// File: main.cpp
// Module: MIGRATE.DLL
// Synopsis: Main entry point for Migrate.DLL
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: quintinb created 08/21/98
#include "migrate.h"
#include "linkdll.h" // LinkToDll and BindLinkage for cmsecure.lib
#include "linkdll.cpp" // LinkToDll and BindLinkage for cmsecure.lib
const int c_NumFiles = 28; char OriginalNames[c_NumFiles][MAX_PATH+1] = { "\\showicon.exe", "\\swflash.ocx", "\\urlmon.dll", "\\iexpress.exe", "\\oleaut32.dll", "\\wextract.exe", "\\cm32\\enu\\advapi32.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\advpack.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmdial32.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmdl32.exe", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmmgr32.exe", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmmgr32.hlp", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmpbk32.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmstats.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\comctl32.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\ccfg95.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\ccfgnt.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\icwscrpt.exe", "\\cm32\\enu\\cnet16.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\cnetcfg.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\mbslgn32.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\readme.txt", "\\cm32\\enu\\rnaph.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\w95inf16.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\w95inf32.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\wininet.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\wintrust.dll", "\\cm32\\enu\\cmcfg32.dll", };
char TempNames[c_NumFiles][MAX_PATH+1] = { "\\showicon.tmp", "\\swflash.tmp", "\\urlmon.tmp", "\\iexpress.tmp", "\\oleaut32.tmp", "\\wextract.tmp", "\\advapi32.tmp", "\\advpack.tmp", "\\cmdial32.tmp", "\\cmdl32.tmp", "\\cmmgr32.001", "\\cmmgr32.002", "\\cmpbk32.tmp", "\\cmstats.tmp", "\\comctl32.tmp", "\\ccfg95.tmp", "\\ccfgnt.tmp", "\\icwscrpt.tmp", "\\cnet16.tmp", "\\cnetcfg.tmp", "\\mbslgn32.tmp", "\\readme.tmp", "\\rnaph.tmp", "\\w95inf16.tmp", "\\w95inf32.tmp", "\\wininet.tmp", "\\wintrust.tmp", "\\cmcfg32.tmp", };
// Global Vars
BOOL g_bMigrateCmak10; BOOL g_bMigrateCmak121; BOOL g_bMigrateCm; BOOL g_fInitSecureCalled; DWORD g_dwNumValues; DWORD g_dwTlsIndex; // thread local storage index
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; TCHAR g_szWorkingDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR g_szCmakPath[MAX_PATH+1]; VENDORINFO g_VendorInfo; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DllMain
// Synopsis: Main initialization function for this dll. Called whenever
// a new instance of this dll is loaded or a new thread created.
// Arguments: HINSTANCE hinstDLL - handle to DLL module
// DWORD fdwReason - reason for calling function
// LPVOID lpvReserved - reserved
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if initialization was successful, FALSE otherwise
// History: quintinb Created Header 01/13/2000
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { //
// Init Globals
g_hInstance = hinstDLL; g_fInitSecureCalled = FALSE; g_bMigrateCmak10 = FALSE; g_bMigrateCmak121 = FALSE;
ZeroMemory(g_szCmakPath, sizeof(g_szCmakPath));
// alloc tls index
g_dwTlsIndex = TlsAlloc(); if (g_dwTlsIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { return FALSE; }
MYVERIFY(DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstDLL)); }
else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { //
// free the tls index
if (g_dwTlsIndex != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { TlsFree(g_dwTlsIndex); } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: QueryVersion
// Synopsis: Supplies the Dll's version and identification information.
// Arguments: OUT LPCSTR *ProductID - buffer to hold a string that uniquely
// identifies the migration dll
// OUT LPUINT DllVersion - Pointer to an Integer to hold the version
// number of the migration DLL
// OUT LPINT *CodePageArray - pointer to an array of code pages that
// the migration dll supports
// OUT LPCSTR *ExeNamesBuf - a pointer to a multi-sz string. The
// buffer contains a null separated list
// of executable file names that the
// migration engine should search for.
// Full paths to all occurences of these
// executables will be copied to the
// [Migration Paths] section of migrate.inf.
// OUT PVENDORINFO *VendorInfo - pointer to a VENDORINFO structure
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED if the component that this dll is to
// migrate isn't installed. The migration dll won't be called
// in any of the other stages if this is the return value.
