#include "wt.h"
#include "wtproto.h"
#include "workerinc.h"
// WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent //
// the client has locks on wte_CS, so that no one can add or delete //
// if you need to add timers, you have to take lock on wte_CSTimer //
VOID WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent ( IN PVOID pContext ) { PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte; BOOL bLockTimer;
pwte = (PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY) pContext; TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent:");
switch (pwte->wte_ChangeType) {
case CHANGE_TYPE_ADD : RegisterClientEventsTimers(pwte); break;
case CHANGE_TYPE_DELETE : DeRegisterClientEventsTimers(pwte); break;
case CHANGE_TYPE_BIND_FUNCTION_ADD : RegisterClientEventBinding(pwte); break;
case CHANGE_TYPE_BIND_FUNCTION_DELETE : DeRegisterClientEventBinding(pwte); break; }
SET_EVENT(pwte->wte_WTNotifyClientEvent, "wte_WTNotifyClientEvent", "WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent"); TRACE0(LEAVE, "Leaving WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent:"); return;
} //end WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent
// WorkerFunction_ProcessWorkQueueTimer //
VOID WorkerFunction_ProcessWorkQueueTimer ( IN PVOID pContext ) {
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering WorkerFunction_ProcessWorkQueueTimer:");
// Work queue has not been served within specified
// timeout
while (1) { // Make a local copy of the count
LONG count = ThreadCount; // Make sure we havn't exceded the limit
if (count>=MAX_WORKER_THREADS) break; else { // Try to increment the value
// use another local variable
// because of MIPS optimizer bug
LONG newCount = count+1; if (InterlockedCompareExchange (&ThreadCount, newCount, count)==count) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD tid; // Create new thread if increment succeded
hThread = CreateThread (NULL, 0, WorkerThread, NULL, 0, &tid); if (hThread!=NULL) { CloseHandle (hThread); } else // Restore the value if thread creation
// failed
InterlockedDecrement (&ThreadCount); break; } // else repeat the loop if ThreadCount was modified
// while we were checking
} }
TRACE0(LEAVE, "Leaving WorkerFunction_ProcessWorkQueueTimer:"); return;
} //end WorkerFunction_ProcessWorkQueueTimer
// WorkerFunction_ProcessAlertableThreadSemaphore //
VOID WorkerFunction_ProcessAlertableThreadSemaphore ( IN PVOID pContext ) { WorkItem *workitem;
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering WorkerFunction_ProcessAlertableThreadSemaphore:");
EnterCriticalSection(&AlertableWorkQueueLock); ASSERT (!IsListEmpty (&AlertableWorkQueue)); workitem = (WorkItem *) RemoveHeadList (&AlertableWorkQueue) ; LeaveCriticalSection(&AlertableWorkQueueLock);
(workitem->WI_Function) (workitem->WI_Context); HeapFree (AlertableWorkerHeap, 0, workitem);
TRACE0(LEAVE, "Leaving WorkerFunction_ProcessAlertableThreadSemaphore:"); return; }
// WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer //
// Process event: waitable timer fired //
// takes lock on wte_CSTimer and releases it in the end //
VOID WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer( IN PVOID pContext ) { PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte; LONGLONG liCurrentTime; PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead, pleCurrent; PWT_TIMER_ENTRY pte; BOOL bActiveTimers;
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer:");
pwte = (PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY) pContext;
// get lock on server threads timer
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pwte->wte_CSTimer, "wte_CSTimer", "WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer");
NtQuerySystemTime((LARGE_INTEGER*) &liCurrentTime);
// ordered in increasing time, with inactive timers at the end
pHead = &pwte->wteL_ClientTimerEntries; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ) { pte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WT_TIMER_ENTRY, te_ServerLinks);
