/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
rtrwiz.cpp Router & Remote access configuration wizard
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "rtrwiz.h"
#include "rtrutilp.h"
#include "rtrcomn.h" // CoCreateRouterConfig
#include "rrasutil.h"
#include "rtutils.h" // Tracing functions
#include "helper.h" // HrIsStandaloneServer
#include "infoi.h" // SRtrMgrProtocolCBList
#include "routprot.h" // MS_IP_XXXX
#include "snaputil.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "rraswiz.h"
#include "iprtrmib.h" // MIB_IPFORWARDROW
// Include headers for IP-specific stuff
extern "C" { #include <ipnat.h>
#include <ipnathlp.h>
#include <sainfo.h>
#include "igmprm.h"
#include "ipbootp.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
HRESULT AddIGMPToInterface(IInterfaceInfo *pIf, BOOL fRouter); HRESULT AddIPBOOTPToInterface(IInterfaceInfo *pIf); HRESULT AddNATSimpleServers(NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData); HRESULT AddNATToInterfaces(NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter, BOOL fCreateDD); HRESULT AddNATToInterface(MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer, HANDLE hMprConfig, NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, LPCTSTR pszInterface, BOOL fDemandDial, BOOL fPublic); HRESULT AddDhcpServerToBOOTPGlobalInfo(LPCTSTR pszServerName, DWORD netDhcpServer);
Defaults ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// Default values for LAN-interface IGMP configuration
// NOTE: Any changes made here should also be made to ipsnap\globals.cpp
0, //IfIndex (readOnly)
0, //IpAddr (readOnly)
IGMP_ROUTER_V3, //IgmpProtocolType;
2, //RobustnessVariable;
31, //StartupQueryInterval;
2, //StartupQueryCount;
125, //GenQueryInterval;
10, //GenQueryMaxResponseTime;
1000, //LastMemQueryInterval; (msec)
2, //LastMemQueryCount;
255, //OtherQuerierPresentInterval;
260, //GroupMembershipTimeout;
0 //NumStaticGroups
// DHCP Relay-agent default configuration
// Default values for LAN-interface DHCP Relay-agent configuration
IPBOOTP_IF_CONFIG g_relayLanDefault = { 0, // State (read-only)
4, // Max hop-count
4 // Min seconds-since-boot
RtrWizFinish - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD RtrWizFinish(RtrConfigData* pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; LPCTSTR pszServerFlagsKey = NULL; LPCTSTR pszRouterTypeKey = NULL; RegKey rkey; RouterVersionInfo routerVersion; HKEY hkeyMachine = NULL; CString stMachine, stPhonebookPath;
// Connect to the remote machine's registry
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CWRg( ConnectRegistry(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, &hkeyMachine) );
QueryRouterVersionInfo(hkeyMachine, &routerVersion);
if (routerVersion.dwOsBuildNo < RASMAN_PPP_KEY_LAST_VERSION) pszRouterTypeKey = c_szRegKeyRasProtocols; else pszRouterTypeKey = c_szRegKeyRemoteAccessParameters;
// enable routing & RAS page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rkey.Open(hkeyMachine, pszRouterTypeKey) ) { rkey.SetValue( c_szRouterType,pRtrConfigData->m_dwRouterType); }
// protocols page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// RAS routing
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ((pRtrConfigData->m_fUseIp) && (pRtrConfigData->m_dwRouterType & (ROUTER_TYPE_RAS | ROUTER_TYPE_WAN))) pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.SaveToReg(pRouter, routerVersion);
if ( pRtrConfigData->m_dwRouterType & ROUTER_TYPE_RAS ) { if (pRtrConfigData->m_fUseIpx) { pRtrConfigData->m_ipxData.SaveToReg(pRouter); }
if (pRtrConfigData->m_fUseNbf) pRtrConfigData->m_nbfData.SaveToReg();
if (pRtrConfigData->m_fUseArap) pRtrConfigData->m_arapData.SaveToReg(); }
// Save the err log data
// Save the auth data
// Set some global registry settings (that need to get set,
// independent of the router type).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
InstallGlobalSettings(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, pRouter);
// router only will start service and return
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !(pRtrConfigData->m_dwRouterType & (ROUTER_TYPE_RAS | ROUTER_TYPE_WAN)) ) { // implies LAN routing; so start router & return
// ------------------------------------------------------------
goto EndConfig; }
// security page
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Depending on the version depends on where we look for the
// key.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (routerVersion.dwOsBuildNo < RASMAN_PPP_KEY_LAST_VERSION) pszServerFlagsKey = c_szRasmanPPPKey; else pszServerFlagsKey = c_szRegKeyRemoteAccessParameters;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rkey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszServerFlagsKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName) ) { DWORD dwServerFlags = 0;
// Windows NT Bug : 299456
// Query for the server flags before overwriting it. This way
// we don't overwrite the old values.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
rkey.QueryValue( c_szServerFlags, dwServerFlags );
// Add in the defaults (minus MSCHAP) for the PPP Settings.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
dwServerFlags |= (PPPCFG_UseSwCompression | PPPCFG_UseLcpExtensions | PPPCFG_NegotiateMultilink | PPPCFG_NegotiateBacp);
// Set the value
// ------------------------------------------------------------
rkey.SetValue( c_szServerFlags, dwServerFlags ); }
// Delete the router.pbk
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
DeleteRouterPhonebook( pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName );
WriteRouterConfiguredReg(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, TRUE);
WriteRRASExtendsComputerManagementKey(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, TRUE);
WriteErasePSKReg ( pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, TRUE ); Error:
if (hkeyMachine) DisconnectRegistry(hkeyMachine);
return hr; }
extern "C" HRESULT APIENTRY MprConfigServerInstallPrivate( VOID ) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; RtrConfigData wizData;
// We removed this smart pointer definition as it was causing
// a warning during build on alpha 32 bit. Looks like the extern "C"
// of the function definition is conflicting with the smart pointer.