// ERROR_SUCCESS if the component that this dll is to migrate
// is installed and requires migration. This will allow the
// migration dll to be called again for further migration.
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK QueryVersion(OUT LPCSTR *ProductID, OUT LPUINT DllVersion, OUT LPINT *CodePageArray, OUT LPCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, OUT PVENDORINFO *VendorInfo) { //
// Record our version information.
if (NULL != ProductID) { *ProductID = c_pszProductIdString; }
if (NULL != DllVersion) { *DllVersion = uCmMigrationVersion; }
if (NULL != CodePageArray) { *CodePageArray = NULL; // no code page dependencies, language neutral
if (NULL != ExeNamesBuf) { *ExeNamesBuf = NULL; //
if (NULL != VendorInfo) { *VendorInfo= &g_VendorInfo; ZeroMemory(&g_VendorInfo, sizeof(VENDORINFO));
// Use the standard MS vendor info from vendinfo.mc
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, g_hInstance, MSG_VI_COMPANY_NAME, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &g_VendorInfo.CompanyName[0], sizeof(g_VendorInfo.CompanyName), NULL ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, g_hInstance, MSG_VI_SUPPORT_NUMBER, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &g_VendorInfo.SupportNumber[0], sizeof(g_VendorInfo.SupportNumber), NULL ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, g_hInstance, MSG_VI_SUPPORT_URL, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &g_VendorInfo.SupportUrl[0], sizeof(g_VendorInfo.SupportUrl), NULL ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, g_hInstance, MSG_VI_INSTRUCTIONS, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), &g_VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser[0], sizeof(g_VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser), NULL ); } //
// Now try to detect if CMAK or CM are installed. If they are and the versions
// are such that they need to be migrated, then return ERROR_SUCCESS. Otherwise
// we don't need to do any migration, so return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED.
LONG lReturnValue = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; CmVersion CmVer; if (CmVer.IsPresent()) { lReturnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { CmakVersion CmakVer; //
// Okay, CM wasn't installed so look for CMAK.
if (CmakVer.IsPresent()) { //
// Okay, CMAK exists
lReturnValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
return lReturnValue; }
// Function: Initialize9x
// Synopsis: This function is called so that the migration dll can initialize
// itself on the Win9x side of the migration. The migration dll
// should not make any modifications to the system in this call, as
// it is only for initialization and searching to see if your component
// is installed.
// Arguments: IN LPCSTR WorkingDirectory - path of the temporary storage dir for
// the migration dll.
// IN LPCSTR SourceDirectories - a multi-sz list of the Win2k source
// directory or directories
// IN LPCSTR MediaDirectory - specifies the path to the original media
// directory
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED if the component that this dll is to
// migrate isn't installed. The migration dll won't be called
// in any of the other stages if this is the return value.
// ERROR_SUCCESS if the component that this dll is to migrate
// is installed and requires migration. This will allow the
// migration dll to be called again for further migration.
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x(IN LPCSTR WorkingDirectory, IN LPCSTR SourceDirectories, IN LPCSTR MediaDirectory) { HKEY hKey; //
// Check to see if we need to Migrate CMAK
CmakVersion CmakVer;
lstrcpy(g_szWorkingDir, WorkingDirectory);
if (CmakVer.IsPresent()) { if (CmakVer.GetInstallLocation(g_szCmakPath)) { //
// Then we have a CMAK path. Write this to the handled key so that
// they won't mess with our files.
TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; wsprintf(szTemp, "%s\\migrate.inf", WorkingDirectory); MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszSectionHandled, g_szCmakPath, c_pszDirectory, szTemp));
// Now try to figure out what version of CMAK we have to see if we need
// to run the migration DLL or not. If the CMAK.exe version is 6.00.613.0 (1.0)
// then we should migrate it. If it is higher than that, 1.1 or 1.2 it is
// beta and we shouldn't support the upgrade anyway (I purposely am not
// going to run the migration on it). If it is IE5 IEAK CMAK, then it should
// survive upgrade without a problem.
if (CmakVer.Is10Cmak()) { g_bMigrateCmak10 = TRUE; } else if (CmakVer.Is121Cmak()) { g_bMigrateCmak121 = TRUE; } } }
// Check to see if we need to migrate CM Profiles
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &g_dwNumValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) && (g_dwNumValues > 0)) { //
// Then we have mappings values, so we need to migrate them.
g_bMigrateCm = TRUE;
} RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (g_bMigrateCmak10 || g_bMigrateCmak121 || g_bMigrateCm) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } }
// Function: MigrateUser9x
// Synopsis: Called once for each Win9x user being migrated. Its purpose is to
// allow migration of per user settings.