if (pte->te_Status == TIMER_INACTIVE) // inactive timers at end of list
if (IS_TIMER_INFINITE(pte->te_Timeout)) { //should have been inactive
ple = ple->Flink; continue; }
if (pte->te_Timeout<=liCurrentTime) { //
// set timer status to inactive and insert at end of timer queue
pte->te_Status = TIMER_INACTIVE; SET_TIMER_INFINITE(pte->te_Timeout);
pleCurrent = ple; ple = ple->Flink; RemoveEntryList(pleCurrent); InsertTailList(pHead, pleCurrent);
// run the function in current thread or dispatch to worker thread
if (pte->te_RunInServer) { (pte->te_Function)(pte->te_Context); } else { QueueWorkItem( pte->te_Function, pte->te_Context, FALSE ); // do not run in alertable thread
} }
else { break; }
// search for active timers with timeout which is not infinite
if (IsListEmpty(pHead)) bActiveTimers = FALSE; else { ple = pHead->Flink;
pte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WT_TIMER_ENTRY, te_ServerLinks);
bActiveTimers = (pte->te_Status==TIMER_INACTIVE) ? FALSE : TRUE; }
// if active timers present, then set waitableTimer
if (bActiveTimers) {
// set next timeout value for the wait server
pwte->wte_Timeout = pte->te_Timeout; TRACE2(TIMER, "SetWaitableTimer set to <%lu:%lu> after being fired", TIMER_HIGH(pte->te_Timeout), TIMER_LOW(pte->te_Timeout));
SetWaitableTimer(pwte->wte_Timer, (LARGE_INTEGER*)&pte->te_Timeout, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE); }
// no active timer in queue. do not set the waitable timer
else { SET_TIMER_INFINITE(pwte->wte_Timeout); }
#if DBG2
DebugPrintWaitWorkerThreads(DEBUGPRINT_FILTER_EVENTS); #endif
LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pwte->wte_CSTimer, "wte_CSTimer", "WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer");
TRACE0(LEAVE, "Leaving WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer:"); return;
} //end WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer
// CreateServerEventsAndTimer //
// Create the events for a server and the timer(called by server only) //
// assumes lock on server and server timer structure //
DWORD CreateServerEventsAndTimer ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) { PWT_EVENT_ENTRY peeWaitableTimer, peeClientNotifyWTEvent, peeAlertableThreadSemaphore, peeWorkQueueTimer;
// waitable timer (set to infinity time)
peeWaitableTimer = CreateWaitEvent( pwte->wte_Timer, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, // highPriority
(WORKERFUNCTION) WorkerFunction_ProcessWaitableTimer, (PVOID)pwte, // context
0, // context size=0, as just a pointer value is being passed
TRUE // run in server context
if (!peeWaitableTimer) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
peeWaitableTimer->ee_EventId = 1; RegisterClientEventLocal(peeWaitableTimer, pwte);
// ClientNotifyWTEvent
peeClientNotifyWTEvent = CreateWaitEvent( pwte->wte_ClientNotifyWTEvent, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, // highPriority
(WORKERFUNCTION) WorkerFunction_ProcessClientNotifyWTEvent, (PVOID)pwte, // context
0, // context size=0, as just a pointer value is being passed
TRUE // run in server context
); if (!peeClientNotifyWTEvent ) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
peeClientNotifyWTEvent->ee_EventId = 2; RegisterClientEventLocal(peeClientNotifyWTEvent, pwte);
// AlertableThreadSemaphore
peeAlertableThreadSemaphore = CreateWaitEvent( AlertableThreadSemaphore, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, // Priority=low
(WORKERFUNCTION) WorkerFunction_ProcessAlertableThreadSemaphore, NULL, // context
0, // context size=0, as just a pointer value is being passed
TRUE // run in server context
); peeAlertableThreadSemaphore->ee_EventId = 3; RegisterClientEventLocal(peeAlertableThreadSemaphore, pwte);
// WorkQueueTimer
peeWorkQueueTimer = CreateWaitEvent( WorkQueueTimer, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, FALSE, // Priority=low
(WORKERFUNCTION) WorkerFunction_ProcessWorkQueueTimer, NULL, // context