// SPIRemoteNetworkConfig spNetwork;
IRemoteNetworkConfig * pNetwork = NULL; IUnknown * punk = NULL; CWaitCursor wait; HRESULT hr = hrOK;
// Create the remote config object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CORg( CoCreateRouterConfig(NULL, NULL, NULL, IID_IRemoteNetworkConfig, &punk) );
pNetwork = (IRemoteNetworkConfig *) punk; punk = NULL;
// Upgrade the configuration (ensure that the registry keys
// are populated correctly).
// ------------------------------------------------------------
CORg( pNetwork->UpgradeRouterConfig() );
wizData.m_stServerName.Empty(); wizData.m_dwRouterType = (ROUTER_TYPE_RAS|ROUTER_TYPE_LAN|ROUTER_TYPE_WAN);
// Need to get version information and initialize
// the RAS structures (IP only)
// Assume that this is on NT5
wizData.m_fUseIp = TRUE; wizData.m_ipData.UseDefaults(_T(""), FALSE); wizData.m_ipData.m_dwAllowNetworkAccess = TRUE;
wizData.m_authData.UseDefaults(NULL, FALSE); wizData.m_errlogData.UseDefaults(NULL, FALSE);
dwErr = RtrWizFinish(&wizData, NULL); hr = HResultFromWin32(dwErr);
SetDeviceType(NULL, wizData.m_dwRouterType, 10);
RegisterRouterInDomain(NULL, TRUE);
Error: if (pNetwork) pNetwork->Release();
return hr; }
MprConfigServerUnattendedInstall Call this function to setup the registry entries for the server. This works only with the local machine for now.
pswzServer - name of the server fInstall - TRUE if we are installing, FALSE if we are removing
Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
extern "C" HRESULT APIENTRY MprConfigServerUnattendedInstall(LPCWSTR pswzServer, BOOL fInstall) { HRESULT hr = hrOK;
#if 0 // remove this restriciton and see what happens
// We only the local machine (for now).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pswzServer) { return HResultFromWin32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } #endif
// Write out the various registry settings
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// CORg( SetRouterInstallRegistrySettings(pswzServer, fInstall, TRUE) );
// Write the "router is configured" flag
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CORg( WriteRouterConfiguredReg(pswzServer, fInstall) );
// Write out the RRAS extend Computer Management key
CORg( WriteRRASExtendsComputerManagementKey(pswzServer, fInstall) );
if (fInstall) { // Set the state of the router to Autostart
// ------------------------------------------------------------
SetRouterServiceStartType(pswzServer, SERVICE_AUTO_START); }
return hr; }
AddIGMPToRasServer - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddIGMPToRasServer(RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRouterProtocolConfig spRouterConfig; SRtrMgrProtocolCBList SRmProtCBList; POSITION pos; SRtrMgrProtocolCB * pSRmProtCB; BOOL fFoundDedicatedInterface; GUID guidConfig = GUID_RouterNull; SPIInterfaceInfo spIf; SPIRtrMgrInterfaceInfo spRmIf; DWORD dwIfType; SPIEnumInterfaceInfo spEnumInterface;
// Check to see if IP is enabled
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_dwEnableIn && pRtrConfigData->m_fIpSetup) { // If so, then we can add IGMP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Find the GUID for the IGMP Configuration.
// We get the list directly (rather than from the pRouter)
// because the data for the RtrMgrProtocols has not been
// loaded yet. The IRouterInfo only has information on the
// interfaces and not for the protocols (since the router
// is not yet configured).
// --------------------------------------------------------
RouterInfo::LoadInstalledRtrMgrProtocolList(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, &SRmProtCBList, pRouter);
// Now iterate through this list looking for the igmp entry.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pos = SRmProtCBList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { pSRmProtCB = SRmProtCBList.GetNext(pos); if ((pSRmProtCB->dwTransportId == PID_IP) && (pSRmProtCB->dwProtocolId == MS_IP_IGMP)) { guidConfig = pSRmProtCB->guidConfig; break; } }
if (guidConfig == GUID_RouterNull) goto Error;
// Now add IGMP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
CORg( CoCreateProtocolConfig(guidConfig, pRouter, PID_IP, MS_IP_IGMP, &spRouterConfig) );
if (spRouterConfig) hr = spRouterConfig->AddProtocol(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, MS_IP_IGMP, NULL, 0, pRouter, 0); CORg( hr );
// In addition, we will also need to add IGMP router to the
// internal interface and IGMP proxy to one of the LAN
// interfaces.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Do we have the router managers for the interfaces?
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pRouter->EnumInterface(&spEnumInterface); fFoundDedicatedInterface = FALSE;
for (spEnumInterface->Reset(); spEnumInterface->Next(1, &spIf, NULL) == hrOK; spIf.Release()) { dwIfType = spIf->GetInterfaceType();
// Add IGMP if this is an internal interface or
// if this is the first dedicated interface.