// Arguments: IN HWND ParentWnd - Window handle of the parent window, used if
// the migration dll needs to display UI. If NULL,
// running in unattended mode and no UI should be
// displayed.
// IN LPCSTR AnswerFile - Supplies the path to the answer file.
// IN HKEY UserRegKey - reg key for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key of the
// user currently being migrated.
// IN LPCSTR UserName - username of the user being migrated
// LPVOID Reserved - reserved
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED - if no per user processing is required.
// ERROR_CANCELLED - if the user wants to exit setup
// ERROR_SUCCESS - the migration dll processed this user successfully
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x(IN HWND ParentWnd, IN LPCSTR AnswerFile, IN HKEY UserRegKey, IN LPCSTR UserName, LPVOID Reserved) { return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; }
// Function: MigrateSystem9x
// Synopsis: Allows migration of system wide settings on the Windows 9x side.
// Arguments: IN HWND ParentWnd - parent window handle for the display of UI,
// NULL if in unattended mode
// IN LPCSTR AnswerFile - full path to the answer file
// LPVOID Reserved - reserved
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED if the component that this dll is to
// migrate isn't installed. The migration dll won't be called
// in any of the other stages if this is the return value.
// ERROR_SUCCESS if the component that this dll is to migrate
// is installed and requires migration. This will allow the
// migration dll to be called again for further migration.
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x(IN HWND ParentWnd, IN LPCSTR AnswerFile, LPVOID Reserved) { LONG lReturn = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH+1];
GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH);
// Setup deletes a bunch of the files that 1.0 CMAK or IEAK5 CMAK need to function.
// Since we currently don't support NT5 CMAK on WKS, we need to copy these files
// to the setup provided working directory, so that we can copy them bak once
// we boot into NT.
if (g_bMigrateCmak10 && (TEXT('\0') != g_szCmakPath[0]) && (TEXT('\0') != g_szWorkingDir[0])) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH+1]; for (int i=0; i < c_NumFiles; i++) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szCmakPath, OriginalNames[i])); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szWorkingDir, TempNames[i])); if (FileExists(szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFile(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)); } }
lReturn &= ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (g_bMigrateCmak121 && (TEXT('\0') != szSystemDir[0]) && (TEXT('\0') != g_szWorkingDir[0])) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH+1];
// Copy w95inf16.dll to the working directory and rename it w95inf16.tmp
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), szSystemDir, c_pszW95Inf16, c_pszDll)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), g_szWorkingDir, c_pszW95Inf16, c_pszTmp)); if (FileExists(szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFile(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)); }
// Copy w95inf32.dll to the working directory and rename it w95inf32.tmp
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), szSystemDir, c_pszW95Inf32, c_pszDll)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), g_szWorkingDir, c_pszW95Inf32, c_pszTmp)); if (FileExists(szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFile(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)); }
lReturn &= ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if (g_bMigrateCm) { //
// Enumerate all the installed profiles on the machine. For each profile check
// for a UserInfo\<CurrentServiceNameKey>. If this key exists, then go to the next
// profile or user. If it doesn't exist, then read the data from the cmp file. If
// the cmp has data marked as being stored then we need to save the password. If
// the password isn't in the cmp then it is in the wnet cache. We must then
// retrieve it.
HKEY hKey; HKEY hTempKey; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szLongServiceName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szCmpPath[MAX_PATH+1];
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwValueSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType; while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumValue(hKey, dwIndex, szLongServiceName, &dwValueSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szCmpPath, &dwDataSize)) { if (REG_SZ == dwType) { MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szLongServiceName[0]); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szCmpPath[0]);
// If the user saved their password or their Internet password,
// then we must make sure that it exists in the cmp (in encrypted form)
// so that when the user runs CM on the NT5 side of the migration,
// CM will move the settings to the new format. Note, that if the
// cmp doesn't specify that the password(s) be saved, then this
// function just returns as there is no password to ensure is in the
// cmp.