0, // context size=0, as just a pointer value is being passed
TRUE // run in server context
); peeWorkQueueTimer->ee_EventId = 4; RegisterClientEventLocal(peeWorkQueueTimer, pwte);
return NO_ERROR;
} //end CreateServerEventsAndTimer
// InitializeWaitGlobal //
// initialize the global data structure for all wait threads //
DWORD InitializeWaitGlobal( ) { BOOL bErr; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
ZeroMemory(&WTG, sizeof(WTG));
WTG.g_Initialized = 0x12345678;
// initialize tracing and logging
WTG.g_TraceId = TraceRegister("WAIT_THREAD"); //todo:set the logging level
WTG.g_LogLevel = WT_LOGGING_ERROR; WTG.g_LogHandle = RouterLogRegister("WAIT_THREAD");
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering InitializeWaitGlobal()");
// initialize global structure
bErr = FALSE; do { // error breakout loop
// create a private heap for Wait-Thread
WTG.g_Heap = AlertableWorkerHeap; // created in worker.c
if (WTG.g_Heap==NULL) WTG.g_Heap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0);
if (WTG.g_Heap == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1( ANY, "error %d creating Wait-Thread global heap", dwErr ); LOGERR0(HEAP_CREATE_FAILED, dwErr);
bErr = FALSE; break; }
// initialize list for wait thread entries
// initialize critical section
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&WTG.g_CS); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); TRACE1( ANY, "exception %d initializing global critical section", dwErr ); LOGERR0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, dwErr);
bErr = TRUE; break; }
} while (FALSE);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "leaving InitializeWaitGlobal: %d", dwErr);
if (bErr) return dwErr; else return NO_ERROR;
} //end InitializeWaitGlobal
// DeInitializeWaitGlobal //
//deinitializes the global structure for wait-thread //
//todo: free the server entries and the event/timers etc associated with them //
DWORD DeInitializeWaitGlobal( ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead; PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte;
ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&WTG.g_CS, "g_CS", "DeInitializeWaitGlobal");
if (WTG.g_Initialized==0) { LEAVE_CRITICAL_SECTION(&WTG.g_CS, "g_CS", "DeInitializeWaitGlobal"); TRACE0(LEAVE, "leaving DeInitializeWaitGlobal:Pending"); return ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } else WTG.g_Initialized = 0;
// if waitThreadEntries exist, then for each server entry mark each event/binding
// as deleted and return pending
if (!IsListEmpty(&WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries)) {
pHead = &WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pwte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WAIT_THREAD_ENTRY, wte_Links); ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(&pwte->wte_CS, "deleting wte_CS", "DeInitializeWaitGlobal"); pwte->wte_Status = WT_STATUS_DELETED; }
//todo should I also mark each event and timer as deleted
TRACE0(LEAVE, "leaving DeInitializeWaitGlobal:Pending");
return NO_ERROR;
} //end DeInitializeWaitGlobal
DWORD DeInitializeWaitGlobalComplete ( ) {
TRACE0(LEAVE, "leaving DeInitializeWaitGlobal");
// for each server entry mark each event/binding as deleted
// and return pending
TraceDeregister(WTG.g_TraceId); RouterLogDeregister(WTG.g_LogHandle);
// delete critical section
try{ DeleteCriticalSection(&WTG.g_CS); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { }
// destroy heap
/*if (WTG.g_Heap != NULL) {
HeapDestroy(WTG.g_Heap); }*/
return NO_ERROR;
} //end DeInitializeWaitGlobal
// InsertWaitThreadEntry //
// insert the new wait server thread into a list of increasing ServerIds //
// initializes the serverId //
// assumes: it has lock on WTG.g_cs, and pwte->wte_CS, and pwte->wte_CSTimer //
DWORD InsertWaitThreadEntry ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwteInsert ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead; PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte; DWORD dwServerId;