// --------------------------------------------------------
if ((dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL) || (!fFoundDedicatedInterface && (dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED))) { // Ok, add IGMP to this interface
// ----------------------------------------------------
// If this is a dedicated interface and a private network
// is specified, use that.
// ----------------------------------------------------
if ((dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) && !pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_stNetworkAdapterGUID.IsEmpty() && (pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_stNetworkAdapterGUID != spIf->GetId())) continue;
// Get the IP Router Manager
// ----------------------------------------------------
spRmIf.Release(); CORg( spIf->FindRtrMgrInterface(PID_IP, &spRmIf) );
if (!spRmIf) break;
if (dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_DEDICATED) fFoundDedicatedInterface = TRUE;
if (dwIfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL) AddIGMPToInterface(spIf, TRUE /* fRouter */); else AddIGMPToInterface(spIf, FALSE /* fRouter */); } }
Error: while (!SRmProtCBList.IsEmpty()) delete SRmProtCBList.RemoveHead();
return hr; }
AddIGMPToNATServer - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddIGMPToNATServer(RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRouterProtocolConfig spRouterConfig; SRtrMgrProtocolCBList SRmProtCBList; POSITION pos; SRtrMgrProtocolCB * pSRmProtCB; GUID guidConfig = GUID_RouterNull; SPIInterfaceInfo spIf; SPIEnumInterfaceInfo spEnumInterface;
// Check to see if IP is enabled
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_dwEnableIn && pRtrConfigData->m_fIpSetup) { // If so, then we can add IGMP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Find the GUID for the IGMP Configuration.
// We get the list directly (rather than from the pRouter)
// because the data for the RtrMgrProtocols has not been
// loaded yet. The IRouterInfo only has information on the
// interfaces and not for the protocols (since the router
// is not yet configured).
// --------------------------------------------------------
RouterInfo::LoadInstalledRtrMgrProtocolList(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, &SRmProtCBList, pRouter);
// Now iterate through this list looking for the igmp entry.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pos = SRmProtCBList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { pSRmProtCB = SRmProtCBList.GetNext(pos); if ((pSRmProtCB->dwTransportId == PID_IP) && (pSRmProtCB->dwProtocolId == MS_IP_IGMP)) { guidConfig = pSRmProtCB->guidConfig; break; } }
if (guidConfig == GUID_RouterNull) goto Error;
// Now add IGMP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
CORg( CoCreateProtocolConfig(guidConfig, pRouter, PID_IP, MS_IP_IGMP, &spRouterConfig) );
if (spRouterConfig) hr = spRouterConfig->AddProtocol(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, MS_IP_IGMP, NULL, 0, pRouter, 0); CORg( hr );
for (spEnumInterface->Reset(); spEnumInterface->Next(1, &spIf, NULL) == hrOK; spIf.Release()) { if (pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_stPublicAdapterGUID.CompareNoCase(spIf->GetId()) == 0) { // Ok, add the public interface as the proxy
AddIGMPToInterface(spIf, FALSE /* fRouter */); }
if (pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_stPrivateAdapterGUID.CompareNoCase(spIf->GetId()) == 0) { // Ok, add the private interface as the router
AddIGMPToInterface(spIf, TRUE /* fRouter */); }
Error: while (!SRmProtCBList.IsEmpty()) delete SRmProtCBList.RemoveHead();
return hr; }
HRESULT AddIGMPToInterface(IInterfaceInfo *pIf, BOOL fRouter) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRtrMgrInterfaceInfo spRmIf; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG igmpConfig; BOOL bVersion2=TRUE; // Get the IP Router Manager
// ----------------------------------------------------
CORg( pIf->FindRtrMgrInterface(PID_IP, &spRmIf) ); if (spRmIf == NULL) CORg( E_FAIL );
CORg( spRmIf->GetInfoBase(NULL, NULL, NULL, &spInfoBase) );
igmpConfig = g_IGMPLanDefault; { if(pIf) { CString szMachineName; LPWSTR lpcwMachine = NULL;
WKSTA_INFO_100* pWkstaInfo100 = NULL; szMachineName = pIf->GetMachineName();
if(!szMachineName.IsEmpty() && szMachineName[0] != L'\\') // append \\ prefix the machine name before call NetWks
{ CString str = L"\\\\"; str += szMachineName; lpcwMachine = (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)str;
if( NERR_Success == NetWkstaGetInfo(lpcwMachine, 100, (LPBYTE*)&pWkstaInfo100)) { Assert(pWkstaInfo100);
if(pWkstaInfo100->wki100_ver_major > 5 || ( pWkstaInfo100->wki100_ver_major == 5 && pWkstaInfo100->wki100_ver_minor > 0)) // dont support IGMPv3
bVersion2 = FALSE; NetApiBufferFree(pWkstaInfo100); } } }
if (fRouter) { igmpConfig.IgmpProtocolType = bVersion2? IGMP_ROUTER_V2: IGMP_ROUTER_V3; } else igmpConfig.IgmpProtocolType = IGMP_PROXY;
if (bVersion2) igmpConfig.Version = IGMP_VERSION_1_2; CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_IGMP, sizeof(IGMP_MIB_IF_CONFIG), (LPBYTE) &igmpConfig, 1, TRUE) );
CORg( spRmIf->Save(pIf->GetMachineName(), NULL, NULL, NULL, spInfoBase, 0) );
Error: return hr; }
RtrConfigData::Init - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT RtrConfigData::Init(LPCTSTR pszServerName, IRouterInfo *pRouter) { RouterVersionInfo routerVersion; BOOL fNt4 = FALSE; BOOL fRemote;
pRouter->GetRouterVersionInfo(&routerVersion); fNt4 = (routerVersion.dwRouterVersion == 4);
m_fRemote = !IsLocalMachine(pszServerName);
m_stServerName = pszServerName;
// Load data from the registry
m_ipData.UseDefaults(pszServerName, fNt4); m_ipxData.UseDefaults(pszServerName, fNt4); m_nbfData.UseDefaults(pszServerName, fNt4); m_arapData.UseDefaults(pszServerName, fNt4); m_errlogData.UseDefaults(pszServerName, fNt4); m_authData.UseDefaults(pszServerName, fNt4);
