#ifndef __DIRAPI_H__
#define __DIRAPI_H__
#pragma once
/************** DIR STRUCTURES and CONSTANTS **************
#include "node.h"
/************** DIR API defines and types ******************
/**/ typedef struct { ULONG ulLT; ULONG ulTotal; } FRAC;
typedef INT POS; #define posFirst 0
#define posLast 1
#define posDown 2
#define posFrac 3
#define fDIRNull 0
#define fDIRPurgeParent (1<<0)
#define fDIRBackToFather (1<<1)
#define fDIRNeighborKey (1<<2)
#define fDIRPotentialNode (1<<3)
#define fDIRAllNode (1<<4)
#define fDIRAllPage (1<<5)
#define fDIRReplace (1<<6)
#define fDIRReplaceDuplicate (1<<7)
#define fDIRDuplicate (1<<8)
#define fDIRSpace (1<<9)
#define fDIRVersion (1<<10)
#ifdef INPAGE
#define fDIRInPage (1<<11)
#define fDIRAppendItem (1<<12)
#define fDIRDeleteItem (1<<13)
#define fDIRNoVersion 0
/* item list nodes not versioned
/**/ #define fDIRItemList fDIRAllNode
struct _dib { POS pos; KEY *pkey; INT fFlags; };
#define itagOWNEXT 1
#define itagAVAILEXT 2
#define itagLONG 3
#define itagFIELDS 9
#define PgnoFDPOfPfucb(pfucb) ((pfucb)->u.pfcb->pgnoFDP)
#define PgnoRootOfPfucb(pfucb) ((pfucb)->u.pfcb->pgnoRoot)
#define ItagRootOfPfucb(pfucb) ((pfucb)->u.pfcb->itagRoot)
#define ErrDIRGetBookmark( pfucb, psrid ) \
( PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatOnCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatDeferGotoBookmark ? \ ( *psrid = PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm, JET_errSuccess ) : \ JET_errNoCurrentRecord )
#define DIRGetBookmark( pfucb, psrid ) \
( *((SRID *)psrid) = PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm )
#define DIRGotoBookmark DIRDeferGotoBookmark
#define DIRDeferGotoBookmark( pfucb, bmT ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat = csrstatDeferGotoBookmark; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm = bmT; \ ( pfucb )->sridFather = sridNull; \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ); \ }
#define DIRGotoBookmarkItem( pfucb, bmT, itemT ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat = csrstatDeferGotoBookmark; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm = bmT; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->item = itemT; \ ( pfucb )->sridFather = sridNull; \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ); \ }
#define DIRGotoPgnoItag( pfucb, pgnoT, itagT ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat = csrstatOnCurNode; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm = SridOfPgnoItag( (pgnoT), (itagT) ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno = (pgnoT); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itag = (itagT); \ ( pfucb )->sridFather = sridNull; \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ); \ }
#define DIRGotoFDPRoot( pfucb ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat = csrstatOnFDPNode; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm = \ SridOfPgnoItag( PgnoFDPOfPfucb( pfucb ), itagFOP ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno = PgnoFDPOfPfucb( pfucb ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itag = itagFOP; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itagFather = itagFOP; \ ( pfucb )->sridFather = sridNull; \ if ( !FReadAccessPage( pfucb, PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno ) ) \ { \ if ( ErrSTReadAccessPage( pfucb, \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno ) < 0 ) \ { \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ); \ } \ else \ { \ NDGet( pfucb, PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itag ); \ DIRSetFresh( pfucb ); \ } \ } \ }
#define DIRGotoOWNEXT( pfucb, pgnoT ) \
{ \ DIRGotoPgnoItag( pfucb, pgnoT, itagOWNEXT ); \ Assert( ( pfucb )->sridFather == sridNull ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itagFather = itagFOP; \ }
#define DIRGotoAVAILEXT( pfucb, pgnoT ) \
{ \ DIRGotoPgnoItag( pfucb, pgnoT, itagAVAILEXT ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itagFather = itagFOP; \ }