// find the lowest unallocated SeverId and insert the new server in the ordered list
dwServerId = 1; pHead = &WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries;
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink,dwServerId++) {
if (dwServerId==pwte->wte_ServerId) { continue; } else break; }
// insert in list
if (dwServerId==1) { // not required. but kept for easy understanding
InsertHeadList(&WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries, &pwteInsert->wte_Links); } else { InsertTailList(ple, &pwteInsert->wte_Links); }
// set serverId
pwteInsert->wte_ServerId = dwServerId;
pwteInsert->wte_Status = WT_STATUS_REGISTERED;
return NO_ERROR;
} //end InsertWaitThreadEntry
// RemoveWaitThreadEntry //
// removes a wait server thread from the list of servers //
// assumes: it has lock on WTG.g_cs and wte_CS //
DWORD DeleteWaitThreadEntry ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) { // set status to deleted
pwte->wte_Status = WT_STATUS_DELETED;
// if RefCount == 0, then remove it from the list and free it
if (pwte->wte_RefCount==0) {
// free the wait thread entry
RemoveEntryList(&pwte->wte_Links); FreeWaitThreadEntry(pwte);
// deinitialize global structure if it is also marked for delete and its
// WaitThreadEntry list is empty
if ((WTG.g_Initialized==WT_STATUS_DELETED) &&(IsListEmpty(&WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries))) { DeInitializeWaitGlobalComplete(); }
} return NO_ERROR; }
// CreateWaitThreadEntry //
// creates a wait thread entry and initializes it //
// no locks required //
DWORD CreateWaitThreadEntry ( IN DWORD dwThreadId, OUT PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY *ppwte ) { PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte; DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR; BOOL bErr = TRUE;
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering CreateWaitThreadEntry");
// allocate wait-thread-entry entry
*ppwte = pwte = WT_MALLOC(sizeof(WAIT_THREAD_ENTRY)); if (pwte == NULL) {
dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE2( ANY, "error %d allocating %d bytes for wait-thread-entry", dwErr, sizeof(WAIT_THREAD_ENTRY) ); LOGERR0(HEAP_ALLOC_FAILED, dwErr);
return dwErr; }
ZeroMemory(pwte, sizeof(WAIT_THREAD_ENTRY));
// initialize global structure
do { // error breakout loop
// critical section
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pwte->wte_CS); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); TRACE1( ANY, "exception %d initializing global critical section", dwErr ); LOGERR0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// current clients
//server id is set when it is inserted into global list
pwte->wte_ThreadId = dwThreadId; //ServerId is assigned during insertion of wte
pwte->wte_NumClients = 0;
// list for events/timers
InitializeListHead(&pwte->wteL_ClientEventEntries); InitializeListHead(&pwte->wteL_ClientTimerEntries);
// create waitable timer
pwte->wte_Timer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
if (pwte->wte_Timer == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1( ANY, "error creating waitable timer", dwErr ); LOGERR0(CREATE_WAITABLE_TIMER_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
SET_TIMER_INFINITE(pwte->wte_Timeout); //set timeout to infinity
// critical section for timers
try { InitializeCriticalSection(&pwte->wte_CSTimer); } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); TRACE1( ANY, "exception %d initializing critical section for timer", dwErr ); LOGERR0(INIT_CRITSEC_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// array for WaitForMultipleObjects
pwte->wte_LowIndex = 0; pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents = 0; pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents = 0; pwte->wte_NumHighPriorityEvents = 0; pwte->wte_NumActiveHighPriorityEvents = 0;
// adding/deleting events/timers
// create event: Client notifies WT: wake up WT to add/delete events/timers