// Determine what protocols are installed
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
m_fUseIp = (HrIsProtocolSupported(pszServerName, c_szRegKeyTcpip, c_szRegKeyRasIp, c_szRegKeyRasIpRtrMgr) == hrOK); m_fUseIpx = (HrIsProtocolSupported(pszServerName, c_szRegKeyNwlnkIpx, c_szRegKeyRasIpx, NULL) == hrOK); m_fUseNbf = (HrIsProtocolSupported(pszServerName, c_szRegKeyNbf, c_szRegKeyRasNbf, NULL) == hrOK);
m_fUseArap = (HrIsProtocolSupported(pszServerName, c_szRegKeyAppletalk, c_szRegKeyRasAppletalk, NULL) == hrOK); return hrOK; }
CleanupTunnelFriendlyNames Removes the list of Ip-in-Ip tunnel friendly names. This should be used ONLY if we have already removed the interfaces. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD CleanupTunnelFriendlyNames(IRouterInfo *pRouter) { LPBYTE pBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwEntriesRead = 0; MPR_IPINIP_INTERFACE_0 *pTunnel0 = NULL;
// Get the list of Ip-in-Ip tunnels
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dwErr = MprSetupIpInIpInterfaceFriendlyNameEnum((LPWSTR) pRouter->GetMachineName(), &pBuffer, &dwEntriesRead); pTunnel0 = (MPR_IPINIP_INTERFACE_0 *) pBuffer;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Now go through the tunnels and delete all of them
// ------------------------------------------------------------
for (DWORD i=0; i<dwEntriesRead; i++, pTunnel0++) { MprSetupIpInIpInterfaceFriendlyNameDelete( (LPWSTR) pRouter->GetMachineName(), &(pTunnel0->Guid)); } }
// Free up the buffer returned from the enum
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pBuffer) MprSetupIpInIpInterfaceFriendlyNameFree(pBuffer);
return dwErr; }
AddNATToServer - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddNATToServer(NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter, BOOL fCreateDD, BOOL fAddProtocolOnly //Do not add interfaces. Just add the protocol and nothing else
) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRouterProtocolConfig spRouterConfig; SRtrMgrProtocolCBList SRmProtCBList; POSITION pos; SRtrMgrProtocolCB * pSRmProtCB; GUID guidConfig = GUID_RouterNull; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; BOOL fSave = FALSE;
Assert(pNewRtrWizData); Assert(pRtrConfigData);
Assert(pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_NAT);
// Check to see if IP is enabled
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (!pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_dwEnableIn || !pRtrConfigData->m_fIpSetup) return hrOK;
// If so, then we can add NAT.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Find the GUID for the NAT Configuration.
// Manually load this since the IRouterInfo has not yet
// loaded the RtrMgrProtocol info since the router is
// still in an unconfigured state.
// --------------------------------------------------------
RouterInfo::LoadInstalledRtrMgrProtocolList(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, &SRmProtCBList, pRouter);
// Now iterate through this list looking for the nat entry.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pos = SRmProtCBList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { pSRmProtCB = SRmProtCBList.GetNext(pos); if ((pSRmProtCB->dwTransportId == PID_IP) && (pSRmProtCB->dwProtocolId == MS_IP_NAT)) { guidConfig = pSRmProtCB->guidConfig; break; } }
if (guidConfig == GUID_RouterNull) goto Error;
// Now add NAT.
// --------------------------------------------------------
CORg( CoCreateProtocolConfig(guidConfig, pRouter, PID_IP, MS_IP_NAT, &spRouterConfig) );
if (spRouterConfig) hr = spRouterConfig->AddProtocol(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, MS_IP_NAT, NULL, 0, pRouter, 0); CORg( hr );
if ( !fAddProtocolOnly ) { // Check the flags to see if we have to add the DNS proxy
// and the DHCP allocator.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the router manager for IP
// We have to do this manually since the IRouterInfo will not
// have RtrMgr or RtrMgrProtocol information since the router
// is still in the unconfigured state.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (FHrSucceeded(hr)) CORg( AddNATSimpleServers(pNewRtrWizData, pRtrConfigData) );
// Now that we've added the DNS proxy/DHCP allocator, add
// NAT to the specific interfaces involved.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (FHrSucceeded(hr)) CORg( AddNATToInterfaces(pNewRtrWizData, pRtrConfigData, pRouter, fCreateDD) ); }
Error: while (!SRmProtCBList.IsEmpty()) delete SRmProtCBList.RemoveHead();
return hr; }
AddNATSimpleServers - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddNATSimpleServers(NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwErrT = ERROR_SUCCESS; MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer = NULL; MPR_CONFIG_HANDLE hMprConfig = NULL; LPBYTE pByte = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; HANDLE hTransport = NULL; BOOL fSave = FALSE;
CORg( CreateInfoBase(&spInfoBase) );
// Connect to the server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dwErr = MprAdminServerConnect((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, &hMprServer); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Ok, get the infobase from the server
dwErr = MprAdminTransportGetInfo(hMprServer, PID_IP, &pByte, &dwSize, NULL, NULL);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { spInfoBase->LoadFrom(dwSize, pByte);
MprAdminBufferFree(pByte); pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0; } }
// We also have to open the hMprConfig, but we can ignore the error
dwErrT = MprConfigServerConnect((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, &hMprConfig); if (dwErrT == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErrT = MprConfigTransportGetHandle(hMprConfig, PID_IP, &hTransport); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Ok, try to use the MprConfig calls.
