/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
Wei Jiang : 5/7/98 --- SECURE_ROUTERINFO Postpone the loading of router info Added function calls SecureRouterInfo before each usage of router info to make sure router info is loaded. Wei Jiang : 10/26/98 --- Move Auto Refresh from "Router Interfaces" node to machine node. Wei Jiang : 10/27/98 --- Move Auto Refresh from "Machine" node to Root node, multiple machine shares the same auto refresh settings. */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "root.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "ifadmin.h"
#include "dialin.h"
#include "ports.h"
#include "rtrutilp.h" // InitiateServerConnection
#include "rtrcfg.h"
#include "rtrwiz.h"
#include "cservice.h"
#include <htmlhelp.h>
#include "rrasqry.h"
#include "rtrres.h"
#include "dumbprop.h" // dummy property page
#include "refresh.h"
#include "refrate.h"
#include "cncting.h"
#include "dvsview.h"
#include "rrasutil.h"
#include "rtrcomn.h"
#include "routprot.h" // MS_IP_XXX
#include "raputil.h"
// result message view stuff
extern "C" { typedef struct _RAS_SERVER_0 { WORD TotalPorts; // Total ports configured on the server
WORD PortsInUse; // Ports currently in use by remote clients
DWORD RasVersion; // version of RAS server
DWORD APIENTRY RasAdminServerGetInfo( IN const WCHAR * lpszServer, OUT PRAS_SERVER_0 pRasServer0 ); };
// if you want to test Qry
// #define __RRAS_QRY_TEST // to test the component
#ifdef __RRAS_QRY_TEST
#include "dlgtestdlg.h"
static CString c_stStatUnavail; static CString c_stStatNotConfig; static CString c_stStatAccessDenied;
static CString c_stServiceStopped; static CString c_stServiceStartPending; static CString c_stServiceStopPending; static CString c_stServiceRunning; static CString c_stServiceContinuePending; static CString c_stServicePausePending; static CString c_stServicePaused; static CString c_stServiceStateUnknown;
const CStringMapEntry ServiceStateMap[] = { { SERVICE_STOPPED, &c_stServiceStopped, IDS_SERVICE_STOPPED }, { SERVICE_START_PENDING, &c_stServiceStartPending, IDS_SERVICE_START_PENDING }, { SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, &c_stServiceStopPending, IDS_SERVICE_STOP_PENDING }, { SERVICE_RUNNING, &c_stServiceRunning, IDS_SERVICE_RUNNING }, { SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING, &c_stServiceContinuePending, IDS_SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING }, { SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING, &c_stServicePausePending, IDS_SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING }, { SERVICE_PAUSED, &c_stServicePaused, IDS_SERVICE_PAUSED }, { -1, &c_stServiceStateUnknown, IDS_SERVICE_UNKNOWN } };
CString& ServiceStateToCString(DWORD dwState) { return MapDWORDToCString(dwState, ServiceStateMap); }
MachineNodeData::MachineNodeData() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); m_cRef = 1; IfDebug(StrCpyA(m_szDebug, "MachineNodeData")); m_fLocalMachine = TRUE; m_fAddedAsLocal = TRUE; m_stMachineName.Empty(); m_fExtension = FALSE;
m_machineState = machine_not_connected; m_dataState = data_not_loaded; m_stState.Empty(); m_stServerType.Empty(); m_stBuildNo.Empty();
m_dwPortsInUse = 0; m_dwPortsTotal = 0; m_dwUpTime = 0; m_fStatsRetrieved = FALSE;
m_fIsServer = TRUE;
m_dwServerHandle = 0;
m_routerType = ServerType_Unknown; m_ulRefreshConnId = 0;
if (c_stStatUnavail.IsEmpty()) c_stStatUnavail.LoadString(IDS_DVS_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE); if (c_stStatNotConfig.IsEmpty()) c_stStatNotConfig.LoadString(IDS_DVS_STATUS_NOTCONFIG); if (c_stStatAccessDenied.IsEmpty()) c_stStatAccessDenied.LoadString(IDS_DVS_STATUS_ACCESSDENIED); DEBUG_INCREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(MachineNodeData); }
MachineNodeData::~MachineNodeData() { if (m_hRasAdmin != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::CloseHandle(m_hRasAdmin); m_hRasAdmin = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DEBUG_DECREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(MachineNodeData); }
ULONG MachineNodeData::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
ULONG MachineNodeData::Release() { Assert(m_cRef > 0); if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return m_cRef; }
HRESULT MachineNodeData::Init(LPCTSTR pszMachineName) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
m_stMachineName = pszMachineName; m_fAddedAsLocal = m_stMachineName.IsEmpty(); m_fLocalMachine = IsLocalMachine(pszMachineName);
return hr; }
HRESULT MachineNodeData::Merge(const MachineNodeData& data) { m_machineState = data.m_machineState; m_serviceState = data.m_serviceState; m_dataState = data.m_dataState;
m_stState = data.m_stState; // "started", "stopped", ...
m_stServerType = data.m_stServerType; // Actually the router version
m_stBuildNo = data.m_stBuildNo; // OS Build no.
m_dwPortsInUse = data.m_dwPortsInUse; m_dwPortsTotal = data.m_dwPortsTotal; m_dwUpTime = data.m_dwUpTime; m_fStatsRetrieved = data.m_fStatsRetrieved;
m_routerType = data.m_routerType;
m_MachineConfig = data.m_MachineConfig; m_routerVersion = data.m_routerVersion;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT MachineNodeData::SetDefault() { // m_fLocalMachine = TRUE;
// m_stMachineName.Empty();
// m_fExtension = FALSE;
m_machineState = machine_not_connected; m_dataState = data_not_loaded; m_serviceState = service_unknown; m_stState.Empty(); m_stServerType.Empty(); m_stBuildNo.Empty();
m_dwPortsInUse = 0; m_dwPortsTotal = 0; m_dwUpTime = 0; m_fStatsRetrieved = FALSE;
// This data is reserved for setting/clearing by the
// MachineHandler().
// m_dwServerHandle = 0;
// m_ulRefreshConnId = 0;
m_routerType = ServerType_Unknown;
return hrOK; }
MachineNodeData::Load - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineNodeData::Load() { CString szState; HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD dwErr; CWaitCursor wait; // HKEY hkeyMachine;
// RegKey rkeyMachine;
// set the defaults
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Ok, we're no longer in the machine_not_connected (haven't tried yet)
// state.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
m_machineState = machine_connecting;
// First, try to connect with the registry calls
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dwErr = ValidateUserPermissions((LPCTSTR) m_stMachineName, &m_routerVersion, NULL);
// If this succeeded, then we have access to the right
// areas. We can continue on. This does NOT tell us about
// the service state.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (dwErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { // An access denied at this stage means that we can't
// do any machine configuration, so this value should
// not get changed by anything below.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
m_machineState = machine_access_denied; } else if (dwErr == ERROR_BAD_NETPATH) { m_machineState = machine_bad_net_path;
// If we get a bad net path, we can stop right now, since
// everything else will fail also.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
m_stState.LoadString(IDS_MACHINE_NAME_NOT_FOUND); m_serviceState = service_bad_net_path; m_dataState = data_unable_to_load;
goto Error; } else if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // I don't know why we can't connect
// ------------------------------------------------------------
m_machineState = machine_unable_to_connect; } // Try to connect to the mpradmin service, to get statistics
// and such.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_machineState != machine_access_denied) { dwErr = ::MprAdminServerConnect((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) m_stMachineName, &handle);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErr = ::MprAdminServerGetInfo(handle, 0, (LPBYTE *) &pserver0);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // successful mpradmin fetch
m_dwPortsInUse = pserver0->dwPortsInUse; m_dwPortsTotal = pserver0->dwTotalPorts; m_dwUpTime = pserver0->dwUpTime; m_fStatsRetrieved = TRUE; } else { if (dwErr == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) { RAS_SERVER_0 ras0; CString stServer; stServer = _T("\\\\"); stServer += m_stMachineName; // Ok, it may be that this is a non-steelhead
// machine, try the RasAdmin APIs
dwErr = RasAdminServerGetInfo(stServer, &ras0); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { m_dwPortsInUse = ras0.PortsInUse; m_dwPortsTotal = ras0.TotalPorts; m_dwUpTime = 0; m_fStatsRetrieved = TRUE; } else { // Ok, that call failed, try the registry.
// If we can find the RemoteAccess key, then
// we can assume that this is a Ras server.
} } } }
hr = LoadServerVersion(); if (!FHrOK(hr)) { // We've failed to get the version information.