MYVERIFY(EnsureEncryptedPasswordInCmpIfSaved(szLongServiceName, szCmpPath)); }
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH; dwDataSize = MAX_PATH; dwIndex++; if (dwIndex == g_dwNumValues) { break; } } MYVERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(hKey)); }
lReturn &= ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return lReturn; }
// Function: InitializeNT
// Synopsis: First function called on the Win2k side of the migration, used to
// setup the Win2k migration. Similar to Initialize9x but on the Win2k
// side. No changes to the system should be made in this function.
// Arguments: IN LPCWSTR WorkingDirectory - temporary storage, same as path given
// on the Win9x side
// IN LPCWSTR SourceDirectories - a multi-sz list of the Win2k source
// directory or directories
// LPVOID Reserved - reserved
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_SUCCESS unless an init error occurs.
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK InitializeNT(IN LPCWSTR WorkingDirectory, IN LPCWSTR SourceDirectories, LPVOID Reserved) { HKEY hKey; //
// Convert the WorkingDirectory to MultiByte
MYVERIFY (0 != WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, WorkingDirectory, -1, g_szWorkingDir, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL));
// Check to see if we need to Migrate CMAK
CmakVersion CmakVer;
if (CmakVer.IsPresent()) { if (CmakVer.GetInstallLocation(g_szCmakPath)) { //
// Now try to figure out what version of CMAK we have to see if we need
// to run the migration DLL or not. If the CMAK.exe version is 6.00.613.0 (1.0)
// then we should migrate it. If it is higher than that, 1.1 or 1.2 it is
// beta and we shouldn't support the upgrade anyway (I purposely am not
// going to run the migration on it). If it is IE5 IEAK CMAK, then it should
// survive upgrade without a problem.
if (CmakVer.Is10Cmak()) { g_bMigrateCmak10 = TRUE; } else if (CmakVer.Is121Cmak()) { g_bMigrateCmak121 = TRUE; } } }
// Check to see if we need to migrate CM Profiles
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &g_dwNumValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) && (g_dwNumValues > 0)) { //
// Then we have mappings values, so we need to migrate them.
g_bMigrateCm = TRUE;
} RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (g_bMigrateCmak10 || g_bMigrateCmak121 || g_bMigrateCm) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } }
// Function: MigrateUserNT
// Synopsis: Called once per migrated user on win2k. Used to migrated any
// per user settings saved from MigrateUser9x.
// Arguments: IN HINF UnattendInfHandle - valid inf handle to unattend.txt,
// for use with the setup API's
// IN HKEY UserRegHandle - HKEY_CURRENT_USER of the user currently
// being migrated
// IN LPCWSTR UserName - username of the user currently being migrated
// LPVOID Reserved - reserved
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_SUCCESS or a win32 error code (will abort migration dll
// processing)
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUserNT(IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, IN HKEY UserRegHandle, IN LPCWSTR UserName, LPVOID Reserved) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: MigrateSystemNT
// Synopsis: Called to allow system wide migration changes to be made on the
// Win2k side.
// Arguments: IN HINF UnattendInfHandle - handle to the unattend.txt file
// LPVOID Reserved - reserved
// Returns: LONG - ERROR_SUCCESS or a win32 error code (will abort migration dll
// processing)
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystemNT(IN HINF UnattendInfHandle, LPVOID Reserved) {
LONG lReturn = ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; DWORD dwDisposition; TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH+1];
GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH);
const TCHAR* const c_pszSystemFmt = TEXT("%s\\system\\%s.inf"); const TCHAR* const c_pszValueString = TEXT("Connection Manager Profiles Upgrade"); const TCHAR* const c_pszRegRunKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmdLine = TEXT("cmstp.exe /m");
if (g_bMigrateCmak10 && (TEXT('\0') != g_szCmakPath[0]) && (TEXT('\0') != g_szWorkingDir[0])) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH+1]; for (int i=0; i < c_NumFiles; i++) { MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szCmakPath, OriginalNames[i]));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s%s"), g_szWorkingDir, TempNames[i]));
if (FileExists(szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFile(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)); } }
lReturn &= ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (g_bMigrateCmak121 && (TEXT('\0') != g_szCmakPath[0]) && (TEXT('\0') != szSystemDir[0])) { TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH+1];
// Copy w95inf16.tmp in the working dir back to the systemdir and rename it .dll
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), g_szWorkingDir, c_pszW95Inf16, c_pszTmp));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), szSystemDir, c_pszW95Inf16, c_pszDll));
if (FileExists(szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFile(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)); }
// Copy w95inf32.tmp in the working dir back to the systemdir and rename it .dll
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSrc) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSrc, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), g_szWorkingDir, c_pszW95Inf32, c_pszTmp));
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s%s"), szSystemDir, c_pszW95Inf32, c_pszDll));
if (FileExists(szSrc)) { MYVERIFY(FALSE != CopyFile(szSrc, szDest, FALSE)); }
lReturn &= ERROR_SUCCESS; }
if (g_bMigrateCm) { //
// Enumerate all the installed profiles on the machine. For each profile check to
// see if the profile inf is located in the system (that's system not system32) dir.