CWRg( MprConfigTransportGetInfo(hMprConfig, hTransport, &pByte, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
spInfoBase->LoadFrom(dwSize, pByte);
MprConfigBufferFree(pByte); pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0; }
// deonb - add H323 & Directplay support
if (pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_H323) { IP_H323_GLOBAL_INFO globalInfo;
globalInfo = *( (IP_H323_GLOBAL_INFO *)g_pH323GlobalDefault);
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_H323, sizeof(IP_H323_GLOBAL_INFO), (LPBYTE) &globalInfo, 1, TRUE)); fSave = TRUE; } // deonb - add H323 & Directplay support <end>
if (pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_FTP) { IP_FTP_GLOBAL_INFO globalInfo;
globalInfo = *( (IP_FTP_GLOBAL_INFO *)g_pFtpGlobalDefault);
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_FTP, sizeof(IP_FTP_GLOBAL_INFO), (LPBYTE) &globalInfo, 1, TRUE)); fSave = TRUE; }
if (pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_DNS_PROXY) { IP_DNS_PROXY_GLOBAL_INFO globalInfo;
globalInfo = *( (IP_DNS_PROXY_GLOBAL_INFO *)g_pDnsProxyGlobalDefault);
// Windows NT Bug : 393749
// Remove the WINS flag
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_DNS_PROXY, sizeof(IP_DNS_PROXY_GLOBAL_INFO), (LPBYTE) &globalInfo, 1, TRUE)); fSave = TRUE; }
if (pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_DHCP_ALLOCATOR) { IP_AUTO_DHCP_GLOBAL_INFO dhcpGlobalInfo; RtrWizInterface * pRtrWizIf = NULL;
dhcpGlobalInfo = * ( (IP_AUTO_DHCP_GLOBAL_INFO *) g_pAutoDhcpGlobalDefault);
// Windows NT Bug : 385112
// Due to the problems with changing the IP Address of the
// adapter, let's just set the DHCP scope to be the scope of the
// underlying subnet.
// Need to get the IP address of the private interface
pNewRtrWizData->m_ifMap.Lookup(pNewRtrWizData->m_stPrivateInterfaceId, pRtrWizIf);
// If we cannot find this interface, go with the default values
// for the subnet/mask. Otherwise use the IP address of the private
// interface.
if (pRtrWizIf && !pRtrWizIf->m_stIpAddress.IsEmpty()) { CString stFirstIp; CString stFirstMask; int iPos;
// Just take the first IP Address
stFirstIp = pRtrWizIf->m_stIpAddress; iPos = pRtrWizIf->m_stIpAddress.Find(_T(',')); if (iPos >= 0) stFirstIp = pRtrWizIf->m_stIpAddress.Left(iPos); else stFirstIp = pRtrWizIf->m_stIpAddress;
stFirstMask = pRtrWizIf->m_stMask; iPos = pRtrWizIf->m_stMask.Find(_T(',')); if (iPos >= 0) stFirstMask = pRtrWizIf->m_stMask.Left(iPos); else stFirstMask = pRtrWizIf->m_stMask;
// Now convert this into a net address
dhcpGlobalInfo.ScopeMask = INET_ADDR(stFirstMask); dhcpGlobalInfo.ScopeNetwork = INET_ADDR(stFirstIp) & dhcpGlobalInfo.ScopeMask; }
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_DHCP_ALLOCATOR, sizeof(dhcpGlobalInfo), (PBYTE) &dhcpGlobalInfo, 1, TRUE) ); fSave = TRUE; }
if (fSave) { spInfoBase->WriteTo(&pByte, &dwSize);
if (hMprServer) { MprAdminTransportSetInfo(hMprServer, PID_IP, pByte, dwSize, NULL, 0); }
if (hMprConfig && hTransport) { MprConfigTransportSetInfo(hMprConfig, hTransport, pByte, dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
if (pByte) CoTaskMemFree(pByte); }
Error: if (hMprConfig) MprConfigServerDisconnect(hMprConfig);
if (hMprServer) MprAdminServerDisconnect(hMprServer);
return hr; }
AddNATToInterfaces - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddNATToInterfaces(NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter, BOOL fCreateDD) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwErrT = ERROR_SUCCESS; MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer = NULL; MPR_CONFIG_HANDLE hMprConfig = NULL; LPBYTE pByte = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; HANDLE hTransport = NULL; CString stIfName;
CORg( CreateInfoBase(&spInfoBase) );
// Connect to the server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
MprAdminServerConnect((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, &hMprServer);
MprConfigServerConnect((LPWSTR) (LPCTSTR) pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, &hMprConfig);
// Install public NAT on public interface
AddNATToInterface(hMprServer, hMprConfig, pNewRtrWizData, pRtrConfigData, pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_stPublicAdapterGUID, fCreateDD, TRUE);
if (!(pNewRtrWizData->m_fSetVPNFilter)) { // Install private NAT on private interface
AddNATToInterface(hMprServer, hMprConfig, pNewRtrWizData, pRtrConfigData, pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_stPrivateAdapterGUID, FALSE, FALSE); } Error: if (hMprConfig) MprConfigServerDisconnect(hMprConfig);
if (hMprServer) MprAdminServerDisconnect(hMprServer);
return hr; }
// Default values for LAN-interface NAT configuration
IP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO g_ipnatLanDefault = { 0, // Index (unused)
0, // Flags
{ IP_NAT_VERSION, sizeof(RTR_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER), 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0}} // Header
BYTE* g_pIpnatLanDefault = (BYTE*)&g_ipnatLanDefault;
// Default values for WAN-interface NAT configuration
IP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO g_ipnatWanDefault = { 0, // Index (unused)
{ IP_NAT_VERSION, sizeof(RTR_INFO_BLOCK_HEADER), 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0}} // Header
BYTE* g_pIpnatWanDefault = (BYTE*)&g_ipnatWanDefault;