#define DIRGotoLongRoot( pfucb ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat = csrstatOnCurNode; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->bm = \ SridOfPgnoItag( PgnoFDPOfPfucb( pfucb ), itagLONG ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno = PgnoFDPOfPfucb( pfucb ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itag = itagLONG; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itagFather = itagNull; \ ( pfucb )->sridFather = sridNull; \ if ( !FReadAccessPage( pfucb, PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno ) ) \ { \ if ( ErrSTReadAccessPage( pfucb, \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->pgno ) < 0 ) \ { \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ); \ } \ else \ { \ NDGet( pfucb, PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itag ); \ DIRSetFresh( pfucb ); \ } \ } \ }
#define DIRGotoDataRoot( pfucbX ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucbX )->csrstat = csrstatOnDataRoot; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucbX )->bm = ( pfucbX )->u.pfcb->bmRoot; \ PcsrCurrent( pfucbX )->pgno = PgnoRootOfPfucb( pfucbX ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucbX )->itagFather = itagNull; \ ( pfucbX )->sridFather = sridNull; \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucbX ); \ }
#define FDIRDataRootRoot( pfucb, pcsr ) \
( (pcsr)->pgno == PgnoRootOfPfucb( pfucb ) && \ (pcsr)->itag == ItagRootOfPfucb( pfucb ) )
#define DIRDeferMoveFirst( pfucb ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat = csrstatDeferMoveFirst; \ DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ); \ }
#define DIRSetIndexRange FUCBSetIndexRange
#define DIRResetIndexRange FUCBResetIndexRange
ERR ErrDIROpen( PIB *ppib, FCB *pfcb, DBID dbid, FUCB **ppfucb ); VOID DIRClose( FUCB *pfucb ); ERR ErrDIRSeekPath( FUCB *pfucb, INT ckeyPath, KEY *rgkeyPath, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrDIRDown( FUCB *pfucb, DIB *pdib ); ERR ErrDIRDownFromDATA( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkey ); VOID DIRUp( FUCB *pfucb, INT ccsr ); ERR ErrDIRNext( FUCB *pfucb, DIB *pdib ); ERR ErrDIRPrev( FUCB *pfucb, DIB *pdib ); ERR ErrDIRGet( FUCB *pfucb ); ERR ErrDIRCheckIndexRange( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrDIRGetWriteLock( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrDIRInsert( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, KEY *pkey, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrDIRInitAppendItem( FUCB *pfucb ); ERR ErrDIRAppendItem( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, KEY *pkey ); ERR ErrDIRTermAppendItem( FUCB *pfucb ); ERR ErrDIRInsertFDP( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, KEY *pkey, INT fFlags, CPG cpg ); ERR ErrDIRDelete( FUCB *pfucb, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrDIRReplace( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrDIRReplaceKey( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkeyTo, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrDIRDownKeyBookmark( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkey, SRID srid ); ERR ErrDIRGetPosition( FUCB *pfucb, ULONG *pulLT, ULONG *pulTotal ); ERR ErrDIRGotoPosition( FUCB *pfucb, ULONG ulLT, ULONG ulTotal ); ERR ErrDIRIndexRecordCount( FUCB *pfucb, ULONG *pulCount, ULONG ulCountMost, BOOL fNext ); ERR ErrDIRComputeStats( FUCB *pfucb, INT *pcitem, INT *pckey, INT *pcpage );
ERR ErrDIRDelta( FUCB *pfucb, INT iDelta, INT fFlags );
ERR ErrDIRBeginTransaction( PIB *ppib ); ERR ErrDIRCommitTransaction( PIB *ppib ); VOID DIRPurge( PIB *ppib ); ERR ErrDIRRollback( PIB *ppib );
#define DIRBeforeFirst( pfucb ) ( PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->csrstat = csrstatBeforeFirst )
#define DIRAfterLast( pfucb ) ( PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->csrstat = csrstatAfterLast )
#define FDIRMostRecent FBTMostRecent
#define FDIRDelta FVERDelta
ERR ErrDIRDump( FUCB *pfucb, INT cchIndent );
/******************* DIR Internal *************************
/**/ #define itagFOP 0
#define cbSonMax 256
#define ulDBTimeNull 0xffffffff
#define itagDIRDVSplitL 1
#define itagDIRDVSplitR 2
/* maximum node data size for nodes which ErrNDDelta can be used on.