// If it is, then we need to move it to system32 so that our code will know where to
// find it.
HKEY hKey; HKEY hTempKey; TCHAR szSource[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szLongServiceName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szWindowsDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szSystemDir[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szCmpPath[MAX_PATH+1];
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmMappings, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwValueSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwDataSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwType; while (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegEnumValue(hKey, dwIndex, szLongServiceName, &dwValueSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szCmpPath, &dwDataSize)) { if (REG_SZ == dwType) { MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szLongServiceName[0]); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szCmpPath[0]); CFileNameParts CmpPath(szCmpPath);
GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, MAX_PATH); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szWindowsDir[0]);
GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, MAX_PATH); MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') != szSystemDir[0]);
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szSource) > (UINT)wsprintf(szSource, c_pszSystemFmt, szWindowsDir, CmpPath.m_FileName)); MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szDest) > (UINT)wsprintf(szDest, TEXT("%s\\%s.inf"), szSystemDir, CmpPath.m_FileName));
if (CopyFile(szSource, szDest, FALSE)) { DeleteFile(szSource); } }
dwValueSize = MAX_PATH; dwDataSize = MAX_PATH; dwIndex++; if (dwIndex == g_dwNumValues) { break; } } MYVERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(hKey)); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegRunKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition)) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, c_pszValueString, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE*)c_pszCmdLine, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(c_pszCmdLine)+1));
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
lReturn &= ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return lReturn; }
// Function: EnsureEncryptedPasswordInCmpIfSaved
// Synopsis: This function is called on the Win9x side of the migration so
// that if a password is in the Win9x password cache (which only
// happens if the user has profiling enabled), it will be retrieved,
// encrypted, and written to the cmp. This enables CM to populate
// a users registry with the starting password whenever they first
// launch the CM profile. This no functionality is lost from the
// shared password feature that win9x had.
// Arguments: szLongServiceName - Service name of the profile to retrieve
// the password for
// szCmpPath - full path to the cmp to write the password too
// Returns: BOOL - returns TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created 08/27/98
// nickball CmWipePassword 08/04/99
BOOL EnsureEncryptedPasswordInCmpIfSaved(LPCTSTR pszLongServiceName, LPCTSTR pszCmpPath) { TCHAR szPassword[MAX_PATH+1] = TEXT(""); TCHAR szCacheEntryName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szEncryptedPassword[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwCryptType = 0; GetCachedPassword pfnGetCachedPassword = NULL; int iTemp=0;
CDynamicLibrary MprDll(TEXT("mpr.dll")); iTemp = GetPrivateProfileInt(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRememberPwd, 0, pszCmpPath); if (iTemp) { GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPassword, TEXT(""), szPassword, MAX_PATH, pszCmpPath);
if (TEXT('\0') == szPassword[0]) { //
// The string must be in the password cache. Build the key string
// for the cache.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szCacheEntryName) > (UINT)wsprintf(szCacheEntryName, TEXT("%s - Sign-In (Connection Manager)"), pszLongServiceName)); pfnGetCachedPassword = (GetCachedPassword)MprDll.GetProcAddress(TEXT("WNetGetCachedPassword"));
if (NULL == pfnGetCachedPassword) { CmWipePassword(szPassword); return FALSE; } else { WORD wStr = (WORD)256;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pfnGetCachedPassword(szCacheEntryName, (WORD)lstrlen(szCacheEntryName), szPassword, &wStr, 80)) { //
// Okay, we retrived the password, now lets encrypt it and write it
// to the cmp
if (EncryptPassword(szPassword, szEncryptedPassword, &dwSize, &dwCryptType)) { //
// Write the encrypted password
WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPassword, szEncryptedPassword, pszCmpPath);
// Write the encryption type
wsprintf(szPassword, TEXT("%u"), dwCryptType); WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPcs, szPassword, pszCmpPath); } } } } }
// Now do the same for the Internet Password
iTemp = GetPrivateProfileInt(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRememberInetPwd, 0, pszCmpPath);
if (iTemp) { GetPrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryInetPassword, TEXT(""), szPassword, MAX_PATH, pszCmpPath);
if (TEXT('\0') == szPassword[0]) { //
// The string must be in the password cache. Build the key string
// for the cache.