DWORD CreatePortMappingsForVPNFilters( NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, IP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING **ppPortMappingsForVPNFilters, DWORD *dwNumPortMappings) { DWORD i, j, dwSize, dwNumMappingsPerAddress; DWORD dwIpAddress = 0; CString singleAddr; CString tempAddrList; CDWordArray arrIpAddr; RtrWizInterface *pIf = NULL; IP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING *pMappings = NULL; USES_CONVERSION;
// The set of generic Port Mappings corresponding to
// VPN server specific filters
IP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING GenericPortMappingsArray[] = { { NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP, ntohs(1723), IP_NAT_ADDRESS_UNSPECIFIED, ntohs(1723), ntohl(INADDR_LOOPBACK) }, { NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP, ntohs(500), IP_NAT_ADDRESS_UNSPECIFIED, ntohs(500), ntohl(INADDR_LOOPBACK) }, { NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP, ntohs(1701), IP_NAT_ADDRESS_UNSPECIFIED, ntohs(1701), ntohl(INADDR_LOOPBACK) } };
pNewRtrWizData->m_ifMap.Lookup(pNewRtrWizData->m_stPublicInterfaceId, pIf); tempAddrList = pIf->m_stIpAddress; while (!tempAddrList.IsEmpty()) { i = tempAddrList.Find(_T(','));
if ( i != -1 ) { singleAddr = tempAddrList.Left(i); tempAddrList = tempAddrList.Mid(i + 1); } else { singleAddr = tempAddrList; tempAddrList.Empty(); }
dwIpAddress = inet_addr(T2A((LPCTSTR)singleAddr));
if (INADDR_NONE != dwIpAddress) // successful
arrIpAddr.Add(dwIpAddress); }
dwSize = sizeof(GenericPortMappingsArray) * arrIpAddr.GetSize();
pMappings = (PIP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING) new BYTE[dwSize];
if ( pMappings == NULL ) { *ppPortMappingsForVPNFilters = NULL; *dwNumPortMappings = 0; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
::ZeroMemory(pMappings, dwSize);
dwNumMappingsPerAddress = sizeof(GenericPortMappingsArray)/sizeof(IP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING);
for ( i = 0; i < arrIpAddr.GetSize(); i++ ) { // Copy the generic port mappings array. We will then set the correct
// ip address in each of the mappings struct
memcpy( (LPVOID) &(pMappings[i * dwNumMappingsPerAddress]), (LPVOID) &(GenericPortMappingsArray[0]), sizeof(GenericPortMappingsArray));
dwIpAddress = arrIpAddr.GetAt(i);
for ( j = 0; j < dwNumMappingsPerAddress; j++ ) { pMappings[(i*dwNumMappingsPerAddress) + j].PrivateAddress = dwIpAddress; } }
*ppPortMappingsForVPNFilters = pMappings; *dwNumPortMappings = dwNumMappingsPerAddress * arrIpAddr.GetSize();
AddNATToInterface - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddNATToInterface(MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer, HANDLE hMprConfig, NewRtrWizData *pNewRtrWizData, RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, LPCTSTR pszInterface, BOOL fDemandDial, BOOL fPublic) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; HANDLE hInterface = NULL; HANDLE hIfTransport = NULL; LPBYTE pByte = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0, dwIfBlkSize = 0; LPBYTE pDefault = NULL; IP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO ipnat; PIP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO pipnat = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwNumPortMappings = 0; PIP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING pPortMappingsForVPNFilters = NULL; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase; IP_DNS_PROXY_INTERFACE_INFO dnsIfInfo; MIB_IPFORWARDROW row;
if ((pszInterface == NULL) || (*pszInterface == 0)) return hrOK;
// Setup the data structures
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (pNewRtrWizData->m_fSetVPNFilter) { SPIInfoBase spIB; CORg( CreateInfoBase( &spIB ) );
dwErr = CreatePortMappingsForVPNFilters( pNewRtrWizData, &pPortMappingsForVPNFilters, &dwNumPortMappings );
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && pPortMappingsForVPNFilters) {
spIB->AddBlock( IP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING_TYPE, sizeof( IP_NAT_PORT_MAPPING ), (PBYTE)pPortMappingsForVPNFilters, dwNumPortMappings, TRUE ); spIB->WriteTo(&pByte, &dwIfBlkSize);
memcpy(&(pipnat->Header), pByte, dwIfBlkSize);
pipnat->Index = 0; pDefault = (LPBYTE) pipnat; dwIfBlkSize += FIELD_OFFSET(IP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO, Header);
CoTaskMemFree( pByte ); spIB.Release(); pByte = NULL; } else { ipnat = g_ipnatLanDefault; pDefault = (LPBYTE) &ipnat; dwIfBlkSize = sizeof(IP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO); } }
else { if (fDemandDial) ipnat = g_ipnatWanDefault; else ipnat = g_ipnatLanDefault;
::ZeroMemory(&dnsIfInfo, sizeof(dnsIfInfo));
if (fPublic) { ipnat.Flags |= IP_NAT_INTERFACE_FLAGS_BOUNDARY;
// Windows NT Bug : 393731
// This will enable the "Translate TCP/UDP headers in the UI"
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Windows NT Bug : 393809
// Enable the DNS resolution
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (fDemandDial) dnsIfInfo.Flags |= IP_DNS_PROXY_INTERFACE_FLAG_DEFAULT; }
pDefault = (LPBYTE) &ipnat; dwIfBlkSize = sizeof(IP_NAT_INTERFACE_INFO); }
::ZeroMemory(&row, sizeof(row));
// Windows Nt Bug : 389441
// If this is a demand-dial interface, we will have to add
// a static route to the interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (fDemandDial && fPublic) { // Note: this is a new interface so there should not be
// any blocks.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// What is the index of the demand-dial interface?