// This is pretty bad. Assume that we are unable to
// connect.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_machineState == machine_connecting) m_machineState = machine_unable_to_connect; }
// If this is not a server, we need to adjust the states
// so that we don't show the state.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (!m_fIsServer) { m_serviceState = service_not_a_server; m_machineState = machine_unable_to_connect; m_stState.LoadString(IDS_ERR_IS_A_WKS); } else { // This will set the service state (started, stopped, etc..)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
FetchServerState( szState ); m_stState = szState; }
// If we have reached this point, then all is well!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_machineState == machine_connecting) m_machineState = machine_connected;
// load machine config info as well
hr = m_MachineConfig.GetMachineConfig(this);
Error: if (pserver0) ::MprAdminBufferFree(pserver0); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::MprAdminServerDisconnect(handle);
return hr; }
MachineNodeData::Unload - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineNodeData::Unload() { // Unload the data (i.e. NULL it out).
SetDefault(); return 0; }
MachineNodeData::LoadServerVersion - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineNodeData::LoadServerVersion() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; HKEY hkMachine = 0; CString skey, stVersion; CString stServerType; CString stBuildNo; CString stProductType; CString stProductName; TCHAR szCurrentVersion[256]; TCHAR szCSDVersion[256]; TCHAR szBuffer[256]; DWORD dwErr; RegKey regkeyWindows; RegKey regkeyProduct; int iProductType;
// Windows NT Bug: 274198
// If we couldn't find the path to the machine, just punt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_machineState == machine_bad_net_path) { m_stState.LoadString(IDS_MACHINE_NAME_NOT_FOUND); return HResultFromWin32(ERROR_BAD_NETPATH); }
// Everything we do here uses read-only permissions. So
// we may able to do things even if our machine state is
// machine_access_denied.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // This is the default (unknown)
m_stServerType.LoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN); m_stBuildNo = m_stServerType; CWRg( ConnectRegistry(m_stMachineName, &hkMachine) ); skey = c_szSoftware; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szMicrosoft; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szWindowsNT; skey += TEXT('\\'); skey += c_szCurrentVersion; CWRg( regkeyWindows.Open(hkMachine, (LPCTSTR) skey, KEY_READ) ); // Ok, now try to get the current version value
CWRg( regkeyWindows.QueryValue( c_szCurrentVersion, szCurrentVersion, sizeof(szCurrentVersion), FALSE) ); // Now get the SP version
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
szCSDVersion[0] = 0; // We don't care if we get an error here
regkeyWindows.QueryValue( c_szCSDVersion, szCSDVersion, sizeof(szCSDVersion), FALSE); if (szCSDVersion[0] == 0) { // Set this to a space (to make the print easier)
StrCpy(szCSDVersion, _T(" ")); } // Determine the product type
// setup the default product type (NTS)
if (_ttoi(szCurrentVersion) >= 5) { // For NT5 and up, we can use the
// HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
// ProductName : REG_SZ
// --------------------------------------------------------
dwErr = regkeyWindows.QueryValue( c_szRegValProductName, stProductName ); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) stProductName.LoadString(IDS_WIN2000); } else iProductType = IDS_ROUTER_TYPE_NTS;
// Now that we've determine the version id, we
// need to determine the product type (wks or svr)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
dwErr = regkeyProduct.Open(hkMachine, c_szRegKeyProductOptions, KEY_READ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Ok, now get the product info
// The product type is used to determine if server or not.
regkeyProduct.QueryValue(c_szRegValProductType, stProductType);
if (stProductType.CompareNoCase(c_szWinNT) == 0) { if (_ttoi(szCurrentVersion) >= 5) iProductType = IDS_ROUTER_TYPE_WIN2000_PRO; else iProductType = IDS_ROUTER_TYPE_NTW; m_fIsServer = FALSE; } }
// If this is a Win2000 machine, show
// Win2000 (CSD)
// else
// NT 4.X (CSD)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ((iProductType == IDS_ROUTER_TYPE_WIN2000_SERVER) || (iProductType == IDS_ROUTER_TYPE_WIN2000_PRO)) AfxFormatString2(stVersion, iProductType, stProductName, szCSDVersion); else AfxFormatString2(stVersion, iProductType, szCurrentVersion, szCSDVersion);
// Now that we know that it is a workstation or server, adjust
// for RRAS
// If this is a workstation, then routertype is none.
// If this is NT5 or up, then this is a RRAS machine.
// If NT4, if the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Router exists, this is RRAS
// Else if HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess, RAS
// Else nothing is installed.
if (m_fIsServer == FALSE) { m_routerType = ServerType_Workstation; } else if (_ttoi(szCurrentVersion) >= 5) { DWORD dwConfigured; // Check the configuration flags key.
if (FHrSucceeded(ReadRouterConfiguredReg(m_stMachineName, &dwConfigured))) { if (dwConfigured) m_routerType = ServerType_Rras; else m_routerType = ServerType_RrasUninstalled; } else m_routerType = ServerType_Unknown; } else { RegKey regkeyT; // Now check for the Router key
dwErr = regkeyT.Open(hkMachine, c_szRegKeyRouter, KEY_READ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) m_routerType = ServerType_Rras; else { dwErr = regkeyT.Open(hkMachine, c_szRemoteAccessKey, KEY_READ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) m_routerType = ServerType_Ras; else m_routerType = ServerType_Uninstalled; } regkeyT.Close();
// If the error code is anything other than ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
// then we set the router type to be unknown.
if ((dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwErr != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { m_routerType = ServerType_Unknown; } dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Setup the default string
stServerType = stVersion; if (_ttoi(szCurrentVersion) == 4) { UINT ids = 0;
if (m_routerType == ServerType_Rras) ids = IDS_RRAS; else if (m_routerType == ServerType_Ras) ids = IDS_RAS;
if (ids) { CString stRras; stRras.LoadString(ids); AfxFormatString2(stServerType, IDS_ROUTER_TYPE_NTsteelhead, stVersion, stRras); } } m_stServerType = stServerType;
szBuffer[0] = 0; regkeyWindows.QueryValue( c_szCurrentBuildNumber, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), FALSE); m_stBuildNo = szBuffer;
COM_PROTECT_ERROR_LABEL; } COM_PROTECT_CATCH; if (hkMachine) DisconnectRegistry( hkMachine );
return hr; }
MachineNodeData::FetchServerState - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineNodeData::FetchServerState(CString& szState) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD dwStatus, dwErrorCode;
// Windows NT Bug: 274198
// If we couldn't find the path to the machine, just punt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_machineState == machine_bad_net_path) { szState.LoadString(IDS_MACHINE_NAME_NOT_FOUND); return HResultFromWin32(ERROR_BAD_NETPATH); }
// Note: We could be in machine_access_denied but still
// be able to access the service status.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
hr = GetRouterServiceStatus((LPCTSTR) m_stMachineName, &dwStatus, &dwErrorCode); if (FHrSucceeded(hr)) { m_MachineConfig.m_dwServiceStatus = dwStatus;
if (dwStatus == SERVICE_RUNNING) m_serviceState = service_started; else m_serviceState = service_stopped;
szState = ServiceStateToCString(dwStatus);
if (m_routerType == ServerType_RrasUninstalled) { CString stTemp; stTemp.Format(IDS_ROUTER_UNINSTALLED, (LPCTSTR) szState); szState = stTemp; } } else { m_MachineConfig.m_dwServiceStatus = 0; if (hr == HResultFromWin32(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)) { szState = c_stStatAccessDenied; m_serviceState = service_access_denied; } else { szState = c_stStatUnavail; m_serviceState = service_unknown; } } return hr; }
typedef struct { SERVICE_STATES m_serviceState; LPARAM m_imageIndex; } ServiceStateImageMapEntry;
static ServiceStateImageMapEntry s_rgImageMap[] = { { service_unknown, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE }, { service_not_a_server, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE_ERROR }, { service_access_denied, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE_ACCESS_DENIED }, { service_bad_net_path, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE_ERROR }, { service_started, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE_STARTED }, { service_stopped, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE_STOPPED }, { service_rasadmin, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE_STARTED }, { service_enum_end, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE }, };
LPARAM MachineNodeData::GetServiceImageIndex() { ServiceStateImageMapEntry * pEntry;
for (pEntry = s_rgImageMap; pEntry->m_serviceState != service_enum_end; pEntry++) { if (pEntry->m_serviceState == m_serviceState) break; } return pEntry->m_imageIndex; }
MachineHandler implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MachineHandler::MachineHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData) : BaseRouterHandler(pCompData), m_bExpanded(FALSE), m_pConfigStream(NULL), m_bRouterInfoAddedToAutoRefresh(FALSE), m_bMergeRequired(FALSE), m_fTryToConnect(TRUE) { m_rgButtonState[MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES_INDEX] = ENABLED; m_bState[MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES_INDEX] = TRUE;
m_pSumNodeHandler = NULL; m_pSumNode=NULL;
m_fCreateNewDataObj = FALSE; m_fNoConnectingUI = FALSE; m_EventId = -1; DEBUG_INCREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(MachineHandler); };
MachineHandler::QueryInterface - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { // Is the pointer bad?
