/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
ports.h Interface administration FILE HISTORY: */
#ifndef _PORTS_H_
#define _PORTS_H_
#ifndef _BASEHAND_H
#include "basehand.h"
#ifndef _HANDLERS_H_
#include "handlers.h"
#ifndef _ROUTER_H
#include "router.h"
#ifndef _INFO_H
#include "info.h"
#ifndef _BASECON_H
#include "basecon.h"
#ifndef _RTRUTIL_H_
#include "rtrutil.h"
#ifndef _RTRSHEET_H_
#include "rtrsheet.h"
#ifndef _DIALOG_H_
#include "dialog.h"
#ifndef _LISTCTRL_H_
#include "listctrl.h"
#include "rasdlg.h"
extern "C" { #ifndef _RASMAN_
#include "rasman.h"
// forward declarations
class RouterAdminConfigStream; interface IRouterInfo; struct ColumnData; struct SPortsNodeMenu; class PortsProperties;
Struct: PortsNodeData This is information related to the set of interfaces (not per-interface), this is intended for SHARED data.
Put data in here that needs to be accessed by the child nodes. All other private data should go in the handler. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
struct PortsNodeData { PortsNodeData(); ~PortsNodeData(); #ifdef DEBUG
char m_szDebug[32]; // for iding structures
static HRESULT InitAdminNodeData(ITFSNode *pNode, RouterAdminConfigStream *pConfigStream); static HRESULT FreeAdminNodeData(ITFSNode *pNode);
HRESULT LoadHandle(LPCTSTR pszMachineName); HANDLE GetHandle();
void ReleaseHandles(); CString m_stMachineName; protected:
SPMprServerHandle m_sphDdmHandle; };
#define GET_PORTSNODEDATA(pNode) \
((PortsNodeData *) pNode->GetData(TFS_DATA_USER)) #define SET_PORTSNODEDATA(pNode, pData) \
pNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_USER, (LONG_PTR) pData)
This is the list of columns available for the Interfaces node - Name, "COM1: USR Sportster Modem" - Device, "modem" - Comment, "stuff" - Status, "active" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum { PORTS_SI_NAME = 0, PORTS_SI_DEVICE = 1, PORTS_SI_USAGE = 2, PORTS_SI_STATUS = 3, PORTS_SI_COMMENT = 4,
// Entries after this are not visible to the user
Struct: PortsListEntry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct PortsListEntry { RAS_PORT_0 m_rp0; BOOL m_fActiveDialOut; // TRUE if used as a dial-out port
// fix b32887 -- add more information to the result pane -- ras / routing enabled ports
DWORD m_dwEnableRas; // = 1 if RAS is enabled on this device
DWORD m_dwEnableRouting; // = 1 if Routing is enabled on this device
DWORD m_dwEnableOutboundRouting; // = 1 if outbound Routing is
// enabled on this device
typedef CList<PortsListEntry, PortsListEntry &> PortsList;
Struct: PortsDeviceEntry
Data kept by the property page on a per-device basis, rather than a per-port basis. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct PortsDeviceEntry { PortsDeviceEntry(); ~PortsDeviceEntry();
BOOL m_fRegistry; // TRUE if read in from the registry
BOOL m_fModified; // TRUE if struct has been modifed, FALSE otherwise
DWORD m_dwPorts; // Number of ports available
DWORD m_dwOldPorts; // Number of ports avail. (old value)
BOOL m_fWriteable; // Is the number of ports modifiable.
DWORD m_dwMinPorts; // these values only matter if m_fWriteable is TRUE
DWORD m_dwMaxPorts;
// This value is added explicitly for PPTP. For PPTP the maximum
// may be adjusted above the value of m_dwMaxPorts. (In this case
// we prompt for a reboot). This is the maximum value that m_dwMaxPorts
// may take.
DWORD m_dwMaxMaxPorts; HKEY m_hKey; // registry key for this device (if router is off)
DWORD m_dwEnableRas; // = 1 if RAS is enabled on this device
DWORD m_dwEnableRouting; // = 1 if Routing is enabled on this device
DWORD m_dwEnableOutboundRouting; // = 1 if outbound only routing
// is enabled on this device.
// from RAS_DEVICE_INFO - set for PPTP/L2TP only
RASDEVICETYPE m_eDeviceType; CString m_stDisplayName;
// We store a copy of this struct for the case where the router is live.
// We copy the info here into the variables above which are used as
// temporary storage. When the user hits OK, we copy the information
// back to the RAS_DEVICE_INFO structure and write that out. (Thus we
// only write over what we use).
RAS_DEVICE_INFO m_RasDeviceInfo;
// Store a copy of the calledid info
// This will get saved only when we exit out of the ports
// property sheet. It gets loaded only if needed.