row.dwForwardMetric1 = 1; row.dwForwardProto = PROTO_IP_NT_STATIC; }
CORg( CreateInfoBase( &spInfoBase ) );
// ok, we need to get the RmIf
if (hMprServer) { dwErr = MprAdminInterfaceGetHandle(hMprServer, (LPWSTR) pszInterface, &hInterface, FALSE);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErr = MprAdminInterfaceTransportGetInfo(hMprServer, hInterface, PID_IP, &pByte, &dwSize);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { spInfoBase->LoadFrom(dwSize, pByte); MprAdminBufferFree(pByte); }
pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Manipulate the infobase
spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_NAT, dwIfBlkSize, pDefault, 1, TRUE);
if (pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_DNS_PROXY) { spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_DNS_PROXY, sizeof(dnsIfInfo), (LPBYTE) &dnsIfInfo, 1, TRUE); }
// Windows NT Bug : 389441
// Add the default route to the internet.
// --------------------------------------------------------
if (fDemandDial && fPublic) { // Note: this assumes that there are no routes
// already defined for this interface
// ----------------------------------------------------
Assert(spInfoBase->BlockExists(IP_ROUTE_INFO) == S_FALSE); spInfoBase->AddBlock(IP_ROUTE_INFO, sizeof(row), (PBYTE) &row, 1, TRUE); }
spInfoBase->WriteTo(&pByte, &dwSize); }
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MprAdminInterfaceTransportSetInfo(hMprServer, hInterface, PID_IP, pByte, dwSize); }
if (pByte) CoTaskMemFree(pByte); pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0; }
hInterface = NULL;
if (hMprConfig) { dwErr = MprConfigInterfaceGetHandle(hMprConfig, (LPWSTR) pszInterface, &hInterface);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErr = MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetHandle(hMprConfig, hInterface, PID_IP, &hIfTransport);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) dwErr = MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetInfo(hMprConfig, hInterface, hIfTransport, &pByte, &dwSize);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { spInfoBase->LoadFrom(dwSize, pByte); MprConfigBufferFree(pByte); }
pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Manipulate the infobase
spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_NAT, dwIfBlkSize, pDefault, 1, TRUE);
if (pRtrConfigData->m_dwConfigFlags & RTRCONFIG_SETUP_DNS_PROXY) { spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_DNS_PROXY, sizeof(dnsIfInfo), (LPBYTE) &dnsIfInfo, 1, TRUE); }
// Windows NT Bug : 389441
// Add the default route to the internet.
// --------------------------------------------------------
if (fDemandDial && fPublic) { // Note: this assumes that there are no routes
// already defined for this interface
// ----------------------------------------------------
Assert(spInfoBase->BlockExists(IP_ROUTE_INFO) == S_FALSE);
spInfoBase->AddBlock(IP_ROUTE_INFO, sizeof(row), (PBYTE) &row, 1, TRUE); }
spInfoBase->WriteTo(&pByte, &dwSize); }
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo(hMprConfig, hInterface, hIfTransport, pByte, dwSize); }
if (pByte) CoTaskMemFree(pByte); pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0;
spInfoBase.Release(); }
Error: if (pipnat != NULL) { delete [] pipnat; } return HResultFromWin32(dwErr); }
AddIPBOOTPToServer If dwDhcpServer is 0, then we do not set it in the global list.
dwDhcpServer is the IP address of the DHCP Server in network order. Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddIPBOOTPToServer(RtrConfigData *pRtrConfigData, IRouterInfo *pRouter, DWORD dwDhcpServer) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRouterProtocolConfig spRouterConfig; SRtrMgrProtocolCBList SRmProtCBList; POSITION pos; SRtrMgrProtocolCB * pSRmProtCB; GUID guidConfig = GUID_RouterNull; SPIInterfaceInfo spIf; SPIEnumInterfaceInfo spEnumInterface;
// Check to see if IP is enabled
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (pRtrConfigData->m_ipData.m_dwEnableIn && pRtrConfigData->m_fIpSetup) { // If so, then we can add IPBOOTP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Find the GUID for the IPBOOTP Configuration.