pwte->wte_ClientNotifyWTEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (pwte->wte_ClientNotifyWTEvent == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1(START, "error %d creating event Client-notify-WT", dwErr); LOGERR0(CREATE_EVENT_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// create event: WT notifies Client: the work requested has been done
pwte->wte_WTNotifyClientEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (pwte->wte_WTNotifyClientEvent == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); TRACE1(START, "error:%d creating event WT-notify-Client", dwErr); LOGERR0(CREATE_EVENT_FAILED, dwErr);
break; }
// variables used to add/delete events/timers
pwte->wte_ChangeType = CHANGE_TYPE_NONE; pwte->wte_Status = 0; pwte->wte_RefCount = 0; pwte->wtePL_EventsToChange = NULL; pwte->wtePL_TimersToChange = NULL;
bErr = FALSE;
} while (FALSE);
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving CreateWaitThreadEntry: %d", dwErr);
if (bErr) { FreeWaitThreadEntry(pwte); return dwErr; } else return NO_ERROR;
}//end CreateWaitThreadEntry
// FreeWaitThreadEntry //
DWORD FreeWaitThreadEntry ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) { DWORD dwErr = NO_ERROR;
TRACE0(ENTER, "Entering FreeWaitThreadEntry");
// delete waitable timer
if (pwte->wte_Timer!=NULL) CloseHandle(pwte->wte_Timer);
// delete event: Client notifies WT
if (pwte->wte_ClientNotifyWTEvent!=NULL) CloseHandle(&pwte->wte_ClientNotifyWTEvent);
// delete event: WT notifies Client
if (pwte->wte_WTNotifyClientEvent!=NULL) CloseHandle(pwte->wte_WTNotifyClientEvent);
// free wait-thread-entry record
// deinitialize global structure if it is also marked for delete and its
// WaitThreadEntry list is empty
if ((WTG.g_Initialized==WT_STATUS_DELETED) &&(IsListEmpty(&WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries))) { DeInitializeWaitGlobalComplete(); }
TRACE1(LEAVE, "Leaving FreeWaitThreadEntry: %d", dwErr);
return NO_ERROR;
} //end FreeWaitThreadEntry
// GetWaitThread //
// returns a wait thread which has the required number of free events //
// assumes lock on g_CS. //
// if NumTotalEvents is low enough, do interlocked increment. //
PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY GetWaitThread ( IN DWORD dwNumEventsToAdd, //==0, if only timers are being added
IN DWORD dwNumTimersToadd ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead; PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte; BOOL bFound; DWORD dwIncrRefCount = dwNumEventsToAdd + dwNumTimersToadd;
pHead = &WTG.gL_WaitThreadEntries;
// Locate a wait-thread with required events free.
bFound = FALSE; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pwte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WAIT_THREAD_ENTRY, wte_Links);
// cannot allocate this server because it is not active
if ((pwte->wte_Status != WT_STATUS_REGISTERED) && (pwte->wte_Status != WT_STATUS_ACTIVE) ) { ETRACE0("could not allocate this wte as it is not registered"); continue; }
if (NUM_CLIENT_EVENTS_FREE(pwte) >= dwNumEventsToAdd) {
// increment RefCount so that it cannot be deleted
// interlocked operation as it can be decremented outside g_CS and inside only wte_CS
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&pwte->wte_RefCount, dwIncrRefCount);
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG)&pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents, (LONG)dwNumEventsToAdd); bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (bFound) {
//shift the wte to the end so that all server threads are balanced
RemoveEntryList(ple); InsertTailList(pHead, ple);
return pwte; } else { return NULL; } }
// RegisterClientEventLocal //
// Register the wait event locally //
// event being registered by the server itself: //
// assumes lock on server //
// somewhat similar to AddClientEvent //
DWORD RegisterClientEventLocal ( IN PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee, IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) { // insert wait event in list of event entries //dont have to do interlocked here