/* Specifically this minimally supports long value root nodes.
/**/ #define cbMaxCounterNode 8
/* Offset of data field to counter. for long field reference counter.
**/ #define ibCounter 0
/* non-clustered index cursors already have item stored.
/**/ #ifdef DEBUG
#define CheckCSR( pfucb ) Assert( fRecovering || \
(PcsrCurrent(pfucb) == pcsrNil || \ PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->pcsrPath == pcsrNil || \ PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->pgno != PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->pcsrPath->pgno || \ PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->itag != PcsrCurrent(pfucb)->pcsrPath->itag ) );
#define DIRSetFresh( pfucb ) \
{ \ Assert( PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatOnCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatBeforeCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatAfterCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatOnFDPNode ); \ AssertNDGet( pfucb, PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->itag ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->ulDBTime = UlSTDBTimePssib( &(pfucb)->ssib ); \ }
#define DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ) \
{ \ Assert( PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatOnCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatBeforeCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatAfterCurNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatOnFDPNode || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatDeferGotoBookmark || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatDeferMoveFirst || \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->csrstat == csrstatOnDataRoot ); \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->ulDBTime = ulDBTimeNull; \ }
#define CheckCSR( pfucb )
#define DIRSetFresh( pfucb ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->ulDBTime = UlSTDBTimePssib( &(pfucb)->ssib ); \ }
#define DIRSetRefresh( pfucb ) \
{ \ PcsrCurrent( pfucb )->ulDBTime = ulDBTimeNull; \ }
/********************* BTREE API **************************
/**/ #define sridMin 0
#define sridMax 0xffffffff
/* must be on node, i.e. on current node, before node or after node.
/* Node must be in line cache.
#define DIRISetBookmark( pfucb, pcsr ) \
{ \ Assert( FReadAccessPage( (pfucb), (pcsr)->pgno ) ); \ \ if ( FNDBackLink( *( (pfucb)->ssib.line.pb ) ) ) \ (pcsr)->bm = *(SRID UNALIGNED *)PbNDBackLink( (pfucb)->ssib.line.pb ); \ else \ (pcsr)->bm = SridOfPgnoItag( (pcsr)->pgno, (pcsr)->itag ); \ }
BOOL FBTMostRecent( FUCB *pfucb );
#define ErrBTNext( pfucb, pdib ) \
( ErrBTNextPrev( pfucb, PcsrCurrent(pfucb), fTrue, pdib ) ) #define ErrBTPrev( pfucb, pdib ) \
( ErrBTNextPrev( pfucb, PcsrCurrent(pfucb), fFalse, pdib ) ) #define BTUp( pfucb ) FUCBFreeCSR( pfucb )
ERR ErrBTGet( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr ); ERR ErrBTGetNode( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr ); #ifdef DEBUG
VOID AssertBTGetNode( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr ); #else
#define AssertBTGetNode
