(HANDLE handle);
// Utility function to get the system time as a 64-bit integer.
static DWORDLONG GetCurrentTime() { FILETIME ft;
return (DWORDLONG)ft.dwHighDateTime << 32 | ft.dwLowDateTime; }
struct Timer; friend struct Timer;
// Function class to compare timer pointers.
struct ByExpiry { bool operator()(const Timer* t1, const Timer* t2) const; };
typedef set<Timer*, ByExpiry> TIMER_LIST; typedef TIMER_LIST::iterator ITERATOR;
// Struct used to represent an individual timer.
struct Timer : NonCopyable { Timer(DWORD dwMilliseconds, PIAS_CALLBACK pOnExpiry) : expiry(GetCurrentTime() + 10000i64 * dwMilliseconds), onExpiry(pOnExpiry) { }
bool operator<(const Timer& timer) const { return (expiry < timer.expiry) || (expiry == timer.expiry && handle < timer.handle); }
DWORDLONG expiry; // The expiration time.
DWORD period; // The period of the timer in msec.
DWORD handle; // Unique ID for the timer.
PIAS_CALLBACK onExpiry; // Callback triggered when timer expires.
ITERATOR iterator; // Location of the timer in the timer list.
// Function class to extract the handle.
struct ExtractHandle { DWORD operator()(const Timer* t1) const { return t1->handle; } };
// Function class to hash a handle.
struct HashHandle { DWORD operator()(DWORD handle) const { return handle; } };
typedef hash_table<DWORD, HashHandle, Timer*, ExtractHandle> HANDLE_MAP;
DWORD TimeToNextExpiry() const; Timer* GetExpiredTimer(); void WatchTimers();
DWORD nextHandle; // Next handle to assign.
TIMER_LIST timers; // timers sorted by expiry.
HANDLE_MAP handleMap; // timers mapped by handle.
bool done; // Flag to shutdown the watcher thread.
HANDLE nudge; // Event to knock watcher out of wait.
HANDLE exited; // Event signalling watcher has exited.
inline bool TimerQueue::ByExpiry::operator()( const TimerQueue::Timer* t1, const TimerQueue::Timer* t2 ) const { return *t1 < *t2; }
void TimerQueue::Initialize() { nextHandle = 0; done = false; nudge = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); exited = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
IASRequestThread(MakeBoundCallback(this, &TimerQueue::WatchTimers)); }
void TimerQueue::Finalize() { done = true;
WaitForSingleObject(exited, INFINITE);
CloseHandle(exited); CloseHandle(nudge); handleMap.clear(); timers.clear(); }
HANDLE TimerQueue::Set(DWORD dwMilliseconds, PIAS_CALLBACK pOnExpiry) { if (!pOnExpiry) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
return NULL; }
Timer* timer = new Timer(dwMilliseconds, pOnExpiry);
if (timer == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
return NULL; } Lock();
timer->handle = ++nextHandle;
// Make sure we never give out zero.
if (timer->handle == 0) timer->handle = ++nextHandle;
// Insert the timer into the queue ...
timer->iterator = timers.insert(timer).first;
// ... and the handle map.
// If this is the next timer to expire, then we need to reset the watcher.
bool IsNext = (timer == *timers.begin());
if (IsNext) SetEvent(nudge);
// Timers are opaque to the outside world.
return (HANDLE)timer->handle; }
PIAS_CALLBACK TimerQueue::Cancel(HANDLE handle) { _serialize
Timer* const* node = handleMap.find((DWORD)handle);
if (!node) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
return NULL; }
Timer* timer = *node;
if (timer->iterator == timers.end()) { // If the timer is in the handle map, but not the queue, then it must
// be currently executing.
return NULL; }
PIAS_CALLBACK Callback = timer->onExpiry;
delete timer;
return Callback; }
DWORD TimerQueue::TimeToNextExpiry() const { //////////
if (timers.empty()) return INFINITE;
DWORDLONG Now = GetCurrentTime();
DWORDLONG Next = (*timers.begin())->expiry;
// Has the next timer expired?
return (Next > Now) ? (Next - Now)/10000 : 0; }
TimerQueue::Timer* TimerQueue::GetExpiredTimer() { // We loop until either the done flag is set or a timer expires.
while (true) { if (done) return NULL;
DWORD Timeout = TimeToNextExpiry();
if (Timeout == 0) break;
// The next timer hasn't expired yet, so wait.
WaitForSingleObject(nudge, Timeout); }
// If we made it here, a timer has expired.
Timer* timer = *timers.begin();
// Remove it from the queue ...
// ... and reset the iterator.
timer->iterator = timers.end();
return timer; }
void TimerQueue::WatchTimers() { Timer* timer = GetExpiredTimer();
if (timer == NULL) { SetEvent(exited);
return; }
// Get a new watcher thread to take our place.
IASRequestThread(MakeBoundCallback(this, &TimerQueue::WatchTimers));
delete timer; }
#endif // _TIMER_H_