if (ppv == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
// Place NULL in *ppv in case of failure
*ppv = NULL;
// This is the non-delegating IUnknown implementation
if (riid == IID_IUnknown) *ppv = (LPVOID) this; else if (riid == IID_IRtrAdviseSink) *ppv = &m_IRtrAdviseSink; else return BaseRouterHandler::QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
// If we're going to return an interface, AddRef it first
if (*ppv) { ((LPUNKNOWN) *ppv)->AddRef(); return hrOK; } else return E_NOINTERFACE; }
MachineHandler::Init - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::Init(LPCTSTR pszMachine, RouterAdminConfigStream *pConfigStream, ITFSNodeHandler* pSumNodeHandler /*=NULL*/, ITFSNode* pSumNode /*=NULL*/) {
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; m_pConfigStream = pConfigStream; m_pSumNodeHandler = pSumNodeHandler; m_pSumNode = pSumNode; Assert(m_spRouterInfo == NULL); CORg( CreateRouterInfo(&m_spRouterInfo, m_spTFSCompData->GetHiddenWnd(), pszMachine) ); Assert(m_spRouterInfo != NULL);
// Windows NT Bug : 330939
// Add the delete button to the machine node
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
Error: return hr; }
MachineHandler::GetString Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::GetString Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP_(LPCTSTR) MachineHandler::GetString(ITFSNode *pNode, int nCol) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); int nFormat; Assert(pData); if (m_stNodeTitle.IsEmpty()) { if (pData->m_fExtension) nFormat = IDS_RRAS_SERVICE_DESC; else if (pData->m_fAddedAsLocal) nFormat = IDS_RRAS_LOCAL_TITLE; else nFormat = IDS_RRAS_TITLE; m_stNodeTitle.Format(nFormat, (LPCTSTR) pData->m_stMachineName); } return (LPCTSTR) m_stNodeTitle; }
IfAdminNodeHandler::CreatePropertyPages - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::CreatePropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LONG_PTR handle, DWORD dwType ) { // Check to see if this router has been initialized
// if not, do the dummy page thing
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = hrOK; SMenuData sData; SRouterNodeMenu sRouterData; RtrCfgSheet* pPropSheet = NULL; SPIComponentData spComponentData; CString stTitle; CDummyProperties * pProp; ULONG ulFlags; int idsErr;
// Windows NT Bug : 177400
// If the machine is not configured, do not allow the properties
// page to be brought up
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); ::ZeroMemory(&sRouterData, sizeof(sRouterData)); sRouterData.m_sidMenu = IDS_MENU_RTRWIZ; sData.m_spNode.Set(pNode); sData.m_pMachineConfig = &(pData->m_MachineConfig); sData.m_spRouterInfo.Set(m_spRouterInfo);
CORg( m_spNodeMgr->GetComponentData(&spComponentData) );
ulFlags = MachineRtrConfWizFlags(&sRouterData, reinterpret_cast<INT_PTR>(&sData)); if ((ulFlags == MF_ENABLED) || (ulFlags == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (pData->m_machineState < machine_connected)) { // We are unable to connect.
if (pData->m_machineState == machine_bad_net_path) idsErr = IDS_ERR_MACHINE_NAME_NOT_FOUND; if (pData->m_machineState < machine_connected) idsErr = IDS_ERR_NONADMIN_CANNOT_SEE_PROPERTIES; // If this is an NT4 machine, we don't show the properties
else if (sData.m_pMachineConfig->m_fNt4) idsErr = IDS_ERR_CANNOT_SHOW_NT4_PROPERTIES; // This case means that the install menu should be shown
// and the properties menu hidden
pProp = new CDummyProperties(pNode, spComponentData, NULL); hr = pProp->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); }
else { pPropSheet = new RtrCfgSheet(pNode, m_spRouterInfo, spComponentData, m_spTFSCompData, stTitle);
// added by WeiJiang 5/7/98, to postpone the Load of RouterInfo
CORg(SecureRouterInfo(pNode, !m_fNoConnectingUI));
if (lpProvider) hr = pPropSheet->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); else hr = pPropSheet->DoModelessSheet(); }
Error: return hr; }
MachineHandler::HasPropertyPages Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::HasPropertyPages ( ITFSNode * pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType ) { return hrOK; }
// this is the set of menus for NT4 RRAS
static const SRouterNodeMenu s_rgIfNodeMenuNT4[] = { // Add items that go on the top menu here
// this is the set of menus for NT5
static const SRouterNodeMenu s_rgIfNodeMenu[] = { #ifdef kennt
// Add items that go on the top menu here
static const SRouterNodeMenu s_rgIfNodeMenu_ExtensionOnly[] = {
ULONG MachineHandler::MachineRtrConfWizFlags(const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenuData, INT_PTR pData) { return GetServiceFlags(pMenuData, pData); }
ULONG MachineHandler::GetServiceFlags(const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenuData, INT_PTR pUserData) { Assert(pUserData); ULONG uStatus = MF_GRAYED; SMenuData *pData = reinterpret_cast<SMenuData *>(pUserData); ULONG ulMenuId = pMenuData->m_sidMenu;
BOOL fStarted = (pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_dwServiceStatus != SERVICE_STOPPED); if ( ulMenuId == IDS_DMV_MENU_START ) { // If this is an NT5 machine (or up), then the start menu
// will appear grayed if the machine has not been configured.
if ((pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fNt4) || (pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fConfigured)) uStatus = ( fStarted ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED); else { // If this is an NT5 machine and if the machine is not configured
uStatus = MF_GRAYED; } } else if (( ulMenuId == IDS_DMV_MENU_STOP ) || ( ulMenuId == IDS_MENU_RESTART_SERVICE) ) { uStatus = ( fStarted ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); } else if ( (ulMenuId == IDS_MENU_RTRWIZ) || (ulMenuId == IDS_DMV_MENU_REMOVESERVICE)) { if ( pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fReachable ) { if ( pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fNt4 ) { // This is an NT4 machine, we can't bring
// this menu option up.
uStatus = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { if (ulMenuId == IDS_MENU_RTRWIZ) uStatus = (pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fConfigured ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED); else uStatus = (pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fConfigured ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED); } } }
return uStatus; }
MachineHandler::GetPauseFlags - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG MachineHandler::GetPauseFlags(const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenuData, INT_PTR pUserData) { ULONG ulReturn = MF_GRAYED; SMenuData *pData = reinterpret_cast<SMenuData *>(pUserData); ULONG ulMenuId = pMenuData->m_sidMenu;
// We can only pause when the service is started
if ((pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_dwServiceStatus == SERVICE_RUNNING) && (ulMenuId == IDS_MENU_PAUSE_SERVICE)) ulReturn = 0;
// We can only resume when the service is paused
if ((pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_dwServiceStatus == SERVICE_PAUSED) && (ulMenuId == IDS_MENU_RESUME_SERVICE)) ulReturn = 0;
return ulReturn; }
MachineHandler::GetAutoRefreshFlags - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ULONG MachineHandler::GetAutoRefreshFlags(const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenuData, INT_PTR pUserData) { ULONG uStatus = MF_GRAYED; SMenuData * pData = reinterpret_cast<SMenuData *>(pUserData); Assert(pData); while( pData->m_pMachineConfig->m_fReachable ) // Pseudo loop
{ SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh;
if(!pData->m_spRouterInfo) break; pData->m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh); if (!spRefresh) break;
uStatus = MF_ENABLED; if (pMenuData->m_sidMenu == IDS_MENU_AUTO_REFRESH && (spRefresh->IsRefreshStarted() == hrOK)) { uStatus |= MF_CHECKED; }
break; }
return uStatus; }
HRESULT MachineHandler::SetExternalRefreshObject(IRouterRefresh *pRefresh) { Assert((IRouterInfo*)m_spRouterInfo); return m_spRouterInfo->SetExternalRefreshObject(pRefresh); }
ULONG MachineHandler::QueryService(const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenuData, INT_PTR pData) { return GetServiceFlags(pMenuData, pData); }
STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::OnAddMenuItems( ITFSNode *pNode, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, DWORD dwType, long *pInsertionAllowed) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); BOOL bExtension = pData->m_fExtension; UINT cMenu; const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenu; SMenuData menuData; HRESULT hr = S_OK; COM_PROTECT_TRY {
// Windows NT Bug : 281492
// If we have not connected, attempt to connect
if (pData->m_machineState == machine_not_connected) { pData->Unload(); pData->Load(); } // For down-level servers, we can't do anything with it.
if ((pData->m_routerType == ServerType_Rras) || (pData->m_routerType == ServerType_RrasUninstalled)) { // Get some initial state data.
MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); menuData.m_pMachineConfig = &(pData->m_MachineConfig); // Now go through and add our menu items
menuData.m_spNode.Set(pNode); menuData.m_spRouterInfo.Set(m_spRouterInfo); // NT4 and NT5 have different menus
if (pData->m_MachineConfig.m_fNt4) { pMenu = s_rgIfNodeMenuNT4; cMenu = DimensionOf(s_rgIfNodeMenuNT4); } else { pMenu = s_rgIfNodeMenu; cMenu = DimensionOf(s_rgIfNodeMenu); } hr = AddArrayOfMenuItems(pNode, pMenu, cMenu, pContextMenuCallback, *pInsertionAllowed, (INT_PTR) &menuData); if(bExtension) hr = AddArrayOfMenuItems(pNode, s_rgIfNodeMenu_ExtensionOnly, DimensionOf(s_rgIfNodeMenu_ExtensionOnly), pContextMenuCallback, *pInsertionAllowed, (INT_PTR) &menuData); } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH; return hr; } struct STimerParam { MachineHandler * pHandler; ITFSNode * pNode; };
extern CTimerMgr g_timerMgr; void ExpandTimerProc(LPARAM lParam, DWORD dwTime) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); STimerParam * pParam = (STimerParam * )lParam; pParam->pHandler->ExpandNode(pParam->pNode, TRUE); }
void MachineHandler::ExpandNode ( ITFSNode * pNode, BOOL fExpand ) { SPIComponentData spCompData; SPIDataObject spDataObject; LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject; SPIConsole spConsole; HRESULT hr = hrOK; RegKey regkey; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
// don't expand the node if we are handling the EXPAND_SYNC message,
// this screws up the insertion of item, getting duplicates.
CORg ( spCompData->QueryDataObject((MMC_COOKIE) pNode, CCT_SCOPE, &pDataObject) ); spDataObject = pDataObject;
CORg ( m_spNodeMgr->GetConsole(&spConsole) ); CORg ( spConsole->UpdateAllViews(pDataObject, TRUE, RESULT_PANE_EXPAND) ); //set the regkey
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regkey.Open ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRemoteAccessKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, m_spRouterInfo->GetMachineName() ) ) { DWORD dwSet = 0; CWRg(regkey.SetValue( c_szRegValOpenMPRSnap, dwSet)); dwSet = 1; CWRg(regkey.SetValue( c_szRegValOpenIPSnap, dwSet)); }
Error: if ( m_EventId != -1 ) { g_timerMgr.FreeTimer(m_EventId); m_EventId = -1; }
return; } /*!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
MachineHandler::OnCommand Implementation of ITFSNodeHandler::OnCommand Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::OnCommand(ITFSNode *pNode, long nCommandId, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; ClearTFSErrorInfo(0); COM_PROTECT_TRY { switch (nCommandId) { case IDS_MENU_NEW_WIZARD_TEST: { hr = OnNewRtrRASConfigWiz(pNode, TRUE); } break; case IDS_MENU_RTRWIZ: hr = OnNewRtrRASConfigWiz(pNode, FALSE); //hr = OnRtrRASConfigWiz(pNode);
// when summary node is not yet created, then refresh icon
// from machine node is needed
if (!m_pSumNodeHandler && (*pNode->GetNodeType()) == GUID_RouterMachineNodeType) { MachineNodeData* pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); Assert(pData);
// Ignore the return value, if the load fails
// we still need to update the icon
// ------------------------------------------------
pData->Load(); hr = SynchronizeIcon(pNode); //HACK Alert! This is the most
//hacky stuff I have seen around
//but cannot help it at all...
{ STimerParam * pParam = new STimerParam; pParam ->pHandler = this; pParam->pNode = pNode; RegKey regkey; //set the regkey
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == regkey.Open ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRemoteAccessKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, m_spRouterInfo->GetMachineName() ) ) { DWORD dwSet = 1; regkey.SetValue( c_szRegValOpenMPRSnap, dwSet); }
//Give MMC enough time to settle down...
m_EventId = g_timerMgr.AllocateTimer ( ExpandTimerProc, (LPARAM)pParam, 10000 );
} }
// First, ask the user if they really wish
// to disable the router.
if ((nCommandId != IDS_DMV_MENU_REMOVESERVICE) || (IDYES == AfxMessageBox(IDS_WRN_DISABLE_ROUTER, MB_YESNO))) { MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); hr = ChgService(pNode, pData->m_stMachineName, nCommandId); } SynchronizeIcon(pNode); }
SPITFSNode spRoutingNode; SPITFSNodeEnum spMachineEnum; SPITFSNode spMachineNode;
// when summary node is not yet created, then refresh icon from machine node is needed
if (!m_pSumNodeHandler && (*pNode->GetNodeType()) == GUID_RouterMachineNodeType) { MachineNodeData* pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); Assert(pData); // Ignore the return value, if the load fails
// we still need to update the icon
// --------------------------------------------
pData->Load(); hr = SynchronizeIcon(pNode); } } break;
case IDS_MENU_REFRESH_RATE: { CRefRateDlg refrate; SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh;
if (spRefresh) { DWORD rate; spRefresh->GetRefreshInterval(&rate); refrate.m_cRefRate = rate; if (refrate.DoModal() == IDOK) { spRefresh->SetRefreshInterval(refrate.m_cRefRate); } } } break; case IDS_MENU_AUTO_REFRESH: { SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh; m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh);
if(!spRefresh) break; if (spRefresh->IsRefreshStarted() == hrOK) spRefresh->Stop(); else { DWORD rate; spRefresh->GetRefreshInterval(&rate); spRefresh->Start(rate); } } break; default: break; } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH;
if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { DisplayTFSErrorMessage(NULL); } ForceGlobalRefresh(m_spRouterInfo); return hrOK; }
MachineHandler::SynchronizeIcon - Author: FlorinT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::SynchronizeIcon(ITFSNode *pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; MachineNodeData *pMachineData; LPARAM imageIndex;
pMachineData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); Assert(pMachineData);
CString str; pMachineData->FetchServerState(str); imageIndex = pMachineData->GetServiceImageIndex(); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, imageIndex); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, imageIndex); pNode->ChangeNode(SCOPE_PANE_CHANGE_ITEM_ICON);
if (m_bExpanded) UpdateResultMessage(pNode);
return hr; }
MachineHandler::ChgService - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::ChgService(ITFSNode *pNode, const CString& szServer, ULONG menuId) { CServiceManager sm; DWORD dw; ULONG ret; HRESULT hr=S_OK; CWaitCursor wait; DWORD dwStartType = 0;
if (menuId == IDS_DMV_MENU_START) { // Windows NT Bug : 310919
// Check service state before starting service.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
hr = GetRouterServiceStartType(szServer, &dwStartType); if (FHrSucceeded(hr)) { if (dwStartType == SERVICE_DISABLED) { if (AfxMessageBox(IDS_PROMPT_START_DISABLED_SERVICE, MB_YESNO) == IDNO) goto Error; SetRouterServiceStartType(szServer, SERVICE_AUTO_START); } } hr = StartRouterService(szServer); if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { AddHighLevelErrorStringId(IDS_ERR_COULD_NOT_START_ROUTER); CORg(hr); } } else if (menuId == IDS_DMV_MENU_STOP) { hr = StopRouterService(szServer); if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { AddHighLevelErrorStringId(IDS_ERR_COULD_NOT_STOP_ROUTER); CORg(hr); } } else if (menuId == IDS_DMV_MENU_REMOVESERVICE) { MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); GUID guidConfig = GUID_RouterNull; SPIRouterProtocolConfig spRouterConfig; SPIRtrMgrProtocolInfo spRmProt; RtrMgrProtocolCB RmProtCB; // Stop the router service
hr = StopRouterService((LPCTSTR) szServer); if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { AddHighLevelErrorStringId(IDS_ERR_COULD_NOT_REMOVE_ROUTER); CORg(hr); } // remove router id object from DS if the it's an NT5 server
Assert(m_spRouterInfo); if(FHrSucceeded( hr = SecureRouterInfo(pNode, !m_fNoConnectingUI))) { RouterVersionInfo RVI; USES_CONVERSION; if(S_OK == m_spRouterInfo->GetRouterVersionInfo(&RVI) && RVI.dwRouterVersion >= 5) { hr = RRASDelRouterIdObj(T2W((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)szServer)); Assert(hr == S_OK); } }
// Windows NT Bug : 389469
// This is hardcoded for NAT (I do not want to change too much).