pwte->wte_RefCount ++; pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents ++;
InsertInEventsList(pee, pwte);
// insert wait event in array of event entries
if (pee->ee_bInitialState == FALSE) { InsertInEventsArray(pee, pwte); } else { pee->ee_Status = WT_STATUS_INACTIVE + WT_STATUS_FIRED; // but arrayIndex ==-1
return NO_ERROR; }
// InsertInEventsList //
// assumes lock on server //
// Insert the event in the list and increment the counters //
// NumTotalEvents has been increased during allocation of the server //
InsertHeadList(&pwte->wteL_ClientEventEntries, &pee->ee_ServerLinks);
// set fields of event entry
pee->ee_ServerId = pwte->wte_ServerId; pee->eeP_wte = pwte; pee->ee_Status = WT_STATUS_REGISTERED;
// change fields of wait thread entry
//pwte->wte_RefCount++; //RefCount incremented during allocation
//pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents ++; //incremented during allocation
if (pee->ee_bHighPriority) { pwte->wte_NumHighPriorityEvents ++; }
return; }
// DeleteFromEventsList //
// NumTotalEvents/Refcount is interlockedDecremented //
VOID DeleteFromEventsList ( IN PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee, IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) {
// remove entry from list
// set fields of event entry
pee->ee_Status = WT_STATUS_DELETED;
// change fields of wait thread entry
// pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents ++; interlocked incremented during allocation
if (pee->ee_bHighPriority) { pwte->wte_NumHighPriorityEvents --; }
InterlockedDecrement(&pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents); // decremented in DeleteClientEventComplete if ee_RefCount is 0
return; }
// DeleteFromEventsArray //
// pee: status is not set to inactive, but array pointer is set to -1 //
// pwte: decrement active counters //
VOID DeleteFromEventsArray ( IN PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee, IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) { INT iIndex; DWORD dwCount;
iIndex = pee->ee_ArrayIndex; dwCount = pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents + pwte->wte_LowIndex - iIndex - 1;
// shift right part towards left if its size is smaller
if (dwCount <= pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents/2) { EventsArray_MoveOverlap ( pwte, iIndex, //dstn
iIndex+1, //src
dwCount //count
); } // shift left part towards right
else { EventsArray_MoveOverlap ( pwte, pwte->wte_LowIndex+1, //dstn
pwte->wte_LowIndex, //src
pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents - dwCount -1 //count
); pwte->wte_LowIndex ++; }
// set fields of event entry
pee->ee_ArrayIndex = -1;
// change fields of wait thread entry
pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents --; if (pee->ee_bHighPriority) { pwte->wte_NumActiveHighPriorityEvents--; } }//end DeleteFromEventsArray
// InsertInEventsArray //
// assumes lock on server:wte_CS :todo is the lock required //
// Insert the event in the events array and the map array (no checks are performed)//
// pee: status set to active, set index to array position //
// pwte: increment active counters //
VOID InsertInEventsArray ( IN PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee, IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) { INT iIndex;
// if the array is filled to the extreme right, then shift all events to the left end
if (EA_OVERFLOW(pwte, 1)) EventsArray_CopyLeftEnd(pwte);
// get index where it has to be inserted
if (pee->ee_bHighPriority) {
// the highPriority event has to be moved to the place right of the righmost HighPriority event
iIndex = EA_INDEX_LOW_LOW_PRIORITY_EVENT(pwte); //copy the 1st low priority event to end+1;
if (EA_EXISTS_LOW_PRIORITY_EVENT(pwte)) { EventsArray_Move(pwte, EA_INDEX_HIGH_LOW_PRIORITY_EVENT(pwte)+1, //dstn
iIndex, //src
1 //count
); } } else { // low priority event: insert in the end
