Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the interface to the IPv6 stack.
Required, since the IPv6 stack needs restart its protocol mechanisms on the link once authentication succeeds.
Mohit Talwar (mohitt) Fri Apr 20 12:05:23 2001
#include "pcheapol.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Ip6RenewInterface
// Description:
// Function called from within FSMAutheticated i.e. once authentication
// has completed successfully. The IPv6 stack is instructed to restart
// its protocol mechanism on the indicated interface.
// Arguments:
// pwszInterface - Adapter name (GUID identifying the interface).
// Return values:
// NO_ERROR on success, Error code o/w.
DWORD Ip6RenewInterface ( IN WCHAR *pwszInterface ) { HANDLE hIp6Device; IPV6_QUERY_INTERFACE Query; UINT BytesReturned; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR;
do { // We could make the hIp6Device handle a global/static variable.
// The first successful call to CreateFileW in Ip6RenewInterface
// would initialize it with a handle to the IPv6 Device. This would
// be used for all subsequent DeviceIoControl requests.
// Since this function is not called in a thread safe environment,
// we would need to perform an InterlockedCompareExchange after
// calling CreateFileW. This is needed to ensure that no handles
// are leaked. Also, since this service would have an open handle
// to tcpip6.sys, we would not be able to unload that driver.
// For now, however, we keep things simple and open and close this
// handle every time Ip6RenewInterface is called.
hIp6Device = CreateFileW( WIN_IPV6_DEVICE_NAME, GENERIC_WRITE, // requires administrator privileges
FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, // security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, // flags & attributes
NULL); // template file
if (hIp6Device == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwError = GetLastError(); TRACE1 (ANY, "Ip6RenewInterface: CreateFileW failed with error %ld", dwError); break; } // Pretend as though the interface was reconnected. This causes
// IPv6 to resend Router Solicitation|Advertisement, Multicast
// Listener Discovery, and Duplicate Address Detection messages.
Query.Index = 0; if ((dwError = ElGuidFromString (&(Query.Guid), pwszInterface)) != NO_ERROR) { TRACE1 (ANY, "Ip6RenewInterface: ElGuidFromString failed with error %ld", dwError); break; } if (!DeviceIoControl( hIp6Device, IOCTL_IPV6_RENEW_INTERFACE, &Query, sizeof Query, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL)) { dwError = GetLastError(); TRACE1 (ANY, "Ip6RenewInterface: DeviceIoControl failed with error %ld", dwError); break; } } while (FALSE);
if (hIp6Device != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hIp6Device); } return dwError; }