BOOL m_fSaveCalledIdInfo; // TRUE if it needs to be written back
BOOL m_fCalledIdInfoLoaded; // TRUE if the data has been loaded
}; typedef CList<PortsDeviceEntry *, PortsDeviceEntry *> PortsDeviceList;
Class: PortsDataEntry
This class is used to abstract the data gathering. There are two ways of getting the data, the first is through the registry (when the router is not running) and the second is go through the Ras APIs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PortsDataEntry { public: PortsDataEntry(); ~PortsDataEntry();
// Initializes the class for the machine.
HRESULT Initialize(LPCTSTR pszMachineName);
// Loads the data into the PortsDeviceList. If the router is
// running then the Ras APIs will be used else we go through the
// registry.
HRESULT LoadDevices(PortsDeviceList *pList);
HRESULT LoadDevicesFromRegistry(PortsDeviceList *pList); HRESULT LoadDevicesFromRouter(PortsDeviceList *pList);
// Saves the data into the PortsDeviceList. If the router is
// running then the Ras APIs will be used else we go through the
// registry.
HRESULT SaveDevices(PortsDeviceList *pList);
HRESULT SaveDevicesToRegistry(PortsDeviceList *pList); HRESULT SaveDevicesToRouter(PortsDeviceList *pList);
CString m_stMachine; RegKey m_regkeyMachine;
BOOL m_fReadFromRegistry; };
Class: PortsNodeHandler
---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PortsNodeHandler : public BaseContainerHandler { public: PortsNodeHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData);
HRESULT Init(IRouterInfo *pInfo, RouterAdminConfigStream *pConfigStream);
// Override QI to handle embedded interface
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv); // Embedded interface to deal with refresh callbacks
DeclareEmbeddedInterface(IRtrAdviseSink, IUnknown)
// base handler functionality we override
OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_DestroyHandler(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_GetString(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_HasPropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_CreatePropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnAddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_NodeHandler_OnCreateDataObject();
// override handler notifications
OVERRIDE_BaseHandlerNotify_OnExpand(); OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultShow();
// Initializes the node
HRESULT ConstructNode(ITFSNode *pNode);
// User-initiated commands
// Helper function to add interfaces to the UI
HRESULT AddPortsUserNode(ITFSNode *pParent, const PortsListEntry &PortsEntry);
// Causes a sync action (synchronizes data not the structure)
HRESULT SynchronizeNodeData(ITFSNode *pNode); HRESULT UnmarkAllNodes(ITFSNode *pNode, ITFSNodeEnum *pEnum); HRESULT RemoveAllUnmarkedNodes(ITFSNode *pNode, ITFSNodeEnum *pEnum); HRESULT GenerateListOfPorts(ITFSNode *pNode, PortsList *pList);
HRESULT SetUserData(ITFSNode *pNode, const PortsListEntry& Ports);
// Structure used to pass data to callbacks - used as a way of
// avoiding recomputation
struct SMenuData { ULONG m_ulMenuId; SPITFSNode m_spNode; };
DWORD GetActivePorts() { return m_dwActivePorts;}; protected: SPIDataObject m_spDataObject; // cachecd data object
CString m_stTitle; // holds the title of the node
LONG_PTR m_ulConnId; // notification id for router info
LONG_PTR m_ulRefreshConnId; // id for refresh notifications
BOOL m_bExpanded; // is the node expanded?
MMC_COOKIE m_cookie; // cookie for the node
DWORD m_dwActivePorts; // number of active ports
RouterAdminConfigStream * m_pConfigStream;
Class: PortsUserHandler
---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PortsUserHandler : public BaseRouterHandler { public: PortsUserHandler(ITFSComponentData *pCompData); ~PortsUserHandler() { DEBUG_DECREMENT_INSTANCE_COUNTER(PortsUserHandler); } HRESULT Init(IRouterInfo *pInfo, ITFSNode *pParent);
// Override QI to handle embedded interface
DeclareIUnknownMembers(IMPL) // STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv);
OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_HasPropertyPages(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_CompareItems(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_AddMenuItems(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_Command(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_OnCreateDataObject(); OVERRIDE_ResultHandler_DestroyResultHandler();
OVERRIDE_BaseResultHandlerNotify_OnResultItemClkOrDblClk(); // Initializes the node
HRESULT ConstructNode(ITFSNode *pNode, IInterfaceInfo *pIfInfo, const PortsListEntry *pEntry);
// Refresh the data for this node
void RefreshInterface(MMC_COOKIE cookie);
public: // Structure used to pass data to callbacks - used as a way of
// avoiding recomputation
struct SMenuData { SPITFSNode m_spNode; };
static ULONG GetDisconnectMenuState(const SRouterNodeMenu *pMenuData, INT_PTR pUserData);
protected: CString m_stTitle; // holds the title of the node
DWORD m_ulConnId; PortsListEntry m_entry;
// It is assumed that this will be valid for the lifetime of this node!