// insert the event
EventsArray_InsertEvent(pee, pwte, iIndex);
// set fields of event entry
pee->ee_Status = WT_STATUS_ACTIVE; pee->ee_ArrayIndex = iIndex;
// change fields of wait thread entry
pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents ++; if (pee->ee_bHighPriority) { pwte->wte_NumActiveHighPriorityEvents++; } }//end InsertInEventsArray
// InactivateEvent //
// Remove the event from the arrays and set the inactive flag // //
// Used with bManual reset //
VOID InactivateEvent ( IN PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee ) {
dwIndex = pee->ee_ArrayIndex; pwte = pee->eeP_wte;
// if event is not at the right end of the array, then events on its right have to be shifted
if (dwIndex != EA_INDEX_HIGH_LOW_PRIORITY_EVENT(pwte)) { EventsArray_MoveOverlap(pwte, dwIndex, dwIndex+1, (pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents + pwte->wte_LowIndex - dwIndex -1) ); }
// change fields in event entry to make it inactive
pee->ee_ArrayIndex = -1; pee->ee_Status = (pee->ee_Status&WT_STATUS_FIRED) + WT_STATUS_INACTIVE;
// change fields in wait thread entry
pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents --; if (pee->ee_bHighPriority) { pwte->wte_NumActiveHighPriorityEvents --; } return; }
// EventsArray_CopyLeftEnd //
// copy all the events to the left end of the array //
// sets the wte_LowIndex value //
VOID EventsArray_CopyLeftEnd ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte ) {
EventsArray_Move(pwte, 0, //dstn
pwte->wte_LowIndex, //src
pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents //count
// change fields of wait thread entry
pwte->wte_LowIndex = 0;
return; }
// EventsArray_Move //
// copy dwCount events from the srcIndex to dstnIndex (no overlap) //
VOID EventsArray_Move ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte, IN DWORD dwDstnIndex, IN DWORD dwSrcIndex, IN DWORD dwCount ) { PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee; DWORD i;
if (dwCount==0) return;
CopyMemory( &pwte->wteA_Events[dwDstnIndex], &pwte->wteA_Events[dwSrcIndex], sizeof(HANDLE) * dwCount );
CopyMemory( &pwte->wteA_EventMapper[dwDstnIndex], &pwte->wteA_EventMapper[dwSrcIndex], sizeof(PWT_EVENT_ENTRY) * dwCount );
for (i=0; i<dwCount; i++) { pee = pwte->wteA_EventMapper[dwDstnIndex + i]; pee->ee_ArrayIndex = dwDstnIndex + i; } return; }
// EventsArray_MoveOverlap //
// copy dwCount events from the srcIndex to dstnIndex (with overlap) //
VOID EventsArray_MoveOverlap ( IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte, IN DWORD dwDstnIndex, IN DWORD dwSrcIndex, IN DWORD dwCount ) { PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee; DWORD i;
if (dwCount==0) return;
MoveMemory( &pwte->wteA_Events[dwDstnIndex], &pwte->wteA_Events[dwSrcIndex], sizeof(HANDLE) * dwCount );
MoveMemory( &pwte->wteA_EventMapper[dwDstnIndex], &pwte->wteA_EventMapper[dwSrcIndex], sizeof(PWT_EVENT_ENTRY) * dwCount );
for (i=0; i<dwCount; i++) { pee = pwte->wteA_EventMapper[dwDstnIndex + i]; pee->ee_ArrayIndex = dwDstnIndex + i; } return; }
// EventsArray_InsertEvent //
// Insert the event in the events array and the map array //
VOID EventsArray_InsertEvent ( IN PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee, IN PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte, IN INT iIndex ) { // insert event in events array
pwte->wteA_Events[iIndex] = pee->ee_Event;
// insert pointer in map array
pwte->wteA_EventMapper[iIndex] = pee;
return; }
// GetListLength //
// returns the length of the list //
// returns 0 if the list contains the header only //
INT GetListLength ( IN PLIST_ENTRY pHead ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple; DWORD dwCount=0;
if (pHead==NULL) return -1;
for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) {
dwCount++; }
return dwCount;
VOID PrintEvent ( PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee, DWORD level ) { PLIST_ENTRY pHead, ple; PWT_WORK_ITEM pwi;
if (pee->ee_Event==NULL) printf(" Event is NULL\n");