// Find the config GUID for NAT, and then remove the protocol.
hr = LookupRtrMgrProtocol(m_spRouterInfo, PID_IP, MS_IP_NAT, &spRmProt); // If the lookup returns S_FALSE, then it couldn't find the
// protocol.
if (FHrOK(hr)) { spRmProt->CopyCB(&RmProtCB); CORg( CoCreateProtocolConfig(RmProtCB.guidConfig, m_spRouterInfo, PID_IP, MS_IP_NAT, &spRouterConfig) ); if (spRouterConfig) hr = spRouterConfig->RemoveProtocol(m_spRouterInfo->GetMachineName(), PID_IP, MS_IP_NAT, NULL, 0, m_spRouterInfo, 0); } // Perform any removal/cleanup action
UninstallGlobalSettings(szServer, m_spRouterInfo, pData->m_MachineConfig.m_fNt4, TRUE);
// Remove the router from the domain
if (m_spRouterInfo->GetRouterType() != ROUTER_TYPE_LAN) RegisterRouterInDomain(szServer, FALSE); // Disable the service
SetRouterServiceStartType((LPCTSTR) szServer, SERVICE_DISABLED); //Now update the default policy
CORg( UpdateDefaultPolicy((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)szServer, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ) ); }
else if (menuId == IDS_MENU_PAUSE_SERVICE) { hr = PauseRouterService(szServer); if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { AddHighLevelErrorStringId(IDS_ERR_COULD_NOT_PAUSE_ROUTER); CORg(hr); } }
else if (menuId == IDS_MENU_RESUME_SERVICE) { hr = ResumeRouterService(szServer); if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { AddHighLevelErrorStringId(IDS_ERR_COULD_NOT_RESUME_ROUTER); CORg(hr); } }
else if (menuId == IDS_MENU_RESTART_SERVICE) { // Do a stop and then a start
//CORg( ChgService(pNode, szServer, IDS_DMV_MENU_STOP) );
//CORg( ChgService(pNode, szServer, IDS_DMV_MENU_START) );
COSERVERINFO csi; COAUTHINFO cai; COAUTHIDENTITY caid; SPIRemoteRouterRestart spRestart; IUnknown * punk = NULL; ZeroMemory(&csi, sizeof(csi)); ZeroMemory(&cai, sizeof(cai)); ZeroMemory(&caid, sizeof(caid)); csi.pAuthInfo = &cai; cai.pAuthIdentityData = &caid; CORg( CoCreateRouterConfig(szServer, m_spRouterInfo, &csi, IID_IRemoteRouterRestart, &punk) ); spRestart = (IRemoteRouterRestart *) punk;
//Get the current time before we begin restart the router
CTime timeStart = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); spRestart.Release();
// Put up the dialog with the funky spinning thing to
// let the user know that something is happening
CString stTitle; CString stDescrption; stTitle.LoadString(IDS_PROMPT_SERVICE_RESTART_TITLE); stDescrption.Format(IDS_PROMPT_SERVICE_RESTART_DESC, szServer);
CRestartRouterDlg dlgRestartRouter(szServer, (LPCTSTR)stDescrption, (LPCTSTR)stTitle, &timeStart); dlgRestartRouter.DoModal();
if (NO_ERROR != dlgRestartRouter.m_dwError) { AddHighLevelErrorStringId(IDS_ERR_RESTART_SERVICE); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dlgRestartRouter.m_dwError); } else if (dlgRestartRouter.m_fTimeOut) { CString stErrMsg; stErrMsg.Format(IDS_ERR_RESTART_TIMEOUT, szServer); ::AfxMessageBox((LPCTSTR)stErrMsg); }
if (csi.pAuthInfo) delete csi.pAuthInfo->pAuthIdentityData->Password; } Error: if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { AddSystemErrorMessage(hr); TRACE0("MachineHandler::ChgService, unable to start/stop service"); }
return hr; }
MachineHandler::OnCreateDataObject - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::OnCreateDataObject(MMC_COOKIE cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, IDataObject **ppDataObject) { Assert(ppDataObject); HRESULT hr = hrOK; MachineNodeData * pData; SPITFSNode spNode; m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode); pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(spNode); COM_PROTECT_TRY { if (m_spDataObject) { // If our cached data object does not have the correct
// type, release it and create a new one.
// or if it doesn't have a RouterInfo object and one is now
// available, recreate
SPINTERNAL spInternal = ExtractInternalFormat(m_spDataObject); SPIRouterInfo spRouterInfo;
if ( (spInternal != NULL && (spInternal->m_type != type)) || (FAILED(spRouterInfo.HrQuery(m_spDataObject)) && m_spRouterInfo) ) m_spDataObject.Set(NULL); } if (!m_spDataObject) { //if (FAILED(SecureRouterInfo(spNode)))
// Trace0("SecureRouterInfo failed! Creating data object without RouterInfo\n");
if (m_spRouterInfo) { CORg( CreateDataObjectFromRouterInfo(m_spRouterInfo, pData->m_stMachineName, type, cookie, m_spTFSCompData, &m_spDataObject, &m_dynExtensions, pData->m_fAddedAsLocal ) ); } else {
CORg( CreateRouterDataObject(pData->m_stMachineName, type, cookie, m_spTFSCompData, &m_spDataObject, &m_dynExtensions, pData->m_fAddedAsLocal) ); }
Assert(m_spDataObject); } *ppDataObject = m_spDataObject; (*ppDataObject)->AddRef(); COM_PROTECT_ERROR_LABEL; } COM_PROTECT_CATCH; return hr; }
MachineHandler::ConstructNode Initializes the node for a machine. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::ConstructNode(ITFSNode *pNode, LPCTSTR szMachine, MachineNodeData *pMachineData) { DWORD dwErr; const GUID * pguid; HRESULT hr = hrOK; int i; Assert(pMachineData); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE); pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, IMAGE_IDX_MACHINE); pNode->SetNodeType(&GUID_RouterMachineErrorNodeType); // Save the machine type for this particular data type
pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_TYPE, ROUTER_NODE_MACHINE); // Assume that there's nothing in the node at this point
Assert(pNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_USER) == 0); // If szMachine == NULL, then this is the local machine and
// we have to get the name of the local machine
// added the first condition m_fLocalMachine, to fix bug 223062
pMachineData->m_fAddedAsLocal = FALSE; if (pMachineData->m_fLocalMachine || szMachine == NULL || *szMachine == 0) { pMachineData->m_stMachineName = GetLocalMachineName(); pMachineData->m_fLocalMachine = TRUE; if(szMachine == NULL || *szMachine == 0) { pMachineData->m_fAddedAsLocal = TRUE;
// set flag in routeInfo, so other component will get this piece
Assert(m_spRouterInfo); // should have been initialized at this point
// append add as local flag
m_spRouterInfo->SetFlags(m_spRouterInfo->GetFlags() | RouterInfo_AddedAsLocal); } } else { // Strip out the "\\" if there are any
if ((szMachine[0] == _T('\\')) && (szMachine[1] == _T('\\'))) pMachineData->m_stMachineName = szMachine + 2; else pMachineData->m_stMachineName = szMachine; pMachineData->m_fLocalMachine = FALSE; } pMachineData->m_cookie = (MMC_COOKIE) pNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE); // Save the machine data back to the node
pMachineData->AddRef(); SET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode, pMachineData); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
* ALL data for the node that holds true, even if we can't get to * the machine, must be set before the call to QueryRouterType()! ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pNode->SetNodeType(&GUID_RouterMachineNodeType); SynchronizeIcon(pNode); EnumDynamicExtensions(pNode);
return hr; }
MachineHandler::DestroyHandler - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::DestroyHandler(ITFSNode *pNode) { MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode);
// Release the refresh advise sinks
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( m_spRouterInfo ) { SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh; SPIRouterRefreshModify spModify; m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh);
if(spRefresh && m_bRouterInfoAddedToAutoRefresh) { spModify.HrQuery(spRefresh); if (spModify) spModify->RemoveRouterObject(IID_IRouterInfo, m_spRouterInfo); }
if (spRefresh && pData->m_ulRefreshConnId ) spRefresh->UnadviseRefresh(pData->m_ulRefreshConnId); }
pData->Release(); SET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode, NULL); m_spDataObject.Release(); m_spRouterInfo.Release(); return hrOK; }
MachineHandler::SetExtensionStatus Sets whether this node is operating as an extension (network console). Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::SetExtensionStatus(ITFSNode * pNode, BOOL bExtension) { MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); pData->m_fExtension = bExtension;
return hrOK; }
MachineHandler::SecureRouterInfo to postpone the loading of RouterInfo from Init, till it's used function SecureRouterInfo is introduced to make sure RouterInfo is Loaded Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::SecureRouterInfo(ITFSNode *pNode, BOOL fShowUI) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// If the name is invalid, skip this attempt.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// if (pData->m_machineState == machine_bad_net_path)
// {
// pData->m_dataState = data_unable_to_load;
// return hr;
// }
// If this is an NT4 RAS server, we don't need to do this
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pData->m_routerType == ServerType_Ras) { pData->m_dataState = data_unable_to_load; SynchronizeIcon(pNode); return hr; }
// If this is a workstation, we don't need to connect
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pData->m_fIsServer == FALSE) { pData->m_dataState = data_unable_to_load; SynchronizeIcon(pNode); return hr; }
// This function should try to connect
// (or reconnect).