// We get the list directly (rather than from the pRouter)
// because the data for the RtrMgrProtocols has not been
// loaded yet. The IRouterInfo only has information on the
// interfaces and not for the protocols (since the router
// is not yet configured).
// --------------------------------------------------------
RouterInfo::LoadInstalledRtrMgrProtocolList(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, &SRmProtCBList, pRouter);
// Now iterate through this list looking for the igmp entry.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
pos = SRmProtCBList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { pSRmProtCB = SRmProtCBList.GetNext(pos); if ((pSRmProtCB->dwTransportId == PID_IP) && (pSRmProtCB->dwProtocolId == MS_IP_BOOTP)) { guidConfig = pSRmProtCB->guidConfig; break; } }
if (guidConfig == GUID_RouterNull) goto Error;
// Now add IGMP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
CORg( CoCreateProtocolConfig(guidConfig, pRouter, PID_IP, MS_IP_BOOTP, &spRouterConfig) );
if (spRouterConfig) hr = spRouterConfig->AddProtocol(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, PID_IP, MS_IP_BOOTP, NULL, 0, pRouter, 0); CORg( hr );
// In order to do this, we'll have to get the IPBOOTP global
// info and add the server to the list.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ((dwDhcpServer != 0) && (dwDhcpServer != MAKEIPADDRESS(255,255,255,255))) { AddDhcpServerToBOOTPGlobalInfo(pRtrConfigData->m_stServerName, dwDhcpServer); }
for (spEnumInterface->Reset(); spEnumInterface->Next(1, &spIf, NULL) == hrOK; spIf.Release()) {
// Look for the internal interface
if (spIf->GetInterfaceType() == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL) { AddIPBOOTPToInterface(spIf); break; } }
Error: while (!SRmProtCBList.IsEmpty()) delete SRmProtCBList.RemoveHead();
return hr; }
AddIPBOOTPToInterface - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddIPBOOTPToInterface(IInterfaceInfo *pIf) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; SPIRtrMgrInterfaceInfo spRmIf; SPIInfoBase spInfoBase;
// Get the IP Router Manager
// ----------------------------------------------------
CORg( pIf->FindRtrMgrInterface(PID_IP, &spRmIf) ); if (spRmIf == NULL) CORg( E_FAIL );
CORg( spRmIf->GetInfoBase(NULL, NULL, NULL, &spInfoBase) );
CORg( spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_BOOTP, sizeof(IPBOOTP_IF_CONFIG), (LPBYTE) &g_relayLanDefault, 1, TRUE) );
CORg( spRmIf->Save(pIf->GetMachineName(), NULL, NULL, NULL, spInfoBase, 0) );
Error: return hr; }
CORg( CreateInfoBase(&spInfoBase) );
// Connect to the server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dwErr = MprAdminServerConnect((LPWSTR) pszServerName, &hMprServer); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Ok, get the infobase from the server
dwErr = MprAdminTransportGetInfo(hMprServer, PID_IP, &pByte, &dwSize, NULL, NULL);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { spInfoBase->LoadFrom(dwSize, pByte);
MprAdminBufferFree(pByte); pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0; } }
// We also have to open the hMprConfig, but we can ignore the error
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dwErrT = MprConfigServerConnect((LPWSTR) pszServerName, &hMprConfig); if (dwErrT == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErrT = MprConfigTransportGetHandle(hMprConfig, PID_IP, &hTransport); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // No errors from the MprConfig calls
// ------------------------------------------------------------
CWRg( dwErrT );
// Ok, try to use the MprConfig calls.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
CWRg( MprConfigTransportGetInfo(hMprConfig, hTransport, &pByte, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL) );
spInfoBase->LoadFrom(dwSize, pByte);
MprConfigBufferFree(pByte); pByte = NULL; dwSize = 0; }
// Ok, get the current global config and add on this particular
// DHCP server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
spInfoBase->GetData(MS_IP_BOOTP, 0, (PBYTE *) &pgc);
// Resize the struct for the increased address
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dwSize = sizeof(IPBOOTP_GLOBAL_CONFIG) + ((pgc->GC_ServerCount + 1) * sizeof(DWORD)); pgcNew = (IPBOOTP_GLOBAL_CONFIG *) new BYTE[dwSize];
// Copy over the original information
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
CopyMemory(pgcNew, pgc, IPBOOTP_GLOBAL_CONFIG_SIZE(pgc));
// Add in the new DHCP server
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
IPBOOTP_GLOBAL_SERVER_TABLE(pgcNew)[pgc->GC_ServerCount] = netDhcpServer; pgcNew->GC_ServerCount++;
spInfoBase->AddBlock(MS_IP_BOOTP, dwSize, (LPBYTE) pgcNew, 1, TRUE);
spInfoBase->WriteTo(&pByte, &dwSize);
if (hMprServer) { MprAdminTransportSetInfo(hMprServer, PID_IP, pByte, dwSize, NULL, 0); }
if (hMprConfig && hTransport) { MprConfigTransportSetInfo(hMprConfig, hTransport, pByte, dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
if (pByte) CoTaskMemFree(pByte);
Error: delete [] pgcNew;
if (hMprConfig) MprConfigServerDisconnect(hMprConfig);
if (hMprServer) MprAdminServerDisconnect(hMprServer);
return hr;