printf("-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf("-- <%2d><ee_bManualReset:%2d> <ee_bInitialState:%2d> <ee_Status:%2d> <ee_bHighPriority:%2d>\n", pee->ee_EventId, pee->ee_bManualReset, pee->ee_bInitialState, pee->ee_Status, pee->ee_bHighPriority);
printf("-- <ee_bSignalSingle:%2d> <ee_bOwnerSelf:%2d> <ee_ArrayIndex:%2d> <ee_ServerId:4%d>\n", pee->ee_bSignalSingle, pee->ee_bOwnerSelf, pee->ee_ArrayIndex, pee->ee_ServerId); printf("-- <ee_RefCount:%d\n", pee->ee_RefCount); pHead = &pee->eeL_wi; printf("-- LIST OF EVENT BINDINGS\n"); for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pwi = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WT_WORK_ITEM, wi_ServerLinks); printf("-- <wi_ContextSz:%lu> <wi_RunInServer:%d> <wiP_ee:%lu>\n", pwi->wi_ContextSz, pwi->wi_RunInServer, (UINT_PTR)(PVOID)pwi->wiP_ee); }
return; }
VOID PrintTimer ( PWT_TIMER_ENTRY pte, DWORD level ) {
LARGE_INTEGER li; TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER,"__ ________________________________________________________________________"); TRACE4(WAIT_TIMER, "__ <TimerId:%2d><Timeout:%lu:%lu> <te_ContextSz:%lu>", pte->te_TimerId, TIMER_HIGH(pte->te_Timeout), TIMER_LOW(pte->te_Timeout), pte->te_ContextSz); TRACE3(WAIT_TIMER, "__ <te_RunInServer:%1d> <te_Status:%1d> <te_ServerId:%d>", pte->te_RunInServer, pte->te_Status, pte->te_ServerId);
return; }
// PrintWaitThreadEntry //
// Prints the events and timers registered with this server. //
VOID PrintWaitThreadEntry ( PWAIT_THREAD_ENTRY pwte, DWORD level ) { PLIST_ENTRY ple, pHead; PWT_EVENT_ENTRY pee; PWT_TIMER_ENTRY pte; DWORD dwHigh, dwLow; LARGE_INTEGER li; BOOL bPrint; DWORD i;
TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "\n"); TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "================================================================================="); TRACE3(WAIT_TIMER, "== <wte_ServerId:%2lu> <wte_ThreadId:%2lu> <wte_NumClients:%2lu>", pwte->wte_ServerId, pwte->wte_ThreadId, pwte->wte_NumClients); TRACE2(WAIT_TIMER, "== <wte_Status:%2lu> <wte_RefCount:%2lu>", pwte->wte_Status, pwte->wte_RefCount);
// print list of events registered
TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "-- "); TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); TRACE2(WAIT_TIMER,"-- <wte_LowIndex:%2lu> <wte_NumTotalEvents:%2lu>", pwte->wte_LowIndex, pwte->wte_NumTotalEvents); TRACE2(WAIT_TIMER, "-- <wte_NumActiveEvents:%2lu> <wte_NumHighPriorityEvents:%2lu>", pwte->wte_NumActiveEvents, pwte->wte_NumHighPriorityEvents); TRACE1(WAIT_TIMER, "-- <wte_NumActiveHighPriorityEvents:%2lu>", pwte->wte_NumActiveHighPriorityEvents);
if (level&0x2) {//dont print the initial 4 reserved events
bPrint = FALSE; i = 0; } else bPrint = TRUE;
TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "--"); pHead = &pwte->wteL_ClientEventEntries; for (ple=pHead->Blink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Blink) { if (!bPrint) { if (++i==4) bPrint=TRUE; continue; }
pee = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WT_EVENT_ENTRY, ee_ServerLinks); PrintEvent(pee, level); }
for (i=0; i<=10; i++) { if (pwte->wteA_EventMapper[i]==NULL) TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "--"); else TRACE2(WAIT_TIMER, "<%d:%d>", (pwte->wteA_EventMapper[i])->ee_EventId, (pwte->wteA_EventMapper[i])->ee_ArrayIndex); }
// print list of timers registered
if (!(level&DEBUGPRINT_FILTER_TIMERS)) { li = *(LARGE_INTEGER*)(PVOID)&pwte->wte_Timeout; dwHigh = li.HighPart; dwLow = li.LowPart;
TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER, "--"); TRACE0(WAIT_TIMER,"_________________________________________________________________________________"); TRACE2(WAIT_TIMER, "__ <wte_Timeout.high:%lu> <wte_Timeout.low:%lu>", dwHigh, dwLow); pHead = &pwte->wteL_ClientTimerEntries; for (ple=pHead->Flink; ple!=pHead; ple=ple->Flink) { pte = CONTAINING_RECORD(ple, WT_TIMER_ENTRY, te_ServerLinks); PrintTimer(pte, level); } }
} //PrintWaitThreadEntry