if ((pData->m_dataState == data_not_loaded) || (pData->m_dataState == data_unable_to_load) || (pData->m_machineState == machine_access_denied)) { pData->m_dataState = data_loading;
CORg(InitiateServerConnection(pData->m_stMachineName, NULL, !fShowUI, m_spRouterInfo));
if (!FHrOK(hr)) { // though this case when user chooses cancel on user/password dlg,
// this is considered as FAIL to connect
if (hr == S_FALSE) hr = HResultFromWin32(ERROR_CANCELLED); goto Error; } { CWaitCursor wc;
if (m_bMergeRequired) { SPIRouterInfo spNewRouter; CORg( CreateRouterInfo(&spNewRouter, NULL , (LPCTSTR) pData->m_stMachineName));
TransferCredentials ( m_spRouterInfo, spNewRouter ); CORg( spNewRouter->Load(T2COLE((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) pData->m_stMachineName), NULL) ); m_spRouterInfo->Merge(spNewRouter); } else { CORg( m_spRouterInfo->Load(T2COLE((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) pData->m_stMachineName), NULL) ); m_bMergeRequired = TRUE; }
pData->Load(); }
pData->m_dataState = data_loaded; }
Error: if (FAILED(hr)) { pData->m_dataState = data_unable_to_load;
if (hr == HResultFromWin32(ERROR_BAD_NETPATH)) { pData->m_machineState = machine_bad_net_path; pData->m_stState.LoadString(IDS_MACHINE_NAME_NOT_FOUND); pData->m_serviceState = service_bad_net_path; } else if (hr == HResultFromWin32(ERROR_CANCELLED)) { pData->m_machineState = machine_access_denied; pData->m_stState = c_stStatAccessDenied; pData->m_serviceState = service_access_denied; } }
// No matter what, try to synchronize the icon
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
return hr; };
MachineHandler::OnExpandSync If this gets called, then MMC is initalizing and we don't want to put up UI which can cause messages to start flying around.... Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::OnExpandSync(ITFSNode *pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { m_fNoConnectingUI = TRUE;
return hrOK; }
MachineHandler::OnExpand - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::OnExpand(ITFSNode *pNode, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, DWORD dwType, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; IfAdminNodeHandler * pHandler = NULL; DialInNodeHandler * pDialInHandler = NULL; PortsNodeHandler * pPortsHandler = NULL; RouterVersionInfo versionInfo; DWORD dwRouterFlags = 0; DWORD dwRouterType = 0; MachineNodeData * pData = NULL;
if (m_bExpanded) return hr;
CComPtr<IConsole2> spConsole;
m_spTFSCompData->GetConsole(&spConsole); if(spConsole != NULL) { HWND hMainWnd = NULL;
if (hMainWnd) SetForegroundWindow(hMainWnd);
} // If this is an error node, don't show the child nodes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (*(pNode->GetNodeType()) == GUID_RouterMachineErrorNodeType) return hrOK; Assert(m_spRouterInfo);
// We need the machine node data, that is where the connection id
// is stored.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the data if we need to:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pData->m_machineState == machine_not_connected) pData->Load(); SynchronizeIcon(pNode);
// Windows Nt Bug : 302430
// If this is an NT4 machine, we don't need to do the rest
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pData->m_routerType == ServerType_Ras) goto Error; // Connect to the target router
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CORg( SecureRouterInfo(pNode, m_fNoConnectingUI) );
// Windows NT Bug : ?
// Need to check the machine state.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pData->m_dataState < data_loaded) return hrOK;
{ CWaitCursor wc;
// Setup the refresh advise sinks
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( m_spRouterInfo ) { SPIRouterRefresh spRefresh; SPIRouterRefreshModify spModify;
m_spRouterInfo->GetRefreshObject(&spRefresh); if(spRefresh) { spModify.HrQuery(spRefresh); if (spModify) spModify->AddRouterObject(IID_IRouterInfo, m_spRouterInfo); m_bRouterInfoAddedToAutoRefresh = TRUE;
// The lUserParam for this refresh connection, must be the
// cookie.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ( pData->m_ulRefreshConnId == 0 ) spRefresh->AdviseRefresh(&m_IRtrAdviseSink, &(pData->m_ulRefreshConnId), pNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE)); } }
dwRouterType = m_spRouterInfo->GetRouterType();
m_spRouterInfo->GetRouterVersionInfo(&versionInfo); dwRouterFlags = versionInfo.dwRouterFlags; // Routing interfaces is enabled only if NOT a RAS-only router
AddRemoveRoutingInterfacesNode(pNode, dwRouterType, dwRouterFlags);
AddRemoveDialinNode(pNode, dwRouterType, dwRouterFlags);
AddRemovePortsNode(pNode, dwRouterType, dwRouterFlags); // update status node, and Icon
if (m_pSumNodeHandler && m_pSumNode) m_pSumNodeHandler->OnCommand(m_pSumNode,IDS_MENU_REFRESH,CCT_RESULT, NULL, 0);
m_bExpanded = TRUE;
CORg(AddDynamicNamespaceExtensions(pNode)); } Error:
// Windows NT Bug : 274198
// If we have an error and if the error is not "ERROR_BAD_NETPATH"
// then we continue to load the info
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup the machine state at this point
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (!FHrSucceeded(hr)) { if (hr == HResultFromWin32(ERROR_BAD_NETPATH)) { pData->m_machineState = machine_bad_net_path; pData->m_serviceState = service_bad_net_path; pData->m_stState.LoadString(IDS_MACHINE_NAME_NOT_FOUND); } else { // Try to load up the data if we can
if ((pData->m_machineState == machine_unable_to_connect) || (pData->m_machineState == machine_not_connected)) pData->Load(); if (pData->m_routerType == ServerType_Ras) hr = StartRasAdminExe(pData); else if (hr != HResultFromWin32(ERROR_CANCELLED)) DisplayErrorMessage(NULL, hr); }
m_fTryToConnect = FALSE;
// snapin relies on registry service, check if it's running.