ERR ErrBTSetNodeHeader( FUCB *pfucb, BYTE bHeader ); ERR ErrBTReplaceKey( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkey, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrBTDown( FUCB *pfucb, DIB *pdib ); ERR ErrBTDownFromDATA( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkey ); ERR ErrBTNextPrev( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr, INT fNext, DIB *pdib ); ERR ErrBTSeekForUpdate( FUCB *pfucb, KEY *pkey, PGNO pgno, INT itag, INT fDIRFlags ); ERR ErrBTInsert( FUCB *pfucb, INT fHeader, KEY *pkey, LINE *pline, INT fDIRFlags ); ERR ErrBTReplace( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *pline, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrBTDelete( FUCB *pfucb, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrBTMakeRoom( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsrRoot, INT cbReq ); ERR ErrBTGetPosition( FUCB *pfucb, ULONG *pulLT, ULONG *pulTotal ); ERR ErrBTGotoBookmark( FUCB *pfucb, SRID srid ); ERR ErrBTGetInvisiblePagePtr( FUCB *pfucb, SRID sridFather ); #ifdef DEBUG
ERR ErrBTCheckInvisiblePagePtr( FUCB *pfucb, SRID sridFather ); #endif
/*********************** BT Split *************************
/**/ typedef enum { splittNull, splittVertical, splittDoubleVertical, splittLeft, splittRight, splittAppend } SPLITT; typedef enum { opReplace, opInsert } OPERATION;
typedef struct { PN pn; ULONG ulDBTime; } LFINFO; /* leaf split info */
#define BTIInitLeafSplitKey(plfinfo) memset((plfinfo), 0, sizeof(LFINFO));
typedef struct { SRID sridNew; SRID sridBackLink; } BKLNK;
typedef struct _split { PIB *ppib; PGNO pgnoSplit; PGNO pgnoNew; PGNO pgnoNew2; PGNO pgnoNew3; PGNO pgnoSibling; BF *pbfSplit; /* BF of page being split */ BF *pbfNew; /* BF of new page of this split */ BF *pbfNew2; /* BF of new page of this split */ BF *pbfNew3; /* BF of new page of this split */ BF *pbfSibling; /* BF of sibling page of this H split */ BF *pbfPagePtr;
BOOL fNoRedoNew; /* no need to redo new page */ BOOL fNoRedoNew2; /* no need to redo new page 2 */ BOOL fNoRedoNew3; /* no need to redo new page 3 */ BF **rgpbf; /* BF of backlink page. */ INT cpbf; INT cpbfMax;
BKLNK *rgbklnk; /* SRID of backlinks. */ INT cbklnk; INT cbklnkMax; ULONG ulDBTimeRedo; /* redo timestamp */ INT itagSplit; INT ibSon; KEY key; KEY keyMac; SPLITT splitt; BOOL fLeaf; OPERATION op; BOOL fFDP; DBID dbid; INT itagNew; INT itagPagePointer; BYTE rgbSonSplit[cbSonMax]; BYTE rgbSonNew[cbSonMax];
BYTE rgbkeyMac[JET_cbKeyMost]; BYTE rgbKey[JET_cbKeyMost]; LFINFO lfinfo; /* leaf split key. HSplit only */
/* mapping from old to new tags for use in MCM
/**/ BYTE mpitag[ctagMax]; INT ipcsrMac; /* preallocated resource for csr */ #define ipcsrSplitMax 4
CSR *rgpcsr[ipcsrSplitMax]; } SPLIT;
typedef struct _rmpage { PIB *ppib; ULONG ulDBTimeRedo; /* redo timestamp */ BF *pbfLeft; BF *pbfRight; BF *pbfFather;
BKLNK **rgbklnk; /* latched buffers required for rmpage */ INT cbklnk; INT cbklnkMax;
BF **rgpbf; /* latched buffers required for rmpage */ INT cpbf; INT cpbfMax;
PGNO pgnoRemoved; PGNO pgnoLeft; PGNO pgnoRight; PGNO pgnoFather; INT itagPgptr; INT itagFather; INT ibSon; DBID dbid; } RMPAGE; #define CbFreeDensity(pfucb) \
( (pfucb)->u.pfcb != pfcbNil ? (pfucb)->u.pfcb->cbDensityFree : 0 )
/* protypes for split used by recovery of split operations.