DeclareEmbeddedInterface(IRtrAdviseSink, IUnknown) };
Class: PortsPageGeneral
This class handles the General page of the Ports sheet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PortsPageGeneral : public RtrPropertyPage { friend class PortsDeviceConfigDlg; public: PortsPageGeneral(UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0) : RtrPropertyPage(nIDTemplate, nIDCaption), m_bShowContent(TRUE) {}; ~PortsPageGeneral();
HRESULT Init(PortsProperties * pIPPropSheet, IRouterInfo *pRouter);
protected: // Override the OnApply() so that we can grab our data from the
// controls in the dialog.
virtual BOOL OnApply();
PortsProperties * m_pPortsPropSheet;
protected: virtual VOID DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX); //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnConfigure(); afx_msg void OnListDblClk(NMHDR *pNMHdr, LRESULT *); afx_msg void OnNotifyListItemChanged(NMHDR *, LRESULT *); //}}AFX_MSG
// Use CListCtrlEx to get the checkboxes
CListCtrlEx m_listCtrl;
SPIRouterInfo m_spRouter; BOOL m_bShowContent; // only show content of the page on NT5 servers
PortsDeviceList m_deviceList; PortsDataEntry m_deviceDataEntry;
Class: PortsProperties
This is the property sheet support class for the properties page of the Ports node. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class PortsProperties : public RtrPropertySheet { public: PortsProperties(ITFSNode *pNode, IComponentData *pComponentData, ITFSComponentData *pTFSCompData, LPCTSTR pszSheetName, CWnd *pParent = NULL, UINT iPage=0, BOOL fScopePane = TRUE); ~PortsProperties();
HRESULT Init(IRouterInfo *pRouter, PortsNodeHandler* pPortNodeHandler);
void SetThreadInfo(DWORD dwThreadId);
PortsNodeHandler* m_pPortsNodeHandle; protected: SPIRouterInfo m_spRouter; PortsPageGeneral m_pageGeneral; DWORD m_dwThreadId; };
Class : PortsDeviceConfigDlg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PortsDeviceConfigDlg : public CBaseDialog { public: PortsDeviceConfigDlg(PortsPageGeneral *pageGeneral, LPCTSTR pszMachine, CWnd *pParent = NULL) : CBaseDialog(PortsDeviceConfigDlg::IDD, pParent), m_pEntry(NULL) , m_dwTotalActivePorts(0), m_pageGeneral(pageGeneral), m_stMachine(pszMachine) {};
void SetDevice(PortsDeviceEntry *pEntry, DWORD dwTotalActivePorts);
protected: // total number of active ports
DWORD m_dwTotalActivePorts; virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX);
HRESULT LoadCalledIdInfo(); HRESULT AllocateCalledId(DWORD dwSize, RAS_CALLEDID_INFO **ppCalledIdInfo);
HRESULT CalledIdInfoToString(CString *pst); HRESULT StringToCalledIdInfo(LPCTSTR psz);
CSpinButtonCtrl m_spinPorts;
PortsDeviceEntry * m_pEntry;
CString m_stMachine;
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK();
PortsPageGeneral *m_pageGeneral; DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };
Class : PortsSimpleDeviceConfigDlg
This is a simplified version of PortsDeviceConfigDlg. We allow setting of the RAS/Routing flag only. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PortsSimpleDeviceConfigDlg : public CBaseDialog { public: PortsSimpleDeviceConfigDlg(UINT uIDD = PortsSimpleDeviceConfigDlg::IDD, CWnd *pParent = NULL) : CBaseDialog(uIDD, pParent), m_dwEnableRas(0), m_dwEnableRouting(0), m_dwEnableOutboundRouting(0) {};
DWORD m_dwEnableRas; DWORD m_dwEnableRouting; DWORD m_dwEnableOutboundRouting;
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX);
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK();
Utility functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
OnConfigurePorts This will bring up the ports dialog for the specified machine. The total number of active ports is used to determine if a warning should be displayed when we reduce the number of ports on a device.
This returns TRUE if something has been changed (and the dirty flag should be set). FALSE is returned if nothing has been changed.
If pPage is NULL, then it is assumed that this function is NOT being called from the property page (and thus is being called from the wizard). In the case that pPage is non-NULL, we will reboot the machine if the PPTP ports are changed. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL OnConfigurePorts(LPCTSTR pszMachineName, DWORD dwTotalActivePorts, PortsPageGeneral *pPage, CListCtrlEx *pListCtrl);
// List box columns (in the Ports General page), for the wizard and
// the properties.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#define PORTS_COL_DEVICE (0)
#define PORTS_COL_USAGE (1)
#define PORTS_COL_TYPE (2)
#define PORTS_COL_NUMBER (3)
// To make it easier to find the dialout ports, create a
// special case (with the port name as the hash key).
// Note: we store a pointer to the port in the CStringMapToPtr.
// We do not access this pointer (except in debug to verify that we
// actually found the right port). If we do not think a port is
// dialout active, we do not add it to our list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
class RasmanPortMap { public: ~RasmanPortMap(); HRESULT Init(HANDLE hRasHandle, RASMAN_PORT *pPort, DWORD dwEntries);
BOOL FIsDialoutActive(LPCWSTR pswzPortName);
CMapStringToPtr m_map; };
#endif _PORTS_H_