// check if Remote Registry Service is not running
CServiceManager csm; CService svr; DWORD dwState = 0; BOOL RRWrong = TRUE; // if any problem with RemoteRegistry Service
if (!IsLocalMachine(m_spRouterInfo->GetMachineName()) && SUCCEEDED( csm.HrOpen(SC_MANAGER_CONNECT, m_spRouterInfo->GetMachineName(), NULL))) { if (SUCCEEDED(csm.HrOpenService(&svr, L"RemoteRegistry", SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS))) { if (SUCCEEDED(svr.HrQueryState(&dwState))) { if(dwState == SERVICE_RUNNING) RRWrong = FALSE; } } if (RRWrong) { CString str1; str1.LoadString(IDS_ERR_RR_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING); CString str; str.Format(str1, m_spRouterInfo->GetMachineName()); ::AfxMessageBox(str); } } // end of remote registry service checking
} return hr; }
HRESULT MachineHandler::OnResultRefresh(ITFSComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
SPITFSNode spNode; m_spResultNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode);
MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(spNode);
int nOldState = pData->m_dataState;
if (pData->m_dataState != data_loaded) { SPIDataObject spDataObject;
// change state to not connected here
pData->m_dataState = data_not_loaded;
hr = SecureRouterInfo(spNode, m_fNoConnectingUI); }
// force an update if the machine was able to load
// or the state has changed
if (hr == S_OK && m_spRouterInfo && ( (pData->m_dataState >= data_loaded) || (nOldState != pData->m_dataState) ) ) { ForceGlobalRefresh(m_spRouterInfo);
hr = OnCommand(spNode, IDS_DMV_MENU_REFRESH, CCT_RESULT, NULL, 0); }
return hr; }
MachineHandler::AddMenuItems Over-ride this to add our view menu item Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::AddMenuItems ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK pContextMenuCallback, long * pInsertionAllowed ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( ));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; return hr; }
MachineHandler::Command Handles commands for the current view Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::Command ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, int nCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState());
switch (nCommandID) { case MMCC_STANDARD_VIEW_SELECT: break; }
return hr; }
MachineHandler::OnGetResultViewType Return the result view that this node is going to support Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::OnGetResultViewType ( ITFSComponent * pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR * ppViewType, long * pViewOptions ) { WCHAR wszURL[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; WCHAR wszSystemDirectory[MAX_PATH+1] = {0};
GetSystemDirectoryW ( wszSystemDirectory, MAX_PATH); wsprintf( wszURL, L"res://%s\\mprsnap.dll/configure.htm", wszSystemDirectory );
//Send the URL back and see what happens
*pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS; *ppViewType = SysAllocString(wszURL); return S_OK; //return BaseRouterHandler::OnGetResultViewType(pComponent, cookie, ppViewType, pViewOptions);
MachineHandler::OnResultSelect Update the result pane Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::OnResultSelect(ITFSComponent *pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode; CORg(BaseRouterHandler::OnResultSelect(pComponent, pDataObject, cookie, arg, lParam));
m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode);
Error: return hr; }
MachineHandler::UpdateResultMessage Determines what (if anything) to put in the result pane message Author: EricDav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MachineHandler::UpdateResultMessage(ITFSNode * pNode) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; int nMessage = -1; // default none
int i; CString strTitle, strBody, strTemp; // Only do this if the node we are looking at is a
// machine node.
if ((pNode == NULL) || (*(pNode->GetNodeType()) != GUID_RouterMachineNodeType)) return;
MachineNodeData * pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(pNode); if (pData == NULL) return;
if (pData->m_routerType == ServerType_RrasUninstalled) { nMessage = MACHINE_MESSAGE_NOT_CONFIGURED;
// now build the text strings
// first entry is the title
// second entry is the icon
// third ... n entries are the body strings
for (i = 2; g_uMachineMessages[nMessage][i] != 0; i++) { strTemp.LoadString(g_uMachineMessages[nMessage][i]); strBody += strTemp; } }
if (nMessage == -1) { ClearMessage(pNode); } else { ShowMessage(pNode, strTitle, strBody, (IconIdentifier) g_uMachineMessages[nMessage][1]); } }
MachineHandler::UserResultNotify - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::UserResultNotify(ITFSNode *pNode, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Do not handle RRAS_ON_SAVE, since there isn't any column
// information for us to save.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (lParam1 != RRAS_ON_SAVE) { hr = BaseRouterHandler::UserResultNotify(pNode, lParam1, lParam2); } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH; return hr; }
Embedded IRtrAdviseSink ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ImplementEmbeddedUnknown(MachineHandler, IRtrAdviseSink)
MachineHandler::EIRtrAdviseSink::OnChange - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::EIRtrAdviseSink::OnChange(LONG_PTR ulConn, DWORD dwChangeType, DWORD dwObjectType, LPARAM lUserParam, LPARAM lParam) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); InitPThis(MachineHandler, IRtrAdviseSink); SPITFSNode spThisNode; HRESULT hr = hrOK;
//$ TODO : this is bogus, this is tied to the cookie
// for this handler. What we need is a mapping between
// the connection ids (for this handler) and the appropriate
// nodes.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// The lUserParam passed into the refresh is the cookie for
// this machine node.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pThis->m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(lUserParam, &spThisNode);
if(spThisNode) pThis->SynchronizeIcon(spThisNode); if (dwChangeType == ROUTER_REFRESH) { DWORD dwNewRouterType, dwNewRouterFlags; RouterVersionInfo versionInfo; dwNewRouterType = pThis->m_spRouterInfo->GetRouterType(); pThis->m_spRouterInfo->GetRouterVersionInfo(&versionInfo); dwNewRouterFlags = versionInfo.dwRouterFlags; // Ok, we have to take a look see and what nodes
// we can add/remove
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Look to see if we need the Routing Interfaces node
// ----------------------------------------------------
pThis->AddRemoveRoutingInterfacesNode(spThisNode, dwNewRouterType, dwNewRouterFlags); // Look to see if we need the ports node
// ----------------------------------------------------
pThis->AddRemovePortsNode(spThisNode, dwNewRouterType, dwNewRouterFlags); // Look to see if we need the Dial-In Clients node
// ----------------------------------------------------
pThis->AddRemoveDialinNode(spThisNode, dwNewRouterType, dwNewRouterFlags); } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH; return hr; }
MachineHandler::AddRemoveRoutingInterfacesNode - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::AddRemoveRoutingInterfacesNode(ITFSNode *pNode, DWORD dwRouterType, DWORD dwRouterFlags) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; IfAdminNodeHandler * pHandler = NULL; SPITFSNode spChild;
// Search for an already existing node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SearchChildNodesForGuid(pNode, &GUID_RouterIfAdminNodeType, &spChild);
if ((dwRouterType & (ROUTER_TYPE_WAN | ROUTER_TYPE_LAN)) && (dwRouterFlags & RouterSnapin_IsConfigured)) { // Create the new node if we don't already have one
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (spChild == NULL) { // as a default, add the routing interfaces node
// --------------------------------------------------------
pHandler = new IfAdminNodeHandler(m_spTFSCompData); CORg( pHandler->Init(m_spRouterInfo, m_pConfigStream) ); spHandler = pHandler; CreateContainerTFSNode(&spChild, &GUID_RouterIfAdminNodeType, static_cast<ITFSNodeHandler *>(pHandler), static_cast<ITFSResultHandler *>(pHandler), m_spNodeMgr); // Call to the node handler to init the node data
// --------------------------------------------------------
pHandler->ConstructNode(spChild); // Make the node immediately visible
// --------------------------------------------------------
spChild->SetVisibilityState(TFS_VIS_SHOW); //$ TODO : We should add this in the right place (where is that?)
// --------------------------------------------------------
pNode->AddChild(spChild); } } else { if (spChild) { // Remove this node
// --------------------------------------------------------
pNode->RemoveChild(spChild); spChild->Destroy(); spChild.Release(); } } Error: return hr; }
MachineHandler::AddRemovePortsNode - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::AddRemovePortsNode(ITFSNode *pNode, DWORD dwRouterType, DWORD dwRouterFlags) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; PortsNodeHandler * pPortsHandler = NULL; SPITFSNode spChild;
// Search for an already existing node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SearchChildNodesForGuid(pNode, &GUID_RouterPortsNodeType, &spChild);
if ( (dwRouterType & (ROUTER_TYPE_RAS | ROUTER_TYPE_WAN) ) && (dwRouterFlags & RouterSnapin_IsConfigured))
{ // Create the new node if we don't already have one
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (spChild == NULL) { // as a default, add the routing interfaces node
// --------------------------------------------------------
pPortsHandler = new PortsNodeHandler(m_spTFSCompData); CORg( pPortsHandler->Init(m_spRouterInfo, m_pConfigStream) ); spHandler = pPortsHandler; CreateContainerTFSNode(&spChild, &GUID_RouterPortsNodeType, static_cast<ITFSNodeHandler *>(pPortsHandler), static_cast<ITFSResultHandler *>(pPortsHandler), m_spNodeMgr); // Call to the node handler to init the node data
// --------------------------------------------------------
pPortsHandler->ConstructNode(spChild); // Make the node immediately visible
// --------------------------------------------------------
spChild->SetVisibilityState(TFS_VIS_SHOW); //$ TODO : We should add this in the right place (where is that?)