/**/ ERR ErrBTStoreBackLinkBuffer( SPLIT *psplit, BF *pbf, BOOL *pfAlreadyLatched ); ERR ErrBTSplit( FUCB *pfucb, INT cbNode, INT cbReq, KEY *pkey, INT fFlags ); ERR ErrBTSplitPage( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr, CSR *pcsrRoot, KEY keySplit, INT cbNode, INT cbReq, BOOL fReplace, BOOL fAppendPage, LFINFO *plfinfo ); BOOL FBTSplit( SSIB *pssib, INT cbReq, INT citagReq ); BOOL FBTAppendPage( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsr, INT cbReq, INT cbPageAdjust, INT cbFreeDensity ); INT CbBTFree( FUCB *pfucb, INT cbFreeDensity );
#define fAllocBufOnly fTrue
#define fDoMove fFalse
ERR ErrBTSplitVMoveNodes( FUCB *pfucb, FUCB *pfucbNew, SPLIT *psplit, CSR *pcsr, BYTE *rgb, BOOL fNoMove); ERR ErrBTSplitDoubleVMoveNodes( FUCB *pfucb, FUCB *pfucbNew, FUCB *pfucbNew2, FUCB *pfucbNew3, SPLIT *psplit, CSR *pcsr, BYTE *rgb, BOOL fNoMove); ERR ErrBTSplitHMoveNodes( FUCB *pfucb, FUCB *pfucbNew, SPLIT *psplit, BYTE *rgb, BOOL fNoMove); ERR ErrBTInsertPagePointer( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsrPagePointer, SPLIT *psplit, BYTE *rgb ); ERR ErrBTCorrectLinks( SPLIT *psplit, FUCB *pfucb, SSIB *pssib, SSIB *pssibNew); VOID BTReleaseSplitBfs ( BOOL fRedo, SPLIT *psplit, ERR err ); VOID BTReleaseRmpageBfs( BOOL fRedo, RMPAGE *prmpage );
ERR ErrBTMoveSons( SPLIT *psplit, FUCB *pfucb, FUCB *pfucbNew, INT itagSonTable, BYTE *rgbSon, BOOL fVisibleSons, BOOL fNoMove ); ERR ErrBTSetUpSplitPages( FUCB *pfucb, FUCB *pfucbNew, FUCB *pfucbNew2, FUCB *pfucbNew3, SPLIT *psplit, PGTYP pgtyp, BOOL fAppend, BOOL fSkipMoves );
/********** MCM STRUCTURES, CONSTANTS and API *************
/**/ #define opInsertItem 0
#define opDeleteItem 1
#define opSplitItemList 2
#define opInsertSon 0
#define opReplaceSon 1
#define opDeleteSon 2
#define opHorizontalRightSplitPage 0
#define opHorizontalLeftSplitPage 1
#define opVerticalSplitPage 0
VOID MCMRightHorizontalPageSplit( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO pgnoSplit, PGNO pgnoRight, INT ibSonSplit, BYTE *mpitag ); VOID MCMLeftHorizontalPageSplit( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO pgnoSplit, PGNO pgnoNew, INT ibSonSplit, BYTE *mpitag ); VOID MCMVerticalPageSplit( FUCB *pfucb, BYTE *mpitag, PGNO pgnoSplit, INT itagSplit, PGNO pgnoNew, SPLIT *psplit ); VOID MCMDoubleVerticalPageSplit( FUCB *pfucb, BYTE *mpitag, PGNO pgnoSplit, INT itagSplit, INT ibSonDivision, PGNO pgnoNew, PGNO pgnoNew2, PGNO pgnoNew3, SPLIT *psplit ); VOID MCMInsertPagePointer( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO pgnoFather, INT itagFather ); VOID MCMBurstIntrinsic( FUCB *pfucb, PGNO pgnoFather, INT itagFather, PGNO pgnoNew, INT itagNew );
#define FFUCBRecordCursor( pfucb ) ( \
( pfucb )->u.pfcb != pfcbNil ? \ ( pfucb )->u.pfcb->wFlags & fFCBClusteredIndex : fFalse )
#ifdef NOLOG /* logging disabled */
#define ErrLGSplitL( ppib, pcsrPagePointer, psplit, pgtyp ) 0
#define ErrLGSplitR( ppib, pcsrPagePointer, psplit, pgtyp ) 0
#define ErrLGSplitV( ppib, psplit, pgtyp ) 0
#define ErrLGAddendR( pfucb, pcsrPagePointer, psplit, newpagetype ) 0
ERR ErrLGSplitL( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsrPagePointer, SPLIT *psplit, PGTYP newpagetype );
ERR ErrLGSplitR( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsrPagePointer, SPLIT *psplit, PGTYP newpagetype );
ERR ErrLGSplitV( FUCB *pfucb, SPLIT *psplit, PGTYP newpagetype );
ERR ErrLGAddendR( FUCB *pfucb, CSR *pcsrPagePointer, SPLIT *psplit, PGTYP newpagetype );
#endif // __DIRAPI_H__