MYVERIFY(CELEMS(szCacheEntryName) > (UINT)wsprintf(szCacheEntryName, TEXT("%s - Sign-In (Connection Manager)-tunnel"), pszLongServiceName)); pfnGetCachedPassword = (GetCachedPassword)MprDll.GetProcAddress(TEXT("WNetGetCachedPassword"));
if (NULL == pfnGetCachedPassword) { CmWipePassword(szPassword); return FALSE; } else { WORD wStr = (WORD)256;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == pfnGetCachedPassword(szCacheEntryName, (WORD)lstrlen(szCacheEntryName), szPassword, &wStr, 80)) { //
// Okay, we retrived the password, now lets encrypt it and write it
// to the cmp
dwCryptType = 0;
if (EncryptPassword(szPassword, szEncryptedPassword, &dwSize, &dwCryptType)) { //
// Write the encrypted password
WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryInetPassword, szEncryptedPassword, pszCmpPath);
// Write the encryption type
wsprintf(szPassword, TEXT("%u"), dwCryptType); WritePrivateProfileString(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPcs, szPassword, pszCmpPath); } } } } } CmWipePassword(szPassword);
return TRUE; }
// Function: EncryptPassword
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: IN LPCTSTR pszPassword -
// OUT LPTSTR pszEncryptedPassword -
// OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufSize -
// OUT LPDWORD lpdwCryptType -
// Returns: BOOL -
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
// nickball CmWipePassword 08/04/99
BOOL EncryptPassword(IN LPCTSTR pszPassword, OUT LPTSTR pszEncryptedPassword, OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufSize, OUT LPDWORD lpdwCryptType) { MYDBGASSERT(pszPassword); MYDBGASSERT(pszEncryptedPassword); MYDBGASSERT(lpdwBufSize);
MYDBGASSERT(lpdwCryptType); DWORD dwEncryptedBufferLen; DWORD dwSize = 0;
LPTSTR pszEncryptedData = NULL;
TCHAR szSourceData[PWLEN + sizeof(TCHAR)];
if ((NULL == pszPassword) || (NULL == pszEncryptedPassword) || (NULL == lpdwBufSize)) { return NULL; }
// Standard encryption, copy the password
lstrcpy(szSourceData, pszPassword); //
// It is not safe to call InitSecure more than once
if (!g_fInitSecureCalled) { BOOL bFastEncryption = FALSE; MYVERIFY(FALSE != ReadEncryptionOption(&bFastEncryption)); InitSecure(bFastEncryption); g_fInitSecureCalled = TRUE; }
// Encrypt the provided password
if (EncryptData((LPBYTE)szSourceData, (lstrlen(szSourceData)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR), (LPBYTE*)&pszEncryptedData, &dwEncryptedBufferLen, lpdwCryptType, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { if (lpdwBufSize) { *lpdwBufSize = dwEncryptedBufferLen; }
if (pszEncryptedData) { _tcscpy(pszEncryptedPassword, pszEncryptedData); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pszEncryptedData); pszEncryptedData = NULL; CmWipePassword(szSourceData); return TRUE; } } CmWipePassword(szSourceData); return FALSE; }
// Function: ReadEncryptionOption
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: BOOL* pfFastEncryption - boolean to fill in with fast encryption flag
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if successful
// History: quintinb Created Header 8/27/98
// copied from the version written by Fengsun in cmdial\connect.cpp
BOOL ReadEncryptionOption(BOOL* pfFastEncryption) { HKEY hKeyCm; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
MYDBGASSERT(pfFastEncryption != NULL);
*pfFastEncryption = FALSE;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_pszRegCmRoot, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE ,&hKeyCm)) { RegQueryValueEx(hKeyCm, c_pszRegCmEncryptOption, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)pfFastEncryption, &dwSize);
RegCloseKey(hKeyCm); } return TRUE; }