// --------------------------------------------------------
pNode->AddChild(spChild); } } else { if (spChild) { // Remove this node
// --------------------------------------------------------
pNode->RemoveChild(spChild); spChild->Destroy(); spChild.Release(); } } Error: return hr; }
MachineHandler::AddRemoveDialinNode - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::AddRemoveDialinNode(ITFSNode *pNode, DWORD dwRouterType, DWORD dwRouterFlags) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; DialInNodeHandler * pDialInHandler = NULL; SPITFSNode spChild;
// Search for an already existing node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
SearchChildNodesForGuid(pNode, &GUID_RouterDialInNodeType, &spChild);
if ((dwRouterType & ROUTER_TYPE_RAS ) && (dwRouterFlags & RouterSnapin_IsConfigured)) { // Create the new node if we don't already have one
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (spChild == NULL) { // as a default, add the dial in node
pDialInHandler = new DialInNodeHandler(m_spTFSCompData); CORg( pDialInHandler->Init(m_spRouterInfo, m_pConfigStream) ); spHandler = pDialInHandler; CreateContainerTFSNode(&spChild, &GUID_RouterDialInNodeType, static_cast<ITFSNodeHandler *>(pDialInHandler), static_cast<ITFSResultHandler *>(pDialInHandler), m_spNodeMgr); // Call to the node handler to init the node data
pDialInHandler->ConstructNode(spChild); // Make the node immediately visible
spChild->SetVisibilityState(TFS_VIS_SHOW); //$ TODO : We should add this in the right place (where is that?)
// --------------------------------------------------------
pNode->AddChild(spChild); } } else { if (spChild) { // Remove this node
// --------------------------------------------------------
pNode->RemoveChild(spChild); spChild->Destroy(); spChild.Release(); } } Error: return hr; }
MachineConfig::GetMachineConfig - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineConfig::GetMachineConfig(MachineNodeData *pData) { // m_fReachable
m_fReachable = (pData->m_machineState == machine_connected); // m_fNt4
m_fNt4 = (pData->m_routerVersion.dwRouterVersion <= 4); // m_fConfigured
m_fConfigured = (pData->m_routerType != ServerType_RrasUninstalled); // m_dwServiceStatus
// Set in FetchServerState();
// m_fLocalMachine
m_fLocalMachine = IsLocalMachine((LPCTSTR) pData->m_stMachineName);
return hrOK; }
MachineHandler::StartRasAdminExe - Author: MikeG (a-migall) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::StartRasAdminExe(MachineNodeData *pData) { // Locals.
CString sRasAdminExePath; CString stCommandLine; LPTSTR pszRasAdminExe = NULL; STARTUPINFO si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT nCnt = 0; DWORD cbAppCnt = 0;
// Check the handle to see if rasadmin is running
if (pData->m_hRasAdmin != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwReturn = 0; // If the state is not signalled, then the process has
// not exited (or some other occurred).
dwReturn = WaitForSingleObject(pData->m_hRasAdmin, 0);
if (dwReturn == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // The process has not signalled (it's still running);
return hrOK; } else { // the process has signalled or the call failed, close the handle
// and call up RasAdmin
::CloseHandle(pData->m_hRasAdmin); pData->m_hRasAdmin = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } try {
// Looks like the RasAdmin.Exe is not running on this
// workstation's desktop; so, start it!
// Figure out where the \\WinNt\System32 directory is.
pszRasAdminExe = sRasAdminExePath.GetBuffer((MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR))); nCnt = ::GetSystemDirectory(pszRasAdminExe, (MAX_PATH*sizeof(TCHAR))); sRasAdminExePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (nCnt == 0) throw (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError())); // Complete the construction of the executable's name.
sRasAdminExePath += _T("\\rasadmin.exe"); Assert(!::IsBadStringPtr((LPCTSTR)sRasAdminExePath, sRasAdminExePath.GetLength()));
// Build command line string
stCommandLine.Format(_T("%s \\\\%s"), (LPCTSTR) sRasAdminExePath, (LPCTSTR) pData->m_stMachineName); // Start RasAdmin.Exe.
::ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwX = si.dwY = si.dwXSize = si.dwYSize = 0L; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; ::ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); if (!::CreateProcess(NULL, // pointer to name of executable module
(LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) stCommandLine, // pointer to command line string
NULL, // process security attributes
NULL, // thread security attributes
FALSE, // handle inheritance flag
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, // creation flags
NULL, // pointer to new environment block
NULL, // pointer to current directory name
&si, // pointer to STARTUPINFO
&pi)) // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION
{ hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); ::CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); } else { Assert(pData->m_hRasAdmin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); pData->m_hRasAdmin = pi.hProcess; } ::CloseHandle(pi.hThread); //
// OPT: Maybe we should have used the ShellExecute() API rather than
// the CreateProcess() API. Why? The ShellExecute() API will
// give the shell the opportunity to check the current user's
// system policy settings before allowing the executable to execute.
} catch (CException * e) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } catch (HRESULT hrr) { hr = hrr; } catch (...) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }
return hr; }
MachineHandler::OnResultShow - Author: MikeG (a-migall) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::OnResultShow(ITFSComponent *pComponent, MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPARAM arg, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL bSelect = static_cast<BOOL>(arg); HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPITFSNode spNode; MachineNodeData * pData = NULL;
hr = BaseRouterHandler::OnResultShow(pComponent, cookie, arg, lParam);
if (bSelect) { m_spNodeMgr->FindNode(cookie, &spNode); // We need the machine node data.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pData = GET_MACHINENODEDATA(spNode); if (pData->m_routerType == ServerType_Ras) hr = StartRasAdminExe(pData); else if ((pData->m_machineState == machine_access_denied) || (pData->m_machineState == machine_bad_net_path)) { // Try to connect again
// --------------------------------------------------------
if (m_fTryToConnect) OnExpand(spNode, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
// If we have failed, keep on trucking!
// --------------------------------------------------------
m_fTryToConnect = TRUE; } } return hr; }
MachineHandler::OnDelete - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT MachineHandler::OnDelete(ITFSNode *pNode, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param) { SPITFSNode spNode; SPITFSNode spStatusNode; SPITFSNodeHandler spHoldHandler; SPITFSNode spParent; SPITFSNode spGrandParent; SPITFSNode spthis; SPITFSNode spMachineNode; DMVNodeData* pData; MachineNodeData * pMachineData = NULL; MachineNodeData * pNodeData = NULL; SPITFSNodeEnum spNodeEnum; SPITFSNode spResultNode; MMC_COOKIE cookie;
// This will be the machine node, in the scope pane, that
// we wish to delete.
Assert(pNode); cookie = pNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_COOKIE); // Addref this node so that it won't get deleted before we're out
// of this function
spHoldHandler.Set( this ); spthis.Set( pNode ); pNode->GetParent( &spParent ); Assert( spParent );
// Given this node, find the node in the result pane that
// corresponds to this scope node.
// Iterate through the nodes of our parent node to find the
// server status node.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
spParent->GetEnum(&spNodeEnum); while (spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spStatusNode, NULL) == hrOK) { if ((*spStatusNode->GetNodeType()) == GUID_DomainStatusNodeType) break; spStatusNode.Release(); }
Assert(spStatusNode != NULL);
// Now iterate through the status node to find the appropriate
// machine.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
spNodeEnum.Release(); spStatusNode->GetEnum(&spNodeEnum);
while (spNodeEnum->Next(1, &spResultNode, NULL) == hrOK) { pData = GET_DMVNODEDATA( spResultNode ); Assert( pData );
pMachineData = pData->m_spMachineData; if (pMachineData->m_cookie == cookie) break; spResultNode.Release(); }
// Note: if the server status node has not been expanded yet
// we could hit this case.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pMachineData && (pMachineData->m_cookie == cookie)) { // fetch & delete server node (the node in the result pane)
spStatusNode->RemoveChild( spResultNode ); spResultNode.Release();
} else { // If this is the case, we need to remove the server from
// the list before it is expanded.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
SPITFSNodeHandler spHandler; spParent->GetHandler(&spHandler);
// Get the node data (for this specific machine node)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
spHandler->UserNotify(spParent, DMV_DELETE_SERVER_ENTRY, (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) pNodeData->m_stMachineName );
// delete the machine node (the node in the scope pane)
spParent->RemoveChild( pNode );
return hrOK; }
STDMETHODIMP MachineHandler::UserNotify(ITFSNode *pNode, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lParam2) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; COM_PROTECT_TRY { switch (lParam) { case MACHINE_SYNCHRONIZE_ICON: { SynchronizeIcon(pNode); } break; default: hr = BaseRouterHandler::UserNotify(pNode, lParam, lParam2); break; } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH;
return hr; }