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/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1998 **/ /**********************************************************************/
statmapp.h Property Page for Active Registrations Record
#if !defined _STATMAPP_H
#define _STATMAPP_H
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
// CStaticMappingProp dialog
#ifndef _IPCTRL_H
#include "ipctrl.h"
#ifndef _ACTREG_H
#include "actreg.h"
// Static Record Types
extern CString g_strStaticTypeUnique; extern CString g_strStaticTypeDomainName; extern CString g_strStaticTypeMultihomed; extern CString g_strStaticTypeGroup; extern CString g_strStaticTypeInternetGroup; extern CString g_strStaticTypeUnknown;
class CStaticMappingProp : public CPropertyPageBase { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CStaticMappingProp)
// Construction
public: CStaticMappingProp(UINT uIDD = IDD_STATIC_MAPPING_PROPERTIES); ~CStaticMappingProp();
virtual BOOL OnPropertyChange(BOOL bScope, LONG_PTR *ChangeMask);
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_STATIC_MAPPING_PROPERTIES }; CEdit m_editScopeName; CListBox m_listIPAdd; CButton m_buttonRemove; CButton m_buttonAdd; CComboBox m_comboIPAdd; CEdit m_editName; CComboBox m_comboType; CString m_strName; CString m_strType; CString m_strScopeName; //}}AFX_DATA
CEdit m_editCustomIPAdd; CString m_strIPAdd; LONG m_lIPAddress; CString m_strOnInitIPAdd;
UINT m_uImage; UINT m_uIDD;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generate virtual function overrides
public: virtual void OnOK(); virtual BOOL OnApply(); protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
protected: // Generated message map functions
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnButtonAdd(); afx_msg void OnButtonRemove(); afx_msg void OnSelchangeComboType(); afx_msg void OnChangeEditCompname(); afx_msg void OnSelChangeListIpAdd(); //}}AFX_MSG
// single ip address controls
afx_msg void OnChangeIpAddress();
BOOL FillControls(); void AssignMappingType(); void FillDynamicRecData(CString& strType, CString& strActive, CString& strExpiration, CString& strVersion); void FillStaticRecData(CString& strType); void SetDefaultControlStates(); void FillList(); void SetRemoveButtonState(); int m_fType; IPControl m_ipControl; CStringArray m_strArrayIPAdd; CDWordArray m_dwArrayIPAdd;
// set if property changed for static mapping
BOOL m_fStaticPropChanged;
public: virtual DWORD * GetHelpMap() { return WinsGetHelpMap(m_uIDD);} };
class CStaticMappingProperties:public CPropertyPageHolderBase { public: CStaticMappingProperties(ITFSNode * pNode, IComponent * pComponent, LPCTSTR pszSheetName, WinsRecord* pwRecord = NULL, BOOL bWizard = FALSE); CStaticMappingProperties(ITFSNode * pNode, IComponentData * pComponentData, LPCTSTR pszSheetName, WinsRecord* pwRecord = NULL, BOOL bWizard = FALSE);
virtual ~CStaticMappingProperties();
void Init(WinsRecord * pwRecord); void InitPage(BOOL fWizard);
HRESULT GetComponent(ITFSComponent ** ppComponent); HRESULT SetComponent(ITFSComponent * pComponent);
public: CStaticMappingProp * m_ppageGeneral; WinsRecord m_wsRecord; BOOL m_bWizard;
SPITFSComponent m_spTFSComponent; };
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined _STATMAPP_H